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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Reaper said:
Dimitri looked over to Connor. "An itch, huh? I've had a few itches to hit someone that is on our side before. That's where self control comes in. I hope ol' Johnson learns it soon, before something bad happens." @Crono @LokiofSP
"Yeah, but not everyone has been trained like that, everyone has a limit they can take. Let's not forget you've scratched that itch a few times before, I recall you hitting me once or twice." The blonde turned away from Dimitri and decided to concentrate on Mason, "Take a breath, while I appreciate the passion don't let yourself get too heated."

Fortune said her peace and then left, leaving Connor to rub a hand down his face. "It's all happening over again..." I shouldn't have come back.

@LokiofSP @GoldenChari
Dimitri took a step back and looked at the room. "He's right.... The avengers ARE hopeless." He took out his earpiece and dropped it. "I'm done... Anyone who wants to take this seriously, come-"

"To oscorp." Harry interrupted. "We can set up there."

Dimitri nodded solemnly.
sitanomoto said:
Tony picked up the phone. "Hello?" He said.
Cassie awoke to the sound of a buzzing phone. Azazel was asleep next to her and she smiled at him before picking up her gauntlet phone.




"Yeah. Listen, stiff is going down over here. You need to get here right away!"

"Alright. I'll go as soon as I can."

"Great. Hurry! Dimitri and Connor look about ready to kill each other!"

Cassie hung up the phone and slipped out of bed. While she was asleep, her suit had fixed itself, and it looked shiny and good as new. She couldn't say she felt the same, she was sore all over, especially her arms. She walked over to the portal and stepped through, but not before leaving a note for Azazel.


I've gone to check on Connor and Dimitri. It seems that they're at each other's throats again. Please come as soon as you can.

Love you,


With that, she went to the above world and located Connor and Dimitri.
"Hello! This is belle of SHIELD, and agent Philip Coulson Jr. Would like you to come down for a meeting. It is rather important to him." The assistant said as she wrote a couple things down.
Cassie located the boys, and flew through a window. After realizing what she had just done, she facepalmed but continued onwards to Connor and Dimitri, and Harry. "Okay, what the hell is going on and why are you guys at each other's throats?" She said, coming out from her suit in Sweatpants and a black t-shirt. "And why is it that every time I go MIA, the Avengers just kind of fall apart?" She crossed her arms and looked at Dimitri and Connor in the eyes.

Tony smiled. "Tell Agent Coulson Jr. That I'll be there as soon as I can." He kissed Pepper on the cheek. "Keep taking inventory, Pep, I'll be back soon."

W-with that he put on his suit and walked out to the balcony, then flew to the SHIELD base.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie located the boys, and flew through a window. After realizing what she had just done, she facepalmed but continued onwards to Connor and Dimitri, and Harry. "Okay, what the hell is going on and why are you guys at each other's throats?" She said, coming out from her suit in Sweatpants and a black t-shirt. "And why is it that every time I go MIA, the Avengers just kind of fall apart?" She crossed her arms and looked at Dimitri and Connor in the eyes.
Tony smiled. "Tell Agent Coulson Jr. That I'll be there as soon as I can." He kissed Pepper on the cheek. "Keep taking inventory, Pep, I'll be back soon."

W-with that he put on his suit and walked out to the balcony, then flew to the SHIELD base.
Belle then hung up, and then proceeded to call Finn and Bruce Banner again. "She left a message, saying, "hello! This is belle from Shield, and I am calling to ask you to come to a meeting with Agent Coulson Jr. Concerning the symbiote known as maul. Please call back as soon as you hear this. Thanks!" She said. Philip was in the meeting room, with discs of Maul's actions, and dream recordings. @sitanomoto @CasualDragon
Connor sighed, "Has all that Sentry power gone to your head? Are you really going to draw this line in the sand, again?" The blonde felt a chill in his spine at Harry's words, the thought of going back to Oscorp didn't exactly fill him with comfort. A sudden shattering noise caused the blonde to take a defensive stance as he turned it's direction, only to see Cassie. There was a moment of relief followed by the realization of just how on edge he was.

"Ask the guy who is choosing a reformed bad guy and a high and mighty jerk over his friends." Connor said, waving a hand in Dimitri's direction. He did give a faint smile and nod to her, glad to see that she was alright after all this time.

@sitanomoto @Reaper
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Cassie raised an eyebrow, but shot a small grin back to Connor, then immediately became serious again. "Okay.... Dimitri, what's your side of the story?" She said, turning to Dimitri.

