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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

hudhouse said:
Augustus spoke with a strength that was overwhelming. He was past even Odin and Zues combined. He starred straight at Azazel, the armor barely giving any sense of emotion other then the base design. He spoke out, "...Do you know what Galactus's job is... oh friend mine? He eats the children of the Celestial, the eggs before they are born. I want great change, good change, and peace. I wanted the power to do so... so why not take from that which will die? I spent 3 days with Galactus, and used my Darkness of the Divine to consume the Celestial. I gave up on my previous powers, but now... I have the power of cosmic with near to no limit. I am planning 3 waves to happen to Earth... and I plan on weeding out those who want war. I will not attack... but it will look like I am going to make an attempt to destroy the planet. In truth, I must kill a third so that Earth may survive...
"...What do you think Azazel? Do you dislike my plans... any more questions?" Nanobots flew from Augustus either way, burrowing surprisingly painlessly into Azazel's hand to heal the wound.
"I cannot say I like or dislike your plans. For I do not know of the '3 waves.' And besides..... Do you have any tea? Or some water?" He asked as his mouth grew dry. He did not like where the conversation was going, but he had to learn more about his plans to fully understand it. @hudhouse

Arc - Wars of Augustus

5 Months After Thanos

Radiation and cosmic energy burned throughout the solar system for a moment, to weak to hurt yet powerful enough that everything capable of accepting his message glowed. The message was received, and played...

Every TV on the entire planet tunes in for one moment towards a man in teal and gold armor. His hand embeds into the stone throne he sits on, cracking it slightly from sheer force of strength. He rips his hand out, leaving a thick imprint that echoes his strength. He snaps open his mask, revealing a pitch black figure. His blood vessels pulse with heat, looking like some infernal hell beast of a man. He spoke in a garbled voice you would hear from Anonymous, but for some reason the strength and authority in his voice thrusted all attention onto him...

"...This is what Victor Von Doom did to me. King of Latveria, the man who went into hiding 20 years ago to raise his 6 Children. They now stand among you.... intelligent yet born to a caring world. None of them were willing to be the next King or Queen of Latveria... so he stole their memories and sent them out. From them... he stole fragments of their minds... dead flesh... and forged a hell beast to take his place. It was abused, abandoned, and starved. This hell beast crawled back after years and years of being a poor scavenger. It fought back, and killed Victor Von Doom. It took every curse it's father had casted upon it, and became the hollow being it is today. The emotionless husk that defended Earth...

"...It's name is Augustus Von Doom. Me."

The image suddenly shifted, it showed worlds exploding from Dragon Ball Z. Close ups of aliens being murdered... then three times of Earth being destroyed. It then flashed to Undertale, of Frisk slaughtering humanity until she became a old women. It then shifted to Call of Duty, with ODIN and THOR destroying America. Then again it shifted to Halo, with the invasion of Earth. The screen flickered again, splintering into two separate views. InFAMOUS's Beast was on the left, burning across America, while on the right showed Superman dominating the world. The image zoomed in, until superman took center stage.


Augustus stood up, before warping into Superman. He spoke in a now complete voice, taking the man of steel's voice for a joy ride, "I made them safe. Shielded them. But are they grateful? Do they appreciate my protection? No… they whine. Complain! Side with those criminals." He took a breath, before his eyes set ablaze with heat and he starred into the screen, "If they prefer chaos, I'll give it to them. Metropolis and Gotham. I'll flatten 'em. Set an example...." Then, flames boiled as it switched to the next scene.


Next he transformed into the Joker. He gave off a horrific, bone chilling laugh before stating, "Ya know, it's pretty funny! No matter how many people I kill, no matter how many times I break out Bats, you just keep sending me back here! To where it all went down... when will you ever learn Bats? I'll burn this world with flames and jokes before you even get the first letter of my mine engraved in that puny little mind of yours. Every time you send me here... you loosen the cuffs more and more... once day I will make it so the cuffs are on you, but as tight as you keep your ego locked up in those tights!"


Then he transformed into Thanos... and people started to feel something if they saw the disaster 5 months ago. They knew that face, but they didn't know where or whom. He spoke, "Humans have, finally and for all time, shown the galaxy that they are a swarm of irresponsible, unevolved organisms, that must be put down before they destroy us all out of ignorance and foolish justice. Say goodbye to your home planet, Human. Once word gets out that their Heroes ripped a hole in reality... Nothing will save them. And now you know... That I, Thanos was right. The Earth needs to be punished."

