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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](The Apex Deviljho is Surrounded by Strout in cage form..... I know you guys get picky when I mess up.... but please, try to read my posts closely..... I'm not trying to be a jerk..... Really, I'm not.)

(Never said you were being a jerk, its understandable, I'll edit it)
National said:
As if right on cue, a huge hole in space and time gets ripped wide open in the middle of the park, and out of the hole comes a single fighter spaceship, flying all the way up, and around the Avengers tower. Out of the ship, a small little furry thing jumps out of the ship. After the little guy jumped, the ship flies right back into the hole, the hole in space and time closing back up, as if nothing happened. Suddenly, a yeehaw is heard from the little creature, and a jetpack is heard as the little guy wooshes down in front of everyone. To closer inspection, the creature was a raccoon, but not just any raccoon. Richie snarls as he touches down onto the ground, stretching out his robotic arm.
"The hell did my furry ass miss?"
"I AM STROUT?!", Meaning 'Richie!? Is that you?!'He shouted as he went to his normal form, and ran to him, tears running down his face as he saw his best friend. @National @sitanomoto @CasualDragon @BeamMeUpScotty @Everyone else
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Augustus starred straight at Finn with red eyes before roaring out, "...This shows evil, light and good! This is not certain, and is given by free will and taken by the same! I build worlds and gardens now, life and metal. I take life and steel so that others may prosper. I am already killing this planet to kill the baby inside. I will recreate the core, and the pollution of the world will start to reverse. Something far worse then I is almost alive, and it is drinking your planet. I will kill it, and make life here new again... peaceful and fair. But to do that, I offer a way for everyone to be physic and learn. If they refuse to learn, let them be ignorant. If they refuse to follow and kill, then they deserve death.

"...I will take your artifacts of war... then I will use them for birth. Reforge what was lost. Then those who want peace and unity via my method shall. Those who don't shall either die unknowing, live knowing, or find it another way. I don't care about any of you Avengers, any of you Super Heroes. I care for the world, I love everything on this world. Watching them die pathetically is what makes me suffer... will you let me kill something stronger then a god? Will you let me free others? Or will you free them your way by taking my own life. Otherwise... I refuse to stop."

Richie smirks as he sees Strout run over to him, his one eye looking up at him.

"Yeah, it's me big fella. I've been gone for a bit, but now I'm back. It took me a while to convince that jerkoff Thaddeus to teleport me here."

@Steel Zinogre
Cassie rolled her eyes. "Boys, you can continue your little slap fight later. Right now we need to-" the now-freed deviljho slammed his tail into her, cutting her off and slamming her into and through a building, her mask flying off and the impact knocking her out. Her EXTREMIS-filled blood immediately began repairing her damaged ribs, skull, and leg, but her arm was shattered and would take a little while to reconstruct...

As she sunk into unconsciousness, she began to dream, or hallucinate, or however one would to put it.

She was sitting in a tree. How she got there, she didn't know. But she knew why she was there.

Below her, creatures that resembled her friends, but much more twisted, scratched and clawed at the base of the trunk. She looked around, realizing that she was standing in the only tree in the middle of a grey, charred clearing.

One of the creatures managed to grab her leg, and as she clung to the tree for dear life, it began to crawl up her leg.

It took her a moment of silent screaming to realize that the creature that was grabbing her....

Resembled Ivory.....

"No.... No!" She yelled as another creature, this one resembling Augustus, grabbed onto her other leg and began to claw its way up as Azazel's monster-like form began to climb over the other two.

She knew that they could not reach her face, or it would all be over.... So she scrambled to a higher branch.

"Get off!" She tried to yell, but no sound came out as she kicked off the monsters clutching her leg...

Leaping off of the Fallen was a monster much resembling Connor, and he grabbed onto her torso, dragging her down into the writhing mass of abominations that her friends have turned into.
Suddenly a cloaked figure landed on the planet that Augustus was on and stood proudly. "I would have an audience with he who usurped the title of Celestial, Augustus" he called out in a commanding yet respectful tone

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(Wow, none of my guy made into your friends list? Not even Marko. #ForeverAlone)