Hypnas was standing in the background, biting her nails. She didn't want this to happen, and she had to figure out a way to stop it. She went over the list in her head.

Wipe their memories of what happened....

Put them all to sleep and influence their dreams so they see what will happen if they keep fighting....

Join Dimitri and become a double agent for Connor...

Let everything play out....

As a last resort, go villain so that they have a common cause to come together.

There were several things wrong with her plans. The first one wasnt going to work.

The second one might work if she knew what each one's greatest fears were.

The third one was only going to result in a broken friendship and a broken heart.

Letting things play out would only result in disaster.

The last one.... Only as a last resort.
Reaper said:
Dimitri took a step back and looked at the room. "He's right.... The avengers ARE hopeless." He took out his earpiece and dropped it. "I'm done... Anyone who wants to take this seriously, come-"
"To oscorp." Harry interrupted. "We can set up there."

Dimitri nodded solemnly.
"I will meet you guys there." Raikou said before taking his leave of the Tower that was now more Stark than Avenger now.
"Connor, remind me. When was the last time you've agreed with an idea of mine? Last I checked it was practically never. It's getting harder to not take it personally, friend." He turned to Cassie. "We have too many clowns in this team. We can't even come together to discuss something. Nothing will ever get done if we operate like this." @sitanomoto @Crono
This was madness, Eldkatla almost wished she had an agenda because with this chaos rife she would certainly be able to accomplish it. Even sanity appeared to be lost to them as Joseph began to descend into hysterics at a small beverage offering creature. It was beginning to feel as if she'd been taken to another world almost like Midgard but with everything amiss. "I'll pass. Accepting drinks from things with wings has never worked out well for me in the past." She replied to the offered drink, looking at Joseph in confusion as his reaction in a time like this, before adding an "No offence." to Sekki. The mighty Avengers were a mess.

"Joseph, are you not slightly more concerned at the complete disarray of the group which you claim to stand for? And worse yet, that it's apparent to so many? Who I can only presume was trying to be the leader has walked away from this mess and so has the instigator of all this and you have all been left to, what, follow along and start the argument anew? My experience of team work may be limited but even I can tell that this is not right."

@Archon @hudhouse
Connor narrowed his eyes, "When you took on the head of the Avengers did I not agree with that, support you? Was I not trying to save your life when I was against that plan of yours to take down Thanos?" The blonde shook his head, "You want to bring back registration, after what happened last time? After all that crap that went down? You lost it back then, what was happening to Finn got overlooked for so long, and Bob died." He was getting louder as the words went on, more out of breath and emotional. "I lost the love of my life, then got captured and locked in a basement for months and cloned, by the guy your standing beside no less. That same clone nearly killed my dad, then did the same to me. So yeah, I'm sorry if I have reservations about bring something back that ruined lives!"

Afterwards Connor realized it and took a deep breath through his nose, re-crossing his arms over his chest as he calmed.

@Reaper @sitanomoto

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Sekki jumped up onto a table in the middle of the room and said, "Doods.. this is way to heavy Doods! Why don't all of us Doods just chill out for a second, and speak like gentlemen and gentlewomen over some drinks and snacks Doods? I can entertain ya'll with a dancing Prinny performance Doods!" He spun himself onto his stomach, spinning around like a mach 2 spin the bottle experiment Tony might have made as a kid. Sekki stood on a fin and started to dance his wobbly body while using his feet to juggle three monster skulls. The monster skulls sung a little tune, "Oooh pinning Prinny on the sea, what have you god damn done to me?! A monster's tale is one to told, but a prinny's soul was meant to be sold! Now a dancer, a mancer, a trancer! Here the PRinny tries to tell, even if he has to ring a bell!" Sekki leaped squeaking out "Olay!" He jumped back down, returning to his little performance.
Reaper said:
"Connor, remind me. When was the last time you've agreed with an idea of mine? Last I checked it was practically never. It's getting harder to not take it personally, friend." He turned to Cassie. "We have too many clowns in this team. We can't even come together to discuss something. Nothing will ever get done if we operate like this." @sitanomoto @Crono
Crono said:
Connor narrowed his eyes, "When you took on the head of the Avengers did I not agree with that, support you? Was I not trying to save your life when I was against that plan of yours to take down Thanos?" The blonde shook his head, "You want to bring back registration, after what happened last time? After all that crap that went down? You lost it back then, what was happening to Finn got overlooked for so long, and Bob died." He was getting louder as the words went on, more out of breath and emotional. "I lost the love of my life, then got captured and locked in a basement for months and cloned, by the guy your standing beside no less. That same clone nearly killed my dad, then did the same to me. So yeah, I'm sorry if I have reservations about bring something back that ruined lives!"
Afterwards Connor realized it and took a deep breath through his nose, re-crossing his arms over his chest as he calmed.

