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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Harry shook his hand firmly. "Oh yea I remember. Your metal is absolutely phenomenal. On an off note though, I'm glad to see you here. You might know how I was before I was with these guys and well... I'm glad I'm in a different place." @National
Cassie clenched her fists and then relaxed. "Alright, I'll take you to see my dad. But give me a moment." She turned to Desimus and then looked at chocola with a smile. "I won't hurt him unless he calls me 'Hermione on crack' again." She smiled at Morgan and then looked at Desimus and took him in for the first time. "Wait... Connor sent you?" She said. "How is he? Is he alright?" She took a deep breath. "Never mind...." She beckoned them all to the Elevator. "Come on, electroboy can talk to my dad, he's probably in his lab. The rest of you can settle in the living room and talk things out. Nicely and politely." She said pointedly to Desimus. "My mother does not like cussing or insults unless she's insulting my dad, so please keep the hostilities to a minimum. Also, no braking windows. I'm very particular about that."
Reaper said:
"No... Of course not. If I talk to anyone about it they might assume I'll act try to force everyone like last time. And now that I have the power of the Sentry, they'll be scared. The last thing I need is them not to trust me." Dimitri replied, taking a bite out of the sandwich.
Miranda's jaw dropped as Cassie entered and blasted them. Something was off about the frost guy, that he didn't relax after she tried to push him.


@djinnamon @Raikou Kaminari
Hypnas nodded. "I understand completely." She said. "And I have something to tell you." She took a deep breath. "I don't know if you're ready for this, 'Mitri."
Hypnas nodded again and then looked Dimitri right in the eyes.

"Cassie's my half-sister."

She waited for a moment, wanting to see how Dimitri was going to react.

((Make it funny, @Reaper. I'm in the mood for a good laugh.
Raikou liked how sensible Cassie Stark was, it showed hope that the leadership will indeed listen to him. Raikou then prepared to follow Cassie Stark to Anthony Stark's lab. He entered the elevator at her behest. "I go by Silver Samurai. In case you don't feel like making a puns and nicknames based on my ability." he added. He wondered if they will recognize the name, be it back when his father was still alive or his impressive reputation or the fact that popular word is that the current user of that alias which was him, was bred and intially trained in Hydra. He was a little upbeat to meet a renowned tech armor designer being he designs his own tech armor as well.
Dimitri had known this for a while, but still feigned shock. "She's a half sister? Oh my god... Do you mean different fathers or shark attack?" @sitanomoto
Desimus laughed as he walks into the elevator, only to jump at the voice of the boy, Alex.

"Yeah, I can tell you are. How about you follow us then?"

Desimus gets into the elevator, ready to talk to whoever he needed to.

Excuse me Hermio- I mean Cassie, when I talk to your dad, should I bring up the contract he and I have made for the suit I have wanted."

@sitanomoto @LucianGrey7971
Reaper said:
Dimitri had known this for a while, but still feigned shock. "She's a half sister? Oh my god... Do you mean different fathers or shark attack?" @sitanomoto
Hypnas looked relieved. "Same father, different mother." She said. "But please, don't tell Cassie. She'd have a next-to-fatal heart attack."

Cassie smiled at the electricity-weilder. "Silver Samurai, huh?" She nodded. "I like it." She turned to Desimus as the Elevator went up. "Look, Panther pants, I'm pretty sure you can discuss anything with my dad. Just do t say the words 'ultron' or 'chitauri' around him or he'll kick you out faster than you can say 'thermonuclear astrophysicists."
Connor sneezed as he slipped onto his bike, Someone must be talking about me. The blonde glanced at his phone once more to see that Cassie still hadn't replied. Guessing that meant she'd found the note and was probably beyond upset with him he let out a sigh, put his helmet on, then drove off.

Connor really didn't want to go back to the tower, but he decided to drive by it his way home. Just to ya know... look at it from the street and make sure it hadn't blown up or anything.
Panther pants huh? He could definitely tell that she was new with the whole insult thing. He presses the elevator button, closing the door in Cassie's face.

"What door was it? I guess I can try all of them."

After hitting all of the buttons and waiting a few minutes, the doors open to show Desimus the lab of Tony Stark. He knocks on the door before walking in.

"If I followed the girls and didn't close the for on her face I would've found this place a lot quicker. Eh"

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hudhouse said:
ZETA waited for @Steel Zinogre Azazel to speak...
"Zeta.... Is he even home?" Azazel asked as he looked around, not wanting to be marked as an intruder or anything, but he was curious about Gus' home.
Alex nervously stood in the corner and just watched the two talk, his tail swishing around back and forth. His eyes looking around the room, a habit from his reconnaissance nature.
National said:
Panther pants huh? He could definitely tell that she was new with the whole insult thing. He presses the elevator button, closing the door in Cassie's face.
"What door was it? I guess I can try all of them."

