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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

National said:
Thaddeus only shrugs at Jordan's response as he looks at Augustus.
"Sadly, I am not very picky how I summon myself to places. Anyways, it is nice to see you again, Augustus. Unfortunately, you still haven't learned."
Augustus starred down Thaddeus before stating, "...Heh! How are ya Thaddeus? Infinity stones doing you well?"
Thaddeus grins as he raises up both his hands.

"The infinity stones doing me well? I am the infinity stones. Yeah, I'm doing pretty well. Seems as though you are trying another epic scheme to "fix" the world?"

Connor had been nearby in an alley close to Finn and the others, listening and trying very hard to stay out of it and not get involved. But how could he at this point? "What gives you the right?" Connor called out as he stepped out into view on the street in his normal civilian clothes, being a long sleeve shirt and khaki pants, while looking up at Augustus form. "What gives one single person the right to make a decision...make that two decisions that would change all of humanity forever!? This Celestial your trying to destroy, you just up and decided to do it, not tell anyone beforehand. And this injection you want to hand out? It wouldn't balance the world, it would only further unbalance it, it would create strife."
Crono said:
Connor had been nearby in an alley close to Finn and the others, listening and trying very hard to stay out of it and not get involved. But how could he at this point? "What gives you the right?" Connor called out as he stepped out into view on the street in his normal civilian clothes, being a long sleeve shirt and khaki pants, while looking up at Augustus form. "What gives one single person the right to make a decision...make that two decisions that would change all of humanity forever!? This Celestial your trying to destroy, you just up and decided to do it, not tell anyone beforehand. And this injection you want to hand out? It wouldn't balance the world, it would only further unbalance it, it would create strife."
Augustus starred straight at Connor, his eyes blazing a brighter red. He roared out in response, "...Who gave you the right to live? Who gave you the right to speak? Who gave you the right to breath? We all have free will but I abused that... I used my free will to shatter every barrier in my way. If it didn't break, I danced around it until it came back to bite me in the ass, also known as Thaddeus." He suddenly gazed straight towards Thaddeus...

National said:
Thaddeus grins as he raises up both his hands.
"The infinity stones doing me well? I am the infinity stones. Yeah, I'm doing pretty well. Seems as though you are trying another epic scheme to "fix" the world?"

Augustus stated bluntly, "...You can kill me instantly. You can destroy me so completely that nothing will remain. You can just snap and wish me out of existence... but that's no fun is it? If you or any of the Avengers, or any person just wished away or made their problems stop or vanish... what would life be? I am adamant on my goal, this will lead me to saving/preserving/protecting Humanity, even if no one accepts me. Even if this entire worlds just wants to see me burn and suffer, I want it fixed. This is like me cutting off a tumor that is going to kill the host, it will hurt but eventually things will get better. You go out and break the law every god damn day, being a vigilante and protecting people... killing and hurting as you please. So why can't I when I am trying to save everything I love? You protect what you love, I protect what I love... but you try to stop me. I can name hundreds of people your parents have killed just because they stood in their ways... including innocent civilians."

Augustus lifted his hand back, overflowing with vast amounts of cosmic power. It warped and danced, shaping into something slowly. He stated, "...T-minus 7 minutes tell SOLUTION is completed..."
Thaddeus folds his arms across his chest, sighing as he watches Augustus form the cosmic power.

"You are definitely right, Augustus. I could snap my fingers, and eradicate half this galaxy. So can the Celestials. So can Jordan. So can the Living Tribunal. However, we choose not to. As Jordan doesn't allow himself, I have also heavily restricted my interference with the world. If need be, I will step in, but later. However, I do feel that we won't need to. It seems as though the heroes will defeat you. As they have before."

Dimitri flew away, and landed hard in front of Connor, cracking the ground beneath him. He looked up with a solemn look on his face. "Connor... You should let him do it." @Crono @hudhouse
Morgan finally swallowed the lump in his throat and stepped forward, a defiant glare was hidden by the cloth of his costume.

