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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Dimitri landed softly on the beach and looked out onto the water. Surely Augustus was wrong. Surely no one could control the earth like that without any consequences. Still, the idea stuck in his head like a splinter, that the way the avengers operated needed more control. He remembered last time he had acted on this thought, how he gave up. But he didn't have the power of the sentry then...
Connor drove the streets of New York with the local hospital coming into sight, and while he was concentrated on this his thoughts we're elsewhere. Augustus was dead, and the blonde's first thoughts we're that he was sad he'd never got a chance to kick his ass like he'd promised. Doom Jr didn't deserve death, and he set it in his mind that he'd have a serious chat with Jordan about what went down among other things. The other was on how the others we're taking it, Finn had stalked off and Connor nearly went after him. However others had taken to him, then Dimitri had flown off, and the blonde still wasn't sure where Cassie was exactly.

So Connor had left, the harsh day sending him back to the hospital to check up on Aedan. Nothing had really felt right, leaving the others only to come back at the sight of a threat, and leaving once again. Admittedly he wasn't entirely sure what he was doing anymore, stepping once again into the hospital and heading towards Aedan's room.

Mason sighed as he walked around town. "That sucked." He muttered. The kid yawned as he walked past a group of girls and guys who where chatting and smoking. 'Stupidity at it's finest...' He thought.

After awhile Mason found himself at a hospital. "Mason Flames." He muttered to the clerk. Without another word he kept walking. 'Room 243' The teen told himself as he sat outside the door, Waiting for someone to let him in or to see someone to speak with.

(ik it's bad but idk what else to do!)
Eldkatla didn't need to hear, it was written all over his face when she looked back to Joseph. Of course, of course, you thought it would be any different here? Don't be as stupid as they think you are. She turned and walked in the opposite direction, digging her hands into her pockets. Finding her phone she sighed and pulled it out to write out a message.

You're a lousy judge of character, do not mistake good deeds for a good person. I'd hate to see you die from naivety.

Eldkatla hit send and continued walking down the empty streets, not exactly sure where she was headed. Is this homesickness? She would have liked to have been home though something was obviously stopping her, but it wasn't like Loki had come to find her either so why should she care? No, what she really wanted to do was find some dark corner of the city in which to drink and sway, that was the same no matter where you were. She wasn't craving evil, nothing quite that drastic, but a little chaos wouldn't harm anybody.

Jordan's eyes shot open and he gently stood up, makingsure not to wake his daughter. He held her in his arms as he stood "...." he looked over at Olivier and saw the worry on her face "It's nothing...just another person thinking that power gives them the right to challenge me..."

Aedan felt something, he didn't know what, or how, but he could feel. From what felt like the longest night of deep-sleeping ever, a beckoning ushered him awake, almost like a sixth sense. His eyes crept open, and the beaming white light almost blinded him once more, with a very loud, audible groan; the male forced his body up, before a devastating pain charged through his abdomen, causing him to fall flatly back once more with a painful hiss. It was then he noticed, this was a hospital - the tubes entering his arms and chest showed that much. Then there was the large bandage over his stomach. Conner had done this... Not purposely, but under some sort of mind alteration; it had effected Aedan too.

Conner... With a second-wind, Aedan once more forced himself up with great pain, and further noise. It wouldn't be long until doctors arrived to likely drug him, which meant he had to be fast. Being a hero meant he had certain liberties, the police were lousy at intercepting heroes who commit crime. And by nature alone; he expected they wouldn't bother giving chase once he escaped. With as much haste as possible, he pulled the tubes from his arms and chest, he could get a change of clothes later, for now the hospital gown would suffice. Yet just as he neared the door, his senses left; and he slumped towards the wall, leaning against it with gasps for air. He needed a few moments... He was highly delirious, and incredibly weak... He couldn't even feel his powers...



Joseph continued to hold his embarrassment for several moments, not even paying heed to the emergency incident with the Hulk Symbiote gong wild (which he expected, symbiotes weren't good guys, and were far to dangerous to be left unchecked) however he was soon forced to change his stance, with the familiar vibration of his phone. 'Please don't be Kat... Please don't be Kat...' angling away from Finn slightly, he opened up the message from... Kat... 'Crap.'

