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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Fortune looked over the Hudson river. She had her helmet off as she just soaked it all in. Sure, she could have been doing something more productive with the others, but that was never really her. She was an Avenger in title and occupation only. She showed up when the aliens invaded or when whatever crisis New York faced that week came up, but she didn't stay for the post-fight melodrama and barbecues. She closed her eyes and took a breath when her phone rang. She checked her texts and was surprised to see Desimus's text.

Under normal circumstances, she would have called him an asshole and deleted his number. But this was a rare chance to go dining wherever she wanted with the man who had the deepest pockets in the world... That and she was bored. She texted back:

The Grange on 137th street. Great service and atmosphere, even better food. You get thirty minutes, then I'm done...

She closed her phone and headed back to her bike...

Desimus was on the Front Office's computer, playing online poker until he felt his phone vibrate again. He was surprised that she texted him back almost instantly. He wasn't even expecting this to work out. As he reads the text, he whistles as he whispers to himself.

"30 minutes? I was expecting 5."

As he walks back to his motorcycle, he texts back.

"Alright, I'll meet you there."

He first goes into the Avengers bathroom his suitcase, and comes back out with his Black Panther uniform back in the suitcase. He was now fitted with a Tommy Bahama button up shirt, blue shorts, long socks and some Nike sneakers. He jumps on his motorcycle, putting on his helmet. He taps the phone on his helmet, and a virtual pathway is made for him straight to the restaurant. Revving up his motorcycle, he zooms down the road, easily doubling the speed limit the entire way there. After roughly a minute, Desimus parks his motorcycle, walking up to the restaurant. A woman comes up to him, and greets him. After he tells her he needs a table for two, she smiles and nods, leading him over to a table. She sets down two menus onto the table, and walks away.

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Fortune drove down the streets of Manhattan without much haste...Besides those two times the cops attempted to arrest her for driving without a license, those times she drove like hell. He parked the bike outside, put her helmet down and stepped inside. Her outfit was far less put together than Desimus's, it looked like something somebody might wear to a quick run to the corner store. Her black hoodie on loose jeans made some of the other, better dressed patrons look at her in contempt.

She spotted the young king's table quickly and sat down, putting up a finger as she ordered her food, took out her phone and placed it on the table, revealing her thirty minute timer. She looked at him and spoke, pressing start as she did so, "So why did you text me?"

Desimus looks at the thirty minute timer, and he sighs.

"At least I don't have to use my phone. I texted you, because you have seen more than many have seen of me. Not even Chocola, that little cat knows about the slave thing. I wanted to shed some light, and also thank you."

Desimus watches as the food comes in, the waitress setting down the food for both of them. Desimus asks for another hard vodka before the woman nods and leaves.

"I guess I can start with what you saw. The first flashback was about when my father was murdered by an assassin. To this day, I don't know who it was. On the second and third flashback, I thankfully got Chocola out of Wakanda before she saw that. Hydra found Wakanda, and they invaded the kingdom without any remorse. They enslaved me for two years, torturing me over and over, every single day a new scar. Viper, the leader of Hydra, made me her personal slave. One day, the day that I was blessed with the powers of the Black Panther by the Panther God, Viper brought in a friend of mine, a girl who I treated like a sister. We were always there for each other, until that day. Viper made me watch as she killed her in front of me, pushing my head into her blood. Finally, I was given the power of the Black Panther, and I drove Hydra out of Wakanda. That was my first horrific outbreak of slaughter. After that, I have constantly killed all of my enemies who dared to cross my Wakandan borders. But... Your past, it connected with me. It sounds weird, but you've experienced pain. Pain like mine. I want to thank you for opening my eyes. I joined the Avengers and all that, and I've begun to change."

Fortune listened semi-intently at what Desimus's words, taking the occasional bite of food. When he finished, she scoffed, "Bullshit. You haven't changed, it hasn't even been a day. That's not how life fucking works, that's not how people work! You're at the first part of the long road to change. Step one is having your eyes opened. For you, it was realizing how good your life was because of how shitty somebody else's life is compared to yours Thanks for making me have to dig back up some terrible fucking memories by the way. You my friend, have a LONG way to go...But I guess it's a good start"

Desimus' eyes dim, her bringing up the "good" life part again.