@Reaper @sitanomoto

hudhouse said:
Sekki jumped up onto a table in the middle of the room and said, "Doods.. this is way to heavy Doods! Why don't all of us Doods just chill out for a second, and speak like gentlemen and gentlewomen over some drinks and snacks Doods? I can entertain ya'll with a dancing Prinny performance Doods!" He spun himself onto his stomach, spinning around like a mach 2 spin the bottle experiment Tony might have made as a kid. Sekki stood on a fin and started to dance his wobbly body while using his feet to juggle three monster skulls. The monster skulls sung a little tune, "Oooh pinning Prinny on the sea, what have you god damn done to me?! A monster's tale is one to told, but a prinny's soul was meant to be sold! Now a dancer, a mancer, a trancer! Here the PRinny tries to tell, even if he has to ring a bell!" Sekki leaped squeaking out "Olay!" He jumped back down, returning to his little performance.
Cassie stomped her foot. "SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP BOTH OF YOU!!" she yelled, quite loudly.

Lisa was stunned. Cassie may have been known to lose her temper, but never on her friends.

Cassie was fuming. "I will not have my friends, my brothers, fighting over something as mother fucking stupid as the REGISTRATION ACT!!!" She said. She softened. "Look, boys, we've been too busy with all the shit that's been going down to take quality time with each other and discuss important matters. I will not have you two turn on each other like you did when i-" she swallowed, "when I.... Left...." She turned to Dimitri. "I remember a time when you were the most ridiculous and happy-go-lucky person I knew, Silver Streak." She turned to Connor. "You used to be the glue that held us together, Kiddie Cap. I want both of you to stop fighting and remember when you two were inseparable."

She stopped in surprise and then laughed as Sekkai began to dance. "Absolutely, Sekkai, dood. Why don't we get some snacks and talk about it like civilized normal human beings with a Prinny Butler."
sitanomoto said:
Cassie stomped her foot. "SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP BOTH OF YOU!!" she yelled, quite loudly.
Lisa was stunned. Cassie may have been known to lose her temper, but never on her friends.

Cassie was fuming. "I will not have my friends, my brothers, fighting over something as mother fucking stupid as the REGISTRATION ACT!!!" She said. She softened. "Look, boys, we've been too busy with all the shit that's been going down to take quality time with each other and discuss important matters. I will not have you two turn on each other like you did when i-" she swallowed, "when I.... Left...." She turned to Dimitri. "I remember a time when you were the most ridiculous and happy-go-lucky person I knew, Silver Streak." She turned to Connor. "You used to be the glue that held us together, Kiddie Cap. I want both of you to stop fighting and remember when you two were inseparable."

She stopped in surprise and then laughed as Sekkai began to dance. "Absolutely, Sekkai, dood. Why don't we get some snacks and talk about it like civilized normal human beings with a Prinny Butler."
(When does Tony get to SHIELD HQ?)
Hybrid watched from the ceiling as the intensity grew in the room, Sure, she wasn't an avenger yet, but the team seemed too be at each others througts. Though, that was normal in any team.

Crono said:
Connor narrowed his eyes, "When you took on the head of the Avengers did I not agree with that, support you? Was I not trying to save your life when I was against that plan of yours to take down Thanos?" The blonde shook his head, "You want to bring back registration, after what happened last time? After all that crap that went down? You lost it back then, what was happening to Finn got overlooked for so long, and Bob died." He was getting louder as the words went on, more out of breath and emotional. "I lost the love of my life, then got captured and locked in a basement for months and cloned, by the guy your standing beside no less. That same clone nearly killed my dad, then did the same to me. So yeah, I'm sorry if I have reservations about bring something back that ruined lives!"
Afterwards Connor realized it and took a deep breath through his nose, re-crossing his arms over his chest as he calmed.

@Reaper @sitanomoto

Hybrid's eyes widened. No, she needed to stay quiet she needed too-





Hybrid's eyes widened and she covered her ears, falling from the ceiling onto the conference table. Body morphing beyond control, letting off fire and other gasses while she shook in her hands.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " She screamed trying to hold onto the sanity she had. Crouching further into the table. Trying to forget the events beginning to surface.