Those who saw the Broadcast began to see horrific visions of Thanos's ship exploding, 3.5 billion people all dying in the explosion, close ups of each of their faces trying to save themselves and their friends. Then the Phoenix fixed it all, shown with it's wings coming out of the explosion and fixing it all. Augustus stood there, and rebuild all the damage in a futuristic world. All of those who saw it would finally remember and know, Augustus Von Doom rebuild their home.


Augustus finished off his speech as the Man That Speaks In Hands. He spoke in Augustus's voice, staring straight at the screen. Those who still watched swear that he was passing judgement on their SOULs. He stated, "Project ABSOLUTION. I, Augustus Von Doom, am offering a way so that Superheroes are... Obsolete. I will offer a painless free surgery or simple shot, that will change your nervous system. It will give you access to The Way, which will allow you to feel and see the emotions of those around you, see simulations of what your actions will cause. That girl you always wanted to ask out? You can see what she would think, to spare the embarrassment of a rejection or know that she truly is interested in you. It will help show decisions and probabilities, allowing those with learning disabilities to learn better then the average person! You shall become as smart as calculators, computers... anything we have so far.

"Your important other having an emotional crises and won't tell you what's wrong? You can live through it, and truly understand how they feel. Ever need emotional support? Hear thousands, millions, nay billions of others who care for you, love you and are a part of your life, cheer you on while you are weak or vulnerable. Project ABSOLUTION offers a way for you to stay individual, stay happy, and be connected to those around you through your head. This way, murderers will know the pain of what they cause... stopping them. Those without emotions, will feel them for the first time. Those with diseases will be found faster, and treated earlier. The cost? A simple shot of a needle or a short surgery. This unification will even allow you to experience some disorders and highs if you so desire, so that person who says Pain is orange? You can live through it!

"No superheroes to fight crime will be needed! We will have a better world by becoming united, knowing who we truly need to help! Is your government corrupt? Give them this, and they will feel the error of their ways, or if they are truly a good person, they will show you how it is better for everyone! Morality will no longer be based on the purpose, but based on, "Does this help or does this hurt?" Everyone can live more fair, and more free! No more vile constructs or sins by super heroes and villains. They will see their errors and become part of society or contiune to be shut outs! Image it, Spider Man back in his prime saving people as part of the police! He is paid for his work and service, and the only change is that he has to do some paper work. This is the future, where super humans, mutants, and monsters can live in peace and harmony with Humans! We can truly share this Earth, this entire galaxy through empathy! If this sounds good to you... The Church of Augustus is offering the free shots or surgeries there, depending on your choosing. You do not need to be part of the Cult or Religion of Augustus, simply know this is a product I invented and wish to give to you. For not a brighter tomorrow, but for a happier one... Augustus Incorporated."

ZETA had fun pretending to be Augustus in his new body. The broadcast ended with him dissolving into trillions of nanobots and flying away off screen.​
Augustus twirled a hand as the nanobots around Azazel formed a TV, allowing him to see the broad cast. It then formed a whole gallon of water while Augustus's hand started to glow. He stated, "This is Wave 1. Peace and unification. Whoever wants the implant will get it. Wave 2, my fleet arrives and we watch who are our aggressors. We shall then attempt to make peace. Wave 3 happens if we do not have peace. We will fight. Wave 4 will happen if to many people die. I only want the best. Now by the end of this broad cast I should have your tea ready."
hudhouse said:
Augustus twirled a hand as the nanobots around Azazel formed a TV, allowing him to see the broad cast. It then formed a whole gallon of water while Augustus's hand started to glow. He stated, "This is Wave 1. Peace and unification. Whoever wants the implant will get it. Wave 2, my fleet arrives and we watch who are our aggressors. We shall then attempt to make peace. Wave 3 happens if we do not have peace. We will fight. Wave 4 will happen if to many people die. I only want the best. Now by the end of this broad cast I should have your tea ready."
"Now that you mention it.... I do like this a little bit. Is it not a little inhumane for an implant to be peaceful? Or are you going for a peaceful control? I may sound negative, but i mean everything I ask in the best of intentions." He said, knowing despite all the power he has gained. Gus was still the same to him. @hudhouse
Augustus thought for a second. He stated, "Its like the Khala from Star craft, and like being psychic with a mixture of EXTREMIS. It helps others relate to each other and helps people who are injured or incapable to be capable. Inhumane/Barbaric/Malicious is the opposite of my plans. If they want it, they can have it. Its like a smart phone, you do not need one, but it allows you to communicate with people better and faster. So a more better analogy would be Google Glass mixed with a smart phone inside your head. If an option that I wish people would choose but making them see is inhumane? All marketing does it."
Raikou simply took the fast way before Desimus jumped in the elevator. He placed his hand on the panel and then electric warped through it's circuits through the power system and out of an outlet outside of Tony's lab. He entered the lab long before Desimus did. "Mr. Tony Stark, your daughter sent me up. We have a great deal to discuss." Then his head swiveled to a screen displaying Augustus's meesge, he had heard of Doom's son being some power hungry warlord. Based on that this seemed like a ploy to take over the world.

