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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

hudhouse said:
Sekki snickered before saying, "Oh no no, it's all fine! To be honest I have killed only about 5 things in my whole life. However I like this change of pace... it's like the quote says, In another world, if we weren't enemies, we could have been the best of friends. I was only allowed here to prove to Hel that I truly could forgive the Avengers. The deal was that if I can live with the Avengers, protecting and serving them, I can either become one of the saviors of the frost, basically a doctor, or I can return to the living. I always thought everyone hated me... but we'll see."
Sekki decided it was time to drop the bomb shell, "Unlike you my dear Hybrid, I was created instead of born... from the corpses of my sisters and my other 5 siblings. Hell, I have some Stark DNA to see if it would enhanced my intelligence and stabilize myself. Instead it made me a little EXTREMIS. Bad pun, I know. Either way... I will only accept your deal of silence as long as you keep my name secret. The others might just kill me... again. I am trusting you because you still have emotion even though your in your predicament. Your strong and caring... even if a little extreme like myself. Augustus Von Doom at your service."

Hybrid nodded, she knew she smelled him before. She playfully punched Sekki/Augustus in the shoulder and laughed. "We've met once before, but you wouldn't have remembered me. You gave me a blanket when it was snowing. Truthfully, ANY kindness at that time was appreciated. I'm Sorry that I was harsh with you back then. If you don't mind me asking, you used to live in Latvaria right? I'm assuming by your name." She held up her hands in protest. "Don't get me wrong you don't have to answer,I was just curious. Well..." she hesitated unsure of what too say next, then she let down her hands and took a deep breath. "I lived there too....for a time..."

sitanomoto said:
Lisa nodded, but Cassie held her hand up.
"I know. Lisa's my sister."

"Wha- how did you-"



There was a silence between the two girls for a moment, then Lisa turned to Dimitri. "Let's go, Flyboy," she said, holding out her arm. She didn't turn back to look at Cassie.

Cassie smiled at Finn and at Joseph, who rushed to her emotional aid. She looked at Dimitri, then walked over and put her arms around him. She held him tightly for a moment, then let go. "Think hard about this Dimitri," she said, holding him by the shoulders and looking him square in the eyes. "Think about what you're doing. But I urge you to stay, to stay and listen to us, but I can't stop you." She stepped back. If you love something, you have to let it go. If it doesn't come back, it was never truely yours. She thought. She looked at Sekkai and pointed at him. "Called it," she said.

She turned around, and without another word, walked to the kitchen and prepared herself a cup of hot chocolate, extra whipped cream.
(btw Hybrid and Sekki are in the spirit world right now)
Eldkatla was still keeping to the edge of the room, not for humility or the sake of shyness, but it was much harder to watch the scene when you were right in the center of it. Her view of the situation was much more cynical as even the best made plans could be so easily unraveled, she would know, she'd helped pull the thread enough times, and this had all the makings for the perfect collapse. Discord, discontent, and the fatal ultimatum, she couldn't have planned it better herself if she'd tried. Unfortunately this time she wasn't in control, and wasn't even particularly enjoying spectating.

As much as she didn't want to get involved this was becoming painful to watch and despite not being raised a leader, Eldkatla had always been able to conjure up the right words when she needed to. Stepping forward she said her piece. "Staying static in such a time as this would mean eventual irrelevance: to survive the Avengers - as with everything and everyone - must change. I'm not going to insult you all by pretending to be relevant in this matter but I can offer a little perspective. This choice is important but not as big as you are making it seem to be. Staying or leaving does not negate the good you have done in the past and will continue to do in the future I'm sure, it just changes whether you work under the title of an Avenger or not." She wasn't patronising but there was something in her voice that was suggesting that they needed to take a step back and review, a little distance could go a long way.

@I've lost track of who I should be tagging
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](Let's not forget that Tony is on his way to a meeting. I assume you have forgotten?)

((No, no I haven't. He's just going to be fashionably late.))

Augustus snickered, "Harsh? Don't worry you treated me plenty kind compared to the entire planet. All over the East there is a cult based around me, trying to help out any way they can. Religion based on love because that if we trade some of our joy to another, we can enhance it further. That's how I intended it anyways. But yes, I was even King of Latvaria if I had a queen but... I was only 16. I accepted Prince in some memory of my father until I truly did find a bride. But... then Laxus forced me a promise. He won't kill the people I protected and he will leave me alone if I... abandoned Earth. I took the deal and then after everything, I wanted to create life. I wanted to save Earth from the Celestial... I died doing it. When I fell my hand let go of the orb, it killed the baby celestial and now Earth is slowly healing."

He blinked a few times before saying, "Oh god I went on a tirade didn't I? Sorry about that..."
Connor looked from Cassie to Finn, "No, I-I'm not making her choose anything." The blonde sighed, maybe he was? He'd basically left the Avengers this morning... Suddenly there was clapping followed by a familiar voice, Alex. Connor swallowed, so much was happening and now Alex was added to the mix, Connor thought his head was going to explode at this point.