"How much do I have to show you. My life has been anything but good. Do you really think I indulged myself that much? Not even close. I don't even own a car still. Sure, I have enough money to buy the U.S and sell it on Craigslist, but that doesn't mean that is something I would do. I have spent my entire life outside of that stupid castle, or whatever you wanna call it. I hate being trapped, I feel like a caged animal. But I guess you still believe I am an animal. I didn't say I fully changed. Besides, you don't consider me human anyways. You had to have some trust in me to show me those memories. What's the story behind them, if I can ask?"
Fortune slammed her fist down on the table, staring at him with intensity, "I never said your life was good! It's good COMPARED to others. You went through some shit yeah, but you had the support and the money to buy all the fucking scotch and cigars you wanted to dull the pain! God, do we really need to do this dance again." The girl visibly stiffened and went silent at the mention of her past. She thought for a moment, sure, she trusted this guy...To an extent, but she wasn't about to explain her past to him! She had only showed him it so he would stop being an asshole, but here he was asking for an explanation.

No, she wasn't ready for that.

instead she grew an intrastate in studying the floor tiles and sipped her water, "I don't want to talk about it..."

Desimus nods, downing his vodka in one go, the alcohol not even taking a slight affect.

"Fine, you don't have to. I can at least offer this. Due to my detective skills, I can tell that you haven't really had a place to stay. If you want, I got myself a hotel room, just three miles down from here. You can crash there, if you want. And no, this isn't some evil ploy to abduct you or anything. By the way, your phone is vibrating. Does that mean times up?"

Fortune frowned at his damn detective skills. If she needed a place to stay, she would have said it...Even though crashing in Stark's Tower was getting old, and she really did need somewhere to stay..., "No, I'm fine, your detective skills are absolute shit." She nodded as the alarm went off, she pocketed her phone just as the bill came. At the sight of the price she whistled, "Huh...Damn you vodka is expensive...Anyways, it was...Slightly more pleasant to meet you Desimus. I'll see you never hopefully..." She stood up an left...

@National (I need sleep...Good night)
(Goodnight! @LokiofSP )

Desimus sighs, watching her walk out of the restaurant. Not only did she not give him any answers, but the weird emotion inside of him, the feeling he's had ever since they met grew even bigger. He rubs his head as he lays his credit card down on the check, the waitress instantly going in and out, giving him back the card. His hands rub through his hair. Of course, Desimus was still stubborn, and before she left, he slipped a set of hotel keys into her pocket. Who knows, she might drop by. Probably just to go raid the room, but it was better than nothing. He gets up, walking out of the restaurant, taking in the air of the city.

hudhouse said:
Zeta stated, "...He was mentally ill. He felt love for everything, like an optimist, but his emotions were also extreme. He also believes in a logic known as the Sword Logic. You being his enemy and challenging him, to him means your a friend. Oh and Augustus wasn't joking, there really is only 19 Celestials left now, after that Galactus will starve so, no sleeping pill is needing." He crossed over his four arms before placing the blade at Laxus's feet. He stated, "Look, I am just giving out the gifts he wanted me to. Swords not magic or anything, just really hi tech to a counterpart to your religious power."
Zeta suddenly unleashed a burst of cosmic wrath, the ripple behind him slashing open to stare stare at Thaddeus. Zeta grasped the edges of the rift and forced himself through. He spoke with delight, "Oh master Thaddeus! Just the man I was looking for next. You heard the explanation as well, hmm? Even if by all means he should have thought of you as a enemy, he thought the opposite. His gift to you, is two." Zeta snapped, opening up another rift in space and plucking up the next two gifts. He held the deed to Latveria, and a golden amulet with a teal jewel. Zeta stated, "...Oh when he would dream. He turned on you because he knew what you would do with those stones. He still wanted to share rule, split it up so he has most of the work, but you started to show signs... like now. So in spirit, a land for yourself to rule, the safest country in the planet. And the amulet, storing your extra magic runoff to give you a protective shell..."

"I'll accept the sword to bestow upon a worthy warrior of Midgard one day. They may not he having any kore Celestial trouble but be it enemies from space or born of the planet itself this will be needed. Tell Augustus I said thank you. But the artifiacts are a little bit of a hard case. They aren't technically stored anywhere anymore, they are kind of one with the Odinforce and I think they should remain like that. As I shall with this blade until the right time." Laxus said. He opened one hand towards the sword and white glow enveloped it and sent it to the Odinforce. "What is the blade to be named? So I know what to call when I bequeth it onto the worthy hero."
[QUOTE="Raikou Kaminari]"I'll accept the sword to bestow upon a worthy warrior of Midgard one day. They may not he having any kore Celestial trouble but be it enemies from space or born of the planet itself this will be needed. Tell Augustus I said thank you. But the artifiacts are a little bit of a hard case. They aren't technically stored anywhere anymore, they are kind of one with the Odinforce and I think they should remain like that. As I shall with this blade until the right time." Laxus said. He opened one hand towards the sword and white glow enveloped it and sent it to the Odinforce. "What is the blade to be named? So I know what to call when I bequeth it onto the worthy hero."

