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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation


Joseph stopped with a glance at Sarah, a puzzled look on his face. He could tell she was a party pooper, it was only the smallest joke...

Of course, his attention was soon snatched at the growing commotion, and argument in the meeting room, most people were silent; to afraid, or just no motivation to build up. And Joseph was the same, for a time, his support was with the angry girl. This was Avengers Tower, splitting them up would decrease efficiency, and motivation. Not to mention the guy who appeared to be speaking was a total unknown to everyone, he had no right to tell them how to live or what to do...

Matters were only made worse, by the arrival of ANOTHER unknown, shouting fortune down. This was frustrating, and for once Joseph found himself in support of the aggressor.
"Hey, big-shot. Nobody here gives a damn about your pathetic plan, alright? You want us to all wait outside for you? Suck it, because we don't know you, and you are NOT the leader of these people. You boast you had contracts to even kill us?" Joseph scoffed in mock disbelief, glaring heavily at the smart-ass samurai how acted as if he owned the Avengers. "This organization is our parents legacy, and all heroes before us. You have No power in these walls, so you best get used to the fact that we're all equals, and you have no power here. If anyhing you should be the one leaving. Take your grand plan to the X-Men, or someone who cares.

He then directed a harsh glare to Mason, annoyance now obvious on his face. "I'm sorry, the same goes for you buddy. Take your own advice, and leave if your going to yell down at someone. neither of you are permitted to MAKE these decisions, deal with that, and please... Shut. Up..." He finally finished with an audible groan, this Tower... All the Avengers had done... The commitment his father had shown... This Samurai was spitting on it all.

@LokiofSP @Raikou Kaminari (answer my OOC question, geez...) @GoldenChari @Lemoncakes @CasualDragon
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Archon said:
Joseph stopped with a glance at Sarah, a puzzled look on his face. He could tell she was a party pooper, it was only the smallest joke...

Of course, his attention was soon snatched at the growing commotion, and argument in the meeting room, most people were silent; to afraid, or just no motivation to build up. And Joseph was the same, for a time, his support was with the angry girl. This was Avengers Tower, splitting them up would decrease efficiency, and motivation. Not to mention the guy who appeared to be speaking was a total unknown to everyone, he had no right to tell them how to live or what to do...

Matters were only made worse, by the arrival of ANOTHER unknown, shouting fortune down. This was frustrating, and for once Joseph found himself in support of the aggressor.
"Hey, big-shot. Nobody here gives a damn about your pathetic plan, alright? You want us to all wait outside for you? Suck it, because we don't know you, and you are NOT the leader of these people. You boast you had contracts to even kill us?" Joseph scoffed in mock disbelief, glaring heavily at the smart-ass samurai how acted as if he owned the Avengers. "This organization is our parents legacy, and all heroes before us. You have No power in these walls, so you best get used to the fact that we're all equals, and you have no power here. If anyhing you should be the one leaving. Take your grand plan to the X-Men, or someone who cares.

He then directed a harsh glare to Mason, annoyance now obvious on his face. "I'm sorry, the same goes for you buddy. Take your own advice, and leave if your going to yell down at someone. neither of you are permitted to MAKE these decisions, deal with that, and please... Shut. Up..." He finally finished with an audible groan, this Tower... All the Avengers had done... The commitment his father had shown... This Samurai was spitting on it all.

@LokiofSP @Raikou Kaminari (answer my OOC question, geez...) @GoldenChari @Lemoncakes @CasualDragon
Sekki slowly walked over with the tray, and said, "Drink to calm down Dood? I do agree though Dood..."
Connor looked down at Sekki and blinked in surprise, "I um...I'm not much for the whole master servant thing to be honest...I mean you could always take a contract with the Avengers as a whole for some mutual benefits?" Connor was uncomfortable with the thought of being someone's master. But he also didn't want to leave Sekki hanging, if the penguin needed a sort of employment or such they could always use more help at the tower. Those windows were always getting broken.... "I can maybe make a contract with if you'd like but I'd want you to have freedom to do as you please."