Watching as Cassie made her way to Dimitri, then leaving to the kitchen made him relax a little. She was alright...well, for the moment. Connor turned and put a hand on Joseph's shoulder, and the other on Finn's. Whether it was thanking them or apologizing he wasn't sure, he just did it. Then walking by them he stopped in front of the chair Alex had slumped into, just looking at Alex without a word for a moment, "You've made a habit of disappearing without a word you know that? Guess it's a good thing I'm not the jealous clingy type huh?" Or the worrying type...oh, that's right, he was the worrying type. It was quite the conversation topic transition, but Connor welcomed it. The blonde kicked at Alex's shoe playfully before he continued his route to follow after Cassie.

"You okay?" He asked softly, rounding the counter-top to stand beside her. Looking past the girl he spotted Mason through the doorway, still sitting in the floor. I shouldn't have dragged him into this...

@GoldenChari @Archon @CasualDragon @sitanomoto @AnnoDomini
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Mason had went into the kitchen a little before a new girl walked in. "h-hey..." Mason whispered. He did not look at the girl as his mask was down, his public face shown. The girl would know he was Mason Flames. She may even believe he was a imposter but he wouldn't take the chance. "Something bothering you as well miss?" he asked, his voice still shaky.

(Okay, with all the emotional shiz going on, my inability to count time skips and wanting to mess with @sitanomoto, I'm doing this. Timing might be off, but if I don't do it now, such a perfect chance may never come...)

Throughout the halls of the tower, the squeaking of sneakers on wood floor was heard, jingles of various buttons were heard and slight mumbles could be noticed if one REALLY focused. The sounds stopped at the kitchen, "Okay, so how did I do this in rehersal? Oh yeah, start with a smart comment... Dear god I hope she doesn't blast my head off..." A throat was cleared as Cassie's shoulder was tapped, "Um...Hey, don't suppose you're up for making another cup..."

@Crono @GoldenChari
Hybrid put her hand on his back and stroked it up and down. "Naw your alright. My biological mom dropped me there when I was 4 months old to my foster parents. I couldn't do a lot of the things other kids could, so I stayed inside most of the time. I only ever saw the outdoors when my sister would take me out on walks. When that happened we would have to rush home because people would throw things at my head. Still, when I was outside, I loved it. People don't realize how happy Latvarians are. Although, I was never able to go to the capital...I might have seen you if I did." A bit of regret hinted her voice as she stared off into space a bit. "Haha! Now I'm ranting! It's contagious!" She sighed and closed her eye but she was too late. She felt that one, her eye just disappeared lid and all.

'Hey Augu? Can I call you Augu? Don't look at my right eye okay? It's kind of a hole right now."

Crono said:
Connor looked from Cassie to Finn, "No, I-I'm not making her choose anything." The blonde sighed, maybe he was? He'd basically left the Avengers this morning... Suddenly there was clapping followed by a familiar voice, Alex. Connor swallowed, so much was happening and now Alex was added to the mix, Connor thought his head was going to explode at this point.
Watching as Cassie made her way to Dimitri, then leaving to the kitchen made him relax a little. She was alright...well, for the moment. Connor turned and put a hand on Joseph's shoulder, and the other on Finn's. Whether it was thanking them or apologizing he wasn't sure, he just did it. Then walking by them he stopped in front of the chair Alex had slumped into, just looking at Alex without a word for a moment, "You've made a habit of disappearing without a word you know that? Guess it's a good thing I'm not the jealous clingy type huh?" Or the worrying type...oh, that's right, he was the worrying type. It was quite the conversation topic transition, but Connor welcomed it. The blonde kicked at Alex's shoe playfully before he continued his route to follow after Cassie.

"You okay?" He asked softly, rounding the counter-top to stand beside her. Looking past the girl he spotted Mason through the doorway, still sitting in the floor. I shouldn't have dragged him into this...

@GoldenChari @Archon @CasualDragon @sitanomoto @AnnoDomini
GoldenChari said:
Mason had went into the kitchen a little before a new girl walked in. "h-hey..." Mason whispered. He did not look at the girl as his mask was down, his public face shown. The girl would know he was Mason Flames. She may even believe he was a imposter but he wouldn't take the chance. "Something bothering you as well miss?" he asked, his voice still shaky.
LokiofSP said:
(Okay, with all the emotional shiz going on, my inability to count time skips and wanting to mess with @sitanomoto, I'm doing this. Timing might be off, but if I don't do it now, such a perfect chance may never come...)
Throughout the halls of the tower, the squeaking of sneakers on wood floor was heard, jingles of various buttons were heard and slight mumbles could be noticed if one REALLY focused. The sounds stopped at the kitchen, "Okay, so how did I do this in rehersal? Oh yeah, start with a smart comment... Dear god I hope she doesn't blast my head off..." A throat was cleared as Cassie's shoulder was tapped, "Um...Hey, don't suppose you're up for making another cup..."

