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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation


Joseph folded his arms at Kat, a skeptical look across his face.
"Nice dodge." He teased back, a smirk playing at his lips. "you should take a page out of Finn's book." He said, clasping Finn on the shoulder, before swirling his fingers in the air to spell out the word 'Optimism'. Before expanding upon his original concept, "Besides, who said anything about defending the Earth? I was thinking much more entertaining activities, such as beating on robbers... Mountain climbing, Jet skiing... Y'know, the good parts of heroing. The defending the earth part is for the Avengers as a whole." He said with a half-serious shrug, leaving the lingering idea of a circle of friends out there. Of course he hardly knew Sarah, but she had been included whether she liked it or not.

Unfortunately, in a flash they were all teleported again, causing Joseph to stumble back-first into a wall, clutching his stomach. "Okay... Two times in five minutes... Not cool..." He mumbled through a coarse breath, fighting the urge to dry-heave. Before finding some form of amusement at Kat's own discomfort of being teleported.

"If I have to go through another teleportation you owe me a free trip to Asgard." He stated ambivalently.

Yet the amusement was short lived, as Joseph saw Finn stumble onto all fours, causing the teen to rush down, and assist him in getting up.
"You have had one rough day... I'll make it up to you with a pack of haribos later." He mumbled to Finn jokingly, before examining the crowded meeting room of Avengers Tower, there was too many people present to count. As well as some conflict with Desimus, and... Crossbones? Not that it bothered Joseph; there were more than enough heroes in this room to deal with one pesky villain whose out of his element.

@Lemoncakes @CasualDragon

@LokiofSP (If you want to get Morgan IN and Sarah OUT now's your chance. :P @
Sekkai woke up in the corner, before leaping up to remind anyone who didn't know he was here that well.. he was there Doods~!
"Everyone that bat winged penguin is my comrade Sekkai the Prinny. Ne nice to him and he'll be nicer to you. Also Dimitri the Sentry is in support of my idea already. Now some of you may think most of the fight is here in New York and the truth is that is because you all draw it here, I am pretty sure that symbiote attack now on the news is because that thing was trying to get here. While countless other cities and towns need your protection from smaller scale villains. "Raikou announced. "Not to mention our not too recent alien invasion occured in other places. And the fact that you Avengers have the minds and resources to set up decent HQs in little time."
Dimitri stood to hush the room in order to speak. "Raikou. I am in favor of the spirit of your idea, but I feel like it could be executed better. The last four disasters have happened at least partly in New York, so we can't have bases set up spread apart. Also, it helps if everyone is familiar with one another. I instead propose keeping stark tower as HQ, and developing a way to travel the country quickly. Maybe even teleporting. This would also help if we need more than one team in a specific area. Now moving on to my part of the plan. The five leaders will be myself, Cassie, Connor, and Finn. This isn't up for debate. However, since we are planning on having five, the last member will be decided by all of us. After then, all major decisions will be made by a majority vote of the leaders. If a leader quits, dies, takes a leave, or is impeached, we can take a vote by all registered avengers. Which leads me to my second point. All avengers must be documented and approved." He finished, taking his seat. "Sound good?" @anyone at the meeting
Mason just stood there, adjusting his red tie. These guys ment buisness and he was the newest guy. He just hoped no one would know he was new and ask him stuff.

(That means, do it!)
Reaper said:
Dimitri stood to hush the room in order to speak. "Raikou. I am in favor of the spirit of your idea, but I feel like it could be executed better. The last four disasters have happened at least partly in New York, so we can't have bases set up spread apart. Also, it helps if everyone is familiar with one another. I instead propose keeping stark tower as HQ, and developing a way to travel the country quickly. Maybe even teleporting. This would also help if we need more than one team in a specific area. Now moving on to my part of the plan. The five leaders will be myself, Cassie, Connor, and Finn. This isn't up for debate. However, since we are planning on having five, the last member will be decided by all of us. After then, all major decisions will be made by a majority vote of the leaders. If a leader quits, dies, takes a leave, or is impeached, we can take a vote by all registered avengers. Which leads me to my second point. All avengers must be documented and approved." He finished, taking his seat. "Sound good?" @anyone at the meeting
"If you are all still clustered together like this then it defeats the point of my plan. There are a list of porblems why you all shouldn't be clustered in this Tower. One small time crimes like bank robberies and such will go completely under your radar. Two, everything that needs to get to Avengers HQ will drag it's business through the streets of a New York City and already tired and battered city. Three, some heroes come to join for protection or they are being pursued. If you start in California that is a cross country trip if they do so under the radar. Four, it will be too tense once one team dislikes how the other operates." Raikou replied.
"You sound a lot like Maria Hill on that last bit, Dimitri." Connor commented before rounding the corner and out of sight, this whole plan while it made a sort of sense, Connor didn't want to really be a part of. Not to mention that the four of them were meant to be the leaders, non-negotiable Dimitri had stated. So what, he didn't have a choice in the matter? And still Cassie wasn't here, which didn't help matters.