hudhouse said:
Augustus thought for a second. He stated, "Its like the Khala from Star craft, and like being psychic with a mixture of EXTREMIS. It helps others relate to each other and helps people who are injured or incapable to be capable. Inhumane/Barbaric/Malicious is the opposite of my plans. If they want it, they can have it. Its like a smart phone, you do not need one, but it allows you to communicate with people better and faster. So a more better analogy would be Google Glass mixed with a smart phone inside your head. If an option that I wish people would choose but making them see is inhumane? All marketing does it."
"You know..... Now that you better explained it. I like it a lot. My dad can deal with the baddies with the worst punishments he can think of. But that is for you to decide. I want to help make a peaceful world...... I am unsure if cassie will agree with this or not.. That is what I am afraid of. If I tell her that I am doing this....... I am afraid she would shun me...... just because I want to do as much good as both of you." He said as he started to shake at the thought, imagining her reaction in the worst way. @sitanomoto @hudhouse
Strout felt stomping from miles away, since he is rooted down in central park. "I am strout." he said, meaning 'Aleena, take you mom to the tower, Maxton and myself must take care of a threat.' He said as maxton looked at the tree. "What? What's wrong?" maxton said in a concerned tone. "What threat, Strout?" gamora asked as he pointed to a group of Deviljho, consisting of different variants(Not subspecies) of the creature. The normal one led the way, as a Savage, A Starving, Apex, Frenzied, and an Abberant one followed in its wake. They were hungry, and were eating everything they could left and right. "S@!T! Get out of here you two! Now! Let everyone at the tower know about this!" Maxton commanded the two as he cocked his magnum pistol. Gamora took aleena and saw Stark Tower, and headed there.






Frenzied and Apex. These two look the same, but act differently, as Apex has different attacks, And Frenzied tires more easily.) @sitanomoto @BeamMeUpScotty @National @Everyone else
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Connor was parked at a stop light on his bike when the TV's went off with the broadcast in a nearby window. The blonde had taken off his helmet to listen, only becoming more irritated as it went on and on. "The church of Augustus? Augustus incorporated?" Connor scoffed, Your more like your father than you realize. This was something the Avengers could handle...and as of right now he wasn't a part of them. But that didn't stop the internal struggle that hit Connor.

People had of course grouped up on the sidewalk at the window to watch the broadcast as well, there was a young couple with a baby in the woman's arms that had turned their attention his direction. At first he'd thought nothing of it, until he met their gazes, it became clear they recognized him and we're possibly looking for a reaction. Maybe they we're curious, maybe they believed in Heroes as a whole, and when recognizing him as Connor Rogers wanted to know how to react based on his reaction. There were those who understood Heroes and cared about them, or looked to them for help at times. Connor understood that, he also understood that there were some people who we're the opposite. Both those kinds of people he could deal with, could live with...but the group that had almost forced him to kill Aedan? Those we're the kind of people he couldn't understand....

Connor's initial reaction to the couple was to smile at them, it's what he did...instinct was to smile whether it was a stranger or friend...to hide behind it occasionally. Slipping his helmet back on he revved the bike up before taking off, his thoughts lingering on that family.
@sitanomoto[/URL] @hudhouse
Augustus frowned, and stated, "...I want people to do good/justice/moral, but every one focuses on a past and what I am. A villain, I go against the world and do it my way. You follow the law and make it better your way. You have friends, you have a family... go to them, alright? Make it peaceful your way so that none of your friends will hate you. Everything Negates/Hates/Destroys me... but now... I have to kill."


