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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Morgan began to take deep breaths. Here he was, a mere mortal about to do what he was doing...It was stupid, but necessary. Morgan got to one knee and lowered his head, "I'm so sorry sir...I was simply worried for a moment this portal did not bring me to your domain...I request your help sir, as you know there are beings in the world who posses power even above heroes...Forces like the Phoenix Force and Infinity Gems... The problem comes in their current wielders, they posses such power but use it terribly, as such they are a threat to everything...I simply ask you for the power to combat them..."

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Morgan began to take deep breaths. Here he was, a mere mortal about to do what he was doing...It was stupid, but necessary. Morgan got to one knee and lowered his head, "I'm so sorry sir...I was simply worried for a moment this portal did not bring me to your domain...I request your help sir, as you know there are beings in the world who posses power even above heroes...Forces like the Phoenix Force and Infinity Gems... The problem comes in their current wielders, they posses such power but use it terribly, as such they are a threat to everything...I simply ask you for the power to combat them..."
@Steel Zinogre
"Oh..... I see. I have not been too focused on your realm.... Mainly because of my responsibilities down here." He said as he stood up. "I will lend you the power..... But promise me.... That you will not become corrupt. If so, I will snatch it back, and hold back my little surprise for you." He said with a chuckle.
LokiofSP said:
Morgan nodded, "Of course Mephisto...I would never..."
@Steel Zinogre
Almost that very second Zeta appeared next to him. He stated, "Ello Morgan... Augustus wished to grant thee a gift..."
Snapping out of his thoughts Finn almost lunged to attack the person beside him until he noticed it was Joseph. "Oops. Sorry. Just a little... on edge I guess you could say. I didn't even know him that well but we fought side by side against a deranged god level child of Deadpool. We probably only didn't die because we were both taking turns. Then he could have killed me then and there when we were pitted against each other in that mind altered death fight that we were forced into. But he didn't. He beat the tar out of me then sucked that stuff out of my system. That's probably why he went insane. Maybe if he had of just left me there to rot he would be happily sitting in Stark Tower flirting with Cassie or giving Azazel death looks because he's flirting with Cassie."

He pushed his glasses onto his forehead and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Being a hero. Doing good. It all seemed so great. But now it's one huge planet threat after another after another after another. We're all young though! I turned eighteen... five days ago? Yeah. But being a part of this group means that the chances of surviving until your next birthday are slim. Want a family? Find a different hero group to join because it's probably not going to happen here." He stopped talking for a moment. "Sorry man. Shouldn't have unloaded that all onto you. Why don't you text your girlfriend and we'll all go and get something to eat?"

LokiofSP said:
Morgan nodded, "Of course Mephisto...I would never..."
@Steel Zinogre
Mephistopheles grabbed out a rusty and bloody knife, and sliced his palm, drawing a pentagram with his blood. Once finished, he started chanting in Latin, and a red energy flows into Morgan, leaving the sensation of being severely burned alive.
Morgan gasped at the pain, taken aback by just how much worse it was than he thought it would be. Then there was the power, the raw and pure power he felt, and he hadn't even gotten it ALL. He looked at Mephisto and began to pull something from his bag...

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Morgan gasped at the pain, taken aback by just how much worse it was than he thought it would be. Then there was the power, the raw and pure power he felt, and he hadn't even gotten it ALL. He looked at Mephisto and began to pull something from his bag...
@Steel Zinogre
Mephistopheles eyed Morgan as the ritual came to a close. "What are you pulling out, lad?" He asked as he grew cautious. A guard then came into the room. "Sir..... There are protesters out..." "Use any force possible to force them out." Mephistopheles said, cutting off the guard.
LokiofSP said:
Morgan gasped at the pain, taken aback by just how much worse it was than he thought it would be. Then there was the power, the raw and pure power he felt, and he hadn't even gotten it ALL. He looked at Mephisto and began to pull something from his bag...
@Steel Zinogre
Zeta stated, "...well if you want the power to stop them? Here... with Mephisto's power this can be fueled off just being around it..."

