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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Morgan stood up and dusted off his costume, he turned to Jordan and shook his head, "Sorry about this man...I didn't mean for this to happen...I mean I did but...Just enjoy your day with your daughter." He stepped out the door to the large mansion and checked his cell which had (miraculously) survived the fight. He attemtped to call Cassie to no avail. Finn didn't pick up, and....He honestly had no other numbers in his cell besides his dad's, and he REALLY didn't want to call his dad right now...He hailed a taxi and began to go home, on his way though he passed the scene of a super powered beat down on Finn, he told the cabbie to stop and he stumbled to get there, but he was hurt, the first fist was about to come down when a web attached itself to Maul's hand...

Sarah gritted her teeth as she stopped the symbiote from killing the poor boy on the floor, she looked at it and spoke,
"See? THIS is why I wanted to take care of you before..."

@Steel Zinogre @Archon @Lemoncakes

(Didn't want to do it, but I read Casual's post and saw Steel wasn't changing his, so I played deus-ex-machina)
"^Whoa!^" The man yelped, throwing Mason to the ground as he shot the gun, falling himself due to mason grabbing his leg with his feet. Mason smashed into the ground with the mugger on top of him and he grunted. "gud dmnt!" Mason yelled from below the guy.

(Sorry it's so bad... thought u where gonna bot the mugger @Reaper)
LokiofSP said:
Morgan stood up and dusted off his costume, he turned to Jordan and shook his head, "Sorry about this man...I didn't mean for this to happen...I mean I did but...Just enjoy your day with your daughter." He stepped out the door to the large mansion and checked his cell which had (miraculously) survived the fight. He attemtped to call Cassie to no avail. Finn didn't pick up, and....He honestly had no other numbers in his cell besides his dad's, and he REALLY didn't want to call his dad right now...He hailed a taxi and began to go home, on his way though he passed the scene of a super powered beat down on Finn, he told the cabbie to stop and he stumbled to get there, but he was hurt, the first fist was about to come down when a web attached itself to Maul's hand...
Sarah gritted her teeth as she stopped the symbiote from killing the poor boy on the floor, she looked at it and spoke,
"See? THIS is why I wanted to take care of you before..."

@Steel Zinogre @Archon @Lemoncakes

(Didn't want to do it, but I read Casual's post and saw Steel wasn't changing his, so I played deus-ex-machina)
(I did not realize that Finn was human.... I am sorry for missing that. I am not upset.. But feel really stupid. I hope this will be to your liking. And plus... I am very frustrated with the product I just bought today, since it is a lemon.) Maul stopped and looked at what he had done. Finn was laying on the ground, injured badly. The gauntlets fell from his hands as he looked at Sarah. "Do It..... I don't want to live knowing what I have done...... JUST KILL ME ALREADY!!" he shouted as his head started to hurt, the pain shooting across his body as he changed to savage hulk. He screams at the top of his lungs as the transformation finished. Slash was nearby and dashed over to take a look. Upon arrival, he was shocked to see his brother completely mad. "I will heal finn.... Just keep Baby hulk off of me." Slash told Sarah as he rushed to finn and turned him over. "Shit... He certainly did a number on you, eh?" Slash said as he gave finn's healing factor a boost. "Sarah, we need to distract maul. And we need to beat him down. Help me put here..... Please.... I do not want to lose two family members in one day." Jade pleaded as maul dug his hands into the ground, and struggled to take a big piece of concrete. @LokiofSP @CasualDragon

Joseph's eyes went wide, as his legs began working overdrive;
"Finn no!" Joseph cried out in panic - it seemed Finn was done for, the moment he began to change back, he'd taken sprint over, but then - obviously - the tank Sonic-Booms soon slowed... and then stopped, only to leave a weakened Finn to be assaulted by a massively weakened Finn, bullets echoed as the National Guard witnessed an Avenger - no longer Smasher - beat on by the Symbiote... All of them were now firing on Maul... And so was Joseph, but he couldn't use explosions as they'd hurt Finn, nor would a tracking device or net come in handy; yet he fired the Nets anyway; the tight roped wrapping around Maul's chest and one arm. He made a definite note to work on some different arrow types...

Luckily however, as Joseph detained one arm, a web soon intercepted another; causing Joseph to look up at non other than Spider-Girl, Maul raged in fury however; as some semblance of ralization kicked in, yet he continued to go on the offensive anyway, Joseph saw as an unfamiliar figure - likely hero their due to the carnage - dashed over, saying he'd heal Finn.

Joseph loosed multiple explosive arrows into Maul now he was a sufficient distance away from Finn, yet his efforts were a waste, Spider Girl soon jumped onto Maul, buying Joseph some time to rush over to Finn, pushing the crowded military medics aside. He shook his head at Slash,
"No!" With a turn, he looked at Eldkatla who'd followed here, e wondered what was going through her head briefly, before the current situation hit home once more.