Augustus dephased one of his fleet ships, a massive spherical mothership that hovered over Antarctica. It was covered in silver with red holes that constantly produced flying droids. They protected the mothership as it's bottom was open. It slowly began to charge its Genocide Breaker, a massive laser drill that would drill into the planet. The Mothership was a classified Weapon of Mass Destruction if it was ever found... for it's goal was to kill a God.

Augustus's plan was to secretly deploy the Mothership, but unfortunately it's massive energy output made it glow bright, visible from space but more like a red star sparkle. It had to hurry...
hudhouse said:
Augustus frowned, and stated, "...I want people to do good/justice/moral, but every one focuses on a past and what I am. A villain, I go against the world and do it my way. You follow the law and make it better your way. You have friends, you have a family... go to them, alright? Make it peaceful your way so that none of your friends will hate you. Everything Negates/Hates/Destroys me... but now... I have to kill."

Augustus dephased one of his fleet ships, a massive spherical mothership that hovered over Antarctica. It was covered in silver with red holes that constantly produced flying droids. They protected the mothership as it's bottom was open. It slowly began to charge its Genocide Breaker, a massive laser drill that would drill into the planet. The Mothership was a classified Weapon of Mass Destruction if it was ever found... for it's goal was to kill a God.

Augustus's plan was to secretly deploy the Mothership, but unfortunately it's massive energy output made it glow bright, visible from space but more like a red star sparkle. It had to hurry...
(I am watching One Punch Man at the moment...... and OMG! It's amazing!) Azazel looked at gus, and sighed. "What will become of new york?" He asked before getting a pain in his head. "OH NO!! New york is under attack! How do I know? My dad has surveillance demons around the city... and send me psychic messages about the situation. It's a massive group of hungry monsters.... and eating civilians..." He said as he went to his demon form, and summoned his long sword. "Just continue your plan.... Even if I die from it before I even set foot here again." he said in japanese as he made a portal to new york, and stood in front of the group of hungry Deviljho. Strout and maxton stood there, ready to fight. "Stand aside gentlemen. I'll handle this." he said in a cocky tone. The 6 monsters looked at him with hunger. "I know these monsters..... they will eat each other without remorse... so I need to make them do exactly that so I can fight the last one." He thought as he charged the monsters, sword drawn.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](I am watching One Punch Man at the moment...... and OMG! It's amazing!) Azazel looked at gus, and sighed. "What will become of new york?" He asked before getting a pain in his head. "OH NO!! New york is under attack! How do I know? My dad has surveillance demons around the city... and send me psychic messages about the situation. It's a massive group of hungry monsters.... and eating civilians..." He said as he went to his demon form, and summoned his long sword. "Just continue your plan.... Even if I die from it before I even set foot here again." he said in japanese as he made a portal to new york, and stood in front of the group of hungry Deviljho. Strout and maxton stood there, ready to fight. "Stand aside gentlemen. I'll handle this." he said in a cocky tone. The 6 monsters looked at him with hunger. "I know these monsters..... they will eat each other without remorse... so I need to make them do exactly that so I can fight the last one." He thought as he charged the monsters, sword drawn.

Augustus set off some of the nanobots in New York to attach to the Devilijos and send the DNA back to Dissonance. With that, Augustus could create even DEADLIER monsters....
hudhouse said:
Augustus set off some of the nanobots in New York to attach to the Devilijos and send the DNA back to Dissonance. With that, Augustus could create even DEADLIER monsters....
Azazel went for the Normal Deviljho first, since it has no special abilities. He slices one of the legs to trip it, but grew enraged and roared from the pain. it tried to stomp Azazel, but hit another one, which was the Apex. The Apex one charged the normal one, and mauls it to death as the others joined in, feasting on the fresh kill of one of their own brethren. "Now for the frenzied one.... That one tires much faster than the others... a big advantage for me." He thought as he started slicing at the Frenzied Deviljho's tail, which caused the monster to flinch, and turn around, swinging its tail into it's Starving brother's face. The starving one growls as it shot a beam of dragon breath at the Frenzied one, causing it to fall over, and an opportunity for the Savage and Starving Deviljhos to kill their Frenzied Brother. The apex still feasted on the Normal Deviljho. And along came the Abberant Deviljho, who shared the kill with its apex brother."Excellent..... Another one to kill...... I saw enough ATTACK ON TITAN to know this one." he said. @hudhouse
"My King what course of action do you wish to take?" asked one of his grandmasters. Right now High Council was convened where pretty much all the Elites gather in the throne room for a private meeting. Laxus replied "For now we'll just wait and see. We will only help Midgard if they call for our help unless Midgard or the Avengers call for my help I shall not grant it. Cassie Stark seems to believe in Doom's son so we'll let them see where such a belief will take them. I shall not turn into Augustus, he came to the aid of Avengers and the World when they didn't ask for it as such they took him for granted and brought about this situation. I shall no longer aid Midgard unless they ask for it."