Then he actually red the message, and chances were a chimpanzee would have been able to read every, single, wordless emotion on his face, his figure drooped, and his face twisted into a shocked, defeated, and hopeless expression. The previous hotness of embarrassment fading into a chilling feeling of cold rejection that left his heart in temporary tatters. Or at least, an Asgardian rejection. The message couldn't have been clearer; especially when coupled with her nonchalant walking away without a second glance. He'd looked; he shouldn't have looked, now Finn would have to be blind to not understand the situation, truthfully not even Joseph understood it. His first instinct was to try and play-it off with a humorous message back, unfortunately, he was experienced with the ways of the text, and her lack of x's, !'s :P 's and :) 's or simply emoticons meant 'No' or 'stay away' in human internet language. Why did everything go wrong on this very day? Were the Gods bullying him? 'I bet this is all Loki... It's probably Loki! That evil, conniving, clever, mischievous, plotting, anti-Cupid!'

With that; he closed the phone, and considered running home and wallowing in self-pity... Since that's what rejected people usually did, although really he just wanted to go beat on some criminals after eating alone or with Finn - not take on a Symbiote Hulk - yet the real Hulk Jr said it, they couldn't always get what they wanted, maybe later he'd have time to go stop some crime... By Odin he would before sleeping. "Right... Uh, Maul... The Hulk Symbiote... The 'Good' guy..." Joseph finally uttered dejectedly, another event to ruin the year. The Avengers sucked. No, Loki sucked!

@Crono @CasualDragon @Lemoncakes
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((Wait... What's a Bi-beast? And is the Enclave the group that's after Maul?))

@Steel Zinogre

Finn looked Joseph's way sadly at his new friend's sadness. "Oh. Uhh. Sorry Joseph." He rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably. "Er. Yeah. Maul. We should." He gestured in the direction of Times Square. "I can give you a ride but can't garuntee comfort." He had put his faith in Augustus and he died. He put his faith in Maul and he had gone rogue. It was an off day. Finn changed to Smasher and waited to see if Joseph decided to come along or stay.

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Joseph raised an eyebrow, his humor partially returning as Finn appeared to grow into Hulk almost immediately and by choice, which was startling; as Bruce never had that sort of control - although Smasher wasn't as large or muscular as Hulk - he imagined control was far more effective. "Right, time for a grip test! Just don't squash me if I puke on your back or hair, if you try I'll be forced to detain you." The boy joked, motioning to his bow - as if it could even dent him.

With an amused smirk, he shot one of his Net-Arrows on Smasher's back, causing the arrowhead device to transform into multiple high speed ropes which tightly wrapped around his chest-to-back area. Almost like a saddle. With something reliable to now grip onto, Joseph jumped on the beasts back, his hands sliding under the ropes, and gripping with fierce determination.
"Giddy-up big guy!" He taunted, utterly terrified. He wasn't afraid of heights at all, but this was something else. An interesting question came to mind; he wondered if he would feel more, or less sick than he felt after Kat teleported two weeks ago.

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Connor moved through the halls of the hospital on a path, almost like a robot from the amount of times he'd taken it. The blonde spotted a boy standing outside Aedan's room as he moved down the long hallway, and at first he put it off just as someone who happened to be there. But as he grew closer he could tell that the boys spot was picked specifically, and red flags went up all over for Connor and the paranoia hit.

Coming to a halt he stared at the stranger, no smile crept across his face as per usual. More of a neutral kind of expression, "You mind explaining what your doing?" He asked, eyes glancing towards the door, was he a guard? Out of instinct Connor took a quick glance up the hallway and over his shoulder at where he came to make sure no one else was looking to surprise him.

@GoldenChari @Archon
"I'm waiting for... No one really." Mason said. "this may be weird but, i..." The orange haired kid trailed off. "I felt like i was supposed to be here. Who is even in the room anyway?" Mason asked. His mask worked well it seemed, the man had no clue he was the famous actor/singer Mason Flames and that was nice. No horde of fans. But something felt weird. The guy seemed important but Mason had no clue why.
Cassie felt herself slowly sinking back into the dark recesses of unconsciousness. Her vision became blurry and started to fade out, but as her eyes closed, she looked at Azazel and smiled.