After hitting all of the buttons and waiting a few minutes, the doors open to show Desimus the lab of Tony Stark. He knocks on the door before walking in.

"If I followed the girls and didn't close the for on her face I would've found this place a lot quicker. Eh"

Chocola looked at cassie. "Thank you.... really. Thank you..... for understanding." she said in a sincere tone as she walked next to desimus. "He is all I have as family..... And it felt lonely with dad gone..... and desimus became so busy with being king..... and fighting hydra... he sent me away for my protection. I was mad at him before... but now... it's all water under the bridge." she said.
"...hello there Jamie, what brings you here?" Jordan asked, his voice on edge, he clearly knew what Augustus has done...and he was not happy. He wasn't going to take it out on Jamie however, he wasn't Augustus
Far away from the Galaxy, in a ship far far away, many soldiers in red masks and black uniforms were doing their usual duties, cleaning, preparing, etc. In a room far inside the ship, two people are having a conversation. The first is Richie. Richie now has an eye patch over his left eye, his left arm being replaced with a robotic arm. His gruff personality was still there as he shouts at the second figure.

"Ya honestly think we can just sit here patiently?! You got enough power to fight even Jordan! Let's just go back to Earth, and eliminate the threat!"

The second figure was Thaddeus, and he looked much more different from before. His eyes were now in a permanent rainbow color, the infinity stones now one with him. He resonated power, the very aura around him feeling alive and heavy. He was a bit taller as well, and his muscles are much more defined.

"Patience is key, Richie. Trust me, going back to Earth now is just simply too soon. Wait, and the perfect time will appear."

Richie growls as he slams his new arm into the wall, completely denting the powerful metal.

(Just so you guys know that they are alive.)

National said:
Far away from the Galaxy, in a ship far far away, many soldiers in red masks and black uniforms were doing their usual duties, cleaning, preparing, etc. In a room far inside the ship, two people are having a conversation. The first is Richie. Richie now has an eye patch over his left eye, his left arm being replaced with a robotic arm. His gruff personality was still there as he shouts at the second figure.
"Ya honestly think we can just sit here patiently?! You got enough power to fight even Jordan! Let's just go back to Earth, and eliminate the threat!"

The second figure was Thaddeus, and he looked much more different from before. His eyes were now in a permanent rainbow color, the infinity stones now one with him. He resonated power, the very aura around him feeling alive and heavy. He was a bit taller as well, and his muscles are much more defined.

"Patience is key, Richie. Trust me, going back to Earth now is just simply too soon. Wait, and the perfect time will appear."

Richie growls as he slams his new arm into the wall, completely denting the powerful metal.

(Just so you guys know that they are alive.)
(Strout is gonna be happy..... I am unsure of your actions at this point. I assume attacking the avengers.)
Dimitri chuckled. "Cassie would be fine! She might even love it!... Unless.... Wait. Who is your mother then? And more importantly, please tell me you're older than Cassie. Otherwise I have some choice words for Tony..."

Joseph smiled at Finn, and rubbed his hands together, "More than happy to be here!" He said with an excited smile, sending a slight wave to Maul, before raising an eyebrow at Jade. "So, when did Symbiotes become good guys, if you don't mind me asking?" He inquired, setting off on a walk for the tower whilst motioning for the group to follow.

"Oh, don't mind me by the way, I'm listening to you guys, I just have a habit of multi-tasking via le phone." Joseph noted, pulling out his amazing communications device.

'Heeeeey, how's my favorite goddess? I know things turned slightly sour last time we spoke, but do not fear! I forgive you... Mainly because you totally gave me your number, I mean, I'm still confused on why you did that, but no complaints from me!

Anywaaay... You should absolutely visit sometime, Earth food is actually quite nice! I'd visit Midgard if I had access to inter-dimensional portal... But alas, I do not... maybe someday! xoxo
:D '

And with that, the boy promptly hit send. A text was easier than a talk, the idea of talking was scary... And he doubted the signal would hold up when they're planets apart, even if his phone was extremely high-tech.

@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon @Lemoncakes
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"Zeta.... Is he even home?" Azazel asked as he looked around, not wanting to be marked as an intruder or anything, but he was curious about Gus' home.

