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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

(I see thanks)

LokiofSP said:
(Alright, so this one dude is trying to better the world or something in central park, and a bunch of the really powerful people are like, 'Hey man stop' so they're talking while the Avengers kinda awkwardly look on)
Thaddeus lifts his index finger on his left hand, and the space around the orb ripples, stopping all movement. Augustus's hand freezes, the core still being held by his hand.

Desimus grimaces as he runs over to a few people at the park, helping them get away from the danger zone. He grabs a comm link he stole from Tony's lab, and speaks into it.

"This seems like a battle of gods. At least they're doestracting him, so the least we can do is get everyone outta here."
Jordan's eye narrowed ever so slightly as the spear was sent barreling towards Augustus like a bullet, the sound of it ripping almost ripping through space was deafening
Joseph had stood in relative silence; his face pale, and mind racing. He hadn't even noticed Eldkatla appear, instead his focus was diverted solely to whether he supported - or opposed - this 'better world order'. He'd listened intently as the more powerful characters argued; their voices quaking, and shaping the surroundings. Whilst the heroes who looked on began to split into opposing sides. It wasn't until he gave up on trying to independently choose a side, that he noticed Eldkatla.

"Oh, you're here... I'm so confused right now." He muttered, the usual humor no longer present due to the gravity of this chain of events. He cast a glance at Finn, trying to determine his own stance; so far it appeared Hulk Jr was against the 'solution' but Joseph - Precision - wasn't so sure. He glanced at the goddess, almost expecting her to pull a solution out of a spell-book of sorts. Regardless of the 'supposed' power of these higher beings - who Joseph assumed were having nothing more than a 'I'm stronger contest!' - he knew she was very powerful, and likely wise. If that was the case she had the best chance at giving a sane answer.

However, then things went sour - fast - as one of the higher powered made the first threatening move, with an agreeing look towards Desimus Joseph nodded, and turned back to Eldkatla.
"Uh, I think this just became a wrestling ring for immature God-kids. I'll bet this whole area will be obliterated in minutes, I don't suppose you have the power to teleport us to safety?" Joseph pleaded, preparing for a worst case scenario in which he would have to test his running ability. Luckily, any normal civilians - and even the media for once - had kept well away from the scene.

@Lemoncakes @National

@ every non-Mary Sue character here.
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Augustus's eyes open as the spear went straight through his head... and then obliterated it in a giant flash of light. Augustus's scream sounded like millions of souls escaping at the same time, golden light exploding from his skull. Flames danced along his armor, almost thirsting off of Augustus's agony. His cosmic presence drank straight out of his body, leaving it after 3 minutes of blood chilling agonizing pain. The armor just floated there, dead and lifeless, just some stylized vibranium now.

Augustus was dead...
Thaddeus watched the glorious death happen in front of his eyes, the spear crashing right into his skull. It was a horrific, but beautiful sight at the same time. He watches as the three minutes of pain pass by, Augustus's death hanging in the air. Thaddeus takes the core, and he looks at Jordan.

"Killing him was not the correct answer, Jordan. He just needed to learn the correct path. You destroyed such a noble soul, someone that was just corrupted. He could have been changed. You have instead finished him off on your godly judgment. Do you believe this was the right choice?"

@hudhouse @LucianGrey7971
"How many times....HOW many times have I let Doom go only for him to destroy for his own selfish gains?!" Jordan spat out in a mixture of rage, disgust and sorrow. The spear has planted itself in the side of a building, all the energy contained within it was raging, but it never overflowed or damaged it's surroundings "I did what needed to be done as I always have. I gave him opportunity after opportunity, the infinity stones, the power of a demon...creating his own planet...but this was not something I could let go...the destruction of lives that had not been born...the destruction of a Celestial...His soul was noble...but just as his father before him it was blinded by his own need for power and control...He would have never learned, he would have become the very thing he hated. Doomed to make the same horrid choice his father made before him." Jordan looked at the body of Augustus and narrowed his eyes. He did feel regret, he hadn't expected Thaddeus to freeze the boy's arm in place, the spear was only meant to make Augustus dodge the blow and move away from his pipeline to the Celestial. He had admired the boy's goals, even the way he had vehemently gone after power to save the human race...but he also realized how wrong those goals were and that the cost to the universe was too high. Still, this was not the preferred outcome. He raised his hand to shoulder level and the spear appeared I his hands. I don't have enough control of this yet...I should have been able to strip him of his power...I should have been able to separate the two...I should have been able to save him.