Connor moved quickly but carefully while supporting as much of Aedan's weight as the other would let him, and when they'd reached the med wing he moved to the nearest bed and let Aedan prop up against it. Taking a step back he looked Aedan over, "Don't suppose I can just hide out in here with you can I?" He asked, and while his tone was of someone who was joking, he really did want to.

@Reaper @Archon @AllTheOtherPeopleInTheMeetingRoom
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Crono said:
"You sound a lot like Maria Hill on that last bit, Dimitri." Connor commented before rounding the corner and out of sight, this whole plan while it made a sort of sense, Connor didn't want to really be a part of. Not to mention that the four of them were meant to be the leaders, non-negotiable Dimitri had stated. So what, he didn't have a choice in the matter? And still Cassie wasn't here, which didn't help matters.
Connor moved quickly but carefully while supporting as much of Aedan's weight as the other would let him, and when they'd reached the med wing he moved to the nearest bed and let Aedan prop up against it. Taking a step back he looked Aedan over, "Don't suppose I can just hide out in here with you can I?" He asked, and while his tone was of someone who was joking, he really did want to.

@Reaper @Archon @AllTheOtherPeopleInTheMeetingRoom
"Hey dood.." Sekki jumped up next to him, plopping down. He spoke out, "Sekki Dood, same Dood the Dood was talking about Dood. You alright Dood? You don't deserve the stress Dood.. all of you here are just trying to do your best know what I mean Dood? Kids, your all kids doods! Why do kids have to handle all the problems their parents left them em Dood? You all did this so its your free wills Dood, but why don't ya start low? Didn'ta ya see the TV broadcasts Dood? Why not work as police officers Dood? Taking down crime legally and being paid for... ya hear me doods?"
Dimitri chuckled at Connor's response. "Of course when I mean non negotiable, I mean no one else can fight for your position. I can't make you be a leader. But don't compare me to Maria, okay buddy? She killed and imprisoned. That was her issue. Not being organized."

He said before turning his head to Raikou. "If we set up the transportation system I spoke of earlier, it solves your first problem, People can contact us electronically which solves the next two, and as for the last one we haven't really had issues with that. We would be happy to take a vote on your idea when everything is set up, ok? I'm just saying it needs work."

@Raikou Kaminari @Crono @meeting
Fortune raised her hand and spoke after Raikou said his piece, "Um...Sorry, you don't know me because I'm not a fucking golden child, but your reasons are literally the stupidist shit I've ever heard. Your first reason is going off of the assumption that the Avengers deal with street level crime, which we don't. There are plenty of other non Avenger heroes who work on a street level, THEY deal with the fucking bank robberies and the kittens stuck in trees, WE deal with aliens destroying the world. Two, you're telling me that in 20XX somebody can't just shoot us a damn e-mail? It's not fucking hard.

Three) Once again, if somebody needs cross country travel, we have advanced technology available to the everyman now, like fucking teleporters that make this point invalid. Four) So fucking what? Our team has issues, splitting us up doesn't gaurentee a sulution to that problem, it only means it'll be a smaller amount of people to have a problem with! The only way to REALLY make sure we get along would be to disband the Avengers, which isn't fucking happening! So maybe, next time, bedore you talk shit you should think it out some more!"

