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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Desimus shakes his head. The hell did he drink? All he did was have his usual vodka. Were the Anti depressants spiked? He puts his hands up in a time out symbol, closing his eyes to concentrate.

"Do me a favor, and please explain to me what the hell is going on. Dimitri is in the Avengers Tower, but he is a tad busy. And punch you? Isn't that animal abuse?"

@Reaper[/URL] (figured Dimitri would sense this with his Sentry senses and all)
He then briefly turned to the other guy. "Just don't attack anyone else or do anything bad. One of this Tower's in habitants will burn holes in you before you know it."

Thomas had no intention of disobeying the angry electricity man that had threatened to kill him multiple times, but he was rather bummed that there were few people that could help him. In the end, he just nodded as his "captor" told him not to do anything bad or attack anyone, which he didn't plan on doing. However, he didn't tell him not to look around, which was exactly what Thomas wanted to do, so as soon as the other guy left, Thomas stood up, and exited the room. Choosing to go left down the hallway, he wondered if he could find anything interesting.
National said:
Desimus shakes his head. The hell did he drink? All he did was have his usual vodka. Were the Anti depressants spiked? He puts his hands up in a time out symbol, closing his eyes to concentrate.
"Do me a favor, and please explain to me what the hell is going on. Dimitri is in the Avengers Tower, but he is a tad busy. And punch you? Isn't that animal abuse?"

Sekkai's eyes opened wide as he yelled, "Dooood?!?!! I just jumped from- he's in- DOOOOOOOD!!" He leaped up, before attempting to snatch Desimus's hand and shake it. He stated, "Name's Sekkai, I am a Prinny Dood! Prinny Doods are Human sinners that do work in either the Netherworld or Celesta to pay off their crimes, ya hear me dood? We Prinnies have amazing health care so it costs us one HL to go to the hospital, even if it means we are dead dood! Immortal to the end dood! I was lucky enough for my Dood master to be here at Earth, and so I , The Dood Sekkai, shall serve him with all of my heart. Though, please don't punch me now dood! This dood will just throw himself out another window by dawn. Now.. if you excuse me Dood? DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-" He frantically ran with a single machete out in a WW2 German salute, running like the wind through the building hunting for Dimitri.
Raikou was about to head outside when he saw Sekkai leap out the window and splat onto the ground. The Prinny looked alive and Raikou didn't want to disturb whatever it might be doing so he went and exited through the back of the Tower. He then using electricity to enhance his speed ran up the side of the building trailing electricity much like Barry Allen in the CW's The Flash. He ran all the up to the top and stopped there, he assumed Sekkai would get back to him if he found out Dimitri's whereabouts but he couldn't depend solely on the the penguin thing. He began to use electroreception to search for as he has witnessed Dimitri earlier he already knows what his signature should look like by detecting the way he distorts the electric fields generated by this active use of electroreception which is different from passive. The active use works by generating electric field and detecting distortions in those field detecting living and non living things along. Passive just picks up the weak bio eletric fields given off by living things. Depending on how far Dimitri is this could take a while.
Tossing a Bi-Beast onto the ground Smasher faintly noticed the arrival of some of the tanks. They were of no interest to him though. Finn would have been horrified at the arrival of the large anti-Hulk, himself, and Maul tanks but Smasher couldn't care less. Beating up things was what he liked to do so it would be what he did. Grabbing one of the beasts he whirled around a few times before launching the creature towards some of the enclave members there. In his mind Finn yanked on the metaphorical reigns to try and get Smasher to take out the tanks. Smasher shook his head against the idea though, too riled up at the masses of people to be fought. He crouched and propelled himself upward in a jump. On his way down he landed among the soldiers and began tossing them aside. It wouldn't kill them but he hoped that it would slow them down so that he could do it a couple of more times.

Not really paying attention to anything anymore Smasher was almost oblivious to the fact that the tanks weren't even the Enclave's but the National Guard's. Or that the Enclave seemed to have been taken out. He barely even noticed Helga and Jade leap into the fight. Each time he hit someone, or thing, it was for a different person who had died and when he had cycled through the names he started over again. Deep in Smasher's mind Finn remembered his dad's voice telling him to try and avoid the change without having a hold of his emotions. Going into battle after the death of someone you cared about probably wasn't the smartest decision Finn could have made. A power struggle broke out between the two. Finn fighting to regain the semi-control that he had always had, and Smasher wanting to beat up everything in sight. He could feel himself pulling at his own hair with one hand while smacking soldiers aside with the other.