"Can you heal him?"
Joseph pleaded, his eyes locked onto hers with shaky uncertainty; Finn was his first real friend, the day had been stressful to no end, he couldn't cope with losing Finn... Not now, not after so much suffering... Yet he wasn't sure how long Spider-Girl could last...

Eldkatla, however could likely put Maul down quick... But what was more important...? His best friend, or all the others. She could heal Finn, or take down Maul.

National Guard

Many soldiers looked at the General in disgust; causing the Commander who'd earlier ordered them to hold fire to overule the previous order, and step in. "Fire on the Symbiote! Fire on the damn Symbiote! When it moves away from the Avenger hit it with the Sonic-Booms!" And then but moments later; Maul backed away from Finn. The Commander cursed under his breath on one aspiring hero stupidly jumped on the Symbiote's back, obstructing the tanks from firing; one clear shot, and this was ALL over. In the meantime, he ordered several medics rushed over to Finn, doing what they could to help

@Steel Zinogre

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Sarah took a breath and looked around at the news choppers and army men, 'This is it Reilly...Your first big moment...Let's hope mom and dad are watching...' She didn't waste any yime in jumping on the beast's back and plunging a claw in, she then reared back a hand and got ready to plant a claw in his head...

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Sarah took a breath and looked around at the news choppers and army men, 'This is it Reilly...Your first big moment...Let's hope mom and dad are watching...' She didn't waste any yime in jumping on the beast's back and plunging a claw in, she then reared back a hand and got ready to plant a claw in his head...
@Steel Zinogre
"Do not kill him!" Jade said as maul picked up a massive piece of earth. "We have to knock him out. Maybe then he will come back!" Jade shouted as slash picked finn up and headed into an alley, and leaned him on a wall. "Buddy? Wake up.... C'mon." He said as he struggled with waking finn up. Maul threw the rock, missing Sarah, but hitting jade. However, jade grabbed it, and set it down. "I do not want to hurt you cousin! Fight for control!" She shouted as maul charged her. Until sarah plunged a claw into him. He tried to grab her, but could not. "Sarah!! We are not killing him! Heroes don't kill!" Jade shouted. @LokiofSP @CasualDragon @Archon
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Sarah mymbled under her breath, "Heroes don't kill people, that's not a person..." But against her better judgement she complied. She backed up and swung to a general, "Excuse me sir! But allow me to suggest doubling down, you got any fire weapons? Because if so you should kill it with fire!"

@Steel Zinogre @Archon
Finn coughed and gasped for breath. He opened one eye a little but the daylight was pretty bright and he subconsciously closed it again. Every bone in his body ached and everything else ached too. What the heck had even happened? Maul had been fighting him? Well... fighting his practically dead body. He coughed again and groaned at the pain it brought. What if they were hurting Maul? Groggily he tried to push himself to his feet but fell over onto his knees. He retched onto the ground before pushing himself back against the wall again and looking around tiredly. "That is not how I imagined things would go." He gasped for breath again and coughed. "Don't let them hurt Maul. He probably had good intentions." He struggled to get the words out. His mouth didn't want to work and he could barely make sense of himself let alone anyone else making sense of him.

He felt something that he hadn't really felt before. It was him trying to hold back his green side. Smasher wasn't letting up his assault for dominance and it surly wasn't helping the situation. Tiredly he leaned his head against the wall and shut his eyes. Staying as still as possible was the key to not feeling as much pain as he could be feeling. His ears rang, his brain was pulsing, it felt like every bone in his body was broken, there was the possibility that his organs had been shredded, and every breath he took rattled his whole body. The world swam behind his closed eyelids and he slumped over onto his knees to wait out the nausea.

@Steel Zinogre @National @LokiofSP
Crono said:
Connor was admittedly a little uncomfortable with the whole situation, swinging the back-end of his bike around he drove it to the garage basement entrance. Parking and stripping off his helmet he started making his way up the tower, "I still don't understand what's so important that you couldn't have just called or texted me." Connor grumbled upon entering the room after Dimitri.
Raikou turned to see Connor enter the room, he knew from other sources this was Captain America's son and another leadership figure among the Avengers. As Dimitri disappeared to handle a situation somewhere, Raikou felt he should detail his plan to Connor. "Have a seat this may take a while." the samurai said.

