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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"I hear Connor's voice. He is ignoring the message... And... Smasher? Shit. Finn is hulking out. We would be lucky if that message got either of them. I'll teleport to them and bring them to the tower. You can all make your way there when you are ready." And with that, he dissapeared.

Dimitri appeared in front of Connor's bike with one palm on the front of it, causing the back wheel to spin with a horrible screeching noise. "Got a minute?" He asked him. @Crono
LokiofSP said:
Morrigan fell to the floor, eyes wide. Before him, was the reason ANY of this happened! HE was the reason he'd convinced Morgan to go through with this! HE was where he'd gotten these ideas! HE was supposed to be dead!
'Wait... Is that Agustus?! And that girl, Jordan was holding her, why was he-... Is she his daughter? I-I change my mind! I don't want to do this anymore! Let's say sorry and go home! I want to finish that big bowl of lasanga we starte-'

'Shut up! For the love of god shut the fuck up you useless idiot!'

Morrigan scowled as he pushe Morgan back into the corner of his mind, he picked up a piece of shrapnel and clutched it tight, he cleared his throat and approached him, "But why kill me when you risk loseing my 'other half'...You kill me, you kill him as well..."



Augustus just looked down on him, now 7 feet tall in his moving storm of pitch black rags. His blood red eyes starred straight into Morrigan, who was cowering for a few moments before he warped back to Morrigan. Augustus spoke coldly, "Everything I ever wanted... is dead. Love? Stolen. Saving Earth? Taken and done by some nice hero. Having friends? They abused me. I just don't care anymore... I already have lost my Soul."

Augustus lifted up his palm, forming a blood red orb that shook the Earth around him. It was overwhelming, it was like 10 nuclear warheads fused into one blast. Augustus snarled out, speaking in a disturbing low voice that seemed to hiss, "I don't care who the fuck you are Morgan. I'll kill both of you if it means that everyone will be safe from your stupidity. I am no longer a Smith, I am what you and the rest of this entire world has made me. The Villain, the hated, the lonely, the abandoned. I am Augustus the Destroyer, the nonredeemable. I am the Void that only consumes without a care for anything else... so I shall just embrace all the sins you all have forced upon me! So as sayth the Fox...

"On days like these, kids like you... Should be Burning in Hell!"

Jordan was clearly tired, having been stripped of most of his healing factor he could feel his vision blurring. But he couldn't rest, not now...if this truly was going to go down like this he only had one choice in the matter. He waited for things to go south, if it didn't, good, he could recover at his leisure and fix his mansion. If not...

Joseph stared at the scene before him, as Smasher rushed for the tanks; before the earlier girl began her attempts at calming him, he immediately came to his feet - and prepared to set off to help - until a familiar, very slight sound of energy entered his ears, he turned - jaw wide - as Eldkatla paced toward him, and throwing a joke directly in his face.
In this situation.

He glanced back whilst listening intently to Kat's sort of apology, also staring as Smasher seemed to have calmed, as... Desimus? Had now shown up to help Jade talk Smasher down? This was all very confusing, and his emotions were a melting pot of panic, anxiety, happiness, concern, and massive confusion. Kat was apologizing! But Smasher was out of control... But Jade and Desimus appeared to be fixing it. Yet... Desimus was here. Ugh.

"Uh, well... Uh, this is... Great! Apology totally accepted! I never believed you were cruel. in fact you're mostly perfect the way you are... Mostly... I mean, less mysteriousness, less teleporting, less..." Joseph stopped in his tracks, realizing he was lucky to just get an apology. "But never mind that! Lets just stick with mysteriousness and teleporting. But I think I have something I kinda want to tell you, so... Uh, here goes - " Before he could usher another word - Smasher bellowed out in anger, causing Joseph to turn just in time to see him rushing for Desimus... And then, his worst fear; the projection of the National Guards own Sonic-Booms tunneling into Hulk Version 2 meant trouble. "We need to get those tanks to stop, and Smasher to calm, you deal with the tanks; I'd hate to see you smashed much like Loki." Joseph commanded in a teasing tone, everyone had heard of that. Hawkeye's description may very well have been the best.

