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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

(Thank you! @hudhouse ) maul, as the Savage Hulk, catches the Apex Deviljho's maw as it was open. The creature tried to close its sharp maw as Maul tried to dislocate its lower jaw, pulling a King Kong. Maul manages to trip the monster, and dislocated the lower jaw, and break the spinal column in its neck, killing it. As the beast dropped, maul set his foot on it, and stomped as hard as he could, to finish the job. He then roars as he kicked the corpse away. @CasualDragon @sitanomoto @National
Joseph raised an eyebrow at her stance, almost confused by how she didn't seem like the firm, Asgardian goddess that faced the cosmic being moments ago, despite the recent cascade of misery talking to her almost made the stress evaporate anyway - until she started being reasonable that is. "Ugh, you had to do it? You had to be logical, instead of just dropping me off on some beautiful Spanish beach!" He jested in reply, throwing his hands up in fake annoyance, he then turned his gaze back to her, and with a sigh, he released a genuine smile. "No, you're right... I mean, can't exactly enjoy the Beaches in the middle of the night, can I? Not to mention the hassle of getting a flight home..." He reasoned jokingly, before folding his arms as his smile turned into more of a playful smirk. "Besides, you'd probably drop me in the Arctic before taking your own Spanish vacation." As much as he enjoyed the banter with Katla, and her company in general. Joseph's playful attitude faded away as he caught sight of Finn.

He couldn't imagine how hard this was for him, Joseph felt the stress and misery despite not knowing any of them, yet Finn had known Augustus, more than that; he'd endured far more than Joseph.
"Hey, I think I'm going to go check on Finn... You should come, get to know us; the Avengers. You're already my hero..." Joseph complimented with truth, the end of that sentence a silent suggestion, 'may as well be a hero' . Whether she knew so or not, Joseph considered her the team Thor. In essence, she was.

@Lemoncakes @CasualDragon
Jordan looked to the sky, almost as if he knew what direction Laxus was scrying from and held the stare for a few seconds before disappearing
Jordan appeared in his mansion, the impact of his transgressions finally setting in. He leaned on a table, thoughts swarming through his head...again...again he failed to protect. Again he killed...it was THAT planet all over again. The sheer thought of it sent him into a frustrated and sorrowful rage, he sent the table flying across the room before slumping in a corner, his head in his hands. It hurt...it hurt so much...not being able to do what his humanity said was moral...having the world hold him at arms distance as he had to do the same. The weight of endless amounts of worlds on his shoulders at all times...it was too much...and there was no-one for him to turn to. Those who could understand him were either dead or unwilling to talk. That's what Jordan felt all the time, it had always been easy to put the invincible facade up...but he was tired.

Tired of pretending to be invincible, tired of being different, tired of being looked at like a heartless monster who felt nothing for the world or the people in it...tired of not being human. How could he be? He had little choice but to become the Phoenix Force and he took his duties seriously and with pride...but there were never words of gratitude. If he wasn't allowed to interfere he was considered calloused and uncaring...but when he was allowed to help he was considered a monster who abused his powers. The grip on his head got tighter and had he allowed anyone to see him, they would have been able to see that he was visibly shaking. His mind kept going to the darkest parts, the sorrow only deepened from sharing the memories of the Phoenix Force itself...the same things he felt it had felt untold times before...so many universes...so much hatred and rejection...it was unbearable. Yet it had to be...it had to keep moving forward...he had to keep moving forward...but right now there was no path, only the darkest blacks of rage and sorrow and grief and tragedy and regret. Jordan was so lost in his mind that he flinched when he felt a small hand touch his face.

He looked up to see the clo- no, his daughter Suki looking down at him with a pained look in her eyes. He had forgotten...he had forgotten that she was telepathic, hell he had forgotten that she had the powers he was born with. Suki wrapped her arms around her father's head in a quiet and somber embrace. Jordan held onto her...perhaps the only person who could truly ever understand him.


@Raikou Kaminari

The nanobots swarmed in front of Laxus, twirling in a maelstrom of silver. It warped and shaped until standing there is Ultron. It spoke, "...I am Zeta, Augustus's personal assistant. With his passing, He wishes to send a few gifts, and a request. First is with you oh King Mine. I wish to use my planet, Dissonance, and build inside it a tomb that splinters itself through hundreds of dimensions. I wish to protect the artifacts of Asgard with it, for example the Sword of Summer or the Casket of the Bifrost. By sending it via alternate dimensions, none of your foes shall know it is there, but it is simply an offer. Otherwise, here..."