(Oh, if we are going to do a meeting of godlike individuals.... Then I'll bring in Thaddeus soon @LucianGrey7971 @hudhouse
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LucianGrey7971 said:
Suddenly a cloaked figure landed on the planet that Augustus was on and stood proudly. "I would have an audience with he who usurped the title of Celestial, Augustus" he called out in a commanding yet respectful tone
Augustus starred at the cloaked figure on Earth, before speaking, "...Illegally? Celestials are a species my friend.. I simply became one. Humans are evolving in such a way they no longer are related to Neanderthals, so what is wrong with me evolving into something I wish to be? The one who created Humanity?"
"If you truly believe that you 'evolved' then you are truly delusioned...you have committed a grave crime against the universe as a whole...they are coming Son of Doom...those who's power could shape the universe with ease...they are coming to meet with you...though it will not be a pleasant one...those with power make even the new Phoenix Force seem humble and lax in his ways...Forgive me, I have yet to introduce myself...I am the Acolyte of the Living Tribunal, he feels you do not deserve his presence..."

(Augustus is on Earth?)
LucianGrey7971 said:
"If you truly believe that you 'evolved' then you are truly delusioned...you have committed a grave crime against the universe as a whole...they are coming Son of Doom...those who's power could shape the universe with ease...they are coming to meet with you...though it will not be a pleasant one...those with power make even the new Phoenix Force seem humble and lax in his ways...Forgive me, I have yet to introduce myself...I am the Acolyte of the Living Tribunal, he feels you do not deserve his presence..."
(Augustus is on Earth?)

Augustus sighed, before stating, "...I have the knowledge of my Father and from the usage of his time machine. I know that the Celestials destroyed the last universe, and it was rebuild again. I do this to protect and to spread life. I do not care if the Gods of Gods come for me. I will die and burn in hell eventually, so why should the gods of this universe care? I am only working on a few sectors and I have no plans to expand... so why am I targeted? What law did I shatter?"
"I believe you know the reason well. The very reason that the New Phoenix Force has chosen not to use his power in the affairs of humanity unless necessary...you are forcing the evolution upon a species that is not ready...moreover you stole your power from that which has not been born in the universe...you've made the universe dark to brighten your own light."
LucianGrey7971 said:
"I believe you know the reason well. The very reason that the New Phoenix Force has chosen not to use his power in the affairs of humanity unless necessary...you are forcing the evolution upon a species that is not ready...moreover you stole your power from that which has not been born in the universe...you've made the universe dark to brighten your own light."
Augustus laughed immediately! What?! He roared out, "High evolutionary, did it to thousands of species and has made over half of them sentience. Still alive and is terrorizing people. Phoenix force, MADE TO KILL CHILDREN. I made life, and I saved lives. I could kill this entire planet if I wanted, but I am going to kill the dead god of a dead thing inside it. I will free this world from it's suffering. Your living tribunal made things the way they are, and I am going to fix them like a god should. I want light, and I DARKENED myself to do this. I killed so that others could love. I take their sins and use it to make them better. Your preaching to the wrong tree here dog..."
Jordan quickly turned his head "Ah...this conversation will have to wait...looks like I'm being summoned to the meeting of the big hitters and Augustus...how annoying. Well then Tony Stark, I'll have to take my leave...congratulations on being alive again." Jordan started to disappear before calling out "Ah, I almost forgot...if you EVER try to kill me again, there'll be nothing left of you to BRING back...not even a soul. I'll burn you from this world completely~" his voice was light and jovial, but it held real malice and weight behind it.

After a while Dimitri turned to look at Lisa. "I-.... I'm not going to fight him. Doom. He's right. There is no safety without order. What he's talking about... It will end the fight. Isn't that why we fight?" He said, waking outside and looking at Gus. @sitanomoto @hudhouse
Desimus shakes his head.

"This isn't the right thing to do. He's trying to make us go too fast! Finn, don't we have some secret plan to fight him?"

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National said:
Desimus shakes his head.
"This isn't the right thing to do. He's trying to make us go too fast! Finn, don't we have some secret plan to fight him?"


(Play with post please! (^.^))

Augustus laughed some grand laugh that shook the world, or at least felt like it did! He stated, "...Oh Satan mine! Do you want for me to unleash my true might? It would be a waste, but I could show you my Fleet of a Thousand Suns/Stars/Birth. Oh local super heroes... I balance. I birth the Galaxy Burner, so I take a Galaxy Burner. This Celestial I am intending to kill... it will free this world from pollution. Most of the recent activity, the last few years of the world suffering Earthquakes, tsunamis and slaughter? Humanity getting worse and worse?"