"Yeah, what he said, we'll stop you! You can't force change on people, you don't have the RIGHT to decide who lives and who dies! I agree with ALLOT of what you say, but just because something is 'right' or makes the world a better place doesn't mean we should do it! If we did what would make the world a better place, we would have taken people's ability to feel away, that would prevent countless wars, it would save lives, but it would also take away our humanity! Every action has a reaction, and I feel like you won't like yours..."

@hudhouse @National
"You talk as if you have the right to speak Augustus." Jordan said slowly and methodically "You talk of our balancing the universe as though we cared not for this world...when in reality, if you cared about anything other than your obssession for power, you'd realize that all you've done is put humanity squarely on the list of EVERY being that has sworn to uphold any sort of Justice. You unbalanced the universe for power, and THEY will end up paying the price. But do go on with your delusions of being a saviour...of being a 'better God."
Augustus just stood there... angry. His mind raced with trillions of thoughts that blurred together towards the end. Each and every drop of data was calculated, which made Augustus frown if he could. He looked at them as a group and stated, "...Balance... of the god forsaken Universe. Who cares if it's unbalanced?! Who cares I am forcing evolution?! Do you want to know the truth that the universe has been hiding from you all?! THE LIVING TRIBUNAL IS DEAD! He's been dead for over 10 years! My father committed Genocide on the species that killed them..."

Augustus roared out, "Soon Galactus will die of starvation, there is less then 20 Celestials left and all of them are Embryos. Galactus only feeds on them because he is their balance, their only predator. I am the last and probably only Celestial that will ever exist. Nothing out here will ever be able to hurt Earth again if I do this. The only living Cosmic Entities are Death, Oblivion, Galactus, and The closest thing we have to God. Only one of those things are interested in us, and I want to kill what makes the mighty one want to come to us for. Allow me to kill it..."

Then Augustus realized something before bursting out in rage, "Wait a minute, I'm not forcing evolution! Its an option like going to the store!" He spoke fast, trying to copy the 'average joe', "Should I get Strawberries, the Gamma Waves or the ABSOLUTION? Ya know, I'm kinda hungry, could I have the Strawberries please? Thank you! Have a nice day!" He stood there for a few moments, his hand still glowing before stating in revaluation, "Okay, add in about 3 more swears to that sentence and it's the average American adult. But my point still stands, I am not forcing it, I am offering it. The cults willing fully help me, and I give them magic in exchange. Hell, Thaddeus. I was strong enough after Thanos that people started to call upon me, mistaking me for the Augustus Ceaser, and found that they could use me as power. I let 'em."

Augustus just decided to finish off all his speechifying until his emotions raged up with the line, "Alright, lets play a game. I won't destroy the Celestial as long as you can tell me 3 things that I did that is morally wrong and or unbalancing to the entire damn universe, in the last 2 weeks I have been a Celestial, or for the last 5 months since I have been more active. If any of your points are hypocritical to a member on your team that I can prove, then it counts as one against you. Every point you have means I require one more point to stop... begin if you wish to play!"
Finn shook his head sadly. "Even if no one accepts you? That hurts a little. We tried to accept you. We welcomed you into our lives and you still think that nobody accepts you. I think this is more along the lines of you don't want to be accepted or don't feel like you deserve to be accepted. It hurts to try and help someone and they throw that back in your face. Do you think that we like when people are hurt or killed? Do you think that we do it on purpose? Because we don't." Dimitri and Connor showed up and Finn looked over Dimitri's way sadly. He didn't speak anymore though to not participate in Augustus' game.

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Connor blinked at Dimitri, "Why? Explain to me why we shouldn't try to stop him?" The blonde looked back up towards Augustus, "What if your wrong? What if you destroy this being and humanity pays the price? What if you kill us all."

"You want to give an optional sense...power, whatever you want to call it. There will be those who will revolt against that, your creating yet another diversity group. Those with this
sense and those without, this could turn man against man. Your giving people the advantage of feeling superior over those who would deny taking it, resentment would rise. You can't just stamp all of that out. People will split, just like they always have."

