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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"This used to be my bed. But I moved out of the palace, so this room is for guests now." Azazel said has he smiled. "Glad you are OK now." He said as he cuddled Cassie.

Cassie smiled as she cuddled him back, chocking this up as a happy memory. "Thank you.... Az..." She said quietly. "For everything...."

hudhouse said:
Sekkai slowly raised himself, and followed the group. He saluted Dimitri and Lisa, before stating" Hey Doods! Name's Sekkai. Sorry for my breakdown doods. Never had a kind master dood! I work hard to earn some nice dood'in dood cash. Dood a dood a dood! Anything I can help out with while you make your plans doods? I can make drinks if the Dood can find a kitchen, I can assist you doods with your plans if ya want..."
Lisa bit her lip to keep herself from laughing too much. The little penguin-bat was not only completely adorable, but also quite hilarious. She took a moment to calm herself, and then looked Sekkai in the eyes. "The kitchen is over there, there are drinks in the fridge, and I have some sardines if you want them." She looked at Dimitri and said "If you ask me why I have sardines, I will put you to sleep for the rest of the day."
((Eh it's up to you. I have no idea how many people are left that we're supposed to be fighting anymore so feel free to jump in if you want. If you don't want to he'll burn out eventually. @National ))

Smasher noticed Maul head off but elected to ignore it. Finn on the other hand was trying desperately to stop this loss of control. It had been a while since he had been trapped inside himself. Ultron Junior if he was correct. How did he get control back in that situation? Thinking back he realized that he regained control after he had been knocked out by somebody or something. That memory was a bit fuzzy. Was there a way he could knock himself out? He wanted to look around for something to beat himself with but all he could see from Smasher's eyes were the National Guard soldiers. These were not the guys to be beating on. Heading over to one of the tanks Smasher began to try and violently rip it apart.
CasualDragon said:
((Eh it's up to you. I have no idea how many people are left that we're supposed to be fighting anymore so feel free to jump in if you want. If you don't want to he'll burn out eventually. @National ))
Smasher noticed Maul head off but elected to ignore it. Finn on the other hand was trying desperately to stop this loss of control. It had been a while since he had been trapped inside himself. Ultron Junior if he was correct. How did he get control back in that situation? Thinking back he realized that he regained control after he had been knocked out by somebody or something. That memory was a bit fuzzy. Was there a way he could knock himself out? He wanted to look around for something to beat himself with but all he could see from Smasher's eyes were the National Guard soldiers. These were not the guys to be beating on. Heading over to one of the tanks Smasher began to try and violently rip it apart.
"Finn!!! What are you doing!?" Jade shouted as she ran to Smasher. "Stop! These are good people you are smashing!" Jade said as she stood in front of him. "Stop.... Please.... We have a family member missing, and we gotta find him. I have an idea as to where he is." Jade said as a tear ran down his face. "Smasher..... I hope you will listen to your cousin.... Because she need you here... And now." She said as she just barely reached his chin, and rubbed it with her smaller hand. @CasualDragon @Archon
sitanomoto said:
Cassie smiled as she cuddled him back, chocking this up as a happy memory. "Thank you.... Az..." She said quietly. "For everything...."
Lisa bit her lip to keep herself from laughing too much. The little penguin-bat was not only completely adorable, but also quite hilarious. She took a moment to calm herself, and then looked Sekkai in the eyes. "The kitchen is over there, there are drinks in the fridge, and I have some sardines if you want them." She looked at Dimitri and said "If you ask me why I have sardines, I will put you to sleep for the rest of the day."
"Azazel smiles. "No... Thank you. For everything you have done for me..." He said as he pushed a button, revealing her face, dorky and cheerful, but gentle and serene. He kisses her cheek and gripped her hand tighter. "You are tougher than any mortal human I have ever known. Sometimes I don't believe you are even human..." He said jokingly as he chuckled.
Desimus already got the alert of Hulk Jr. Destroying half of the city, and Desimus was already there, jumping off his motorcycle, and running to the big guy, another girl with him.

