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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Sekki sighed before saying, "Remember that Celestial Dood? Isn't it ironic that the last thing the Avengers do before they splinter is kill one of their old enemies Dood?"
sitanomoto said:
Lisa bit her lip, then nodded, turning to follow Dimitri.
Cassie stopped cold, then turned to Dimitri with tears welling up in her eyes. "Dimitri–!" Cassie said. "Don't leave...." She whispered. "You can't leave too...." She reached her hand out in his direction, almost as if she was trying to reach out and pull him back, but he was too far away.
She looked at Cassie, not quite sure what too say. This wasn't her fight, but what she did know is that she would make it her fight if Cassie told her too. Catching her glance for a minute, she did the only thing she could do, she smiled.

She smiled too let Cassie know whatever happens, she would be there if she needed her. Calming her down like that had impacted Hybrid more then she would know.
Everything happened so quickly. "I don't know how this happened..." Mason whispered. He couldn't stop what was happening. No one knew him either so he felt worse. "Connor... If you need me... I'm over there..." He then walked over to a corner and slid down the wall with his head bowed. "Why did i threaten civilians...? Oh yea. Because i was going to send the building down huh...?" Mason shut his eyes and when he opened them again, his pants had splotches on them. He always messed everything up. Always.
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Joseph smirked in response to the girl's confidence, and the return of spirt.
"Yeah, yeah... keep telling yourself that. Nobody can beat Precision! I'll have wrapped your arms in string before you can blink twice and say 'I surrender!'" He joked in return flailing around on the impression part. Before straightening slightly, and clearing his throat slightly. "I suggest we upgrade this tower, give it highly trained security, and even a small army to help us... Then, in the case of the Tower falling, we completely tip off captain a-holes idea, and build a hidden underground Headquarters..." He suggested, rubbing his head slightly uncertain. "We should try and win the support of the National Guard, The Military and even Shield..." Joseph mentioned with more confidence building up as he cleared his mind for the real key to a reformation.

"Now to the really important part, we need to train... We need to train hard, we all have skills or powers, and need to hone them as much as possible. And whilst individual power is important, team work is key. We should have small sub-groups who split up and work together when necessary, such as when there are multiple threats to deal with, these groups should be combined of those of us with good chemistry, and complimentary powers." Joseph then stopped, taking a breath and steadying himself. Expecting to be waved away. "Cassie...?" He simply asked, knowing her struggle but needing an answer all the same. He also gave a look to Conner and Finn, hoping for input from the trio of leaders.

(So, 1: Secure Tower, with high-tech shielding and a small Avenger army comprised of highly-trained security, and soldiers.

2: Official support from SHIELD and the National Guard, maybe even the military itself.

3: Sub-Groups, who only split up when needing to split up with multiple dangers, comprised of teams who work together, and compliment each others skills. ((We'll decide on these groups))

4: Training, very hard rigorous training to master the skills and powers our characters have, and their team-working skills in the Sub-Groups)

5: Underground base in-case of Tower destruction.

@Lemoncakes @GoldenChari @Crono @CasualDragon @LokiofSP @hudhouse @sitanomoto @Yngwie Schutz
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Hybrid laughed a bit. "I see I see, We'll have to test that later But if I may say..." She put down her mug to raise up her arm morphing it into a pistol. "I'm a human weapon, you can use me however you need me. Not to brag, but my crossbow range is 20 km, if I'm aimed right. I'll go wherever you need me too." She glanced at Cassie too the side for a second, hoping she saw.

Hybrid transformed her hand back too a human hand then looked into Precision's eyes, letting him know she was ready whenever she was needed.

He held Lisa tight for a moment, before pulling away with a smirk and turning to a tearful Cassie. "Cassie." Dimitri started. "When my father and I first came to this very tower to meet you, he described you as the smartest girl in the world. That's simply not true anymore. You're the smartest person in the world now, in my opinion even more than your father. Come with us. We could do so much good together." He took a step closer and offered his hand. @sitanomoto
Reaper said:
He held Lisa tight for a moment, before pulling away with a smirk and turning to a tearful Cassie. "Cassie." Dimitri started. "When my father and I first came to this very tower to meet you, he described you as the smartest girl in the world. That's simply not true anymore. You're the smartest person in the world now, in my opinion even more than your father. Come with us. We could do so much good together." He took a step closer and offered his hand. @sitanomoto
Sans suddenly snickered from the couch and said, "Wow, Mister smooth right here. You should be afraid of those words if their true. We all are still friends or at the very edge of it... and you state that one of your friends is the smartest on the planet? What if she sees through what your trying to do, hm? I've seen plenty of friends kick the bucket 'cause... its a sad thing.."