It was Razor Wolf who spoke up "But your father-"

Laxus cut him off "Is Dead, he died defending Midgard. That should be more than enough for them in the first place."

Then Hendrickson spoke "What if Midgard askes for your aid what will you do?"

Laxus replied "Crushing Augustus by myself would not solve anything. I shall rally several god class, maybe more and we'll steam roll him. Just be prepared in case Augustus decides to attack Asgard out of fear of his downfall."

"Wait one last question. The Avengers would likely become conflicted on this matter. Such a thing has been known to escalate into a Civil War. What if one were to erupt?" asked one of the other councilmen.

"Then I'll let them fight, my father never took part in the one of the previous generation so I shall choose not to take part if another erupts. I have no time to participate in such petty squables, besides Captain Connor and Fearless Dimitri would never call me in to crush their former teammates. If things line up the way I expect then they won't need to." Laxus explained.

"What do you mean expect? Have you not been using the runes?"

"Ambiguity." Laxus replied. "Meeting adjourned."
Tony held up his finger in a "one second" gesture, wrench in his mouth and an electrical appliance in his hand. He poked the servos on the gauntlet that was on the table and the gauntlet twitched. He nodded and then took the wrench out of his mouth and set down the probe.

"Sure, go ahead."

He did not need Augustus's warnings, at least not at the moment.


Cassie, having heard the roars and the crashes in the streets, called upon her armor, a newer version of her suit. More of a prototype, but where better to test it than in battle?


She grinned as the suit hooked itself to her. "Morgan, let's get out in the field." She said, pulling her mask down over her face. She held out her hand for him to grab it.
Desimus sighs as he looks at Tony, trying to strain an eye at his plans.

"Hello, Mr. Stark. My name is Desimus, child of T'Challa. I am the new Black Panther, and I wish to join your new Avengers. Am I in, out? Do I need to go through a lottery first?"

Morgan snapped his fingers as Cassie went off, "Oh crap! Uh... Hold on! I just need to suot up!" He ran to the back of the building to where he stored the exo-suit Tony had helped him make. He stepped into it and got used tp the controls once more. He then followed Cassie...

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto
"I have different businese then the King of Wakanda. I wish to discuss the reorganization and restructuring of the Avengers. Remember the good old days where there were several superhero teams out there like the X- Men and the Fantastic Four. Now everyone wants to be an Avenger and they all gravitate to this Tower. This leaves a good 4 regions of the United States regularly unprotected. I am not taling from major threats like world invaders because world invaders are well world invaders. But major streets gangs and crime family or smalltime villains being left alone long enough to become a problem." Raikou said pausing innhis explanation to let his words sink in.

"To that end, I want the Avengers not to disband but split into atleast five groups headed by veteran members then each group covers a different region. I'll even help seeting up the HQs for these new divisons. Now even though they are separated they still must communicate and keep the other teams updated on what they are doing. At the very least an all clear signal. Now one advantage of this is that now each the prospects are divided up among the veterans it is like splitting a class among several teaches. As some prospects come to the Avengers to learn from them, they can learn even better in smaller groups. Another thing is that this'll help them grow stronger through experience now that they have to do more. Most importantly more people are safe. I mean there has to be atleast four indivoduals you trust to lead sections of the Avengers. I can name three, your daughter, Captain America's son, and Quicksilver's son. Since you're here you can be the leader for the group in this region and be the general overseer of the groups. " Raikou finished. "That's the gist of it."

The moment Raikou mentioned the 4 Regions of the United States, a massive fluctuation of power exploded forward on all monitors. Gravity fluctuated slightly, a wave of raw energy blasting forth. It was weak at the United States, but the skies were turning red in the direction of Antarctica. The Mothership has begun to fire the Genocide Breaker, shattering ice and stone until it is dust, then less then nothing. The weapon's raw energy output was immense, but began to slowly change to a better situation.