Then she was out.

Lisa watched Dimitri fly away and then sighed. Why couldn't things just be normal for once? Why couldn't they all just go back to the tower and act like normal teenagers? Maybe because they weren't normal teenagers. They never would be normal teenagers. There was no "normal" for them. None. And it broke Lisa's heart to watch the team split up like this. She had to get them together again.

But how?
Black Cat lept from a nearby building into the streets, just deciding to walk on his own for a moment. there was no rush, no bad guy imminent danger. No one's ass seemed to need kicking for the moment. Tail twitching behind him be began to hit on a rather lovely lady at a nearby bus stop... and got shut down. Oh well, on to the next one.
Aedan's vision blurred heavily as he leaned on the wall for a dreadfully long period of time due to a fear of falling, he'd expected medical staff to have arrived by now to detain him; yet he wouldn't had been surprised if they couldn't be bothered dealing with another super-patient. It mattered little, he still helt like hell, a rotten taste of medication plagued his mouth making him want to be sick every moment, and the room smelt like a morgue. After the moment of incapability ended, he stood up once more - slowly this time - as to not lose balance. Although even in a state of disorientation Aedan made out the sounds of voices, nearby, they must have been outside the door...

Normally he'd assume they were medical staff, or even security, but if that were the case they'd likely have entered the room due to the possibility of him attempting a window escape, or if they were hostile's here to kill or detain him, they'd likely be whispering. These were people of some significance; it couldn't have been coincidence they were communicating outside his room with the size of the hospital... But if they were hostile, he had to be prepared, it wasn't a fact he could rule out. Taking several deep breaths, and gaining his composure, he burst through the door with as much energy as he could muster, if there was to be a fight it had to be ended in seconds...

With the grace of a drunken goose, he stumbled through the room door, almost tripping over, before immediately falling backwards, and sliding down against the wall due to his head feeling like it was about to explode. He'd grossly overestimated his own ability... Crashing through the door had also left his abdomen in extreme pain. 'Okay... Bad idea... Not my smartest move ever...'

It was only then that he turned, and despite the terrible pain he was in - paired with the fact that his vision was in 180p, the look of the standing individual was completely unmistakable. Conner... He wanted to be happier, but he lacked the strength; all he could do was smile, and usher out some pained words. "I'd be happier to see you... But this really hurts..." Aedan groaned out difficultly, the pain refering to his abdomen and head. He didn't recognize the other individual - the one Conner had been speaking to who remained seated - but it didn't matter, two of them was better than one... They could carry him. They'd better carry him...



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Connor practically bumbled about his words for a moment. He felt like he was supposed to be here? Few knew where Aedan was set up, secrecy was a top priority after what went down with the abductions. Connor hadn't felt he'd be safe at a SHIELD facility or at the tower, so a public hospital under a false name worked just fine. Only the people who'd been with him plus others knew that Aedan was here, and those who'd helped him set it up. So to have someone say they felt compelled to come here itched at the back of Connor's mind, all that flew out the window the moment Aedan's door came flying open and out came the boy himself.

Connor looked on with mouth slightly agape, in shock. Yet when Aedan looked at him, he'd smiled, and there was a twinge of pain or regret in his chest. The blonde's instinct was to throw himself towards Aedan and help support him, but he felt incapable to do so. Instead his movement was slow as Connor moved alongside Aedan to try and help support him, fear of Aedan's rejection, as well as knowing he'd caused Aedan's injuries.

"I'm sorry." Connor spoke in a low tone, he was oh so tired of saying those words, but it was all he had. "I didn't kn- My memories we-" He was stumbling over his words again, "Let's get you back into that bed."