From the rift came out the most powerful piece of Doom equipment...

Morgan's eye twitched, "You... you're one of them. You have power that is harmful and can destroy the human race... I can not I allow you to live on... I swore that I would eradicate any and all of those who have such power..."

Morgan proceeded to take out of circular device on his bag, he pressed a button on it, and it began to spin around wildly then eventually calming down and settling in Morgans palm. Morgan took the device and threw it on the demon, allowing it to land on the demon's chest is disabled his powers to an incredible degree. Morgan approached him and spoke, " I am so sorry about this Mephisto...no choice"

@Steel Zinogre
Joseph listened intently to each word Finn spoke, the meaning sinking in. His father - living in his little countryside house - was clearly clueless as to what the 'New Generation Avengers' really were. Tales of glory, and fun heroine activities weren't going to happen. He hadn't listened to Kat, he hadn't been convinced by the Avengers kidnapping, or Augustus's death. Yet hearing the emotion in Finn's voice broke his illusion, this wasn't a fun club, it was a death sentence; one where your life saves millions.

The worst part was he was a younger Finn, thinking it would be great, and fun. Only to... despise it. Everything seemed to shatter, he hadn't even had time to meet anyone besides Finn, at least he
knew them, at least he was their friend. Joseph was a nobody here, this wasn't last generation. The Avengers were made up of perhaps hundred of high-powered heroes. They didn't need him, he was useless. What good was a bow-wielding immature mortal? What could he hope to do against planetary threats which seemed to loom over the world so often?

Yet he wouldn't dwell on self-pity, at the end of the day he'd fight the best he could, and die if need be. He was an
Avenger, such was his duty. Not to mention, the job had some pretty cool equipment coming with it, and hopefully good friends. Unfortunately, Finn was a mercilessly cruel friend, and went from making Joseph feel terrible about himself, to making him make a fool out of himself. "Wha - What? She's not my... Girlfriend! I mean, she is a girl, and I think we're friends, but girlandfriend? No! Well, yes, girl AND friend, but no! Friend who is girl yes! I think... Girlfriend, no, I think... No, no I don't think! No! Answer was no!" The boy wheezed out through one big rushed sentence, his face burning brightly, putting most tomatoes to shame, sweat began to form on his forehead causing him to enact a brilliant facepalm to hide it; as well as his face.

...If she heard any of that he was going to throw himself from The Avengers Tower.


LokiofSP said:
Morgan's eye twitched, "You... you're one of them. You have power that is harmful and can destroy the human race... I can not I allow you to live on... I swore that I would eradicate any and all of those who have such power..."
Morgan proceeded to take out of circular device on his bag, he pressed a button on it, and it began to spin around wildly then eventually calming down and settling in Morgans palm. Morgan took the device and threw it on the demon, allowing it to land on the demon's chest is disabled his powers to an incredible degree. Morgan approached him and spoke, " I am so sorry about this Mephisto...no choice"

@Steel Zinogre
Zeta unleashed a blast of cosmic energy that shot down the device, and put his four hands close to Morgan's throat. He roared out, "...You know, Augustus had no idea ya even existed. I wanted to give you the gift to avenge my master, but now your hurting my Master's best friends's father, and his other best friend's lover's father... I won't let you do that..."
Cassie groaned softly and her hand twitched, but her eyes were still closed.

Dragging yourself out of a self-made hell was not fun.

Never was, never will be.

She felt someone holding her and she tensed, before opening her eyes groggily. She smiled weakly and said "Hey Az," she managed to say, though it was more of a whisper. "Did we win?"

sitanomoto said:
Cassie groaned softly and her hand twitched, but her eyes were still closed.
Dragging yourself out of a self-made hell was not fun.

Never was, never will be.