"Finn! You need to calm down big gut! I know we haven't met yet, but I know how amazing of a scientist you are. The name is Desimus, chil of the former Black Panther, and I'm here to help you out buddy. You need to calm down."

@Steel Zinogre
National said:
Desimus already got the alert of Hulk Jr. Destroying half of the city, and Desimus was already there, jumping off his motorcycle, and running to the big guy, another girl with him.
"Finn! You need to calm down big gut! I know we haven't met yet, but I know how amazing of a scientist you are. The name is Desimus, chil of the former Black Panther, and I'm here to help you out buddy. You need to calm down."

@Steel Zinogre
"Hey desimus! Remember me?" Jade shouted to him as she looked to the national guard. "Leave.... You do not want to risk more men being flattened by my cousin. Go while he is calm." She commanded as the general ordered a retreat. The tanks left, and humvees began to mobilize as jade turned around to Smasher. "Please.... Help us... We need to Find little Maul." She said. Despite his massive size, maul was only a five year old child. @National @CasualDragon @Archon
Desimus continues to watch. Just in case, his hand was already in his pocket, ready to use a stun grenade on the big guy.

"Yeah Jade I remember you. I just hopevthw big guy does. You gonna calm down?"

@Steel Zinogre
Reaper said:
Dimitr shot up out of his seat. "That's a great idea, both of you. The problem is that I haven't seen Finn in a while, and it's been even longer for Connor. We need to gather the avengers at the tower, and trust me it's easier said than done." @sitanomoto @hudhouse @Raikou Kaminari
"Well I can try electrore

Reaper said:
Dimitr shot up out of his seat. "That's a great idea, both of you. The problem is that I haven't seen Finn in a while, and it's been even longer for Connor. We need to gather the avengers at the tower, and trust me it's easier said than done." @sitanomoto @hudhouse @Raikou Kaminari
Or maybe we can just contact them via telepathy. "If they are all in the city I can use electrorecption with electric signals to simulate telepathy. But for something like this I will need a suitable amplifier." Raikou explained.
For lack of better options Eldkatla had kept watching the live stream of the incident and so had the joy of watching Joseph pause, read the message and even reply in real time, despite the situation he was currently in. She dropped her head into her crossed arms, muttering something about a death wish, and waited until she heard the buzz of her own phone a moment later. In one fluid movement she straightened herself and stood up, walking out the bar. Walking until she found another screen she looked to see where the situation was heading. Thankfully Joseph wasn't as suicidal as appeared and had gracefully bowed out.

Looking around and making sure the place was deserted Eldkatla quickly transported to a spot she knew wouldn't be caught on camera and walked up to Joseph. "You know, I'm not planning on tearing you apart, or turning you into a frog for that matter." She teased with a playful smile, before pausing for a moment. "It's just you, well.. you caught me off guard earlier with the 'hero' comment. Though admittedly I shouldn't have just left but we cannot change who we are. So I thought it only fair that I offer to explain without trying to put words into your mouth - you are more than capable of making your own judgments and I'd hate for others to be as patronising to me as I was to you. Believe it or not I do not enjoy being cruel for cruelty's sake." Or at least not to those who don't deserve it.

Eldkatla fell then silent and watched the scene before her, the destruction seeming much grander up close, especially the destruction incarnate in the shape of Smasher. "My father warned me about this one."

sitanomoto said:
Cassie smiled as she cuddled him back, chocking this up as a happy memory. "Thank you.... Az..." She said quietly. "For everything...."
Lisa bit her lip to keep herself from laughing too much. The little penguin-bat was not only completely adorable, but also quite hilarious. She took a moment to calm herself, and then looked Sekkai in the eyes. "The kitchen is over there, there are drinks in the fridge, and I have some sardines if you want them." She looked at Dimitri and said "If you ask me why I have sardines, I will put you to sleep for the rest of the day."
Sekkai heard the offer, and immediately a cold sweat dripped down his head. He really wanted a Sardine, and she looked like a really nice lady. She did laugh after all! However.. what if she was just like Etna? If she was just trying to trick him... oh that wouldn't stop any other Prinny! The real thing that he was worried about is that he felt like he didn't earn it yet...