"I don't want to die...I don't want to die..." She chanted , trying to block out the noise of everyone fighting with her ears.

sitanomoto said:
Cassie stomped her foot. "SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP BOTH OF YOU!!" she yelled, quite loudly.
Lisa was stunned. Cassie may have been known to lose her temper, but never on her friends.

Cassie was fuming. "I will not have my friends, my brothers, fighting over something as mother fucking stupid as the REGISTRATION ACT!!!" She said. She softened. "Look, boys, we've been too busy with all the shit that's been going down to take quality time with each other and discuss important matters. I will not have you two turn on each other like you did when i-" she swallowed, "when I.... Left...." She turned to Dimitri. "I remember a time when you were the most ridiculous and happy-go-lucky person I knew, Silver Streak." She turned to Connor. "You used to be the glue that held us together, Kiddie Cap. I want both of you to stop fighting and remember when you two were inseparable."

She stopped in surprise and then laughed as Sekkai began to dance. "Absolutely, Sekkai, dood. Why don't we get some snacks and talk about it like civilized normal human beings with a Prinny Butler."
hudhouse said:
Sekki jumped up onto a table in the middle of the room and said, "Doods.. this is way to heavy Doods! Why don't all of us Doods just chill out for a second, and speak like gentlemen and gentlewomen over some drinks and snacks Doods? I can entertain ya'll with a dancing Prinny performance Doods!" He spun himself onto his stomach, spinning around like a mach 2 spin the bottle experiment Tony might have made as a kid. Sekki stood on a fin and started to dance his wobbly body while using his feet to juggle three monster skulls. The monster skulls sung a little tune, "Oooh pinning Prinny on the sea, what have you god damn done to me?! A monster's tale is one to told, but a prinny's soul was meant to be sold! Now a dancer, a mancer, a trancer! Here the PRinny tries to tell, even if he has to ring a bell!" Sekki leaped squeaking out "Olay!" He jumped back down, returning to his little performance.
Hybrid heard the Penguin and Cassie's words and calmed down a bit, preventing herself from shaking anymore. She began to wipe the tears from her eyes, still bending over before taking a deep breath.

"Your right....your all right..." She sat up and looked towards them. Transforming herself too look slightly more human form. She tried to will away the tears as she looked at them. "I'm sorry..I shouldn't have screamed....But, if there is anything I can do to help you please let me do it. I know I'm not an Avenger, but I know enough to help someone. Please...." She smiled shyly.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c73d48d12_hybrid2.jpg.3b5a289868544829541d0d52884dbf08.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100451" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c73d48d12_hybrid2.jpg.3b5a289868544829541d0d52884dbf08.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Crono @sitanomoto @Reaper @hudhouse @anyone else



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hudhouse said:
Sekki was crushed under Hybrid's falling behind, moaning on the table. A wing came out from beneth her, quivering slightly as pained words came out, "....Raspberry... Iced... tea... DOOD?!"
Hybrid's eyes widened and she moved out of the way, shame showing in her face. She held herself in her materialized black hoodie, sitting on the table cross legged.

"I'm sorry...I couldn't control myself." She shrunk back a bit, about to cry again.

Idiot, she thought, Why do you have too mess everything up with your stupid emotions, you were so stubborn keeping those.

She blushed heavily, trying to find an escape route. It's just her nature to screw everything up isn't it.

Sekki like a underinflated balloon just sat there, slowly building himself back up. He still offered the tea and said, "Nah Dood... its cool. I'm a prinny dood, I meant to be abused! Hell, you guys have been the kindest people to a prinny ever Dood! So please, would a dood like you want some tea or a drink or a snack dood? I can make pretty much anything dood!"
Cassie saw the girl's distress and put her hand on her shoulder. "Easy now," she said, understanding the reaction. "No one's going to kill you." Cass turned to Sekkai. "Hey, Sekkai dood, can you bring her a cup of hot chocolate please? That always seems to calm me down, so it might help."
sitanomoto said:
Cassie saw the girl's distress and put her hand on her shoulder. "Easy now," she said, understanding the reaction. "No one's going to kill you." Cass turned to Sekkai. "Hey, Sekkai dood, can you bring her a cup of hot chocolate please? That always seems to calm me down, so it might help."
Sekki walked away to the kitchen, making a few snacks while the hot chocolate heated up before wandering back holding a new tray. He stated, "All Doods, drinks and snacks right here!"

