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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"Glad to see you too Aleena. And I wish I could, believe me. But you two must be together." She said with a smile. "And maxton is responsible, right?" Maxton smiled. "Very." He said sarcastically. "You act so much like your dad, maxton. No wonder you get in so much trouble." "some one has to be the smartass around here." Maxton jokingly retorted. "Besides...... Having Aleena with me..... Is the best thing every. I'm hooked on a feeling. and a good one too." he said as he chuckled at his joke. "That song is indeed amazing." Ruby said as her hologram appeared on her wrist. "Nice to see you gamora." "Likewise" Gamora said. @Steel Zinogre

BeamMeUpScotty said:

Aleena pulled away and rocked back and forth on her heels a bit. "Yeah, uh, no way is Maxton responsible mum," she mused. She gave her brother a playful wink and chuckled at his attitude. "Yeah very funny Max." Behind them Strout let out a small laugh and Aleen aglanced back at him. She saw Ruby and smiled at her before facing her mother again. "So, apart from seeing us, any reason you are here? ," she inquired. "Will you come back to the tower with us?" She was hopeful, having not seen her parents for a good while.


@Steel Zinogre

"I am here only to see you two. Although.... I want to see richie too." Gamora said as strout stood up, and reverted to his normal form. "Well, we can always head back to stark tower. Let's do that." he said as he started walking to the tower. @BeamMeUpScotty
"Better than your dad huh? Bet that he would disagree with that statement." Finn laughed a little. "And to be big, green and strong you simply eat your vegitables. Over there we have the symbiote Maul. He's new. And Jade Walters, not new." He noticed a bit of Joseph's excitement and slapped him on the back in a friendly way. "Welcome to the Avengers." He stated to both Joseph and Maul. @Steel Zinogre @Archon
CasualDragon said:
"Better than your dad huh? Bet that he would disagree with that statement." Finn laughed a little. "And to be big, green and strong you simply eat your vegitables. Over there we have the symbiote Maul. He's new. And Jade Walters, not new." He noticed a bit of Joseph's excitement and slapped him on the back in a friendly way. "Welcome to the Avengers." He stated to both Joseph and Maul. @Steel Zinogre @Archon
"Hi Joseph!" Jade said as she waved to him. "Welp! I am gonna finish my book." She said as she went upstairs. Maul looks at Joseph, and despite having no eyes, he could see perfectly, since symbiote can do that. He awkwardly waved at Joseph, not being used around others. @CasualDragon @Archon
Miranda sighed and walked around him. "Fine. I don't need you to." She said before turning to the group with her best fake smile. "Hello everyone, my name is Miranda. Can I speak to whoever is in charge?" @djinnamon @whoeverIsAtTheTower
Desimus rubs Chocola's head, sighing as he stands up.

"Trust me, all that sounds like heaven compared to what happened at home. Once you're old enough, I'll tell you what happened."

He faces Fortune once again, waiting for her reaction to the flashback and scars that he showed her.

@Steel Zinogre
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Fortune would be lying if she said she didn't feel something for the guy...He had faced terrible things, he had been through so much but yet...He still didn't get what she was trying to tell him. So she didn't say anything, instead she walked up to Desimus and put a hand to his face, pushing her powers once more to get through to him...

Desimus saw her memories, saw things through her eyes and felt her emotions. He was a little girl, huddled up in a corner upstairs with a paper trembling in her hand. She heard thrashing downstairs as loud voices filled her ears. Then there was a scream and a crash, followed by more yelling, sobbing and stomping. The stomping turned to the stairs and suddenly a large figure stood over her, the stench of liquor on his breath and a wave of anger radiated from him. She gently raised a paper up to him, trembling as she gave it to him in hopes of getting validation, some sign that she was doing right. But instead she got a backhand and a flurry of kicks, any love she had tried to give was squashed in that moment...Until she felt a body over hers.