@Archon @GoldenChari
(Okay @National, you asked me to do this forever ago, but I'm lazy and procrastinated, my bad)


Fortune twisted the key in the lock and pushed the door to the hotel open, her jaw nearly hit the floor when she saw just how luxurious it was. When she had found the key in her pocket she had really wanted to just go home, but her mind had been racing with the possibilities, and she just couldn't allow herself to not check it out. She approached the big bed in the center of the room and lay on it, deciding that she should at least try it, just to see how comfy it was, she was soon snoring and fast asleep...
Raikou watched as the Avengers split up disappointed utterly by their lack of resolve and determination. Another caused by all of them clustering together as one all the time rather than as several different teams of people who can agree with each other. Raikou walked back to the Tower, it seemed Cassie, Connor, Dimitri, and Finn were the four others fit to guide teams of their own. He figured if he could get them on a group call of some sort they could decide on who would like to take who with them. He figur3d this all start at the Tower's comm systems.
Aedan let out a light chuckle in response, remember when he'd been the one apologizing to a wounded, bedridden Conner. He mimicked the boys words back then jokingly, "Would you stop apologizing?" The words were a joke, but he didn't wan to to hear any apologies if Conner; he knew they were under control, Aedan was trying to kill him too, this wasn't a case of victimization, or of any fault to Conner.

However he wheezed once more as his pain intensified, before he shook his head rapidly at Conner's words; "No, I've been in that bed for days, and hospitals suck. I'd rather go to the tower... You forget, I can take some punishment..." He reasoned weakly, whilst he did have a slight durability enhancement, it didn't affect his levels of agony currently, but the last thing he wanted was to remain in the hospital. Mainly due to the fact that the Tower probably had some Stark-tech which could dampen the pain better than any drug...

"How about you to give me a helping hand out of hear... One of you deal with... The guards and doctors... Non-lethally..." He motioned towards the corridor, were footsteps were rapidly approaching, "And one of you help carry me...?" At this point, Aedan was silently begging, he expected to Conner to joke with him before helping him to the bed, but it was worth a shot.

@Crono @GoldenChari
Mason didn't react a bit. "Look. We can say i'm taking you Aedan Sir." The teen smiled. "I'm well known honestly. Who though? That can be explained later." Mason then slowly placed the man on his back. "Where is the tower. I mean, how far away is it?" Mason asked curiously.
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Desimus opens the hotel room, and was again surprised out of his mind. Well, might as well go give her some rest. Desimus goes into the bathroom, and after a few minutes, he walks out the bathroom, his hair wet and bare chested, his towel on his shoulder. Desimus grabs a chair and sets it down next to the bed. After a few minutes, he coughs.


Aedan groaned as the stranger helped him up, the journey to simply stand increasingly strenuous, and whilst moving was difficult; his new helper went to a fireman's carry maneuver, causing Aedan to intercept him, "Woah there, I'm in a pretty fragile shape, but I think I can handle walking... Besides, being on your back could hurt more..." He said weakly, before throwing his arm over Mason's shoulder and leaning most of his weight on the boy, his eyes lingered on Conner for a moment; "Looks like the decisions been made for you buddy, but boy are you a sight for tired eye." Aedan said with a second smile. Even in his weakened state, he was trying to make sure Conner knew this wasn't his fault.

However, as Mason spoke once more, Aedan would have let out a shrug if possible, but instead went straight to the words, "So big shot, you don't know where The Avengers Tower is? Can't be local..." He analyzed whilst thinking of a more sensible answer, Aedan didn't know, he had no clue on which hospital this was, Conner would have to answer this question.

@Crono @GoldenChari
Connor's face softened at having his own word's thrown back at him, but the situation was different and nothing Aedan could do or say would change that. Connor had wounded Aedan so terribly with his own hands, it would weigh heavily on the blonde for the rest of his life.

Aedan was attempting to escape and Connor's face stayed worried while his voice went to being stern. "You've been in a coma for weeks and you haven't healed nearly as much as you should have." The footsteps grew closer and even the stranger was on-board much to Connor's annoyance. It was amusing to hear him speak of being well-known but clearly not recognizing Connor himself, but it was a relief at the same time. Sometimes people just didn't recognize him without the suit and shield, and that he was thankful for.

The blonde looked to his right and using his leg pulled over a folded up wheelchair and spread it open, then proceeded to shove it behind Aedan forcing the boy into it quickly yet carefully. "No need to deal with them, let's just go!" Connor gave Mason a light smile before he started pushing the wheelchair quickly down the hallway. While moving faster than he probably should the blonde was making sure not to do any such movements to bring out more pain from Aedan's wounds. And at the same time he was being cautious and keeping an eye on anyone in the hall and the doors so he didn't accidentally smash into anyone.