If Connor had his shield on him, he wasn't sure if he could resist throwing it straight at this guys face at this point. Connor crossed his arms over his chest and kept his mouth shut, even Mason was getting in on this surprisingly. But everything soon grew out of control, "Fortune, take a breath." The blonde spoke, looking over at her. "Nothing is happening yet, and nobody is going anywhere unless they want to." Connor turned to look back at Raikou. "You don't get to walk in here and insult us, you can say what you have to say. Give your idea's, but you need to take a step back. Your in our home, do you want a cookie for doing the right thing and not assassinating us? A thanks is all you will likely get. Your idea's have merit but your delivery and execution is uncalled for. You think you can do better? Go make a team of your own, see if it survives to become a legacy."

@Archon @Raikou Kaminari @hudhouse @LokiofSP @GoldenChari

Joseph looked at the penguin puzzled, before a smirk tugged onto his lips. "Do you do like... Iced tea Dude?" Joseph asked with the smirk turning into a full-blown smile. Something was just too happy about this penguin to remain angry, he didn't even question the things presence... Anything was possible... And he could murder some iced tea.

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Archon said:
Joseph looked at the penguin puzzled, before a smirk tugged onto his lips. "Do you do like... Iced tea Dude?" Joseph asked with the smirk turning into a full-blown smile. Something was just too happy about this penguin to remain angry, he didn't even question the things presence... Anything was possible... And he could murder some iced tea.
That smile just warmed up Sekki so much, so he decided to make this one a little special. He stated, "Special Ice Tea coming up Doood!" He stared to do a ballerina spin, before one of his wings picked up the cup and the bottle. He tossed both into the air before becoming the break dancing Prinny, spinning around just for the heck of it before bouncing up and catching both of the drinks wobbly with his feet. He put a single wing out to hold the tea cup, while pouring in the drink between his adorable little raptor claws, which were much more child friendly and plush like then they sound. He broke his dance out of it, placing everything back before plopping in a lemon on the side and two ice cubes. He offered it up to Joseph, "The Tea has been broken and Iced Dood!"
The teen couldn't do it... he physically could not endure the sight before him without crumpling to the ground drowning his face in laughter, how anybody could remain gloomy after that performance was beyond him, judging by the lack of sound apart from his own helpless snorts it appeared the Avengers were a really miserable bunch... Luckily, he was here now. Operation Fun would soon be in full swing.

Finally craning his neck up at the Penguin's words, Joesph burned red with the difficulty in swallowing his need to laugh, before taking the Iced Tea half-crying.
"Thanks... dude, you're... awesome!" He mumbled shakily, still wanting to laugh. "I want one..." He moaned subconsciously, thinking up the countless needs of a Personal Penguin that makes Iced Tea on a whim, before he gazed up at the likely bored Kat, and angry Finn... If Smart-ass Samurai continued, they may even get Smasher. Luckily a solution was here. "Iced tea, guys?" He offered, taking a sip from the drink and gazing up at Morgan, Kat, Finn and Sarah from a kneeling position; tears hugging his eyelids from his recent battle with humour.

@hudhouse @Lemoncakes @CasualDragon @LokiofSP
Sarah shook her head, "I still feel sick...Somehow...Screw my life..." She then began to dry heave.

Morgan took the drink with a smile, pulling down his bandanna to reveal his mouth, he wiped the remaining blood from his mouth and took a big drink, looking at it immpresed,
"This is the best Iced Tea I've ever had! You make this?"

LokiofSP said:
Sarah shook her head, "I still feel sick...Somehow...Screw my life..." She then began to dry heave.
Morgan took the drink with a smile, pulling down his bandanna to reveal his mouth, he wiped the remaining blood from his mouth and took a big drink, looking at it immpresed,
"This is the best Iced Tea I've ever had! You make this?"