"Would you say the Avengers just can't seem to work as one? This tower overcrowded? Leave other areas regularly unprotected? That's because the answer to those questions are yes. Basically I want the Avengers to split into Five groups to branch out and set up HQs in the other 4 regions of the US. These 5 groups are to be lead by the veterans of the Avengers aka Dimitri, Connor, Cassie Stark, Finn Banner, and one promising veteran Avenger. You'll divide up the rest of the Avengers among your teams, they should be divided up by those of similar ideologies so you don't get people who are okay with killing grouped with people who aren't. If such a situation like when Groot Jr protected the enemy were to occur with a smarter opponent it would cost many allies including him their lives." Raikou let that sink in before continuing.

"You know on my way here I cut down countless villains who terrorized cities because all the heroes flock to this one town. Groups in other regions would prevent such things as they would be close enough to recieve news and respond in a timely manner. But smaller groups though may increase risks they allow for more experienced to gained and strength to be amassed for larger conflicts like the Thanos invasion. Like this you veterans can teach the members of your teams better. All in all, you guys make the US and .aybe the world safer. Dimitri has his half to this plan as well. But that's the basics gist of it the Avengers forming into different teams to end all the in fighting that occurs on a regular basis and protect a larger area."
LokiofSP said:
Sarah mymbled under her breath, "Heroes don't kill people, that's not a person..." But against her better judgement she complied. She backed up and swung to a general, "Excuse me sir! But allow me to suggest doubling down, you got any fire weapons? Because if so you should kill it with fire!"

@Steel Zinogre @Archon
Maul roared, finally grabbing sarah and slammjng her to the ground. Although he did hold back, so he would not kill her. He used enough force to render her unconscious, but it was not the case. Slash kneeled next to finn, and told him. "Relax, you are finn banner, and you are in control. And I have injected you with Antibodies. So they should be kicking in about.... Now!" He said, Finn's wounds healing rather quickly, finn feeling refreshed as his wounds healed up. "All better... But please, try not to kill yourself. I am gonna help with our brother.... Just... Don't strain yourself." Slash said as he ran off, and went into the fight against Savage Maul. "Slash! Sarah is hurt! Heal her while I deal with him!" Jade shouted as she charged maul, and Slash went right to work. "Hey! I am your medic, so don't try to kill me after helping you, ok?" He said as he injected her with antibodies, healing her wounds, but leaving her powers active. "Don't get hurt too badly. I can only heal So much." Slash warned her. @LokiofSP @CasualDragon @Archon
National Guard

The General folded his arm and scoffed, "That thing would already be did had you not pulled that stunt, we have better than fire..." He stated calmly, his hand raising as he stared at Maul with disgust. "FIRE!" and with that, in a sudden fluid motion; the Sonic-Booms pulsated from the tanks in a spire of rapid, earth-shaking vibrations; designed to kill Symbiotes, and to subdue the Hulk. Although as a Symbiote of the Hulk, the blasts should be enough for a knock-out.


Meanwhile, Joseph simply knelt beside Finn, clutching his hand tightly. "Hang in their buddy, you'll get through this..."

(Sorry for short post)

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Archon said:
National Guard
The General folded his arm and scoffed, "That thing would already be did had you not pulled that stunt, we have better than fire..." He stated calmly, his hand raising as he stared at Maul with disgust. "FIRE!" and with that, in a sudden fluid motion; the Sonic-Booms pulsated from the tanks in a spire of rapid, earth-shaking vibrations; designed to kill Symbiotes, and to subdue the Hulk. Although as a Symbiote of the Hulk, the blasts should be enough for a knock-out.


Meanwhile, Joseph simply knelt beside Finn, clutching his hand tightly. "Hang in their buddy, you'll get through this..."

(Sorry for short post)

Maul felt the sonic booms taking effect, and managed to take him down. However, the blasts gave him a severe migraine, and caused him to fall unconscious, and jade ran over to check his pulse. He was still alive, but barely. The sonic blasts put him in a come that would last 2 days max. Jade looked at the general with a glare. She then looked down, and hugged the unconscious maul. "Please don't die on me buddy.... Please...." She said as she started to cry, hugging the unconscious symbiote tightly. She then started to think thoughts that should not be thought of, like what if finn died before slash could save him? @Archon @LokiofSP @CasualDragon
Perhaps unsurprisingly Eldkatla hadn't heard the story of her fathers fate at the Hulks hands in quite so much detail, but the fact he had been mentioned told her enough. "Yes, a meeting I'd rather avoid. Feel free to subdue him." However that did leave her with the 'tanks'. She could clearly see what they were but they were unfamiliar to her all the same and whatever she did was going to be filmed alongside with the rest of them which was also...

The beast shrunk, slowly, but it happened all the same. It was something she knew would happen eventually but seeing it was another matter and it captivated her attention, for someone so fragile to come from something so destructive. Instinctively she threw up a small shield around him when it was clear to do so which disappeared as soon as they reached him. Then Joseph was begging her to help and Eldkatla froze for a second. She could still hear the helicopters above and the last thing she wanted, or needed, was for her image to be shown across the world. But the fight was carrying on and a boy lay before and so she kneeled down beside him, and worked as if the world around her faded away.