Zeta snapped as particles quivered in the air, forming a rift. He yanked out of it a Anti-metal Vibranium sword, coated with strange blue plasma that snacked through the air. Zeta stated, "Based off a game my friend enjoyed. He used to help train his micromanagement skills, but a sword for a hero should be plenty. If you wish to visit he should be somewhere in Nilfhel," Zeta offered the sword before walking half way through the portal, waiting for Laxus's response.

Jamie walked down the streets wondering where Jordan had gone. She was having a conversation with him when he just sort of disappeared. At first she was a little mad, but it must have been important for him to leave that fast. Jamie looked down at her bracelet and traced her fingers along it. She stopped in the middle of the sidewalk as she was admiring it. When she looked up, she realized that people were staring at her because of her outfit, or lack thereof. Jamie out her head back down and walked on. She couldn't help it, she didn't have much of a choice.
Olivier, who hadn't beem seen in months- she had been fighting over in the middle east and pretty much single handedly handed ISIS their own asses- walked up to Jamie and threw an overcoat on her shoulders. "...Tech sent me, she asked me to bring you to...well, it's better than the warehouse."
(Is her real name Lisa?) Jamie jumped suddenly at the overcoat put on her shoulders. 'Okay...' She signed to Olivier. Jamie shrugged the overcoat so that it was barely sitting on her shoulders. 'Where are we going then?' @LucianGrey7971
(Who Tech? Oh...THAT joke)

"Somewhere much better than a warehouse." she replied and walked with Jamie to Jordan's mansion...because it's REALLY important that we stress how filthy rich Jordan is. Jordan is SO rich that he once had Tech send billions of dollars to over 20 charities...each, and when taxe refunds rolled around and the money came back he literally said "Where the hell am I gonna put this shit?!" But I digress, Olivier opened the front door of the mansion and gestures for Jamie to follow
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Jamie slowly steps into the mansions and takes it all in. She looks at every detail of the room she is in. The mansion is enormous and Jamie wonders how anyone is able to afford this place. 'This place is amazing, much better than where me and my sisters live. Thank you for bringing me her.' She signed. @LucianGrey7971
(Jordan is SO rich he doesn't know what a one dollar bill looks like...now that I think about it, he's so powerful he's forgotten how to use doors kudos to whoever gets that reference)

By the time that Jamie and Olivier showed up, Jordan had fallen asleep in the corner and Suki had snuggled as closely as she could to her father and fell asleep as well.
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Jamie's eyes darted over to Jordan and back to Olivier. 'What happened to him. Is he alright?' She signed to Olivier. She found it very odd that he was sleeping in the corner and there was someone snuggling with him. @LucianGrey7971
Olivier shrugs "I do not know...but from what I've been told, that's his clone...although the better term would be daughter...Jordan gets like this every now and again...so much of his energy goes into being what he is that people tend to forget that while he is the Phoenix Force...he's also human and needs rest every now and again"
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'Okay then, maybe I should just leave him alone then... Should I just go or...' Jamie signed. She felt awkward coming into Jordan's house, especially while he was asleep. She began back stepping towards the door. @LucianGrey7971
Tech, being the stealthy light framed woman that she was, hugged Jamie from behind and said "Don't worry about ol' Fire chicken, he literally doesn't care who comes and goes. Besides, he may be sleep but if he didn't want you here you'd know it." Tech threw a wrench at Jordan and it turned into atoms before it even got close enough to have people think it might hit him. He merely turned his head a bit but was still sound asleep

"See? Now I wanna know how long it's gonna take you to figure out somethin about this house~" she smiled still latched on to Jamie. Olivier however sighed heavily.

"You shouldn't tease the girl sister...she wouldn't realize it without stepping back outside."
Jamie turned her head to Tech as she spoke. She smiled at how nice Tech was to her. 'I didn't realize notice much except how big this house is. Should I have?' She signed. She looked the room over again, but she didn't notice anything. @LucianGrey7971
"Ehehehe~" Tech half pulled Jamie outside to have her look at the outside of the mansion. As she did, she would notice that the outside of the mansion was nowhere near the size that the inside of the mansion was "C'mon say it...er...sign it. I love when people say it~"
"Time Lord technology...except apparently they weren't called Time Lords...but that's besides the point. In essence Jordan shoved a whole 'nother dimension in there...it's like Hogwarts in there! I keep telling Olli we need to put colored lines on the ground so people stop getting lost~"
'You won't have to worry about me getting lost. Hopefully...' Jamie signed. She turned towards Tech again. 'By the way, thank you for letting me stay in your warehouse and letting me come here.' @LucianGrey7971
Morgan shook as events began to wind down. He needed to leave, needed to just clear his head. His footsteps were quick as he disappeared without an indication of where he was going, for truth be told, he had no idea himself. He passed through entire blocks and avenues, replaying the scene in his mind, the gruesome sounds Augustus had made, the quickness and finality of it all, and the power that Jordan had radiated...Jordan.