Sekki said, "Any Dood! I just want to show you a trick I can do do Dood!"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c73e473e1_arabiansword.jpeg.0b808bdfda822cb47e500ee39ba62477.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100487" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c73e473e1_arabiansword.jpeg.0b808bdfda822cb47e500ee39ba62477.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Archon said:
Joseph smirked in response to the girl's confidence, and the return of spirt.
"Yeah, yeah... keep telling yourself that. Nobody can beat Precision! I'll have wrapped your arms in string before you can blink twice and say 'I surrender!'" He joked in return flailing around on the impression part. Before straightening slightly, and clearing his throat slightly. "I suggest we upgrade this tower, give it highly trained security, and even a small army to help us... Then, in the case of the Tower falling, we completely tip off captain a-holes idea, and build a hidden underground Headquarters..." He suggested, rubbing his head slightly uncertain. "We should try and win the support of the National Guard, The Military and even Shield..." Joseph mentioned with more confidence building up as he cleared his mind for the real key to a reformation.

"Now to the really important part, we need to train... We need to train hard, we all have skills or powers, and need to hone them as much as possible. And whilst individual power is important, team work is key. We should have small sub-groups who split up and work together when necessary, such as when there are multiple threats to deal with, these groups should be combined of those of us with good chemistry, and complimentary powers." Joseph then stopped, taking a breath and steadying himself. Expecting to be waved away. "Cassie...?" He simply asked, knowing her struggle but needing an answer all the same. He also gave a look to Conner and Finn, hoping for input from the trio of leaders.

(So, 1: Secure Tower, with high-tech shielding and a small Avenger army comprised of highly-trained security, and soldiers.

2: Official support from SHIELD and the National Guard, maybe even the military itself.

3: Sub-Groups, who only split up when needing to split up with multiple dangers, comprised of teams who work together, and compliment each others skills. ((We'll decide on these groups))

4: Training, very hard rigorous training to master the skills and powers our characters have, and their team-working skills in the Sub-Groups)

5: Underground base in-case of Tower destruction.

@Lemoncakes @GoldenChari @Crono @CasualDragon @LokiofSP @hudhouse @sitanomoto @Yngwie Schutz
Reaper said:
He held Lisa tight for a moment, before pulling away with a smirk and turning to a tearful Cassie. "Cassie." Dimitri started. "When my father and I first came to this very tower to meet you, he described you as the smartest girl in the world. That's simply not true anymore. You're the smartest person in the world now, in my opinion even more than your father. Come with us. We could do so much good together." He took a step closer and offered his hand. @sitanomoto
Cassie thought for a moment. "That.... Is actually... Really brilliant." She smiled through her tears, then her smile dropped when Dimitri offered her his hand.

"I.... Dimitri...." She took a step forward and then stopped to look back at Connor. "Don't make me choose, Dimitri.... Don't tear me apart Like this.... I could never choose between you or Connor...." She looked at the ground, then closed her eyes, teardrops sliding down her face and onto the floor. "Don't.... Don't make me do this...."

Lisa gripped Dimitri's shoulder firmly. It pained her to watch Cassie have to choose like this.

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Sekki held her as the sword before looking disappointing, he stated, "Oh... I thought it was like how the gun worked when you could just make it from your hand, but either way... I can do the same thing to!" He suddenly glowed blue and twirled around blade, fusing into it and popping into a spiritual location he created. The blade's bottom had a white pattern similar to his stiched up parts, while the rest of the blade was tinted blue with a prinny eye on top.

Sekki poured a cup of hot chocolate to spirit Hybrid before saying, "Phew... I don't need to say dood all the time in here! To be honest, I just came in here to talk to ya in privacy... more like a motivation Do- I CAN'T STOP!" It was clear he was someone completely different as a soul. His spirit was blood red like a murderer, but he held a calming aura...
(Tryhard post posted before I hit the button yo.)

