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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Daredevil...where had she heard that before? Putting off in her mind she giggled at the gesure.

"How kind, please show me the way." she asked. Playing the nice girl part was beginning to kill her on the inside.

Morgan led the woman to the elevator and held it open, he scanned his ID to allow himself acsess to all the levels. As the elevator went up to Tony's lab Morgan whistled, "So...What brings the FBI to this humble abode? Were we fighting aliens to loud at night? Sorry, it happens sometimes."

@Yngwie Schutz
Remembering was a bit painful for a second, her face expressed gloom before she smiled again.

"Well we have reason to belive an incident occured overseas in an old Sheild, well, Hydra test facility. Beacuae Mr.Stark was a working with sheild at the time, we are just asking him if he knows anything." She put up her hands in playfull protest. "Only some questions i assure you."

(I'm going with a yes to my question. :3 And if not well...my post need not be edited if it is a no!)

How long had he been staring at this mirror? It was hard to tell, voice's coming from outside told him others had likely arrived. The blonde stepped out of the bathroom, as he made his way down the hall the voices got louder and he made out a few off the bat. Once he had the visual confirmation of them, a few looked like they'd just come from a battle. Connor's eyes glanced from one to the next, once he saw that most looked in decent shape before arriving on Aedan who happened to be stumbling his direction. "Woah there." Connor spoke as he moved to grab onto one of Aedan's arms to help keep him balanced.

"You just woke up from a coma, and passed out on the ride here. So dial it back a notch."


If Morgan were his father, he'd have taken the girl in front of him down by now, he'd have hear her heart beat and she'd be against the wall...

Unfortunatly, Morgan was not his father, so instead he smiled, "Okay, just checking..." And sat in silence the rest of the ride up...

When they reached Tony's lab, Morgan knocked on a wall,
"Hello? Tony, it's Daredevil...Don't kill me for taking your stuff...FBI is here to see you..."

@Yngwie Schutz @sitanomoto
A questioning glance crossed her face for a moment. This man stole something of the legendary tony stark's? She turned tward him slightly.

"Forgive me for asking but, what did you steal?"

Desimus looks at Alex, his jaw hanging wide open.

"Hold on, buddy pal. Are you talking about THE CrossBones?! The one that could totally eliminate half the Avengers, one of the greatest assassins in the world, a criminal my father fought for years?! Why would we accept him!"

Desimus scrambles to try to grab Alex again, but the slippery kid was just too quick. Desimus grimaces as he sighs.

"I gotta tell this to everyone. If only someone could teleport me to the tower..."


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"Alright. Now time for Finn." Dimitri said, appearing next to Finn and the rest of them. "Speak of the devil." Dimitri said, smirking at Desmius. "And I would be more than happy to give Crossbones a chance. Think about everyone that has changed over the years of avenging..." @National
Desimus stares, dumbfounded at the portaling Dinitri.

"The hell was my marijuana laced with? First, a talking blue immortal penguin. Then, I almost get killed by the hulk. Finally, Dimitri reads my mind, and says that CrossBones can join. Are you insane?!"

"Oh, I forgot to explain. Apparently one of the perks of being the Sentry is incredible hearing. And I never said for sure he would join. Simply that I would hear him out." Dimitri explained. "Wait.... Penguin? Did he happen to "dood" a lot?" @National
Desimus claps his hands together, and points them at Dimitri.

"The only thing that blue bastard knew what to say was dood. And besides, you still haven't given me confirmation if im in or not."

"We can decide that on a later date. For now, we have to bring everybody to the tower. This is going to be hard but I'm going to try to teleport everyone in this room to the meeting. I haven't moved more than three people before...." @National
Suddenly, behind Dimitri, a portal opens, and Thaddeus walks out, his rainbow like eyes being felt by everyone, even if he was not looking at them directly.

"If I may, I can surely be of assistance. Teleportation, is that right?"


Joseph fought with every fiber of his being to stay completely still, the last thing he wanted was his sexy Hawkeye suit being covered in Hulk vomit - though for what it was worth, considering he'd already took this trip once, this time it wasn't quite is stomach churning, although it was still several hundred miles from tolerable. "I'm never getting used to that..." He mumbled illy at Kat, forcing him to sty upright until Finn was able to move once more. With an attempt at a fake look of surprise, he stared at Sarah shaking his head. "No idea what you mean... I'm fine, that didn't phase me... At all..." He boasted jokingly, straightening; although still sick to the core.

Of course, now the battle was over, and Finn was safe all Joseph wanted to do was go and collapse on a sofa for a few years. One thing he really wanted to do was tell Kat 'I told you so' since she was a hero today... But he quite liked being human, and the life of a frog wasn't so appealing to him. Of course, on the same merit he wanted to
really thank her for saving Finn; but a nagging voice in the back of his mind was worried she'd grow cold at such a conversation, it's almost as if she was fighting her base instincts as a good person - which he knew she was - and her villainous upbringing by Loki.

Serious thoughts never lasted long for Joseph; and soon enough another lightbulb moment popped over his head.