With her hands hovering about him a blue mist began to surround Finn. At first touch it was light and cool but as the magic began to sink in so did the cold. Healing had never come as naturally to her as other elements of magic but she learnt it all the same, and ignored all those who cursed at her as she worked. The pain was better than death, the pain meant you were alive.

@Steel Zinogre @LokiofSP
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Connor nearly face-palmed when Dimitri said that the taxi was being mugged, "Yeah, they'll be fine." He mimicked to Dimitri before he'd disappeared. It was still weird with Dimitri having these new abilities, and a bit off-putting to Connor at times. It felt...wrong, almost, or maybe Connor just wasn't comfortable with it.

When someone spoke up Connor narrowed his eyes momentarily at the stranger curiously, "I'll stand, thanks." He said, crossing his arms over his chest and so the stranger spoke. Shouldn't all this be said with the others present? But Connor decided not to interrupt. While he made his points Connor had already pointed out that this guy was the brain message guy, which already put Connor off.

"You done? Good. Connor Rogers by the way, though you already knew that as well as failed to introduce yourself. Your not the first to come in thinking their idea's would work wonders for the Avengers. And you won't be the last, you mean well, but I'm guessing you only know the basics of the Avengers. And I'm just...." Connor took a breath, he was being moody and he didn't want to come off as a jerk exactly, which he was. "I don't want to talk about it til the others arrive." Liar. He didn't want to talk about it at all. Connor had so many other things on his mind that splitting the team up into regions was the last thing he wanted to speak about.

The blonde moved off into the hallway and into a bathroom shutting the door behind him he paused at the mirror, staring at himself.

@Reaper @Raikou Kaminari
Suddenly, the Dood marched in! He sung in the way of his people, every single word being DOOD! He passed Connor by in the hall way, before stating, "Oh hey Dood! Name's Sekkai Dood. Would the Dood like some Green Tea, Coka-Cola, Prinny Juice, Lemonade, Fruit Punch, or Mana Potion?" Sekkai offered the drinks before marched out to Raikou and the others, offering the same. He commented, "Drinks up Dood! Anything else I can do for the master Dood?"
"My ideas won't work wonders for the Avenger, it's if you all can see the merit in them is what will work wonders!" Raikou said as Connor left the room. Then Sekkai came strolling into the room offeringnhim beverages. Raikou spoke as soon as he heard mana potion "You make mana potions?" Raikou asked.

@Crono @hudhouse
Sekkai placed down the tray before throwing one wing to the air and putting the other one to his hip. He stated, "Oh yes I do DOOD! I can even make Magic Extract from defeated monsters Dood! Give you some of their power for free Dood! Plus, I know how to use Mana to do all sorts of need little things Dood. Their called Evilities, almost like things about a person that already exists, you hear me dood? Me exploding and having only a 1 HL/Penny fine to be healed are both my evilities for being the Dood prinny! It can strengthen anyone's skills, allow them to learn new ones, and even allow you to recruit people dood! It could even work on your Dood friend mister bright and cheerful!"
hudhouse said:
Sekkai placed down the tray before throwing one wing to the air and putting the other one to his hip. He stated, "Oh yes I do DOOD! I can even make Magic Extract from defeated monsters Dood! Give you some of their power for free Dood! Plus, I know how to use Mana to do all sorts of need little things Dood. Their called Evilities, almost like things about a person that already exists, you hear me dood? Me exploding and having only a 1 HL/Penny fine to be healed are both my evilities for being the Dood prinny! It can strengthen anyone's skills, allow them to learn new ones, and even allow you to recruit people dood! It could even work on your Dood friend mister bright and cheerful!"
"H.mmmm....... sounds very helpful." Raikou said impressed with what Sekkai said. "Did you ever get your sardines from that woman that was with Dimitri?"
Dimitri striked the mugger in the back. He would fall over unconscious. "Now then. Mason is it? I'm bringing you and Aedan to the tower." He said. And with that, they all appeared in the room with the rest of them. @GoldenChari
Mason fell on the ground, his hands still ziptied. His nose was bleeding from the mugger and he looked up. "Oh hey everyone." Mason said. "Mind helpin me up?" He asked nonchalantly.
Sarah shrugged off Slash and walked away, she didn't NEED to be healed, she was her mother's daughter after all. She caught up with Joseph, Kat, and Finn, ignoring Jade and the symbiotes. She turned to the group and spoke, "So...How do we transport this thing to Rykers or whatever? Do we call the other Avengers or...I swear to god if you say you're not going to arrest this thing I'm going to lose it."

@Archon @Lemoncakes @CasualDragon

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