The scream had startled Connor at first, but Cassie had quickly seen to the person. Dimitri was planning his leave, then Mason spoke to the blonde before moving off. Not to mention the others in the room who were saying god knows what about the drama going down, there was so much happening. Connor was either about to storm out or find something to throw at Dimitri, possibly just throw himself, but a hand landed on his shoulder and it brought Connor back a bit.

Turning to find it was Joseph, the other boy was saying to let Dimitri go. And Connor wanted to, desperately wanted to just leave it at that and let Dimitri go off to do whatever. But you don't give up on family, and even though he wanted to scratch that itch to hit the speedster, he was still family. Then Joe spoke of those leaving were the disloyal and Connor almost flinched at the words, because Connor had left, and he really wanted to leave again. Maybe he had actually given up on being an Avenger, but that doesn't mean he'd given up on the Avengers in general.

Joseph was giving idea's on how to improve and while they were good Connor just couldn't think on it. Then Dimitri offered Cassie to come as well and Connor's fists tightened and he turned to glare at the speedster. There was no way Cassie would leave, the tower was her home, the team was what her father had passed down to her. Being an Avenger was Cassie's identity and Connor understood that, so for Dimitri to offer something that would do nothing but torment the girl because it was one of her closest friends offering it was cruel. "I cannot believe you right now. Alex did that same crap with me, made me choose. I chose you, Finn, and the others. I lost him because of it, something like that never goes away."

@Archon @GoldenChari @sitanomoto @Reaper
Dimitri shrugged and dropped his hand silently. "Okay. I won't. Don't worry about it. I figured as much." He turned to the balcony but stopped, looking at Lisa. "Do you want to tell her? Now is the time, if ever." @sitanomoto
Finn heard a voice in his ear and was a little stunned to hear that of his father. "Did you get the S.H.I.E.L.D message?" Finn rubbed his forehead and shook his head before remembering that his father couldn't see that. "No. My phone was crushed not too long ago. Forgot to put it in the pouch again. I have a spare at home though and it probably has the message. What's going on?" His father explained how they wanted them to head there to meet them about something. "Okay. Let them know that I'll be there but I have a bit of an issue here that needs a little of my attention first. If it's about Maul then tell them to tell Maul that I say hi and that I'll be there soon." Bruce was silent for a moment. "Maul?" "Yeah. He's the symbiote that they're talking about. He was made with some of your DNA too. Thought that you might want to be aware of that." Bruce said that he would pass the message along and hung up on his end of the comm.

Noticing that Dimitri and Connor were about to flay each other, Finn decided that it was time that he stepped in. Pushing himself up from his spot he hurried over to them. "What happened to us? We used to be the tightest knit of every knit sweater out there. We knew everything about each other and when we fought we've always been able to forgive and move on. Ever since the first registration act you two have been a little cold to each other. And that's not a pun." He added. "We need to talk this over like rational people rather than storm off. Or if you need to storm off than do so. But let's arrange a meeting time where we all get together and CALMLY discuss this. Think about Cassie. You two are forcing her to make an impossible decision to choose one of her brothers over the other. That's not like you two either."

@Steel Zinogre
hudhouse said:
She glanced at Cassie, hoping that she would be alright allowing herself to look sad for just a moment. Before turning to Sekki, she giggled a bit," Alright but I'll feel it more then I see it." She jumped in the air and her body turned into an Arabian sword.

View attachment 223137
Sekki held her as the sword before looking disappointing, he stated, "Oh... I thought it was like how the gun worked when you could just make it from your hand, but either way... I can do the same thing to!" He suddenly glowed blue and twirled around blade, fusing into it and popping into a spiritual location he created. The blade's bottom had a white pattern similar to his stiched up parts, while the rest of the blade was tinted blue with a prinny eye on top.

Sekki poured a cup of hot chocolate to spirit Hybrid before saying, "Phew... I don't need to say dood all the time in here! To be honest, I just came in here to talk to ya in privacy... more like a motivation Do- I CAN'T STOP!" It was clear he was someone completely different as a soul. His spirit was blood red like a murderer, but he held a calming aura...