Abruptly, Zeta exploded into nanobots and flew away as a giant hand shook the land. A giant rose, shattering the magic barrier he had created. The giant stood higher and higher, until it reached the size of nearly Earth. The armor told the tale, this giant was a Celestial. It stood there, before staring straight at Azazel. It roared out, "...Daemon/Angel/Friend. Ello Azazel."
hudhouse said:
Abruptly, Zeta exploded into nanobots and flew away as a giant hand shook the land. A giant rose, shattering the magic barrier he had created. The giant stood higher and higher, until it reached the size of nearly Earth. The armor told the tale, this giant was a Celestial. It stood there, before staring straight at Azazel. It roared out, "...Daemon/Angel/Friend. Ello Azazel."
Azazel, spooked and surprised, falls back over, backing up as the giant formed. He could tell it was gus from the armor. "Jeez dude, what the hell happened? Did you just get a massive upgrade?" he asked as he stood up, some blood got on the floors from his healing injury on his hand.
Finn waved goodbye as Jade headed off to finish reading her book before turning back to Joseph. "When did symbiote become allies? Well our first Symbiote friend's name is Ivory. At least I think that he was the first. He wasn't a symbiotic but a symbiotic wearer. We were all a little suspicious at first but he proved himself fairly quickly. He died though, but then we found out that he's not dead but taking a break from heroics. It's a little confusing but we all miss the kid. There are a couple of other symbiote and human pairs but either they don't stick around for long, they passed away, or they just don't use them very much."

"Much like the good though we have had our fair share of evil ones too. Massacre was a symbiote. He killed Tony and Pietro, and chopped off my leg among other horrible things that it isn't really my place to bring up. As you can see though Tony was revived. Never a dull moment here."
He watched Joseph's fingers fly over the keyboard of his phone and grinned. "There's only one reason you could be typing that fast. Girl?"

Eldkatla's experience of New York before Thanos had decided to visit was limited but she was able to see the wounds it still bared. However, to the Midgardians credit, the city was quickly beginning to repair itself. That seemed to be a key feature of their life in general: speed. It was what she saw in every part of their life as she sat cross-legged on a stone bench watching others rush past, whether by foot or by their forms of transport. The food had been quick as well, some sweet dough with cold cream and berries. It was hardly a feast but she wasn't complaining. As she occupied herself looking at specific individuals and working out what she would use to manipulate them - always time to practice - when she felt the vibration from her jacket pocket. Pulling out the phone she opened the message she hadn't expected to receive quite so soon. Then again, they did love to be fast.

Setting aside her food for a moment Eldkatla read the text properly. He doesn't realise I'm still here. Looking up to the Avengers Tower in the distant skyline, wondering what had happened following the event. She had disappeared back to her own world quickly, she only predicted trouble if she spent much time in the company of the Avengers, but that came with the disadvantage of not knowing what was happening in their world. Thinking for a moment, Eldkatla began to type out her reply.

Extreme measures used to be taken to escape our wrath but this time I'll acknowledge that the fault is mine. It only seemed fair to offer a sort of apology gift. I do still miss the food from home but I'll admit, yours is growing on me. However that was a very vague invitation, one could even be led to believe that means it is false, but I'm sure you wouldn't try to hurt me so. EL

In terms of communication, such a distant form of it was not something Eldkatla enjoyed. For so long she had relied on all the small tells, the tone and intonation, the body language, in order to read others and to let others read what they wanted from her. There were more detestable features of their life however, and it had its advantages, so she didn't resent carrying the phone around with her. Being able to get it gold coloured made the decision more palatable.

[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Azazel, spooked and surprised, falls back over, backing up as the giant formed. He could tell it was gus from the armor. "Jeez dude, what the hell happened? Did you just get a massive upgrade?" he asked as he stood up, some blood got on the floors from his healing injury on his hand.

Augustus spoke with a strength that was overwhelming. He was past even Odin and Zues combined. He starred straight at Azazel, the armor barely giving any sense of emotion other then the base design. He spoke out, "...Do you know what Galactus's job is... oh friend mine? He eats the children of the Celestial, the eggs before they are born. I want great change, good change, and peace. I wanted the power to do so... so why not take from that which will die? I spent 3 days with Galactus, and used my Darkness of the Divine to consume the Celestial. I gave up on my previous powers, but now... I have the power of cosmic with near to no limit. I am planning 3 waves to happen to Earth... and I plan on weeding out those who want war. I will not attack... but it will look like I am going to make an attempt to destroy the planet. In truth, I must kill a third so that Earth may survive...

"...What do you think Azazel? Do you dislike my plans... any more questions?" Nanobots flew from Augustus either way, burrowing surprisingly painlessly into Azazel's hand to heal the wound.

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