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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Alex stood in a corner of the room while the avengers seemed to pile in. He had sneaking away from Desimus and next thing he knew he had been sucked into a portal and ended up here. Just then, Crossbones seemed to have been let in to the building and walked into the room, well it was Olivier but she had modified her father's costume. It still had the crossbone symbol on the chest plate.
Raikou turned around as several others were warped into the room. "Would Finn Banner and Cassie Stark happen to be among you? I am hoping to just speak to members of the Avenger Leadership at the moment. Connor Rogers and Dimitri the Sentry are already present."

@Every in the room
(Aleady on it @National ^-^)

The Air preasure changed, outside the air was sucked in and out of something. She quickly tuned her sensed to be hyper aware, feeling multiple presences crowd the building.

Chicken Sh*t

She looked tward Daredevil and smiled the best way she could. "Am I intruding? I would hate to bother Mr.Stark in a meeting."

@LokiofSP @Anyone else

(Just got the right picture, looks like this with a red coat and glasses<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/6884953011dea9d028ebf1a83f08150c_480.jpg.28b914a7de154bb6a446f5e98eaaad69.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99563" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/6884953011dea9d028ebf1a83f08150c_480.jpg.28b914a7de154bb6a446f5e98eaaad69.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>)



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Morgan stares wide eyed as he was sucked into the portal, he turned to miss FBI and shook his head, "I didn't even know we were going to have a meeting. We've never had one on this scale before...."

@Yngwie Schutz
Desimus shakes his head as he looks around, wondering if maybe, since all the Avengers were here, that maybe... She was here as well. He did teleport all of the Avengers. She was an avenger, right? But why was he happy again? She hates him, she wouldn't want to see his face around here. Desimus sighs sadly again as he collapses onto the chair beside a large couch, his hands taking off his black panther mask as his left hand rubs through his hair, his eyes sad.

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Connor smiled at Aedan's response, at least he was listening to reason now. The blonde was about to ignore this whole gathering or meeting and take Aedan to a bed when a sight made him stop. Crossbones, with changes, came strolling inside the room. And for a moment Connor expected a conflict to break out, for Crossbones to lunge at them...or anyone for that matter. But the demeanor wasn't aggressive, and for the moment he didn't know exactly how to react.

"Crossbones?" He asked more or less in a defensive or neutral tone.

@Archon @LucianGrey7971
(Read my post buddy everyone is in the same room. His bonds are cut so he can move lol xD @GoldenChari )

Desimus growls as he stands up, his fists clenching and unclenching.

"You got quite the balls to show up here Crossbones. You and my father have fought for years, and now you just come in like nothing happened? And you also got me your recon guy to stop me? What's your plan?"

Crossbones ignored Connor and stood against a wall and looked out at everyone, arms crossed, not saying a word...just watching. Olivier noticed that Desimus was verbally berating her and turned her head away from him. Still staying silent
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Eldkatla couldn't help but laugh at their responses to the move, taking a small step back just in case. "It's not as bad when you are the one in control as opposed to the ones being, well, dragged alongside. Be glad it was only across the city though, I certainly wouldn't risk taking any of you across the realm." She said, a towel appearing in her hand which she passed to Sarah. Eldkatla saw Jospeh look at her from the corner of her eye but thankfully he said nothing, she didn't doubt that whatever thoughts were racing through his mind would be said eventually but she would much rather that didn't happen right at this moment.

Clearly his thoughts didn't linger on one topic for long though and soon he was back to the usual antics. "And what exactly are we to defend? With only four of us I'm not sure we'd be quite prepared for the Earth yet." Eldkatla teased, there seemed no point destroying the idea as it didn't ever seem to stick longer than a few seconds.

Then suddenly they'd moved from the street to inside the tower without a warning. Herself having a little more practice was able to steady herself easily but that didn't mean she enjoyed it. "So that's what it's like." Eldkatla muttered, looking around. This Avengers situation was beginning to feel closer to a cult, one small action and all of a sudden...