Hybrid looked at him quizzically but took the hot chocolate. It was hard holding her current appearance in spirit form. She smiled warily. "Hey talk to me about whatever you want, but if I change, please keep whatever you see between the two of us okay?" She said this just in time as her eyes turned blood red before back to their bright blue. She laughed a little in embarrassment.

The distinct sound of two hands clapping could be heard from the doorway. "Deja-vu, huh?" Alex's voice sounded like always. A red cap on his head was a little rugged, a small band-aid on his cheek, and he had a duffel bag at his face. "Oh, and hey there everyone. What's shaking?" Without a minute to waste, he lifted the duffel bag and went to the nearest chair, sitting in it and letting out a big sigh. It was like he wasn't gone for a long time.

@Everyone (Because me lazy as fuck)
"...Wow. Jordan was right..." Olivier finally said from next too Sans, who was currently being stared at really hard by Chara. "You guys ARE completely dysfunctional. But I've already made up my mind to support you."


Sekki snickered, before his prinny suit in the world obliterated with flame. His eyes burned a glorious gold, and he gave off a razor sharp smile before a pure white mask and pitch black clothes swarmed in to cover his spirit. In this land of spirits, his shadow was near molten, constantly shifting and dancing. The clothes shrank his soul, morphing snow white as he transformed into a Griffin Owl. He stated, "...In my life, I was known as a devil that destroyed everything in my way and consumed whatever I saw. I warped and perverted it into something that I thought people would like... but eh, we all have our culture. I was killed by one of my friends during an Eclipse in the middle of a debate. Never saw eye to eye with me. But due to all my crimes... I gotta pay. I wanted to say that even though we both have the ability to be bio weapons... neither of us want to kill do we?"
hudhouse said:


Sekki snickered, before his prinny suit in the world obliterated with flame. His eyes burned a glorious gold, and he gave off a razor sharp smile before a pure white mask and pitch black clothes swarmed in to cover his spirit. In this land of spirits, his shadow was near molten, constantly shifting and dancing. The clothes shrank his soul, morphing snow white as he transformed into a Griffin Owl. He stated, "...In my life, I was known as a devil that destroyed everything in my way and consumed whatever I saw. I warped and perverted it into something that I thought people would like... but eh, we all have our culture. I was killed by one of my friends during an Eclipse in the middle of a debate. Never saw eye to eye with me. But due to all my crimes... I gotta pay. I wanted to say that even though we both have the ability to be bio weapons... neither of us want to kill do we?"
((Omigod the owl....))

Joseph smirked with an impressed smile at Hybrid,
"Woah, that IS cool, and immensely useful! Glad to have you with us!" He nodded in approval, before letting out a short laugh at her exchange with the Penguin - a reinvigorated feeling of determination, and pride overcame him; could he have just saved the Avengers? The thought made him giddy, and inexplicably happy, keeping a professional composure over his serious plan was really difficult, and required half of his focus to not crack-wise.

Of course, not everything was so happy. A large frown formed across his face as Dmitri turned and spoke, trying to win Cassie over. Joseph bore no ill-will to the son of Quicksilver, in fact he'd wished that he had the opportunity to befriend the boy. But right now, they were agreeing to disagree. He would have spoke up, in Cassie's defense but Finn was quick to do the same. Yet even with a new sense of pride in the ideas he put forward, with Dmitri going, and Cassie being a wreck; the management of The Avengers was down to only Finn and Conner...

Honestly, neither of them seemed keen on even being such a thing anymore. Joseph had faith in his own ability, but he didn't have the experience, nor had he led before... The situation was grim, he needed Conner and Finn with him on this and he was worried that he'd lose the duo...