@Steel Zinogre

((Eh post is a bit of a filler. Sorry 'bout that))
Maul looked at Finn and jade, and looked at his hands. "I caused this.... I caused them to be savages like me..... I need to go.... I need to get away...." Maul thought as a tear fell down his face, and he leapt away from the scene, feeling like how a 5 year old child would after their parent's arguements. Jade looked around, the enclave was gone, but Maul was too. "Where did he go off to now?!" She shouted with irritation as maul found a manhole he could go in. He then followed a trail he had made to head to his lair. "Everything is my fault..... Finn and jade are fighting because of me..... I knew I should have stayed in these sewers.... I should have hid away from everything...." He said as he finds his lair, a couch and TV set on opposite sides of the room, and a bed, portable heater, and a set of electric burners next to eachother. "Home.... Sweet home...." He said before sniffling, and cupping his face in his hands. "WHAT AM I?! WHO AM I?!" he shouted as he started to bawl. @Archon @CasualDragon
Reaper said:
"Ah. Hello Raikou." Dimitri said as he saw him arrive. "I thought I heard my name. What's up?" He asked, his mind noticeably on other things @Raikou Kaminari
Tapping and screaming could be heard below Dimitri and Raikou, getting progressively louder and louder... "oooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOODDD!!!" A door to the roof exploded open with the Prinny frantically searching. Unfortunately, his flesh was kinda like batman's old suits, so he had to turn his whole body to look around. Then he spotted both of them, which made his heart drop. He threw himself to their feet before sobbing out, "I'm so sorry Doooood! Prinny Dood rule #6, You shall not make your master wait, if you ever fail this you must tell your most embarrassing experience Doooood... What shall I do Master Dood?" The Penguin still had a small steam cloud behind him for how fast he was running, road runner eat your heart out DOOOOOOOO-!
Reaper said:
"Ah. Hello Raikou." Dimitri said as he saw him arrive. "I thought I heard my name. What's up?" He asked, his mind noticeably on other things @Raikou Kaminari
Raikou was about to speak when Sekkai came bursting onto the roof. It seems he was frantic about something and Raikou would never get his business done with him like this. Raikou said "Relax, Sekkai it is alright. Just calm down. Dood?" He then turned to Dimitri. "Well this SPEEDS(bad pun) everything up. Basically I feel the Avengers as they are, are far too ineffective in the way they operate. The basic piece of my plan is to have the Avengers split up into 5 divisions, each division will set up an HQ in one of the five regions of the United States. Each division shall be lead by you, Connor, Cassie, Finn, and another of your choosing. Though each division will operate individually under the direction of their leader you'll all keep in contact and communication with each other in case of another world invasion."

Raikou paused to let the basics of the plan sink in before going into a bit of reasoning. "Though you may think dividing up the Avengers is a bad thing it allows newer people and the inexperienced to gain experience hands on with all the danger involved like how the veterans did. Basically the team leaders all have different philosophies as you guys have grown apart. This way you divide upand operate the way you see fit and the superior way will be revealed by how well things in your region are. Also it stops things like Groot jr. jumping in the way of the attacks of his allies due to moral differences. In battle with stronger or smarter opponents he would die and countless other allies. Basically it is grouping together Avengers of similar ideals so as to not have in fighting everytime you guys go into battle."

"On the side more area would be under the protection of the Avengers when they aren't dealing with a major problem. You are all not crowded together in one location. And those seeking to join the Avengers wouldn't always have to travel as far with one HQ in each region. Also, you veteran leaders it is your duty to train heroes of next so you can one day retire and retire with less worry on their mind. With smaller groups not only do new guys gain more experience but more personalized training. Basically the Avengers of today has absorbed all the teams of the past that was bad thing. So my plan makes it a good thing and sort of bring those other teams back but as apart of an Alliance of Avengers."

@Reaper @hudhouse
"I... Didn't hear any of that. Theres a talking penguin behind you." Dimitri said to Raikou, before shaking the clarity into his head. "Okay, okay, I understand. Well I've been thinking about how ineffective the avengers are as well. The problem is, last time we tried to place rules on them we ended up fighting ourselves for six months. I will truly consider your idea, but first we have to persuade all of them to accept limitations. Last time we relied on shield to manage them, and they couldn't have done worse. This time we will have to have someone, or something else at the head of it all." He ranted as he paced. @hudhouse @Raikou Kaminari
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"I won't leave..... I won't." He said as he smiled, and saw bubbles slide in. "Bubbles...? what are you...?" "I brought her here son. She wanted to see you both. No worries though, terry knows she is here..." Mephisto said as he walked off. Bubbles jumped onto the bed, and curled up next to Cassie.

Cassie's hand slacked just a tad, and her whole prone figure relaxed when Bubbles curled up next to her.