She felt someone holding her and she tensed, before opening her eyes groggily. She smiled weakly and said "Hey Az," she managed to say, though it was more of a whisper. "Did we win?"

Maul, as the savage hulk, roared and jumped away, jade ran up, and saw him jump away. "Dammit. He left." She said as she ran some more, following the trail of giant prints. "Finn! I may need your help! Maul's gone savage." She said, hinting at one of his father's Hulk forms from long ago. "We did..... But Augustus died...... And he wanted me to give you this rose....." He said as he handed Cassie the rose, and sniffles. "He would have wanted to see you happy, even if its with me...." He said as he put his head on her shoulder. @sitanomoto @CasualDragon
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Morgan begin to stroke of a previous has he realized his plans quickly spiraling out of control he looked at ZETA and struggled to speak a word, " I'm doing this for your master... I saw him killed by Jordan... By taking this man's power I can avenge him... I can kill Jordan!... So please let me do this! For the world! For Augustus!"

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Morgan begin to stroke of a previous has he realized his plans quickly spiraling out of control he looked at ZETA and struggled to speak a word, " I'm doing this for your master... I saw him killed by Jordan... By taking this man's power I can avenge him... I can kill Jordan!... So please let me do this! For the world! For Augustus!"
@Steel Zinogre

Zeta snapped at him, "Even if your doing it for Augustus, even that bastard didn't kill! If your the hero, take AWAY the Infinity Stones, make them separate from Thaddeus and remove the Phoenix Force from Jordan! Keep them safe, but rough them up so you can. If your wasting your artifact on the person trying to HELP YOU, how can we know your loyal? Mephisto is doing his job, and your punishing him for it. The Phoenix Force deserves pain because it killed many, Thaddeus deserves pain because he takes a corpse and abuses her for strength. My Master is already facing his pain and trails for all of his mistakes, but you shouldn't go down that road friend!"​
LokiofSP said:
Morgan begin to stroke of a previous has he realized his plans quickly spiraling out of control he looked at ZETA and struggled to speak a word, " I'm doing this for your master... I saw him killed by Jordan... By taking this man's power I can avenge him... I can kill Jordan!... So please let me do this! For the world! For Augustus!"
@Steel Zinogre
"MORGAN!!!!! I TRUSTED YOU WITH THAT POWER!" he exclaimed with pure anger "CHARLIZE! I HAVE A GUEST THAT WANTS TO SEE YOU!" he shouted as Charlize McCoy ran down the stairs, and saw Morgan. "Morgan!? Why are you here?" She asked as she grabbed to hilt of her daggers.
Morgan bowed his head as everything happened at once. He took a breath, then looked up with a smirk and blood red eyes, " You know, Ireally did try to keep this civil."

Morgan then press the button on his suit. An arc of lightning hit Mephisto and sapped his power, knocking him out and sealing it in the disc. Morgan presed another button and ZETA was scrambled, he had taken allot of neat toys from Stark.

He picked up the disc and pocketed it, he threw another disc on Gus's gift and readied himself for the jump back. Just before he left, he smiled at Charlize, as a feeling of something not human filled her. Then he was gone...

@Steel Zinogre
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LokiofSP said:
Morgan bowed his head as everything happened at once. He took a breath, then looked up with a smirk and blood red eyes, " You know, Ireally did try to keep this civil."
Morgan then press the button on his suit. An arc of lightning hit Mephisto and sapped his power, knocking him out and sealing it in the disc. Morgan presed another button and ZETA was scrambled, he had taken allot of neat toys from Stark.

He picked up the disc and pocketed it, he threw another disc on Gus's gift and readied himself for the jump back. Just before he left, he smiled at Charlize, as a feeling of something not human filled her. Then he was gone...