@CasualDragon @Crono @sitanomoto
CasualDragon said:
Finn heard a voice in his ear and was a little stunned to hear that of his father. "Did you get the S.H.I.E.L.D message?" Finn rubbed his forehead and shook his head before remembering that his father couldn't see that. "No. My phone was crushed not too long ago. Forgot to put it in the pouch again. I have a spare at home though and it probably has the message. What's going on?" His father explained how they wanted them to head there to meet them about something. "Okay. Let them know that I'll be there but I have a bit of an issue here that needs a little of my attention first. If it's about Maul then tell them to tell Maul that I say hi and that I'll be there soon." Bruce was silent for a moment. "Maul?" "Yeah. He's the symbiote that they're talking about. He was made with some of your DNA too. Thought that you might want to be aware of that." Bruce said that he would pass the message along and hung up on his end of the comm.
Noticing that Dimitri and Connor were about to flay each other, Finn decided that it was time that he stepped in. Pushing himself up from his spot he hurried over to them. "What happened to us? We used to be the tightest knit of every knit sweater out there. We knew everything about each other and when we fought we've always been able to forgive and move on. Ever since the first registration act you two have been a little cold to each other. And that's not a pun." He added. "We need to talk this over like rational people rather than storm off. Or if you need to storm off than do so. But let's arrange a meeting time where we all get together and CALMLY discuss this. Think about Cassie. You two are forcing her to make an impossible decision to choose one of her brothers over the other. That's not like you two either."

@Steel Zinogre

"That is totally OK, Dr. Banner." Belle said as she shook his hand. "Agent Coulson Jr. Is waiting for you in his office, also waiting for Stark as well. Jennifer and jade should be arriving soon." She said as a limo arrived. Jade and jennifer walking out. "They called you too?" Jenny asked as she hugged her cousin. "Yes mom.. And they will explain why when we go in." Jade said as belle then clapped 3 times. "Follow me please." She said as she led them to Philip's office.
@CasualDragon @sitanomoto
Hybrid sighed and leaned back a bit. She nodded slowly.

"Your half right. You see, they took me and pretended to 'fix' me. Ha! How naive i was. I'm not quite human anymore, so you are quite accurate calling me a monster, in fact, Iv'e died 8,943 times so far. I've killed 168 people, They were killing people like me. No, I don't want too kill people but I do want to make sure no-one else suffers like I did. But, If someone tries to do what someone did too me, I will stop them at any costs." She tried to smile. "Sorry for sitting on you earlier, I was just reminded of it." Her shoulder assimilated momentarily becoming bare with a large gash ripping in so the mussel was viable. The flesh itself was no longer smooth and covered in scars that cut deep into the skin. She covered it even after it was gone. "...Sorry about that...I don't like people seeing what I really look like."

Sekki snickered before saying, "Oh no no, it's all fine! To be honest I have killed only about 5 things in my whole life. However I like this change of pace... it's like the quote says, In another world, if we weren't enemies, we could have been the best of friends. I was only allowed here to prove to Hel that I truly could forgive the Avengers. The deal was that if I can live with the Avengers, protecting and serving them, I can either become one of the saviors of the frost, basically a doctor, or I can return to the living. I always thought everyone hated me... but we'll see."

Sekki decided it was time to drop the bomb shell, "Unlike you my dear Hybrid, I was created instead of born... from the corpses of my sisters and my other 5 siblings. Hell, I have some Stark DNA to see if it would enhanced my intelligence and stabilize myself. Instead it made me a little EXTREMIS. Bad pun, I know. Either way... I will only accept your deal of silence as long as you keep my name secret. The others might just kill me... again. I am trusting you because you still have emotion even though your in your predicament. Your strong and caring... even if a little extreme like myself. Augustus Von Doom at your service."

Reaper said:
Dimitri shrugged and dropped his hand silently. "Okay. I won't. Don't worry about it. I figured as much." He turned to the balcony but stopped, looking at Lisa. "Do you want to tell her? Now is the time, if ever." @Steel Zinogre [/color][/color][/color][/color][/color][/color][/color][/color][/color][/color]
Lisa nodded, but Cassie held her hand up.

"I know. Lisa's my sister."

"Wha- how did you-"



There was a silence between the two girls for a moment, then Lisa turned to Dimitri. "Let's go, Flyboy," she said, holding out her arm. She didn't turn back to look at Cassie.

Cassie smiled at Finn and at Joseph, who rushed to her emotional aid. She looked at Dimitri, then walked over and put her arms around him. She held him tightly for a moment, then let go. "Think hard about this Dimitri," she said, holding him by the shoulders and looking him square in the eyes. "Think about what you're doing. But I urge you to stay, to stay and listen to us, but I can't stop you." She stepped back. If you love something, you have to let it go. If it doesn't come back, it was never truely yours. She thought.

She turned around, and without another word, walked to the kitchen and prepared herself a cup of hot chocolate, extra whipped cream.
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