"I am no God and I'll never claim to be one."

A God would have saved him...

Jordan released the spear and it dissipated into nothingness, waiting to be called upon again. "Do not compare me with those who would use their power to rule others."
Morgan screamed as Augustus was killed. He fell to the floor and began to breath heavily as the events settled in with him. He stood up and backed up, putting his hands on his head...This was so...Wrong...

Morgan had wanted to stop Gus, not kill him. He had good ideas, he had the right mindset, but his execution was off...That's why they were stopping him. When Jordan and Thaddeus had arrived it made him happy,maybe they would have been able to talk him down...But they just killed him...It was unjust...Immoral...And more importantly gruesome.

He finally realized the full extent of it, in the past he had always thought regular people could be heroes, that a lack of powers could be combated with training and preparation, but to see these titans do what they do made him feel terrified.

He felt small, he felt useless, and for the first time in his life, he felt true spite for another person. He WOULD walk up to Jordan and fight him for killing, fight him for throwing around his power in ways that didn't seem to benefit anybody but himself, but after what he did to somebody like Gus, he simply hung his head low and began to think...
Thaddeus opens his hands, and the armor of Augustus float over to him. Thaddeus looks at Jordan, the rainbow color of his eyes flickering with life and sorrow.

"Being the very embodiment of the infinity stones, I have seen much. I have seen everything that the Celestials have seen and experienced, it was quite a lot to settle in. Why do you think I had so much trouble before. However, I hold the power of the most powerful weapons in existence. I am the weapon. I am the Infinity Stones. However, this is all just a title, like you said with "God." I never meant you as a god Jordan, but you and I have powers that would be considered godly. I do not want to interfere with the existence of Earth, but wouldn't that just let other godlike beings come in and destroy everything? There is much to think about."
"Simply put we have a celestial, the infinity stones and... well, I don't know who the other one is but those two alone are already too much. I can take us anywhere on Midgard but if they set their mind to it, no where on Earth will be safe." Eldkatla replied, not yet taking her eyes from the scene. She fell silent and licked her lips, her mind clearly running over a thousand thoughts. Seeming to snap out of the transfixion with which she watched, she turned to Joseph. "But anywhere will be safer than here, yes." However her eyes kept drifting back as if she couldn't look away.

And then it happened, and the scream was all she heard. Eldkatla flinched but didn't shy away. "That was a development." By no means that did give her cause to relax, death was a lot more transient in her world and the other two were still very much present and now seemed to be turning to each other. There was so much energy in the area it was as if the scream was still ringing in her head, she could feel it stagnating in the air around her. It wasn't until she heard Morgan scream that the death truly registered with her for what it was, and what it was to others. "Do you still want to leave?" Her tone was entirely neutral, no judgment or derision.
"You are correct." Jordan said to Thaddeus, his eyes reflected the regret and sorrow of what had transpired before he pulled his hood over his face "It is a terribly thin line that beings like us walk...interfere too much and you corrupt what you wish to protect...interfere too little...and you watch it burn. It's a heavy burden you have chosen..." Jordan's voice became bitter and soft as he uttered the following words "...at least you had a CHOICE....Go, this is not where you belong. Go back to your worlds and wait for your birth"

He lifted his hand towards the sky and flicked his wrist, as he did so the energy that had flown out of Augustus left Earth in a steady, calm stream and headed back to whence they came.
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Thaddeus nods, his hands clenching and unclenching. He looks down at everyone, his eyes looking at all of the lifelines, shattered hopes, cheering mortals, everything. He nods at Jordan, his hair flowing from the small breeze.