Augustus waved a hand, letting the world truly view him. It was breathtaking to many, terrifying to many, and heart attack to many. He spoke to the whole world, his voice now quite literally the loudest thing, though it felt psychic. The deaf could swear they could hear him. He roared out, "Inside this planet is a leech that drinks from your minds and your land. It takes your soul and starts to drag it further and further to it's sin. It destroyed reality itself, destroyed destinies... and then it's mother made us to shelter it. This is a statement to the universe, Humanity shall not be used as some peons of a grander order! We are people to dammit! We shall free ourselves from this plague, this sin, this suffering! I will reforge this world in life, birthing something beautiful."

Augustus yanked his hand up, as a massive tree made of vibranium ripped out of the Earth from Antarctica. It destroyed the Mothership, but Augustus managed to wrestle the control back. He grew a vast tree, It's branches reaching even South American air space. Augustus roared his last message to the world, "...We shall free this world with the death of a God of Gods! Stronger then God, Stronger then Ra, stronger then Odin, then Zues, then Allah, then Jesus, then Law, then Humanity, and stronger then dream!"

( Story Point Chance Of No Return #1 - Augustus attempts to kill Earth's Core! )
"Augustus your plan will destroy all of humanity. Killing that thing will kill humanity with it. Humanity created it so humanity has to kill it. And they're trying. When you look at our planet do you see the people who are trying to fix it? The people who host bake sales to build wells, and run crowd funding to find and harvest better and renewable energy sources? They're fixing the problem." He took a deep breath. "Being a hero is all I have." He looked over Desimus' way and shrugged. He didn't have a plan. His plan was to think of stuff on the fly and say it while he and everybody else worked on thinking up some plans.

@National @hudhouse
CasualDragon said:
"Augustus your plan will destroy all of humanity. Killing that thing will kill humanity with it. Humanity created it so humanity has to kill it. And they're trying. When you look at our planet do you see the people who are trying to fix it? The people who host bake sales to build wells, and run crowd funding to find and harvest better and renewable energy sources? They're fixing the problem." He took a deep breath. "Being a hero is all I have." He looked over Desimus' way and shrugged. He didn't have a plan. His plan was to think of stuff on the fly and say it while he and everybody else worked on thinking up some plans.
@National @hudhouse
Augustus laughed, speaking in the common area now, "...the Celestials made the Celestial, and the Celestials made humanity to guard it like damn dogs! Should I let them just abuse their power, or should I try and fix what evil they sowed? I have the power to make a change, so is it not my responsibility to help? If you saw a terrorist plant a bomb/WOMD/High-Explosive and you could destroy/Disarm/Remove it and save everyone at the train station, would you simply walk out there even if some of the onlookers wanted the bomb to go off? Thats how I view this situation... now could you care humor me and pray tell your point of view?"
Remaining silent, Eldkatla simply observed the event unfold. Her face was unreadable at she looked at the giant figure looming above them, listening intently to every word said by all. She was familiar with the language he used, her father had told her of the Celestials relationship with the gods of Midgard and ever since she'd always been aware of their looming presence somewhere beyond her world. Being confronted with this truth was another matter. It was ironic, that he would steal this power for himself and use it against everything that the Celestials believe in and work towards. Whatever happened she would survive, it's what she did best after all, and she had no ties to this Earth so rapture or ruin she could abandon it without a second thought.

But this could not stay as small as Earth, an angered race of cosmic beings would not limit their wrath to one individual. As her mind rushed over the many possible routes this could take one thought became more and more prominent. I have to tell father. Loki would be able to sense the disturbance, and find out as much as he could, but she was sitting and watching and could tell him everything. Oh how she hated to swallow her pride.
Almost as if on que, flames roared to life around where Augustus stood, the cloaked merely put his hand up to shield his eyes- as if from instinct rather than necessity. The flames made a high pitched noise that was only getting louder...much like the sound of a bird of prey. The flames subsided and Jordan stood, hands in pockets, looking at the cloaked figure.
And as if on cue after Jordan's cue, time and space seemed to rip itself apart as a large gash appeared in the fabric of space and time, and a rainbow eyed figure stepped out of the gash. A snap of his fingers, and the gash mends itself as Thaddeus dusts off his jacket, his eyes settling on the cloaked figure.
"See, that's why I prefer not ripping holes in reality...something has to fill the void...that something is usually dust." Jordan responded to Thaddeus, unaffected by his reemergence
Thaddeus only shrugs at Jordan's response as he looks at Augustus.

"Sadly, I am not very picky how I summon myself to places. Anyways, it is nice to see you again, Augustus. Unfortunately, you still haven't learned."


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