@Steel Zinogre @National

The National Guard

As Smasher began tearing at one of the high-tech tanks, soldiers scrambled for orders; as the Commanding Officer attempted to restore order by having everyone hold-fire, it was compulsory to read up on the Avengers as a man in command; and the Commander knew The Hulk was a beast that fed off of anger, and firing right now could lead to far more problems. Luckily, a woman - and a man who had appeared on a motorcycle - had arrived to calm the Avenger.

...Alas, whilst the beast appeared to calm; Smasher charged towards the man, enraged, and one trigger-happy driver acting on instinct released a near deafening Sonic-Boom which surrounded Smasher in a pulsing tunnel of piercing vibrations. Then a dominoes effect took place as the other tanks followed suite, the soldiers immediately took up firing lines behind the makeshift metallic walls deployed earlier to protect against Enclave fire. The Commander's face went pale, either the Avenger would become enraged and cause massive damage, or they would critically injure him.
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Morrigan cursed under his breath. This was it, after everything he was trying to do, this was it... He was going to do here unless he could do something... So he let Morgan take control once more, maybe the idiot could do SOMETHING.

His eyes went from a crimson to a dull silver as Morgan blinked, he realized he was in control and his eyes widened. He was going to die, that was clear... Unless he could do something... He rushed over to the armor that lay on the ground and rummaged through it. He found what he was looking for and began to rapidly press a button...

Raikou nodded and headed back to the Tower, he had made progress in his plan of crrating a better structured Avengers with now one of their leadership. If only the rest could get together, discuss this, and then agree the Avengers and the United States maybe even the Earth could be in a better place. He just has to hope the others get over their fears, bitterness, and what not to see the benefits of this plan.
One minute Connor was on the move and the next...he wasn't. The blonde let out a light gasp as his back wheel spun in place for a moment before he let off the throttle and putting his feet on the ground to balance the bike, there in front of him was Dimitri of all people. "Are you crazy?!" Connor shouted through a muffled helmet before pulling it off. There were plenty of ways to get in touch with him or talk to him, appearing in front of his bike with the possibility of Connor crashing was not one of the better ones.

The blonde gave him a quick glare before closing his eyes and letting out a sigh simultaneously, looking around Dimitri to try and spot the Taxi before turning his attention back over to his friend. "What is so important that you'd do something like that?" Crossing his arms over his chest he leaned back a little on the seat to get comfortable, as it was clear he wasn't going anywhere.

@Reaper @Archon @GoldenChari
"Where have you been, Connor? We tried to call you back to the tower. We are going through some.... Change in leadership. So we need you." He answered, taking his hand off of the bike. "You aren't in the middle of anything, are you?" He asked, a little too late. @Crono
Jamie looked surprised at Augustus. She wasn't sure why he was here, but somethimg told her it wasn't a friendly visit. She wanted to help Jordan, but without her weapons she was basically useless against people with that amount power. Jamie grabbed a vase of the table and threw it at Augustus. @LokiofSP @hudhouse @LucianGrey7971
"I left a note." Connor stated, rubbing at his forehead. Yeah, that doesn't sound dumb in the slightest. "I just...I needed a break." The blonde raised an eyebrow at Dimitri, "What do you need me there for? When aren't the Avengers having a change in leadership?" Of course the former speedsters last question should have been his first, Connor just shook his head with an attitude somewhere between amused and annoyed. "Oh, you know...just driving. To the tower, where you would have seen me if you weren't impatient."

Connor sat staring at Dimitri, "Aedan woke up, I was bringing him there for better care."