@hudhouse @Reaper
Dimitri slowly walked to Connor and put a hand on his shoulder. "This is just like last time. In your effort to make sure people are "free" you forget our job. To make people safe. Why do we fight, Connor? If not to one day end the fight and go home." @Crono
sitanomoto said:
Cassie rolled her eyes. "Boys, you can continue your little slap fight later. Right now we need to-" the now-freed deviljho slammed his tail into her, cutting her off and slamming her into and through a building, her mask flying off and the impact knocking her out. Her EXTREMIS-filled blood immediately began repairing her damaged ribs, skull, and leg, but her arm was shattered and would take a little while to reconstruct...
As she sunk into unconsciousness, she began to dream, or hallucinate, or however one would to put it.

She was sitting in a tree. How she got there, she didn't know. But she knew why she was there.

Below her, creatures that resembled her friends, but much more twisted, scratched and clawed at the base of the trunk. She looked around, realizing that she was standing in the only tree in the middle of a grey, charred clearing.

One of the creatures managed to grab her leg, and as she clung to the tree for dear life, it began to crawl up her leg.

It took her a moment of silent screaming to realize that the creature that was grabbing her....

Resembled Ivory.....

"No.... No!" She yelled as another creature, this one resembling Augustus, grabbed onto her other leg and began to claw its way up as Azazel's monster-like form began to climb over the other two.

She knew that they could not reach her face, or it would all be over.... So she scrambled to a higher branch.

"Get off!" She tried to yell, but no sound came out as she kicked off the monsters clutching her leg...

Leaping off of the Fallen was a monster much resembling Connor, and he grabbed onto her torso, dragging her down into the writhing mass of abominations that her friends have turned into.
Maul and Azazel ran to her aid as she became unconscious. "Cassie!? Cass wake up!" Azazel shouted as he hugged cassie tightly. Maul looked at the Apex Deviljho, and took on an offensive stance. The Deviljho roared as its muscles swelled, glowing red as as it hungrily charged the symbiote. Maul then had a memory flash in his mind, one from the Savage hulk. Maul reconstituted himself to be the appearance of the Savage Hulk, and screamed as he charged the monster. @CasualDragon @sitanomoto
Laxus watched events on Earth/Midgard from his throne in Asgard. "So he is telling tuem about the Celestials. Hmmmm..... we of Asgard have been opposing them for the longest. If what Augustus said is true then that means Doom would have had to have killed the Beyonders. But all the Celestials being dead I don't believe it for a second, with how often they are known to pull crap like this just like the last time they trick the Beyonders. Maybe the old ones just wanted to pull out of this Multiverse or manipulating ths strings of fate even today. The celestials basically created Humanity, killing the celestial inside could possibly mark the end of Earth unless something fills it position. Maybe Augustus intends to do that hi self make himself Earth's core."

"I am surprised they haven't called for me that, they probably will when they see Augustus is beyond reasoning with or maybe Dimitri, Jordan, Thaddues, and Connormwill see through Augustus's plans.
Connor relaxed a little under Dimitri's hand a light smirk crossing his lips, "You going to throw me in a cell if I'm uncooperative like last time?" He was joking of course. The blonde locked gazes with his friend, "We don't get to go home Mitri. There is no perfect world we can create where people like us aren't needed, if our parents had to do it then so will we. You don't think I want that world? I'm tired of seeing the people I love get hurt...or killed. But it don't believe it exists, and if it does...it doesn't start like this. Destroying life to bring new life is the Phoenix's job, we are not the Phoenix Force. We are better than that."

"I'm tired of sacrificing, Connor. Just one more sacrifice, and we will never need to again. Do yourself a favor. Go home... And give your shield two coats of wax. You have a big day ahead." He said, before taking a few steps back. @Crono
Cassie's dream shifted.....

She was surrounded by the dead.

Connor lay sprawled on the broken asphalt, his shield cracked and dented, laid upon his chest.... Marko lay face down in the ash.... Ivory was decapitated.... Phoenix was a burned corpse... Dimitri's head lay at a most disturbing angle... Augustus, his armor battered, beaten, and broken, lay dead upon a mound of Chitauri which she knew he died fighting... her father... Her mother.... Terry.... All three of them lay impaled on swords... Azazel, broken and bleeding out....