Joseph flushed red with a mixture of frustration and embarrassment... He never considered himself a leader, but he'd be cursed to live out his days a failure if he didn't step forward now - he owed it to his father to at least try. How far the Avengers had fallen was an excruciatingly painful sight, he'd been so happy originally, and now grim reality set in that they were falling apart. "You're right... We're falling apart..." He mumbled defeatedly, before he let out a sigh almost wishing he could reverse time and never get involved in this mess. The illusion of grandeur, and glory was far better than experiencing the real-life failure.

With a huff, he stepped forward and rested his hand on Conner's shoulder, before turning to Finn with a smile.
"Let him go, let them go. Anybody who stays is dedicated to the Avengers, with all the disloyal ones gone, we can build a better organization, a better team..." Joseph pleaded, finally turning to Cassie with a determined look. "Let me help you do this, reform the Avengers... You're all so... gloomy and stressed. It's almost as if some of you have given up on being an Avenger..." He finished sadness hinted in his voice, he wanted to get them back to the days where the world knew they were capable, rather than this civil war. "...Besides, we need to show those noobs at Oscorp how to hero." He finished with a confident smile, hoping he'd won some people over to his cause. If not, he'd just join Kat as a villain... That seemed simpler.

@Everyone in the room
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"Everything wrong with the registration last time was lost with Maria hill and shield. I'm not going to make you do anything, boy wonder. You want to fight your teammates, break windows, and yell at each other? Fine. Stay an avenger. But I'm sick of it." He walked to the balcony, before turning to Lisa. "Youre coming too, right?" @sitanomoto @Crono
Reaper said:
"Everything wrong with the registration last time was lost with Maria hill and shield. I'm not going to make you do anything, boy wonder. You want to fight your teammates, break windows, and yell at each other? Fine. Stay an avenger. But I'm sick of it." He walked to the balcony, before turning to Lisa. "Youre coming too, right?" @sitanomoto @Crono
Lisa bit her lip, then nodded, turning to follow Dimitri.

Cassie stopped cold, then turned to Dimitri with tears welling up in her eyes. "Dimitri–!" Cassie said. "Don't leave...." She whispered. "You can't leave too...." She reached her hand out in his direction, almost as if she was trying to reach out and pull him back, but he was too far away.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie saw the girl's distress and put her hand on her shoulder. "Easy now," she said, understanding the reaction. "No one's going to kill you." Cass turned to Sekkai. "Hey, Sekkai dood, can you bring her a cup of hot chocolate please? That always seems to calm me down, so it might help."
hudhouse said:
Sekki walked away to the kitchen, making a few snacks while the hot chocolate heated up before wandering back holding a new tray. He stated, "All Doods, drinks and snacks right here!"
Hybrid felt a touch on her shoulder, about to defend herself, before hearing Cassie's words. Taking the hot chocolate from Sekki. Oh god how she loved food. She drank it, letting the liquid coat her throat and mouth in it's warmth. She smiled happily. "Thank you, both of you." she laughed a bit, "It's literally been years since I had hot chocolate, er had the organs to digest it that is." she chuckled.

Archon said:
Joseph flushed red with a mixture of frustration and embarrassment... He never considered himself a leader, but he'd be cursed to live out his days a failure if he didn't step forward now - he owed it to his father to at least try. How far the Avengers had fallen was an excruciatingly painful sight, he'd been so happy originally, and now grim reality set in that they were falling apart. "You're right... We're falling apart..." He mumbled defeatedly, before he let out a sigh almost wishing he could reverse time and never get involved in this mess. The illusion of grandeur, and glory was far better than experiencing the real-life failure.

With a huff, he stepped forward and rested his hand on Conner's shoulder, before turning to Finn with a smile.
"Let him go, let them go. Anybody who stays is dedicated to the Avengers, with all the disloyal ones gone, we can build a better organization, a better team..." Joseph pleaded, finally turning to Cassie with a determined look. "Let me help you do this, reform the Avengers... You're all so... gloomy and stressed. It's almost as if some of you have given up on being an Avenger..." He finished sadness hinted in his voice, he wanted to get them back to the days where the world knew they were capable, rather than this civil war. "...Besides, we need to show those noobs at Oscorp how to hero." He finished with a confident smile, hoping he'd won some people over to his cause. If not, he'd just join Kat as a villain... That seemed simpler.

@Everyone in the room
Hybrid raised an eyebrow and smirked. Strength returning to her.

"I may be stressed but I can still take you down. What are you suggesting we do?" She asked quizzically.
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