Sekki jumped onto a single wing, spinning around like a top, "Dancing Ice tea making Prinny number 1 Doods! Wa, wa wa, WOAAAAHHH!!!" A long pause occured as Sekki spun and hit a couch, flipping straight over it. A single wing popped up over the side, though barely any due to how small Sekki was, with a loud, "DOOOD!"
Crono said:
Connor looked down at Sekki and blinked in surprise, "I um...I'm not much for the whole master servant thing to be honest...I mean you could always take a contract with the Avengers as a whole for some mutual benefits?" Connor was uncomfortable with the thought of being someone's master. But he also didn't want to leave Sekki hanging, if the penguin needed a sort of employment or such they could always use more help at the tower. Those windows were always getting broken.... "I can maybe make a contract with if you'd like but I'd want you to have freedom to do as you please."
If Connor had his shield on him, he wasn't sure if he could resist throwing it straight at this guys face at this point. Connor crossed his arms over his chest and kept his mouth shut, even Mason was getting in on this surprisingly. But everything soon grew out of control, "Fortune, take a breath." The blonde spoke, looking over at her. "Nothing is happening yet, and nobody is going anywhere unless they want to." Connor turned to look back at Raikou. "You don't get to walk in here and insult us, you can say what you have to say. Give your idea's, but you need to take a step back. Your in our home, do you want a cookie for doing the right thing and not assassinating us? A thanks is all you will likely get. Your idea's have merit but your delivery and execution is uncalled for. You think you can do better? Go make a team of your own, see if it survives to become a legacy."

@Archon @Raikou Kaminari @hudhouse @LokiofSP @GoldenChari

Raikou ignored Precision he assumed this was some new guy but likely a child of some previous Avenger and feels entitled as an avenger already. Raikou listened to Connor and then bursted out laughing. "Finally someone from the leadership speaks. Anyway I would make my own team if everyone half way decent didn't flock to this miserable bunch or worse. Funny how you bring up legacy when even with twice the amount of members you guys still do a terrible job of filling the shoes of the previous Avengers but that is not all your fault. They fought off an alien invasion with only one destroyed city as collateral and that was all them. You guys rallied behind Sentry and still lost half the world. If Jordan Grace didn't bring it back the people would have likely forsaken you guys, by the way he is one above Avenger class level and should really be serving with the Guardian of the Galaxy if he is still in the hero game. It hasn't be your fault but after today it will be because this is your opportunity to make yourselves better but you guys don't want to take it." Raikou explained.
Fortune HAD been calming down, that's when he dissmised him AND Joseph once more, he IGNORED the people who's lives he was trying to control! She yelled, "ASSHOLE!" And attempted to punch him out the window...

@Raikou Kaminari
[QUOTE="Raikou Kaminari]Raikou ignored Precision he assumed this was some new guy but likely a child of some previous Avenger and feels entitled as an avenger already. Raikou listened to Connor and then bursted out laughing. "Finally someone from the leadership speaks. Anyway I would make my own team if everyone half way decent didn't flock to this miserable bunch or worse. Funny how you bring up legacy when even with twice the amount of members you guys still do a terrible job of filling the shoes of the previous Avengers but that is not all your fault. They fought off an alien invasion with only one destroyed city as collateral and that was all them. You guys rallied behind Sentry and still lost half the world. If Jordan Grace didn't bring it back the people would have likely forsaken you guys, by the way he is one above Avenger class level and should really be serving with the Guardian of the Galaxy if he is still in the hero game. It hasn't be your fault but after today it will be because this is your opportunity to make yourselves better but you guys don't want to take it." Raikou explained.