"To the tower, Eh? Well then hold your breath. Litterally. Hold your breath right now." As soon as Connor complied Dimitri grabbed the bike and teleported Connor, bike and all, outside the tower. "And you thought you needed a break before. Ha! Just wait till you hear the plan." @Crono
Connor groaned lightly, not only did the feeling of teleporting remind him a bit of flying but Dimitri's words made Connor wish he'd just taken his break elsewhere in the world, not to mention he hadn't really given consent for the teleportation. Though Dimitri wasn't really known for asking for consent for things anyways. "At least you didn't bring us into the tower." He commented, imagining them popping up in front of Cassie or Tony bike and all.

"If you'd shown up a little earlier then maybe I wouldn't have had to pay cab fare to get Aedan here." Though now he wasn't there to follow the Taxi, what's the worst that could happen between there and here?

Sally then looked at Sarah as maul and jade escaped. "Now.... Do you mind telling me why you were assaulting a FRIENDLY symbiote? Because where I am from... They are no threat at all." She said as she walked closer. "We need all the allies we can get, and you discriminating because of race is not acceptable by any means." She added as venom dripped from her serrated teeth. @LokiofSP
"I just want to take this moment to say.... You look super cool on your bike. Popping into the tower on it would be awesome." He turned around to listen for the cab. "Oh, Aedan is fine. He's taking a nice snooze. When he gets here I'll hear it and bring him up." The doors opened automatically as he walked into the tower. "Come on then, Little Cap. Let's assemble." @Crono
Mason had no clue Connor wasn't following them but he didn't care anyways. About a block away from the tower, the car stopped dead on the sidewalk. "why did we stop?" Mason asked as the guy driving stepped out. Next thing he knew, he had a gun to the side of his head and his Nose hurt like hell. 'Shit...' was all he could think to himself. "so buddy..." Mason whispered. "^Shut the hell up kid^" The man growled."^Ima pop a cap in ya skull if you don't do as i say Ka-fuckin-pish?^" "Aight dude. Take it easy." Mason replied as his arms got a ziptie on them. 'Why does this have to happen now?'

LokiofSP said:
Morrigan cursed under his breath. This was it, after everything he was trying to do, this was it... He was going to do here unless he could do something... So he let Morgan take control once more, maybe the idiot could do SOMETHING.
His eyes went from a crimson to a dull silver as Morgan blinked, he realized he was in control and his eyes widened. He was going to die, that was clear... Unless he could do something... He rushed over to the armor that lay on the ground and rummaged through it. He found what he was looking for and began to rapidly press a button...

Augustus took the vase to the face, which revealed he was... melting slightly? He was like frozen ice cream cake, solid but melting quickly. His crimson eyes looked at her before moaning in pain. He coated his talons with the massive power, and turned it into a cosmic based attack! He attempted to claw straight through Morigan, and separate his soul into two beings, Morrigan and Morigan! The claw wouldn't even hurt, but who knew if it would even work?

Augustus stated at Jamie, "...Do you know how hard it is to become a Monster? I am held together by raw will and determination at this point... but you? You would just melt under the stress and suffering. Your lungs burning, your eyes constantly stinging, your throat dry and ragged, your bones cracked and you can feel air go through them, bile dripping through and digesting you from the inside out. I am unstable, and can't do this for long. But you, you became a catalyst that sped it up..." His eyes snapped back to Morigan to see what he would do...
Being dodged like a matador and a bull did not make the situation much better. He was going to whirl around to charge again when the little bomb exploded sending millions of volts into him. He tensed up as the volts ran through his system. Finn took that moment to regain his control again. When the volts ended he shook his head to try and ease up on the buzzing that seemed to be bouncing around in his mind. When he looked down he noticed that Maul had his hands over Smasher's own. He hadn't even noticed with everything that was going on. Smasher yanked his hands away and stumbled backwards away from everyone. He was about to change back when the first sonic boom smashed into him. Smasher ripped out of Finn's grasp again and started to tear up the pavement in an attempt to block the waves when more and more of them slammed into him from all sides.