Zeta leaned through the portal, stating, "Call it 'Call of the Prince', that's what Augustus used to call his favorite weapons. But if you wish to speak to Augustus... I only know he is in Nifhel, home of the Dishonorable Dead." Zeta snapped, closing the portal as he starred at Thaddeus..
Thaddeus wasn't surprised that Zeta found him. It wasn't too difficult to sense Thaddeus's powers, so when Zeta ripped open the portal, Thaddeus wasn't too alarmed, but more impressed. He looks down at the small amulet, and the deed of Latveria.

"The deed of Latveria. Why would he ever want to give me rule over him home country? I know that Augustus will come back. Does he want me to just keep the throne warm?"

@hudhouse @LokiofSP
National said:
Thaddeus wasn't surprised that Zeta found him. It wasn't too difficult to sense Thaddeus's powers, so when Zeta ripped open the portal, Thaddeus wasn't too alarmed, but more impressed. He looks down at the small amulet, and the deed of Latveria.
"The deed of Latveria. Why would he ever want to give me rule over him home country? I know that Augustus will come back. Does he want me to just keep the throne warm?"

@hudhouse @LokiofSP
Zeta frowned slightly, before stating, "...No, he isn't coming back. He knew that you were a great leader, but even if foes.. he wanted to give you what you deserve. A fresh start, and a memento of what plans you both plotted..."
Thaddeus crosses his arms, the ripples of both space and time stopping.

"Too much power, that's the corruption. That's what makes strong men into remorseless beasts. I turned into one of those beasts, until I found the truth of my father. And now, I see that he was only protecting me and the Avengers. I hope to protect this world, but too much interference, it boresbthe world. If you bore mankind, you get chaos, destruction, every deadly sin will spark. I feel like Augustus knew this. He wanted to spark excitement in this world. He understood the concept of humanity. Thank you, Zeta. I will make sure that Latveria is safe, and I will keep the amulet as a remembrance of Augustus."

National said:
Thaddeus crosses his arms, the ripples of both space and time stopping.
"Too much power, that's the corruption. That's what makes strong men into remorseless beasts. I turned into one of those beasts, until I found the truth of my father. And now, I see that he was only protecting me and the Avengers. I hope to protect this world, but too much interference, it boresbthe world. If you bore mankind, you get chaos, destruction, every deadly sin will spark. I feel like Augustus knew this. He wanted to spark excitement in this world. He understood the concept of humanity. Thank you, Zeta. I will make sure that Latveria is safe, and I will keep the amulet as a remembrance of Augustus."

@Steel Zinogre Azazel, and stated, "...Azazel?"
hudhouse said:
Zeta nodded, before using his cosmic generator to vanish once more...
Zeta formed behind @Steel Zinogre Azazel, and stated, "...Azazel?"
Azazel, now sad about Augustus, the one who actually understood him, turned to see ZETA. "Hey... What do you need?" He said in a rather pained tone as he held Cassie, hoping she would wake up. @hudhouse @sitanomoto
Zeta pulled out from a rift three gifts, "I am presenting gifts. Augustus wanted to give you 2... well technically 3. First, is a vial of his blood. It still holds the might of Thanos and the cunning of Blackheart, so it will sharpen and lightening any weapon you dip into it. Its not much, but its something. The second, is a locket." Zeta snapped open the heart shaped locket, and pulled a second one out of it. Zeta stated, "Whoever you wish to give this, will allow you to speak to them no matter where they are. The locket inside will form a image of yourself and the other wearer. And finally, a rose."

Zeta pulled out a strange rose, the thorns glowing and sparkling golden while the petals were pitch black tell it twirled into the center, with glowed with a beautiful teal. Zeta stated, "He wants to see you happy... and he knows that's with her. The rose is Augustus's gift to her but... keep it a secret and say its from you hmm?"
Eldkatla laughed again at his annoyed act, recognising this as the Joseph she had first met. "Spain isn't going anywhere - hopefully - so we'll have plenty of time later. Besides I made the mistake of giving you my number so I imagine if I did accidentally abandon you I would never hear the end of it." She didn't mention that she'd much rather disappear to the Arctic and leave him in Spain because the cold didn't seem to be desirable here, their loss. And then the hero was back as Joseph looked back to the one he had been standing with earlier. And there was the difference: she would have disappeared without a second thought if that was what she wanted whereas loyalty to a greater cause kept him here.