"Yes, I did make my choice. Did I make the correct choice, only time can tell. Time, such a wonderful necessity. I am going to drop off the remains of Augustus to the Avengers. I shall see you again, Augustus."

And with that, he disappears into the fabrics of space and time, before appearing again behind Morgan, Eldkatla, and Joseph.

"Hello, Avengers."
Joseph covered his ears as Augustus' cries of anguish flooded over the congregation, piercing his heart and mind alike. He had never witnessed death before, and now he had witnessed the death of a Celestial. Beings of immense power, he hadn't known Augustus, he didn't know the Avengers, and after being so enthusiastic just hours ago he felt his soul blacken. This wasn't 'heroic'. Dealings with Midgard, Asgard and Olympus were one thing, but he couldn't bear to be around these supposed embodiments of the 'Infinity Stones' and 'Phoenix Force'. It made him sick, such power; uncontested, unmonitored.

Wasn't Thanos enough? Was this what Earth had become, a playground for emotional titan-children? He felt anger at the thought of it, then, at the sound of the 'God's' voice, something in Joseph just snapped, he turned with a look of both anger and hurt fixated across his face.
"It is not your duty to interfere!" He yelled him, rage-filled for the first time in his life. "If we are to burn without you, then let us! Humanity doesn't want you, or need you. Nor did we need him!" He finished emotionally, pointing at the armor of Augustus. Without waiting for any response from the two 'Conquerors' for lack of a better word; he turned to Eldkatla, exhaustion setting in despite no activity on his part. "Yes, I really do..." The boy ushered out, defeated. Rubbing his face he peered back at Finn, his face displaying an 'I'm sorry for what I said' message.

@CasualDragon @Lemoncakes
Morgan's eyes widened at the appearance of Thaddeus. He tensed visibly as his hands lingered over his billy clubs as he tried to think of any sort of an idea of how to fight this man. He stared at the boy and spoke quickly and in a hushed voice, like a child with his hand caught in the cookie jar, "What do you need?"

Thaddeus holds his hands, up listening to Joseph's outrage. He watches as the boy goes back to the Asgardian, and he sighs as Morgan stares at him, as if Thaddeus was a torturer.

"Please, I am not here to fight. I only wanted to give you the remains of Augustus, that is all."

Avenger, oh how the world would laugh. Regardless the moment she felt the screaming power of the infinity stones behind her a different sort of power came over her. Straightening up she turned to face him with the others looking every inch the daughter of Loki, or the daughter he would want the world to think he had: composed and unmoving, respectful but not cowed by the power. But she kept silent, reognising his presence only with a small nod. She was torn between worlds, acting the Asgardian princess her father raised her to be but standing amongst the Midgardians.

When Joseph turned to her she softened a little at the sight of him. "Do you have any where you want to go? The world's my oyster." Eldkatla said with a small smirk. Hearing what Thaddeus said she looked over to him once more. "I cannot speak for us all, but there are likely others in this realm to whom they should be taken."

@Archon @National @LokiofSP
Joseph smirked in response to her choice of words, and felt the need to apologize to everyone for his outburst. Truth be told this was his first day as an Avenger, and the events that had just unfolded were a lot to deal with for somebody as untested as he was. Whilst many of the Avengers had already experienced hardship; his bar of expectation was much lower in the 'danger' category. He'd wanted to be intercepting bank robbers alongside Finn, and Conner. He didn't want to witness the death of a cosmic being at the hands of other cosmic beings whilst being nothing more than a bug beneath their feet.