Growling he snatched up a piece of the road and tossed it at a tank. With each pulse he yanked up another chunk and tossed it in another random direction hoping to ease up on the assault. Finn had never experienced such an assault against himself before. It was almost as if his green counterpart wanted to push him out. This had nothing to do with his emotions he decided. And had everything to do with Smasher trying to take over permanently. One particularly intense blast sent Finn spiraling back into control and not worrying about the consequences he changed back to his smaller more normal form. He curled up into a small ball trying to block his ears and the rest of his head from the machines made to subdue something way larger than himself.

The sound made his head spin and was powerful enough to invoke the feeling of being shredded apart. He stared straight ahead dazed and not really seeing anything. Partially because of the intense pounding in his skull that was starting to prevent him from functioning and the other part was because he had either lost his glasses somewhere or because his contacts had fallen out. He didn't even remember if he used contacts. Where even was he? The world was just a vibrating mess.

@Steel Zinogre @National
AyyyLmao said:
Thomas was startled by the sudden appearance of another person in front of him. The person obviously had not been expecting to see him either, judging by the cookie stuffed in his mouth. This, he could work with. "Hi!" he said, "I work here, I'm with the department of research and science. I was wondering if you could take me to the leader of the avengers, or their head scientist or whoever would know a lot? I have some...important matters to discuss with him.". Thomas knew that he had just lied through his teeth, but he needed to see someone knowledgeable fast before any more interruptions occurred.
Terry nodded, totally unaware of the lie that was just told. "Sure," Terry said through a mouthful of cookie. He downed it with some milk and wiped he milk mustache off of his face before beckoning the boy to the lab. "Wait here, I'll go get him." He walked out then looked at his watch.
Connor was admittedly a little uncomfortable with the whole situation, swinging the back-end of his bike around he drove it to the garage basement entrance. Parking and stripping off his helmet he started making his way up the tower, "I still don't understand what's so important that you couldn't have just called or texted me." Connor grumbled upon entering the room after Dimitri.

CasualDragon said:
Being dodged like a matador and a bull did not make the situation much better. He was going to whirl around to charge again when the little bomb exploded sending millions of volts into him. He tensed up as the volts ran through his system. Finn took that moment to regain his control again. When the volts ended he shook his head to try and ease up on the buzzing that seemed to be bouncing around in his mind. When he looked down he noticed that Maul had his hands over Smasher's own. He hadn't even noticed with everything that was going on. Smasher yanked his hands away and stumbled backwards away from everyone. He was about to change back when the first sonic boom smashed into him. Smasher ripped out of Finn's grasp again and started to tear up the pavement in an attempt to block the waves when more and more of them slammed into him from all sides.
Growling he snatched up a piece of the road and tossed it at a tank. With each pulse he yanked up another chunk and tossed it in another random direction hoping to ease up on the assault. Finn had never experienced such an assault against himself before. It was almost as if his green counterpart wanted to push him out. This had nothing to do with his emotions he decided. And had everything to do with Smasher trying to take over permanently. One particularly intense blast sent Finn spiraling back into control and not worrying about the consequences he changed back to his smaller more normal form. He curled up into a small ball trying to block his ears and the rest of his head from the machines made to subdue something way larger than himself.

The sound made his head spin and was powerful enough to invoke the feeling of being shredded apart. He stared straight ahead dazed and not really seeing anything. Partially because of the intense pounding in his skull that was starting to prevent him from functioning and the other part was because he had either lost his glasses somewhere or because his contacts had fallen out. He didn't even remember if he used contacts. Where even was he? The world was just a vibrating mess.