All of the ones she loved...


And she knew.

She knew that this... All of this....

Was on her shoulders.

She looked down at her torso.

Sticking out of her chest were four barbed spears.

She knew what each one was for.





Each spear was for someone she loved. And there were more on the way.













Each one made her sink lower to the ground....

Her vision faded, and all she could hear were the cries of her friends in agony, in pain....

Because of her.
Abruptly, the world around Augustus turned bright red! The spell was complete, and the cosmic power he used created life. He held above himself a core of nickle, steel, iron and platinum. It boiled, yet stayed in one giant orb. Augustus stated, "Heh, accept me? Look around ya Finn. Opposing morals, and I am an extreme. I don't click, my very way of thinking is hostile. I am the Satan to everyone here, and I can't even control that. After I am done with this I am going to Dissonance, take care of the planet. Oh and Connor? The Implant gives no power other then feeling others, and fixing mental illnesses. Its the power of Heart basically. I don't care what you people think, but the implant is part of Earth's history now. Its up to the world to see how it is used, hmm?"

Augustus lifted the giant orb perfectly over his head, which exposed a weak spot in his armor. The lighting around his eyes were thick, but still some glass-like material. It was slightly cracked, leaking out some energy from the inside. The Celestial roared out, "Ashes to Ashes.. Dust to Dust!" He was about to throw the Molten Core... into the core and crush the Celestial embryo.

In Asgard from Augustus's last visit all the way back with his Sister Echo, nanobots finally made their move. They used magic to fuel themselves, hoping that that would escape the senses of Laxus. They scouted the land, staying out of people's ways while trying to find what he hungered for.
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At first Connor couldn't believe the words from Dimitri's mouth, his shoulders went from relaxed to more of a sagging before righting themselves and tensing up. The blonde turned his back on his friend before he started walking away, a quick side-glance towards Finn as he did so, making his way back to his bike. Pulling his helmet on the blonde stared at Dimitri's figure.

I won't let you...jerk.
"Y'know...I'm standing right here, if you really want to argue on whether or not certain life deserves to be destroyed, try doing it at a better time Elsa." Jordan turned to Augustus and stared him in the eyes, he raised his hand and the energy around them became very hostile "Amamori..." he whispered and a Red spear formed from out of nowhere into his hand. "Put the Celestial down, or I will personally send you to Death myself."

The cloaked figure merely took a few steps back "It seems that this cosmic war cannot be avoided...a pity."
Thaddeus sighs, the very space around them rippling as he looks at the cloaked one, his colorful eyes showing many events: Pasts, futures, and the present. Thaddeus looks back at Augustus, and the space around the red orb starts to ripple.

"Put the orb back, Augustus. You don't want to do something that will affect everyone negatively. You are only feeding Galactus, making him stronger. How would he help?"

@LucianGrey7971 @hudhouse
Most Asgardians went about their business seemingly not noticing the nanobots. But Laxus himself picked them up, this was because despite their fuel being magic wasn't because of some spell or knowledge from the runes around his neck but rather because of electromancy of esoteric lightning and aeromancy of esoteric wind. However Laxus gave no indication he knew about them, he wanted to see what they are after. Augustus himself probably knows that Laxus knows they are up to something.
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Augustus holding up the orb stated, "...This is just a sphere of nickle and iron... it has the weight and density of the Embryo but it doesn't hold any life! Its so that the planet doesn't die! The real child is still brewing in the Earth. If the truth is blind, then eh who am I to judge?" Augustus jerked his left hand back, and made all the Vibranium he ripped out of the Earth and sent boxes of it to all countries and nations around the world, splintering it so that everyone had a piece. There was a abundant amount, but now there would no more Vibranium ever mined again, except from Wakanda and the Savage Lands.

Augustus put the orb into his right hand, and attempted to shove it down the pipeline he created via the Mothership into the planet's core...
djinnamon said:
(What did I miss?)
(Alright, so this one dude is trying to better the world or something in central park, and a bunch of the really powerful people are like, 'Hey man stop' so they're talking while the Avengers kinda awkwardly look on)

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