@Reaper @Raikou Kaminari @National
LokiofSP said:
Fortune raised her hand and spoke after Raikou said his piece, "Um...Sorry, you don't know me because I'm not a fucking golden child, but your reasons are literally the stupidist shit I've ever heard. Your first reason is going off of the assumption that the Avengers deal with street level crime, which we don't. There are plenty of other non Avenger heroes who work on a street level, THEY deal with the fucking bank robberies and the kittens stuck in trees, WE deal with aliens destroying the world. Two, you're telling me that in 20XX somebody can't just shoot us a damn e-mail? It's not fucking hard.
Three) Once again, if somebody needs cross country travel, we have advanced technology available to the everyman now, like fucking teleporters that make this point invalid. Four) So fucking what? Our team has issues, splitting us up doesn't gaurentee a sulution to that problem, it only means it'll be a smaller amount of people to have a problem with! The only way to REALLY make sure we get along would be to disband the Avengers, which isn't fucking happening! So maybe, next time, bedore you talk shit you should think it out some more!"

@Reaper @Raikou Kaminari @National
Sekki immediately turns towards Fortune and stated, "...Not cool Dood. Here is my opinion on that okay Dood? First off, the last 3 times Aliens came to destroy the world, most of you guys did diddly squat dood. First time against Thanos, yes you were doing things, but Sentry Dood had to come in and nearly kill him by himself! Second time with Cade, most of you just got kicked around, turned on a orb and that's it dood! Finally, the one that just happened... yesterday, maybe even earlier today, ya doods killed the giant Celestial, but it was only two of you! The rest just tried to talk, ya hear me Doods? All aliens and most of you Doods just got kicked around and did... practically nothing, I feel pretty bad. At least all of you had your impact Doods, I would be chalked up with the furniture.

"Next, if someone sends ya a text Dood, how do you think they are going to do it? Have all of you on speed dial Dood? You make nothing public Dood! If any of you Doods did, then the villains could just track that number to your IP address, to your bank accounts, and then to your families dood. No go if I say Dood."
Dimitri cleared his throat. "Fortune! I know you're passionate, but that's not helping. Plus, this guy can pretty much turn off anyone's brain so you might wanna watch it. As for you, penguin. We don't really have secret identities anymore, for the most part. So the IP thing isn't an issue. But I thought we had a website? Have we really just been watching the news this whole time? Well then that's a problem that needs to be solved either way." @meeting
Reaper said:
Dimitri cleared his throat. "Fortune! I know you're passionate, but that's not helping. Plus, this guy can pretty much turn off anyone's brain so you might wanna watch it. As for you, penguin. We don't really have secret identities anymore, for the most part. So the IP thing isn't an issue. But I thought we had a website? Have we really just been watching the news this whole time? Well then that's a problem that needs to be solved either way." @meeting
Sekki commented, "Well, if ya Doods have a website... why don't you post ads? Like the Ghostbuster Doods? Who ya gonna call doods? The Avengers~... Dood! Nice little ring to it, but that might be a solution, ya know Dood?"
Fortune stood up and pointed at Dimitri, "DON'T, say my name... Tell me 'fearless leader' can you even tell me you know half the people in this room? You never took ANY chance to really KNOW us and we're supposed to follow you! We're supposed to be like brothers and sisters in arms, yet you don't know us enough! So what if you can fry my brain?! You do that, all it means is I'm right, that I had points you couldn't awnser like an adult would! We NEED to make changes, but splitting up the damn team up isn't it! MAYBE if we all got to know eachother we wouldn't fight! MAYBE if we went more public we could solve more problems, we don't have to go public with our real life identities, but come on! Simple shit like explaining WHY half the world was destroyed in a fight would help! Why does everybody assume they know what's best when the ones who have BEEN ON THIS TEAM should fucking know!"

LokiofSP said:
Fortune stood up and pointed at Dimitri, "DON'T, say my name... Tell me 'fearless leader' can you even tell me you know half the people in this room? You never took ANY chance to really KNOW us and we're supposed to follow you! We're supposed to be like brothers and sisters in arms, yet you don't know us enough! So what if you can fry my brain?! You do that, all it means is I'm right, that I had points you couldn't awnser like an adult would! We NEED to make changes, but splitting up the damn team up isn't it! MAYBE if we all got to know eachother we wouldn't fight! MAYBE if we went more public we could solve more problems, we don't have to go public with our real life identities, but come on! Simple shit like explaining WHY half the world was destroyed in a fight would help! Why does everybody assume they know what's best when the ones who have BEEN ON THIS TEAM should fucking know!"