AyyyLmao said:
Thomas had no intention of disobeying the angry electricity man that had threatened to kill him multiple times, but he was rather bummed that there were few people that could help him. In the end, he just nodded as his "captor" told him not to do anything bad or attack anyone, which he didn't plan on doing. However, he didn't tell him not to look around, which was exactly what Thomas wanted to do, so as soon as the other guy left, Thomas stood up, and exited the room. Choosing to go left down the hallway, he wondered if he could find anything interesting.
Terry turned the corner of the hallway and stopped suddenly, a cookie crumb falling from the corner of his mouth onto the floor, and he nearly dropped his glass of milk. "Oo ah yhoo?" He said through a mouthful of cookie.
Dimitri realized where he was stood with Raikou and the penguin, which was right outside Lisa's door. He knocked "shave and a haircut" on the door and rung the doorbell an obnoxious amount of times. This involved her too. @sitanomoto
Reaper said:
Dimitri realized where he was stood with Raikou and the penguin, which was right outside Lisa's door. He knocked "shave and a haircut" on the door and rung the doorbell an obnoxious amount of times. This involved her too. @sitanomoto
Lisa rolled her eyes, but she smiled. Only one person was that obnoxious. She opened the door to find Dimitri, another boy, and what looked like a penguin with bat wings all standing outside her door. "Um.... Hi boys," she said. "Assuming you are a boy, of course," she said to the little penguin. "Come on in." She stepped back and allowed the three into her humble abode.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie's hand slacked just a tad, and her whole prone figure relaxed when Bubbles curled up next to her.
Terry turned the corner of the hallway and stopped suddenly, a cookie crumb falling from the corner of his mouth onto the floor, and he nearly dropped his glass of milk. "Oo ah yhoo?" He said through a mouthful of cookie.
Azazel smiled as she relaxed. Bubbles made a content sigh as she fell asleep. Azazel tried to gently shake her, to try to wake her up without any trauma. "Cass..... You alright?" He asked, half expecting her to hear him.
Dimitri walked in with the rest of them and sat down on her couch. "Remember what I asked you before I left, Lisa? About the registration? I took your advice and took Tony Stark's advice. We are doing it. But this time we can't leave it up to SHIELD. We will have to be accountable to something else." He explained. @Raikou Kaminari @hudhouse @sitanomoto
"Well... His opinion hasn't exactly changed because I haven't told him yet. But we can be accountable to something besides shield easily. Maybe even a council of our own avengers. If someone wants to be an avenger they have to be bagged and tagged and given orders, by whom? As long as they are smart and fair, I don't care." He said, still thinking. @sitanomoto

Morgan looked around and cursed under his breath. There were more people here than there should have been...He couldn't chance just running into this now...He had to play it smart...He looked up with a sheepish smile, "Um...Hi, I'm Morgan, I'm here to see Jordan? Cassie told me he'd be here, she also told me to go through the window for some reason...Something about, 'payback?" I dunno..."

@Pink Gorilla @LucianGrey7971
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"I agree random people operating under the Avenger title with Avenger resources won't work. So the basics of my plan goes next on the chain of priority after yours. But present my plan when you present yours to current Avengers. They may find it comforting to know that separate divisions will allow them to maintain there morals. The council can consists of the team leaders but then each leader has to name a second in command. Avengers can be accountable to their division leaders."
Reaper said:
"Well... His opinion hasn't exactly changed because I haven't told him yet. But we can be accountable to something besides shield easily. Maybe even a council of our own avengers. If someone wants to be an avenger they have to be bagged and tagged and given orders, by whom? As long as they are smart and fair, I don't care." He said, still thinking. @sitanomoto
"How about the golden four: You, Cassie, Finn, and Connor?" Lisa replied. "You have all the powers of the Sentry, Cass is a technical geinus and probably the smartest girl I know and not to mention is a natural-born leader, Finn's level-headed and calm most of the time, and Connor leads loyally and isn't afraid to speak his mind." Lisa huffed. "But I don't know how the others will take the info."
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sitanomoto said:
"Not.... Not so rough...." She mumbled, a little bit of a smile coming accross her face. She opened an eye. "You should know..... what happens.... To people.... Who try to.... Wake me up." She sighed and closed her eyes again. "This bed... Is really nice...." She said.
Lisa nodded. "Alright. But how are we supposed to do the registration act without SHIELD?" She wondered aloud, taking a sip of the soda on her table. "If I recall correctly, you and Connor had a big fight over it. So what's different about his opinion this time?"
"This used to be my bed. But I moved out of the palace, so this room is for guests now." Azazel said has he smiled. "Glad you are OK now." He said as he cuddled Cassie.
Sekkai slowly raised himself, and followed the group. He saluted Dimitri and Lisa, before stating" Hey Doods! Name's Sekkai. Sorry for my breakdown doods. Never had a kind master dood! I work hard to earn some nice dood'in dood cash. Dood a dood a dood! Anything I can help out with while you make your plans doods? I can make drinks if the Dood can find a kitchen, I can assist you doods with your plans if ya want..."
hudhouse said:
Sekkai slowly raised himself, and followed the group. He saluted Dimitri and Lisa, before stating" Hey Doods! Name's Sekkai. Sorry for my breakdown doods. Never had a kind master dood! I work hard to earn some nice dood'in dood cash. Dood a dood a dood! Anything I can help out with while you make your plans doods? I can make drinks if the Dood can find a kitchen, I can assist you doods with your plans if ya want..."
(I... How did you go from a deeply emotinal badass, to this...Thing that I want to hug and strangle at the same time!)

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