'He doesn't get it...'

He looked down at his hands as thing began to become a bit more clear. It was then he noticed he wasn't wearing gloves, in fact he was in civilian clothing...When did that? He ignored the question and thought back to Jordan, the man who harnessed the Phoenix Force if the Avenger's files were to be believed... The Phoenix Force...It had done so much bad in the past...So much hurt...His dad had told him horror stories about what he'd seen it do...

'He's going to snap...'

Morgan looked up, he was home with a bowl of pasta in front of him. He couldn't get this thought from his head! Somebody with that much power had to be stopped! Especially someone who had anger issues and an apparent dark side. If Morgan had thought Thanos was bad, Jordan would only be worse...But how does a human slay a god?

'Not even human...'

Morgan looked through another book of Greek myths. In myth it was simply just talented humans who could exploit the god's weaknesses and defeat them in challenges. But that wasn't enough...Maybe he had to...Kill Jordan...But he couldn't! That was wrong, it went against ALL of his training! No exceptions! Morgan would just have to show him what it was like to be a man...

'You have no choice...'

Morgan blinked and he was in costume again. In some...Weird place...Stark Tower, accsesing files with everybody away. Looking at some...Device Tony had made to try and split the Phoenix Force, didn't work, but if it could just get a power boost...He looked at files on Jean Grey and all recorded experiences with the Phoenix Force and realized just how bad it was. This...Thing had killed Charles Xavier...It'd done so much harm...

'Think about all those you'll save...'

He'd have to do so many terrible things to make this work, he would hurt so many people...He didn't want to do this...But this was the greater good, he'd find a way to make it work, after all, you should NEVER have to sacrifice for the greater good. That being said, there was only one way to end this...

'You just have to do it once...'

He closed his eyes and took a breath, "Okay...I'll listen this one time..."

'Then say it with me...'

Morgan gripped a piece of sharp shrapnel and squeezed until blood poured.

I Morgan Murdock will kill all those above Gods!"
"Hmm? Oh that's all the sleeping guy over there. But you're welcome~ I don't mind helping. Now we should get you something to eat other than protein bars....I know, they're disgusting but they keep me working on things"
hudhouse said:

@Raikou Kaminari

The nanobots swarmed in front of Laxus, twirling in a maelstrom of silver. It warped and shaped until standing there is Ultron. It spoke, "...I am Zeta, Augustus's personal assistant. With his passing, He wishes to send a few gifts, and a request. First is with you oh King Mine. I wish to use my planet, Dissonance, and build inside it a tomb that splinters itself through hundreds of dimensions. I wish to protect the artifacts of Asgard with it, for example the Sword of Summer or the Casket of the Bifrost. By sending it via alternate dimensions, none of your foes shall know it is there, but it is simply an offer. Otherwise, here..."

Zeta snapped as particles quivered in the air, forming a rift. He yanked out of it a Anti-metal Vibranium sword, coated with strange blue plasma that snacked through the air. Zeta stated, "Based off a game my friend enjoyed. He used to help train his micromanagement skills, but a sword for a hero should be plenty. If you wish to visit he should be somewhere in Nilfhel," Zeta offered the sword before walking half way through the portal, waiting for Laxus's response.

"No I couldn't Augustus and I were enemies even up till the moment he died technically. Besides Dissonance and this sword could be of better use elsewhere. Maybe Dissonance could become a giant sleeping pill for Galactus, this sword would do better in your hands. You know Zeta maybe you could become like Vision and wield this blade yourself." Laxus replied.
Behind Zeta and Laxus, the fabrics of Space and time ripple, like a pond rippling when a pebble breaks the surface. From the fabric of space, a copy of Thaddeus breaks through, observing the two from a different plane, not being able to be sensed or seen.

@Raikou Kaminari @hudhouse

Desimus sighs as he watches everything unfold. It didn't seem like there was nothing much more to do, so he gets back onto his motorcycle. There was still a hidden feeling he needed to expose. He turns on the engine, and instantly bolts down the highway down to the Avengers Tower. After a minute or two, he drifts into a parking space and jumps right into the front doors, swinging them open. He gets into the front office computers, and searched up "Fortune" on the computers. He looks up her phone number, and he grabs his phone, texting her.

"Hey, don't be alarmed, but its me, Desimus. I got your phone number by looking you up on the Avengers Tower computers, and I know you're going to think that's weird. Listen, I was wondering if you and I could discuss about some things over dinner. I don't really care what we eat, and I don't know this place like you do, so I am sure you can make some pretty good suggestions."


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