Sekki just stood starring at her, before stating, "...Wow Dood. Your... right Dood! Hey, I got an idea Doods! Why don't all of us bond over a party night doods? Have one of those business bonding days doods?"
"You act like the original Avengers just randomly walked I'm a room and started hugging each other. No group immediately has chemistry. Boy basketball, not football and certainly not av group that has to fight the greatest threats to Earth...You want teamwork and camaraderie? You don't find it bitching about the lack thereof in a meeting room...you find it in a foxhole." Olivier said taking off her father's mask and letting her hair fall where it may
"I do know everyone in this room. Maybe I haven't had a conversation with everyone, but I have done my homework. I know everyone's strengths, weaknesses, and what they've contributed because it's my job to know. Still, you do have a point. I would like to know everyone personally. I think the penguin is on to something."
Desimus comes up from behind Fortune, a serious grimace on his face.

"Fortunes got a point Dimitri. As sad as it might sound, if you look in this room, and you can tell me everybody's name and their favorite color or movie or animal, I would be impressed. But I know that there are many here that we don't know. I bet you didn't even know we had a guy named Alex on the team, or that Fortune was still on the team. And also, splitting up the team won't do much. Do you guys really think we are the only capable ones here to save people? There are other superhero groups than ours that have been set up by others. Besides, the new X-men have been doing just fine. I don't see the point in breaking us up. Especially if it comes to the point to where our leader threatens us with his new powers that he has yet to control."

@Reaper @LokiofSP
"You are aware that I've been advocating against splitting up, right?" He asked Desmius. Raikou had brought it before everyone, but Dimitri was the first to criticize the idea.
Desimus claps his hands, and points them at Raikou.

"Then boom. If the Almighty leader says no, why are we even arguing about this? Answer is no. Boom, done, splat."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Sans.png.40d7bba12a1029a72c989c2aa60578f1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99834" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Sans.png.40d7bba12a1029a72c989c2aa60578f1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Its rather Humerus to see just how boned some people can get. Though I guess none of you can let this slide tell to-marrow, so I just Gouda put my two cents in before its a day late and a dollar short." Abruptly sitting right next to the Dood was a thick boned skeleton wearing a fluffy blue coat. One hand rested in his pocket, while his other held onto a ketchup bottle he was... currently drinking. He sighed slightly as he put the bottle away cleanly into his coat before commenting again, "Howdy, I'm Sans, Sans the Skeleton. Sorry about speaking so funny, but I just can't put down this font. Nations are only allowed to have a small list ya know?"

The Dood starred at the new member of the party before snickering slightly stating, "Hey Dood! I'm Sekki, Sekki the Prinny Dood!"

Sans just couldn't help himself, he stated, "A Prinny Dood? Doesn't sound so Pretty if ya ask me Dude."



  • Sans.png
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"Those puns are so bad I feel like I died a little inside." Olivier said out loud. A small child holding a knife tugged at Dmitri's pants smiling up at him.

( Seriously, how bad is Avenger Tower security? Sans and Chara WALKED right in...and Chara's holding a knife)
LucianGrey7971 said:
"Those puns are so bad I feel like I died a little inside." Olivier said out loud. A small child holding a knife tugged at Dmitri's pants smiling up at him.
( Seriously, how bad is Avenger Tower security? Sans and Chara WALKED right in...and Chara's holding a knife)

"...Chara..." The instant he stated his name, his eyes ignited yellow before turning back to blue. He gave off a sadistic smile as his theme started to slowly build up, until he started cracking off even worse puns, in song, "Chara-ter me a boat oh captain mine to see the sails of the Undyne! Oh crimson scarf I hold so tight and deer, please don't run away my dear. Please don't go, oh please don't go my deary dear... for I am afraid I canot live without you deer. My sunshine, my only sunshine... please stay with me... oh my Deer~..."

(To be fair, Sans CAN teleport)
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