He shook his head before saluting, "Thank ya Dood...ess, but I would much rather create something fine for all you doods!" He sprinted into the Kitchen, expertly jumping up onto the counter and hanging onto a knob, before realizing he did not HAVE hands. He stood there for a few moments, starring at his wings before back handing the cabinet, sending it flying open before recoiling back and decking the Dood in the beak. He was flung like a torpedo through the open door, and flew straight off Avenger's tower! Who said Penguins can't fly- Wait he's a Prinny! "DOOOOOOOO-KABOOM!!!"

The Prinny woke up in the hospital, being placed back into a new Prinny suit. He opened his beak, spewing out a smoke cloud before moaning out, "Doood... that... Doood..." He slowly got back up, feeling good as new, which he was! He saluted the nurse who saluted back, before beginning the quick march back to Avenger's tower...

Sekkai slowly walked back into the Kitchen, making some strange green concoction.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"Azazel smiles. "No... Thank you. For everything you have done for me..." He said as he pushed a button, revealing her face, dorky and cheerful, but gentle and serene. He kisses her cheek and gripped her hand tighter. "You are tougher than any mortal human I have ever known. Sometimes I don't believe you are even human..." He said jokingly as he chuckled.

Cassie smiled. "Well, there has been some debate about that." She said, chuckling slightly. "And to be honest, you're about the nicest boy I have ever met, even of you are a demon." She poked his stomach gently and playfully.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie smiled. "Well, there has been some debate about that." She said, chuckling slightly. "And to be honest, you're about the nicest boy I have ever met, even of you are a demon." She poked his stomach gently and playfully.
"Hey!" He said playfully. "That tickles." He chuckled as he looked into her eyes. "Your eyes... As deep as the deepest pit.. I just got sucked into them like a lost tub toy.... Or something like that." He said in an awkward manner.

Sarah instantly reggreted having lifted her mask above her nose when the smell hit her. She never had liked the sewers, between the smell and the enclosed space that prevented her from swinging, it was hell. She hadn't even wanted to come down here, but when the police scanner said something about a symbiote, she came running. After all, symbiotes were a Parker family responsibility.

She pulled her mask back down and forced herself to endure tge sewer for a tad longer, she eventually came upon a small clearing with furniture there. It looked WAY to nice to be in a sewer, it didn't even make sense that it had FIT down there. Yet she kept her mouth shut when she saw her target, she leaned against the wall and spoke, "The sewer has enough pests ya know. If you leave now I won't call pest control..."

@Steel Zinogre

Morgan faked a smile, "Well you're one of the most powerful beings in the universe, I figured if I could beat you in a fight, even if you held back, then I'd be ready to REALLY be an Avenger. So I want a fight, one on one, no holds barred!"

LokiofSP said:
Sarah instantly reggreted having lifted her mask above her nose when the smell hit her. She never had liked the sewers, between the smell and the enclosed space that prevented her from swinging, it was hell. She hadn't even wanted to come down here, but when the police scanner said something about a symbiote, she came running. After all, symbiotes were a Parker family responsibility.

She pulled her mask back down and forced herself to endure tge sewer for a tad longer, she eventually came upon a small clearing with furniture there. It looked WAY to nice to be in a sewer, it didn't even make sense that it had FIT down there. Yet she kept her mouth shut when she saw her target, she leaned against the wall and spoke, "The sewer has enough pests ya know. If you leave now I won't call pest control..."

@Steel Zinogre
Maul growled as he saw Sarah. "You cannot evict me out of my home, spider. I suggest you leave me alone.... Or I will squish you like the insignificant...." Maul was cut off as jade slapped him. "Do you hear yourself? Could you try to be calm once in your life?" Jade asked as she put her hands on her hips. "And why are you so concerned about maul? He is done nothing wrong.... In a way." She said.
"...." Jordan stared straight through Morgan "If that truly were the case, I'd still say no. But we both know that you just received a slight power up. I'm not inclined to fight those who have hidden agendas."