Okay Sans has had it. His eye suddenly went blue as he pulled out a hand and tried to grasp Raikou's soul, and yank him into the air. Sans went dead serious, stating, "...How many people have to die before you gain a brain cell? You all are kids, and your treating each other like adults. The world isn't your responcability, none of this is. All of you are doing this to honor your parents or because its the right thing, thats completely fine. But you, you little Samurai? Your bragging about how your the boss because your better then them for not killing them. To be honest, your the most worthless person here... Your the type of person that SHOULD BE DEAD WHERE THEY STAND. If your so ignorant that you can't hear the words of people around you, then let me get them into your brain. The world does not revolve around you Now go drink your ice tea kid." He put down Raikou and hovered over a tea cup of ice tea to his hands, and somehow a tiara onto his head to.
LokiofSP said:
Fortune HAD been calming down, that's when he dissmised him AND Joseph once more, he IGNORED the people who's lives he was trying to control! She yelled, "ASSHOLE!" And attempted to punch him out the window...

@Raikou Kaminari
LucianGrey7971 said:
Olivier ran between Fortune and the other and caught her fist, still holding a now confused and a slightly nauseous Chara "...This won't help matters..."
Sekki jumped in the way, getting punched and then caught by Olivier. He moaned out, "Thanks Dooooood..."
Olivier looked at Sekki and dropped him unceremoniously and looked at Chara who clearly wanted to be put down in the worst kind of way
hudhouse said:
Okay Sans has had it. His eye suddenly went blue as he pulled out a hand and tried to grasp Raikou's soul, and yank him into the air. Sans went dead serious, stating, "...How many people have to die before you gain a brain cell? You all are kids, and your treating each other like adults. The world isn't your responcability, none of this is. All of you are doing this to honor your parents or because its the right thing, thats completely fine. But you, you little Samurai? Your bragging about how your the boss because your better then them for not killing them. To be honest, your the most worthless person here... Your the type of person that SHOULD BE DEAD WHERE THEY STAND. If your so ignorant that you can't hear the words of people around you, then let me get them into your brain. The world does not revolve around you Now go drink your ice tea kid." He put down Raikou and hovered over a tea cup of ice tea to his hands, and somehow a tiara onto his head to.
Raikou sidestepped Sans hand and then with unparalleled smoothness slide on his feet away from him at the speed of lightning. Electroreception combined with his electrical enhanced condition made him able to outpace Sans with the speed of lightning. Though he accepted the icea tea and tiara. "I am selling these on the internet for pocket change." Raikou said with a smirk. "Well I will leave on Dimitri's say so as I am his guest. So you guys want me to shut and leave you guys to operate how you currently do, talk to him. "

Fortune grit her teeth and struggled to move her hand, "See, I think you're wrong, it'll help immensaly by making ME feel better..." She then attempted to push Oliver off balance (Which she figured couldn't be to hard as she was carrying a child) so she could punch Raikou OUT THE WINDOW!

@LucianGrey7971 @Raikou Kaminari
Then, Sans moved even faster then Raikou! It was almost as if time itself... had jumped. He was right behind him, holding Raikou's sword. He held it up offering it back, before whistling, "Nice shine Kiddo, should I sell this on the internet for pocket change? I say... 8 cents? Nah, not worth a nickle. But I suggest ya start running kid, things will turn violence if your here. Besides, I didn't even try my powers on ya. I just use my hands to be polite..." He swung his hand left, which effected how his power worked. If Raikou was effected, he would slide straight out the door. Otherwise, he lifted up his other hand to keep Olivier up and stated, "Wow girl you truly are pushing it."
hudhouse said:
Then, Sans moved even faster then Raikou! It was almost as if time itself... had jumped. He was right behind him, holding Raikou's sword. He held it up offering it back, before whistling, "Nice shine Kiddo, should I sell this on the internet for pocket change? I say... 8 cents? Nah, not worth a nickle. But I suggest ya start running kid, things will turn violence if your here. Besides, I didn't even try my powers on ya. I just use my hands to be polite..." He swung his hand left, which effected how his power worked. If Raikou was effected, he would slide straight out the door. Otherwise, he lifted up his other hand to keep Olivier up and stated, "Wow girl you truly are pushing it."
"I know that when I see it was some sort of space - time manipulation. The correct saying would be things will turn violent not violence by the way. My blade is worthless to anyone but me because none shall wield it as I do." Raikou said as his blade transmutated to electricity and flee to his hand turning from its transmutated form. Raikou then found himself suddenly being drawn to the door, it seems he'd be going in circles if he didn't get serious with that bag of bones but that wasn't the goal here.