@Steel Zinogre @National
"Forgive me jade.... I must battle him." Maul said as he let the savage take over. Unlike Finn, maul has complete control of his other forms. He then roars and beats his chest. "Another one?! What is this?!" A soldier shouted as the general put his hand out. "Let them fight it out.... Hopefully the symbiote will beat the anger out of Banner." The national guard general said as maul grabbed a car, split it in half, and smashed his hands together, making gauntlets. "Smasher! I challenge you to a fight! I want my brother back, and I will get him back, eight now!!!!" Maul shouted as he charged Smasher, and hitting him in the back of the head. Once her was down and getting up, he continued to punch until Smasher stopped moving. Stopping was his mistake, since smasher could heal like he could. He then gets in a defensive stance as smasher gets up. "Fight me! Fight me!" He shouted as he smashed the gauntlets together. @CasualDragon @LokiofSP @Archon
At first Morgan thought he was going to die...The teleporter hadn't worked, and now Agustus was flying right at him...Flying...Butterflies...Butterfly in the sky! I can go twice as hi- oh wait he was getting cut in half. He yelled out in what he expected to be extreme pain, but quickly found that instead of pain, it felt like he was being streched out slowly. He blinked and there, sitting in front of him, was a near carbon copy of himself but with crimson eyes, and a massive scowl.

He blinked a few times as he attempted to comprehend what just happened, he looked at Gus, "Uh...What?"

"We tried something even better! A brain message. Either way, you took too lo-" He froze. "Mason and Aedan's cab is getting mugged." He said, looking at Connor. "I'll be right back."

Dimitri appeared behind the man and put his hand on the man's shoulder. "You're gonna want to let him go."

@Crono @GoldenChari
LokiofSP said:
At first Morgan thought he was going to die...The teleporter hadn't worked, and now Agustus was flying right at him...Flying...Butterflies...Butterfly in the sky! I can go twice as hi- oh wait he was getting cut in half. He yelled out in what he expected to be extreme pain, but quickly found that instead of pain, it felt like he was being streched out slowly. He blinked and there, sitting in front of him, was a near carbon copy of himself but with crimson eyes, and a massive scowl.
He blinked a few times as he attempted to comprehend what just happened, he looked at Gus, "Uh...What?"

Augustus starred at both of them, his eyes burning even brighter then the copy of Morgan. He stated, "...You were fighting for control of yourself, even I could see that. When you were straining earlier, your eyes shouted out a message like, "I want to go home". What shall you do now that you are two?"
Morgan opened his mouth to speak, only to quickly find a piece of metal stuck in his chest. He looked down with wide eyes as his 'former half' picked up what was left of the disc of Mephisto's power and began to disapear. The teleport was working, but it was just going to jump him to a random spot. He smiled and waved as he disapeared...

Morgan put a hand over his wound and sighed in relif, it hurt to do so, but he realized no organs were hit. He yanked the metal from his chest and shakily stood up, "First, I'm going to pay for these damages...Then I'm going home to finish my pasta...Then I'm going to take a nap..."

LokiofSP said:
Morgan opened his mouth to speak, only to quickly find a piece of metal stuck in his chest. He looked down with wide eyes as his 'former half' picked up what was left of the disc of Mephisto's power and began to disapear. The teleport was working, but it was just going to jump him to a random spot. He smiled and waved as he disapeared...
Morgan put a hand over his wound and sighed in relif, it hurt to do so, but he realized no organs were hit. He yanked the metal from his chest and shakily stood up, "First, I'm going to pay for these damages...Then I'm going home to finish my pasta...Then I'm going to take a nap..."

Augustus nodded, before stating, "...Welp, my job's done... I should kill Jordan but... that's not how I roll.. here." He offered Morgan a credit card, commenting, "Don't worry, I'm richer then all of Earth combined. I'll cover the costs for ya.." Augustus closed his eyes before falling backwards into a new suit that just seemed to appear. Three silver rings came out of it's back as it secured the glass coverings around 'Augustus the Destroyer. It flew through the first ring, which then melted to liquid silver and followed quickly behind the mech. The same happened with the second, causing a small shock wave, and then the third was hit. A vast burst of light escaped, allowing the Mech to transcend space!

The mech materialized inside the planet Dissonance. It released Augustus into the SEP. The Stabilized Environment Pod allowed the beast to heal as ZETA stood in his home form. He detailed, "Experiment A-XX = Success. Augustus "The Destroyer" has been born, and clone is nearing stabilization. More stable then first thought, still melting. Increase density of organic weave, test locally. Morgan has been PACIFIED, ??? has been TARGETED. Begin spy programs...."


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