Upon crimson skies, Ravager Gunships, the ones that protect the Mothership, starting firing upon the Deviljhos! They all held a new mark that told of Augustus... but either way they came to help.

The Starving Deviljho died from the bullets, but the apex one threw rocks at the ship with its jaws, bullets bouncing off. Azazel smiled. "Thanks Gus." He thought as he jumped onto the aberrant Deviljho, and dug his sword into its neck, killing it. The Savage one went after Cassie as she flew towards the scene. Redd landed from the sky onto it, and shot a fireball in its face. Although not dead, it was weak from the blast, and azazel slashed upward from the tail to the head. @hudhouse @sitanomoto
Dimitri grabbed hypnas. "It's hitting the fan out there. I have to take you somewhere safe. Gus is talking about killing people around the world!" @sitanomoto

Harry cracked his neck. He had been a full time CEO for a few weeks now, and thusly hadn't seen action since the experiment. He turned on his comlink to talk on all avengers stations. "Hello? What's going on out there? Does anyone need an extra man?"
Joseph stared wide-eyed t the monitor, his heart sinking in his chest at the words spoke; his mind became conflicted, the solution offered would appear to be the end of all world problems... Yet it also appeared to strip their very humanity, whether this was a ploy for World Domination or a solution to fix Earth was unclear, he looked at Finn with an uneasy smirk, of course he was right but... "It's complicated..." He shrugged, with lack of another explanation; for once that answer seemed to be accurate, rather than a cop-out. Although a discussion on Eldkatla was the least of his worries with the supposed savior or conquer of Earth's message.

"Uh, what're we going to do about Superman's potentially evil twin?" The teen asked with an uneasy ask, his humor taken by the gravity of the situation. He looked to Finn for the answer, before diverting his gaze to the phone.

Sooo, you're here on Earth? Did you see the message? I think now would be a good time to accept that invitation, you said it yourself; I wouldn't try (and couldn't) hurt you!

But seriously, what do we do? What do I do?

@CasualDragon @Lemoncakes
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There was a sinking feeling in his chest at Augustus' broadcast. "I thought that we could help him. I tried- we tried to invite him here and join us. I guess he doesn't like our offer. As for what we can do... We can try talking with him. And that's all I have for plans at the moment." He pulled out his squashed remains of his phone again and sighed. He tossed the destroyed device on the desk and walked around to power on the laptop that was sitting back there. "What are the chances that he'll answer a Skype call at the moment?" He couldn't think of anything better so he entered his info and pressed the button to Skype call Augustus.

@Archon @hudhouse
Slipping the phone back in her pocket she went to finish the rest of her food but her attention was caught by a small gathering outside a store front, which most everyone walking past stopped to look at too. Eldkatla walked over and watched the broadcast along with the world, though her perspective was a little different to the majority of observers. She looked to either side of her half way through, watching their faces as they watched his and saw a mixture of reactions: fear, disgust, agreement. Eldkatla was acutely aware that while some had embraced the return of the long lost deities others resented them, with no help from Loki's actions.

Turning her back to the screen and walking away, Eldkatla felt her phone again. Looking at the new message she paused and her thumbs hovered above the screen before sighing and tapping out the short reply.

Do nothing. I'll find you.

Looking back to Avengers Tower she rolled her eyes before finding a quiet corner to duck into; might as well follow the hunch before searching the world. Taking a breath she spun magic around like thread and watched at where they settled. She'd used Yggdrasil to look to areas beyond her on Asgard but her branches would undoubtedly be weaker here. Gently resting her hands where the magic had rested she closed her eyes and stilled her mind. Just to that monstrous tower, it's all I need to see. It was almost intuitive on Asgard, here it took thought and effort, but soon she could see where Yggdrasil's branches were and swept her concentration up and around the tower. It wasn't like seeing, not really, but when she was where Joseph and Finn stood she knew.

With a smile Eldkatla opened her eyes and looked back to Avengers Tower. Time to visit the heroes. Then she was standing beside Joseph, looking unperturbed despite Augustus's grand announcement. "Hello one, hello all." She said, looking from Jospeh to Finn. "Sorry to interrupt." Eldkatla added, seeing the latter seemed to be busy with a device.

@Archon @CasualDragon

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