Sarah shook her head, "Symbiote equals bad, that's been a Parker family rule, always has, always will be. Now step aside, I've got a job to do..."

@Steel Zinogre


'It's not working you dolt! Let ME handle this!'

'No! Lasr time you 'handled it' someone got hurt!'

'This isn't a choice!'

Morgan jerked suddenly and placed his hands on his head. When he finally lifted his head his eyes were a crimson color, he smiled a preadatory smile and looked at Jordan, "You're smarter than Mephisto, I'll give you that. Unfortunatly for you, you don't have ZETA here..."

He acted instantly, throwing a billy club at Tech's head and fishing the small device on the floor, it extended into a larger device and hit Jordan with a beam. Morgan smiled and began to explain, "So... Guess what I found in Tony Stark's lab? I'll let you guess, what created the Pheniox Five? That's right! THIS machine was something he'd built AGES ago, made it smaller and more compact as well...I figured out all it needed to REALLY work was a charge from another being of near cosmic level...Mephisto happened to be around. You, Jordan Grace, are powerless. And now, for the first time in you life, I'm going to show you what it means to be truely deffenseless..."

LokiofSP said:
Sarah shook her head, "Symbiote equals bad, that's been a Parker family rule, always has, always will be. Now step aside, I've got a job to do..."

@Steel Zinogre


'It's not working you dolt! Let ME handle this!'

'No! Lasr time you 'handled it' someone got hurt!'

'This isn't a choice!'

Morgan jerked suddenly and placed his hands on his head. When he finally lifted his head his eyes were a crimson color, he smiled a preadatory smile and looked at Jordan, "You're smarter than Mephisto, I'll give you that. Unfortunatly for you, you don't have ZETA here..."

He acted instantly, throwing a billy club at Tech's head and fishing the small device on the floor, it extended into a larger device and hit Jordan with a beam. Morgan smiled and began to explain, "So... Guess what I found in Tony Stark's lab? I'll let you guess, what created the Pheniox Five? That's right! THIS machine was something he'd built AGES ago, made it smaller and more compact as well...I figured out all it needed to REALLY work was a charge from another being of near cosmic level...Mephisto happened to be around. You, Jordan Grace, are powerless. And now, for the first time in you life, I'm going to show you what it means to be truely deffenseless..."

"Not all of them are bad! There can be exceptions to everything!" Jade exclaimed as she stood between maul and Sarah. "You step aside... He has already gone through enough as is. He does not need to be fighting a woman like you." She said as maul sat down, and put his head between his knees. "What if she is right...?" He asked as jade turned around. "She is not and you know it. Finn and I have seen the good you have done. Granted you are 5 years old, but still." She added as maul looked at her.
Jordan dropped to a knee and stayed there while Morgan gave his speech...He had lost most of his powers to that blast but someone didn't seem to understand that any little bit...even 0.5% of infinite was still enough to beat this fool. "......" Jordan couldn't feel the universe around him...but he could still manipulate energy...

"......" Jordan made no movements to stand but something was very wrong "POWERLESS?" Morgan...or whoever, had made Jordan more dangerous...Jordan had always acted on duty, nothing could kill him so he responded appropriately...but now...now he was acting on instinct. He slowly stood up and let his hair fall in his face

Reaper said:
"Perfect" Dimitri said, pointing at Raikou. "Tell everyone to meet at the tower." He said before turning to the penguin, dooding in the background. "What is that noise????" @Raikou Kaminari @hudhouse @sitanomoto
"On it." Raikou said looking around until he spotted an eletrical socket. He held his hand out to it and electricity flowed from it to his hand causing the power to wane inside the house. He placed two hands to his head generating an electric field which he stretched over the city and focused. He then sent out a message that most of the Avengers would detect but manly he angled this towards Connor, Finn, and Cassie Stark. "I am contacting you all on behalf of Dimitri son of Quicksilver. He wishes to hold a meeting at the Tower ASAP about the future of the Avengers."

@CasualDragon @Crono @sitanomoto

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