"So... We all know how superheroes have sub-groups right? Well, we totally need one. I mean, we have the best of the best! Hulk Jr, Miss Mischief, Web-Girl, and moi, the unparalleled, almighty, Precision! eh... eh?" He suggested with newfound enthusiasm, nudging Finn on the arm, "We could be... 'The Vanguards' or 'The Defenders'! It's brilliant! With Finn's strength, your magic, Spideretta's web slinging, and my ice-skating skills, we'd be unstoppable!


Aedan stumbled into Conner, bleary eyed, and confused... But the blonde's words were more than true, he clearly overestimated his own durability. Right now, he was incredibly weak, and needed one thing; Recovery time. "Right... You're right... I need a few more years sleep, then I'll be functional..." He stated only half-jokingly, His head felt like it was going to explode, and his abdomen stung as if on fire, he couldn't even remember what it was like to feel fine. He was to disorientated to even realize how they'd gotten to the Tower, and why Alex had a bleeding nose.

National Guard

The Commander scoffed in utter annoyance as Shield swept in to take all the glory, yet found it suspicious all the same. They had been utterly useless, and completely pathetic recently. Lending no aid, and then suddenly they swoop in after the Guard detained the creature, as if all the credit was owed to them. He ordered the large convoy back to the Barracks, also phoning High Command to let them know of Shields actions.

@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon @LokiofSP @Crono @GoldenChari @
Dimitri shook his head in disbelief. "This man says "oh gee, It would be really nice if I could teleport somewhere", and all of the sudden people who can teleport are flooding to this room. I wish I had your luck." Before turning to Thaddeus. "But yes. We need everyone here to end up at stark tower." @National
Archon said:
Joseph fought with every fiber of his being to stay completely still, the last thing he wanted was his sexy Hawkeye suit being covered in Hulk vomit - though for what it was worth, considering he'd already took this trip once, this time it wasn't quite is stomach churning, although it was still several hundred miles from tolerable. "I'm never getting used to that..." He mumbled illy at Kat, forcing him to sty upright until Finn was able to move once more. With an attempt at a fake look of surprise, he stared at Sarah shaking his head. "No idea what you mean... I'm fine, that didn't phase me... At all..." He boasted jokingly, straightening; although still sick to the core.

Of course, now the battle was over, and Finn was safe all Joseph wanted to do was go and collapse on a sofa for a few years. One thing he really wanted to do was tell Kat 'I told you so' since she was a hero today... But he quite liked being human, and the life of a frog wasn't so appealing to him. Of course, on the same merit he wanted to
really thank her for saving Finn; but a nagging voice in the back of his mind was worried she'd grow cold at such a conversation, it's almost as if she was fighting her base instincts as a good person - which he knew she was - and her villainous upbringing by Loki.

Serious thoughts never lasted long for Joseph; and soon enough another lightbulb moment popped over his head.

"So... We all know how superheroes have sub-groups right? Well, we totally need one. I mean, we have the best of the best! Hulk Jr, Miss Mischief, Web-Girl, and moi, the unparalleled, almighty, Precision! eh... eh?" He suggested with newfound enthusiasm, nudging Finn on the arm, "We could be... 'The Vanguards' or 'The Defenders'! It's brilliant! With Finn's strength, your magic, Spideretta's web slinging, and my ice-skating skills, we'd be unstoppable!


Aedan stumbled into Conner, bleary eyed, and confused... But the blonde's words were more than true, he clearly overestimated his own durability. Right now, he was incredibly weak, and needed one thing; Recovery time. "Right... You're right... I need a few more years sleep, then I'll be functional..." He stated only half-jokingly, His head felt like it was going to explode, and his abdomen stung as if on fire, he couldn't even remember what it was like to feel fine. He was to disorientated to even realize how they'd gotten to the Tower, and why Alex had a bleeding nose.

National Guard

The Commander scoffed in utter annoyance as Shield swept in to take all the glory, yet found it suspicious all the same. They had been utterly useless, and completely pathetic recently. Lending no aid, and then suddenly they swoop in after the Guard detained the creature, as if all the credit was owed to them. He ordered the large convoy back to the Barracks, also phoning High Command to let them know of Shields actions.

@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon @LokiofSP @Crono @GoldenChari @
(Grrr. Come on. I did say before that I had plans.)
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](Grrr. Come on. I did say before that I had plans.)

(He never said he was stoping them, he's just acting in character)
(Masons about to be saved right now)

Thaddeus nods to Dimitri, and with a wave of his hands, and a mighty clap, the entire fabric of space and time shimmers around all of them, and it rips open, sucking every avenger in the area in, and throwing them into the Stark tower. Thaddeus appears from the portal, and claps his hands, closing the massive portals
National said:
(Masons about to be saved right now)
Thaddeus nods to Dimitri, and with a wave of his hands, and a mighty clap, the entire fabric of space and time shimmers around all of them, and it rips open, sucking every avenger in the area in, and throwing them into the Stark tower. Thaddeus appears from the portal, and claps his hands, closing the massive portals
(Might wanna tag everybody so they know what's happening)

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