He used electrical telepathy to contact Dimitri 'Whatever you decide to do I am with you know that.' @Reaper
Harry stood next to a seated Dimitri. "Look at this. They can't go five minutes without fighting like children. If you want to discuss what to do like adults, You can't have this pandemonium."

Dimitri nodded. "You're all dismissed if you want. This was a huge mistake, having this meeting where we can be inturrupted. As for this one...." He zipped in front of Fortune and caught her fist. "I'm not an angry person. But you are testing me. Don't attack one of my teammates again. Okay?"

@Raikou Kaminari @LokiofSP
Connor rolled his eyes when Dimitri got involved, "The guy is practically asking for it. Even I have an itch to hit him at this point." Though Connor picked up on the title he'd given him, "Teammate? Don't tell me you inducted Sunshine over here into the Avengers?"

@Reaper @LokiofSP @Raikou Kaminari
Dimitri looked over to Connor. "An itch, huh? I've had a few itches to hit someone that is on our side before. That's where self control comes in. I hope ol' Johnson learns it soon, before something bad happens." @Crono @LokiofSP
GoldenChari said:
"Look." Mason hissed. "I will advise he leaves Connor. Right. Now." Power was surging from Mason on a huge scale. "Sir. If you are a real avenger." Mason growled. "You wouldn't think your the best man here. Everyone in the room would be your equal. YOUR EQUAL!" Mason yelled, his radiating power spiking a bit. "Plus, if your sooo hell-bent on speaking with key members, one just spoke to ya so you got your answer."Everyone went silent and Mason's fists were completely white if you looked at them. "Leave before you cause civilians to die." Mason's last words were completely bone chillingly calm and certain.
(sorry for pp'ing everyone to go silent! kinda felt it was needed though.)

@Raikou Kaminari @Crono
Raikou stopped right outside the door. "I am not one of you, broken Avengers. But a so called Avenger threatening to cause civilian deaths, is that what Earth's Mightiest heroes have come to scraping the bottom of the barrel for sheer numbers. Again why an Avenger Registration and Evaluation should he instituted." Raikou thundered back daring Mason to come at him.

Meanwhile he was telepathically communicating with Dimitri. 'These Avengers aren't worth your time, they aren't likely to bend. But you should try because there is a margin to succeed. But in the event you don't contact me, because if they don't want to change you can form your own team and show them by example.'@Reaper
Fortune snorted, she yanked her hand from Dimitri's grasp and shook it out, "I see how it fucking is, you're gonna side with HIM even though you know I'm right! Well fuck it! Screw this! Even after saving your damn life I don't get any damn respect, so fine! I fucking quit!" She threw Dimitri her ID and began to walk away, "Hope you remember to be careful next time you kill some girl's brother." Then, she was gone...

@Reaper @Raikou Kaminari
@CasualDragon[/URL] @sitanomoto
Tony picked up the phone. "Hello?" He said.

Cassie awoke to the sound of a buzzing phone. Azazel was asleep next to her and she smiled at him before picking up her gauntlet phone.




"Yeah. Listen, stiff is going down over here. You need to get here right away!"

"Alright. I'll go as soon as I can."

"Great. Hurry! Dimitri and Connor look about ready to kill each other!"

Cassie hung up the phone and slipped out of bed. While she was asleep, her suit had fixed itself, and it looked shiny and good as new. She couldn't say she felt the same, she was sore all over, especially her arms. She walked over to the portal and stepped through, but not before leaving a note for Azazel.


I've gone to check on Connor and Dimitri. It seems that they're at each other's throats again. Please come as soon as you can.

Love you,


With that, she went to the above world and located Connor and Dimitri.

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