@Crono @GoldenChari
Cassie smiled at Connor, then at the new boy, now calm(ish). "I'm just fine, Connor. I just... I'm just trying not to cry, is all." She nodded to the tap on the shoulder, pouring out some warm milk (hot chocolate made with water is for wimps) and stirring another cup of hot chocolate mix. She stopped stirring suddenly, realizing who the voice was. Her hand began to shake and she dropped the spoon as she slowly turned around to face the boy standing behind her.


".......Ivory....?" She whispered, her hand clenching the granite countertop till her knxckles were white.

Augustus snickered, and stated, "...So THAT was you! My father hated me all of his life, so once I was actually created... I was thrown out to the streets and forgotten. I learned magic and swords fighting... don't ask how... but was poor. Most of the people of Latveria were.. fine with Doom being a dictator. He just wanted peace and salvation for Humanity... but the way to get it is one of blood. I tried to make it as peaceful as possible... but eh. You can call me whatever you want... I never had a name to begin with. I only called myself Augustus because of how I felt... Courage and Bravery to survive even if I should have died the upteenth time over."

Augustus looked at her and said, "...Sorry to say but... out of the whole team you have caught my interest. Would you like anything, or would you rather we head back and just say we were talking about cooking or telling some stories to each other.. testing out how magichange works?"
LokiofSP said:
Ivory clutched his bag a bit tighter and pulled on one of the ears of his floppy eareded hat, "Um...Hi! Suprise I guess? Why did I do this?"

Cassie's eyes welled up with tears and she threw her arms around him, sobbing. "Oh my god.... Oh my god Ivory I thought you were.... Everyone thought you were...." She held him tightly. "How did you....?" She couldn't form a coherent sentence after that, she just sobbed into his shoulder. "Oh my god...."
Ivory gives Cassie a quick hug, wincing and chuckling nervously at her question, "Um...Ya see... About the whole, 'dying' thing... It never happened, I didn't die."

At the mere mention of Ivory, redd came out of the lab, and backed away slowly. "No..... You are dead..... I SAW YOU DIE!! YOU DIED IN THAT EXPLOSION ON THE ISLAND!" he shouted out of shock, fear, and panic. Azazel then came downstairs, in an Ironman onsie. "What is going on here?" He asked grogily as he rubbed his eyes. @LokiofSP @sitanomoto
She nodded and smiled turning toward him and covering her eye with her hair. "Just one more thing, Not a word of this to anyone, especially S.H.E.I.L.D . Or else they might hate me or try too...take me back..." Her expression darkened momentarily but lightened up again. "I won't tell anyone who you really are either, you want them to think your dead right?"

Mason Sighed. "Should i leave the room so you all get to catch up...?" Mason asked. He had no clue who ivory was or who anyone really was for that matter, let alone them knowing him.

@Steel Zinogre @Crono
LokiofSP said:
Ivory gives Cassie a quick hug, wincing and chuckling nervously at her question, "Um...Ya see... About the whole, 'dying' thing... It never happened, I didn't die."

@Steel Zinogre @Crono
Cassie released Ivory and looked at him, puzzled. "What do you mean, 'you didn't die'?" She said, crossing her arms. She turned to Redd and shot him a look telling him to be quiet, then Azazel walked into the room in an Ironman Onsie and she nearly smiled, but kept her stern composure. She looked at Mason, recognizing who he was but she smiled at him briefly with a "you can stay" kind of expression before returning to Ivory.
Augustus laughed before stating, "I AM dead! Sekki has my soul Hybrid! It's literally just like.. a suit with my soul stitched in. I just don't want them to know because I kinda like not having any big powers. I can finally have friends, I can be funny and goofy... I don't have responsibilities... well I do but, not like running an entire fucking PLANET responsibilities! I promise I won't tell a word... but what is your real name and this extra thing ya want to tell me? I am curious..."

sitanomoto said:
Cassie released Ivory and looked at him, puzzled. "What do you mean, 'you didn't die'?" She said, crossing her arms. She turned to Redd and shot him a look telling him to be quiet, then Azazel walked into the room in an Ironman Onsie and she nearly smiled, but kept her stern composure. She looked at Mason, recognizing who he was but she smiled at him briefly with a "you can stay" kind of expression before returning to Ivory.
Not believing what he saw, redd slowly backs away, and then he entered the lab, where he replayed a video of his supposed death. Azazel yawned as he went into the kitchen, not noticing Ivory as he grabbed a coffee mug, and filled it with coffee. @LokiofSP @sitanomoto
Ivory exhaled a breath as the tugging on his hat grew, "I mean I NEVER died, wasn't even close. I was blown up, so what? I took a bullet to the head before, I can take a gas explosion. I didn't come back because...Well...I was a crapy person, I did terrible things and thought in terrible ways, I NEEDED time to learn what life was besides superheroing and being a lab rat. I found out that I wasn't ready to be a hero yet, I was a kid playing dress up, I needed to grow up...Still do.... I came by because I felt horrible for lying..."


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