@Archon @GoldenChari
"Great..." Mason muttered as Connor ran off. Mason sprinted and overtook connor before he put both arms out, his palms landed on two guard's faces and he swiped down, sending them to the floor. 'Glad i'm out of their sights...' Mason thought as he snorted steam from his nose. "Lets go wheelchair dude!" Mason called out.
Aedan simply stared in confusion for a moment, he'd shrugged the lecture off, but for a moment he believed Conner meant to help get him back in the room... That was until he decided to do the most ridiculously smart move Aedan had ever witnessed,the wheelchair forced into Aedan's back forced the male to comply, his behind hit the seat with a crash causing the light impact to send a slight shooting pain through his stomach. "Son of a... Agh." He groaned in annoyance, not at the pain, but the fact he had to be in a wheelchair, he physically couldn't walk. Unfortunately a sitting position was relatively painful, although at least it lessened his sickness, and disorientation - even when his friend was in a light sprint.

The other partner in crime Mason, was on guard interception duty, and soundly incapacitated two with little difficulty, leading Aedan to believe he was likely a hero. In these times, anyone with decent fighting ability was probably a hero. Truly, he felt like a cripple; he even had the wheelchair to go with it, yet the lack of having to move seemed a fair trade-off. It was better this than collapsing under his own stability, Conner was right, he hadn't healed anyway near as much as he should have. Despite the fact that Mason was being more than helpful, his words caused Aedan to emit a death glare that could kill Thanos directly into the boys back. "Haa haa, funny..." He muttered in feigned amusement, "When I get out of this chair..."

@Crono @GoldenChari
"When you get out of this chair..." Connor started, in a not so amused voice, "...you will be getting right back into another bed at the tower." Well technically there'd be a go between, and there was no way in hell Aedan could physically ride on the back of Connor's bike. So a Taxi would be necessary, "You know I probably could have spoken to them and let them know I was taking you out. The doctor did actually know what was going on and who I was, technically he didn't know who you we're." Alias and all that, Connor shrugged. "Not nearly as fun though."

Of course while amusing Connor would have rather just done it the easier way and regretted not doing so, especially with the guards getting K.O.ed by famous boy. The blonde slowed the wheelchair to a halt after they'd passed Mason and the guards, zipping to the left and into the empty and oddly already opened elevator. "The only reason I'm on-board with this is because your willing to go to the tower...doesn't mean your getting free yet." Connor told him, waiting to see if Mason was going to join them before the doors shut.

@Archon @GoldenChari
Thomas awoke in a hospital bed. Taking a moment to reorient himself, he looked around. The unconscious bodies of an orderly and a nurse lay on the ground. When Thomas had entered the lobby some time ago, he realized that he, a stranger from the street would certainly not be allowed to see the avengers themselves, despite his claims and abilities. In a brash move, he had tackled the nearest employee, and forcibly applied the amulet around his neck. By the time, the guards arrived, Thomas had already "claimed" his new body, and hid the amulet from sight. He then followed the guards as they took his former unconscious body to an internal hospital of some sort, leaving a trail of more unconscious bodies until he was able to locate the hospital room where he was being held.

Back in the present, Thomas slid off the bed, and stripped down the body of the guard in front of him. Knowing that, unless he blended in, he would be shot on sight. Although Thomas could just inhabit the body of the next unsuspecting victim, he had grown fond of his current body, and did not want to lose it. Besides, he could afford to get shot anyway. After he had put on the clothes and gear of the guard, which were a bit big, he took the guard's baton, and after a bit of searching, the guard's stun gun. He then proceeded to step over the bodies and out into the hallway, which thankfully, was clear. With a deep breath, Thomas walked left, which was hopeful the direction to a directory of some sort.

Unfortunately, his luck didn't last long. Right after he had found the entrance to a staircase, and began climbing, a series of alarms started sounding. "Alright, stay cool", Thomas told himself, as he continued to climb, albeit a little faster.

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