@Steel Zinogre
"What have I done....?" Mephistopheles asked himself, as he he sighed. "Guards! Open the crystal ball room!" He shouted as they did so, and charlize went back to maintaining weapons. Mephisto then rubbed the manic ball, and summoned an eye demon to go to the surface. The demon arrived to where Azazel and Cassie was, and opened its mouth. "Son.... I need your help. Morgan Murdock has the power of the Celestials..... That I had given him.... And now he is up to no good..... Please.... Help me reverse this.... And you and your friends will be rewarded." He said as Azazel looked up. "Why? Why did you give it to him?" "Because I thought he would not abuse it like he claimed the others to have done. He clearly lied to me.... And now he is on the loose.... And besides..... I have never done it before." He said with a sigh. "Dad.... You can be a moron at times, but I will help you. Call in Black Heart. We will need more demons for this one." "But son.... You two..." "It will be temporary dad." Azazel said. "Fine. Just get down here while I summon him." He commanded as azazel nodded. @sitanomoto @LokiofSP
Cassie closed her eyes and nodded, a tear streaking down her face as she realized the full extent of his words. She bit her lip and moved her good arm over to the rose, holding it gently and looking at the beautiful center. Then Mephisto's eyedemon appeared and told Azazel about Morgan. She sat straight up and then fell back with a grunt. "Great. Morgan's split personality must be acting up." She grumbled.
Finn felt a little regret for dumping such a lousy death penalty on Joseph but he had to know what he was getting himself into. Correcting his posture he decided that he was going to keep his friends from dying. He choked back a laugh as Joseph stuttered about Eldkatla. When Joseph was done he nodded his head solemnly. "Ahh I see." He turned his head and tried to laugh quietly but failed. "Whatever you say." His comm buzzed and he heard Jade's voice yelling something about Maul and the happiness of the situation ended. "Looks like we'll have to make a rain check for food. I think that Maul went savage." He didn't even want to go. He wanted to grab some food and hang out with good people. But you can't always get what you want. "Where are you and Maul? I'll be there as soon as I can."

@Steel Zinogre
CasualDragon said:
Finn felt a little regret for dumping such a lousy death penalty on Joseph but he had to know what he was getting himself into. Correcting his posture he decided that he was going to keep his friends from dying. He choked back a laugh as Joseph stuttered about Eldkatla. When Joseph was done he nodded his head solemnly. "Ahh I see." He turned his head and tried to laugh quietly but failed. "Whatever you say." His comm buzzed and he heard Jade's voice yelling something about Maul and the happiness of the situation ended. "Looks like we'll have to make a rain check for food. I think that Maul went savage." He didn't even want to go. He wanted to grab some food and hang out with good people. But you can't always get what you want. "Where are you and Maul? I'll be there as soon as I can."
@Steel Zinogre
"I'm following him. He is headed for Times Square.... What ever it is, he is going after it." She said into her wrist comms as she heard lazers going off, and Maul screaming as he was fired upon. "That is not good.... Maybe that is why he ran off." She said as she she went into times square, and a group of 6 Bi-Beasts were in the square, and Enclave grunts shot their lasers at maul as the bi beasts closed in. @CasualDragon
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Morgan grunted as he put in the disc filled with Mephisto's power in the slot of the machine. He had seen Stark's design and realized why it had failed, it didn't have the power needed to balance out what it was trying to do. With the immense power it now held that wouldn't be a problem, he'd even been able to strip a bit away to make it portable. He stepped back, this strike would have to be quick so Thaddeus didn't catch wind. Morgan also couldn't attack in Jordan's home, or else all of the other super powered wackos living there would kill him. He could take one, maybe two down, but the rest would get to him, Emile especially worried him.

Besides, it had to be somewhere that was poetic, it had to rhyme...That's why Morgan now stood on the roof of Stark Tower, the very same roof that Jordan killed a massive amount of innocents on...He had his exo-suit on, and he had rigged the other to by on stand-by. He grasped the disk and opened it briefly, allowing a massive spike of power to suddenly appear and disappear, he then just waited for Jordan...


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