However what he said next made her easy smile fade as she looked at him. Eldkatla watched as he walked away but didn't follow. False hopes and expectations, an innocence she never had the luxury of. Why does this realm obsess over the black and white? She may not be a 'villain' but she could never be a hero, but he didn't know that and Joseph seemed to see the best in everyone, not even her parentage had been enough to warn him. He couldn't see the blood on her hands, the poison dripping from her lips, the destruction she left in her wake. Eldkatla had been called many things, but never anyone's hero.
hudhouse said:
Zeta pulled out from a rift three gifts, "I am presenting gifts. Augustus wanted to give you 2... well technically 3. First, is a vial of his blood. It still holds the might of Thanos and the cunning of Blackheart, so it will sharpen and lightening any weapon you dip into it. Its not much, but its something. The second, is a locket." Zeta snapped open the heart shaped locket, and pulled a second one out of it. Zeta stated, "Whoever you wish to give this, will allow you to speak to them no matter where they are. The locket inside will form a image of yourself and the other wearer. And finally, a rose."
Zeta pulled out a strange rose, the thorns glowing and sparkling golden while the petals were pitch black tell it twirled into the center, with glowed with a beautiful teal. Zeta stated, "He wants to see you happy... and he knows that's with her. The rose is Augustus's gift to her but... keep it a secret and say its from you hmm?"
Azazel accepted the gifts, they were not much, but they were worth so much in sentimentality. Tears rolled down his face as he looked at ZETA. "Thank you..... Really.... Thank you. I wish it did not have to end like this..... He was one of the very few who understood me...." He said as he gripped the locket and vial tightly. @sitanomoto @hudhouse
Despite Kat's god-powers, Joseph had the power of tech, and as long as Kat didn't learn how to block his number, or change her own, his chilly death sentence in the Arctic would be prolonged - accidental or not. He opened his mouth to reply, only to notice he'd have been speaking to air; she hadn't followed...

He stopped his journey to Finn for just a short moment, glancing back at Eldkatla, a slight disappointed frown on his face as she remained standing in the previous position with what he perceived as little intent to follow, however his disappointment did not stem from the fact that she was not heeding his suggestion, but that he was leaving her company. He couldn't place a finger on why, but he didn't want to be walking away from her, no matter what was happening. His emotions were shaky at best, and highly erratic all things considered;
(If he didn't know any better he'd assume he was... Well, he did know better, right...?) Alternatively, his unfamiliar emotional state may be because she cast a spell on him - which seemed more likely, it was a pretty Loki-esque thing to do.

Catching up to Finn - and almost walking past him, due to being so lost in thought - Joseph casually fell in place beside the other boy, he didn't speak. He had never 'comforted' anyone before, and right now he had no idea whether Finn wanted to talk about it, or be completely alone; so the best solution was to take the middle-line, and just walk - silently - until he spoke... Mostly, at least. His vow of silence only lasted a meager four seconds.

"I'm sorry Finn..." Was all that came to mind; and whilst silence may have been best, silence was never - and never would be - Joseph's strong point, if only he knew Finn better, enough to help. Conner, Cassie, or Dmitri would have been better candidates; yet they themselves were in need of support, but as things were, it appeared internal relationships in the Avengers were strained at best - and that was a whole other problem entirely.


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(Alright @Steel Zinogre, I'm going through with this.)

Morgan held his breath and crossed his fingers as he plugged in the cord to the portal. It sputtered and sparked to life as the both smiled in satisfaction. Old man Stark had allot of useful old junk lying around in the Tower, but the boy hadn't expected a portal to hell to be one of them. He checked his supplies once more, a bag filled with water and food, a suitcase containing his exo-suit along with various other little trinkets. He had his billy clubs by his side, he was ready.

'Last chance to back out...'

Morgan shook his head, "Never. I'm Daredevil, hell is my domain..."

He stepped into the portal and saw darkness. He began to panic as he found himself unable to see where he was, so he called out, "MEPHISTO!"
LokiofSP said:
(Alright @Steel Zinogre, I'm going through with this.)
Morgan held his breath and crossed his fingers as he plugged in the cord to the portal. It sputtered and sparked to life as the both smiled in satisfaction. Old man Stark had allot of useful old junk lying around in the Tower, but the boy hadn't expected a portal to hell to be one of them. He checked his supplies once more, a bag filled with water and food, a suitcase containing his exo-suit along with various other little trinkets. He had his billy clubs by his side, he was ready.

'Last chance to back out...'

Morgan shook his head, "Never. I'm Daredevil, hell is my domain..."

He stepped into the portal and saw darkness. He began to panic as he found himself unable to see where he was, so he called out, "MEPHISTO!"
Mephisto clapped twice, and flames lit up in candles all around. The room appeared to be a throne room, and he sat in his throne, and looked at Morgan. "Is that a way to talk to a king?" He asked as he tapped his finger. "What do you want? Forgiveness not enough?" He asked impatiently.

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