He wanted
The Avengers, Asgardians fell under that. The Phoenix Force's pet, and the Infinity Statue did not. But with is current state of stress, one thought immediately came to mind for stress relief; a beach! turning to Eldkatla with a smile, Joseph put his hands over his cheeks in mock thought. "Y'know, I hear Spain is lovely this time of year." Of course he was only half-serious, and didn't expect the goddess to wizz him off to a beach - or Spain.

Morgan looked at Thaddeus, he didn't let himself get relaxed at all. His breathing grew an bit heavier and more rapid in fact.

"I don't think it's our place to take the body...Cassie cared about him though...He seemed nice but if anybody gets his remains, it should be her..."

"If that is the case..." Jordan said, one second standing where he had been, the next he was next to Thaddeus and Morgan extending his hand for the remains. "It is my fault he is dead..I am the one who must take the grief and rage..."
Thaddeus nods, bowing respectfully to them all.

"Thank you, I will go to her right away."

The fabric of space started to twist and bend, and suddenly, he disappears again, reappearing next to Cassie.

[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](Can I get a summary of what happened? I was busy.... And notifications failed me again.)​
(Jordan killed Augustus)

The remains of Augustus was his suit made of Vibranium, but Thaddeus was able to make it the size of a normal Human. The head's armor was mending itself, nanobots skittering across it's surface. Augustus had a fondness for them, so many that no matter what you would have to obliterate everything around the object just to make sure the pests were gone. But the energy that Jordan tried to gather back was useless. It was raw cosmic power, the only thing that held Augustus to this realm of existence, and with the spear's damage he was gone.

His eyes snapped open as he starred at a land of fog and shadows, standing on some vast bridge. It seemed to go on forever, near even having a single curve. Augustus looked down to his hands, watching his body of energy in a vague Human shape. He was what he always thought he was, only vaguely Human. He felt a heavy regret on his heart, but he forced himself past it. He marched down into the fog and mist under Niflheim into Niflhel. He whistled a tune, one new and strange to those who knew him.

The wind rushed slightly, stopping his tune. He looked to his left towards the sound, seeing the mist twirl into a figure of her. Augustus instinctively reached towards his glasses, then realized it wasn't there. Either way, his light burned brighter. One final gift... to walk with the woman he loved. He grasped the mists hand, even if it wasn't her... someone just wanted to see him happy. He embraced it, feeling the last warmth he will ever have, even if he never deserved it. He sung out, "And I, want a moment to be real. Wanna touch things I can't feel, Wanna hold on and feel Like I belong. And how can the world want me to change? Their the ones that stay the same. They don't know me... cause I'm not here....

"They can't break me as long as I know that I'm real"
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Eldkatla put her hand on her hip and narrowed her eyes at him in a playful manner, at odds with her behaviour only a moment earlier. "And here I was thinking the wholesome boy would turn to family or friends at such a time. But no, he abuses my power for a free journey about the realm." She laughed lightly. It had not been the answer she had expected from the solemn request but it was one she fully understood, she knew how much easier it was to run away, to pretend to have an easy life even if for the shortest time. "It would be easy of course, fun too I'm sure. Though you'll have to face the consequences eventually, you know that." It would make no difference to her, but she wasn't the hero here. "I can also not account for the time, it may not yet be day there." Eldkatla added afterwards, thinking back to the map she had drawn. It was not one of the parts of Midgardian life she hadn't committed to learning.. maybe she ought to? Oh so many inane little trivias.

Finn stumbled backwards during Augustus' death scream and clasped his hands over his ears. When it had stopped he looked towards the body of the teen that he had wanted to call his friend. Murder had been uncalled for. Looking at Augustus he zoned out, not even hearing or noticing everybody else around him. There had been so much death in such a short period of time. It probably wasn't healthy how much death and destruction they had all been exposed too. But then things changed. Augustus used his microbots to rebuild himself. Or rebuild his armor at least. Was there a chance that Augustus could still be alive? He didn't wait to find out. Instead he turned and walked away from the tower. Choosing to go off on his own for a little bit.

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