(I'm just having her taken along because everyone else was so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

@CasualDragon @Archon @LokiofSP
Finn chuckled. "That would be interesting. It's a group I could see happening." He chuckled again before everything was ripped away again as they were tossed through another portal or something. At the new location Finn pulled his arm away from Joseph and fell to his knees feeling nauseous. Twice in one day was a little too much for his stomach. It also didn't help that he still felt cool from the healing so the body heat from every avenger plus the cold was not the most pleasant feeling. Pushing himself to his feet he stumbled over to the couch and dropped onto it before resting his head on the back. If one more person teleported him anywhere he was going to be sick over everything they loved. Somebody called for him and he waved his hand above his head. "I'm Finn Banner." He mumbled before putting his hand back down.

@Archon @Raikou Kaminari @AnyoneInTheRoomReally
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Desimus growls as he marches over to Crossbones, his hands clenched.

"What? Old age catch your tongue? Just talk, I won't beat your a**, yet."

Desimus still doesn't know that this wasn't the Crossbones daughter, still believing that he was talking to the original one.

CasualDragon said:
Finn chuckled. "That would be interesting. It's a group I could see happening." He chuckled again before everything was ripped away again as they were tossed through another portal or something. At the new location Finn pulled his arm away from Joseph and fell to his knees feeling nauseous. Twice in one day was a little too much for his stomach. It also didn't help that he still felt cool from the healing so the body heat from every avenger plus the cold was not the most pleasant feeling. Pushing himself to his feet he stumbled over to the couch and dropped onto it before resting his head on the back. If one more person teleported him anywhere he was going to be sick over everything they loved. Somebody called for him and he waved his hand above his head. "I'm Finn Banner." He mumbled before putting his hand back down.
@Archon @Raikou Kaminari @AnyoneInTheRoomReally
"Perfect that leaves only Cassie Stark. I will try to be concise. Basically too much of the US is left unprotected as all the heroes flock to this Tower. You guys yourselves have too much infighting and conflict of morals. So I figured the Avengers should divide into Five sub groups lead by you, Dimitri, Connor, Cassie Stark, and another suitable veteran. These groups should be chosen wisely as in no one you will end up having a conflict with based on the way they operate. Then these five groups will spread to the 5 regions of the United States and set up HQs just like this one. That is my portion of the plan to restructure the Avengers. Dimitri the Sentry has his own portion of the plan as well."
The secret would have been out had Olivier not been standing over six feet tall without the need for heels. She looked at Desimus in the eyes before merely looking away again, this time with a dismissive wave. Alex had told her to keep it a secret for as long as possible, mainly because the invisible boy was a bit of a joker and like messing with people a bit...ESPECIALLY when they couldn't see him. She actually didn't like wearing her dad's mask...it was too constricting.

Richie snarls as he raises his hand, his robotic arm being the one in the air.

"I can volunteer to be the veteran to lead the other team. I definitely got the experience."

@Raikou Kaminari @Reaper @ everyone else
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(I'm not really an Avenger yet right? I'm not teleporting so I'm just gonna sneak in xD )

Her guide disapearing into a portal was a bit of a suprise, nevertheless, she was able to sense where he went. Looking around at the security cameras she sighed heavily as curiosity overtook her system.

Guess my meeting will have to wait.

Deciding to follow him she transformed her body into a gas, then proceeded to follow the trail down where her guide had disapeared.

Finding the room, and plastering herself too the wall, she listened intently to the conversation, crossbones? Why was he here? She continued too listen, it would be awesome if they would talk about something interesting.

*when they began to talk about something interesting*

The Avengers are slpitting up? Questions began to swarm her mind but she suppressed them.

She moved to center of the room and threw herself up onto the ceiling. Waiting for more details too be spilled.
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Sarah hated being teleported, she decided that at that very moment. It was disoreinting, and quite frankly, made her want to puke, she stood in the corner in silence as she attempted to keep herself from covering the floor in vomit...

Fortune stayed as quiet as possible, keeping herself as far from Desimus as possible...

Morgan WANTED to raise his hand and volunteer, but if he was to be truthful to himself, he kind of hated the idea of splitting up the Avengers. EVERYTHING had been happening in New York for as long as he could remember, not only that, but he didn't want to possibly go against the 'Golden four' and their word
Mason stood there, scared. There was alot of powerful beings in the room. He bit the inside of his left cheek and looked nervous as all hell. If these people were not heros of some sorts he would have been fine but, alas, they were. "H-hello." He finally managed to squeak out.
Olivier glanced over at Desimus as Alex continued on "Well, here's the thing...Crossbones...the one the Avengers fought, was a GUY. That's a...girl..." Alex then disappeared


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