She looked up and saw someone she cared for cover her body and take her blows for her, only to be yelled at and dragged away. She blinked and she was a young woman in a strange country. She sighed as she lay down in a cheap motel and checked her phone, her bank account was filled with a thousand dollars despite her not working. She checked her texts and saw a 'Happy Birthday' in a contact named "brother" she sighed in annoyance and turned over, vex at her brother's need to protect her.

And then one final show, she was standing over a casket, filled with regret amongst people who didn't care for the person in the casket. She swore to be a better person and stormed off in anger. Various memories of her in tremendous amounts of pain while helping people without getting credit, no name in the papers, no people thanking her, just useless pain and suffering. She returned to the grave days and days after, looking for a sign that what she was doing was right. It wasn't until she stood in front of a scene of Cassie hugging her parents next to a smirking Azazel that all of her emotions boiled up, the flashes ended but the leftover feelings were clear.


Unrequited Love






And Loss of hope

She backed away and wiped away one last nose bleed, looking the king in the eye, "At least you have someone who cares...At least you had people to lose...I never did..."

Desimus' eyes filled with mixed emotions as he experienced her last memories. Already, he felt a need to kill the man who hurt her. He could plainly assume that that man was her father, but he couldn't make sure. Then, it him. Why did he want to kill all the time? She was trying to show him: when he kills, it sets off a chain reaction. People would lose people they care for. Fortune never had people like that in the first place. Tears were starting to form in his eyes, something that hasn't happened for years.

"That's what you were trying to show me. But I've already committed the wrongdoing. There's no way I can fix it. I'm a murderer who wants to protect his kingdom. How do you fix that?"

@LokiofSP @Crono
Fortune looked him in the dead in the eyes and spoke without hesitation, "You're a murderer and an asshole, but maybe...If you decided to fucking try you could make up for it. You took people's lives from them, now try doing the opposite, try saving lives..." Shew stepped down and got back on her bike, she put on a helmet and looked at him one last time, "If you were really the king you say you are, you'd have the balls to admit you fucked up. Then you'd try to make it better. Just food for thought." She revved her engine and rode off...

"She's right you know." The voice came from behind Desimus where Connor stood with his own motorcycle helmet in hand. "You've done some horrible things, but you can come back from that." The blonde started walking closer slowly, "You get to come back from it, but you have to want to. The Panther God saw something in you worthwhile, and you have your fathers blood. So do something with that."

@National @LokiofSP
Desimus looks over at the new voice, Connor, the boy of Captain America, Steve Rodgers. He goes to the tough guy act, not knowing that Connor knows his past.

"The hell do you know? Yeah, I've done some bad things. What do you want me to do, go donate to a charity? I don't think there is any coming back. I've done wrong. I've killed so much, but why don't they deserve it? They stripped away your guy's freedom!"

Connor narrowed his eyes, "They deserved a few knocks upside the head, they deserved a fair trial, they deserved to be locked away. THEY deserved a lot of things!" Connor was growing increasingly emotional. Those people we're the reason he almost killed Aedan, the reason he'd wanted to, the same people Connor sought to protect had hurt him more than any weapon or power ever could. "....but they didn't deserve to die for their mistakes! And who are you to be the one to put them down? Our freedom was not worth their lives."

The blonde's grip loosened on his helmet as he fought to keep himself in check, "You want change? Redemption? To come back? You have to earn those, you have to try. What is it your so afraid of?"
Desimus jumps down from the plane, his eyes narrowing to meet Connors.

"You don't know anything about me. You all take freedom for granted! You all take your basic human rights, and just think that you don't need to fight for the-"

Suddenly, from the base of the plane, Bu'solin slams his staff down, the stick surprisingly making a very loud noise that silences Desimus.

"Silence, my King! This boy knows more about you than you think you do. His father and him, they know everything."

Desimus turns around, staring right at Connor.

"Tell me he's lying."

Connor's head turned at Bu'solin's silencing, before meeting Desimus' gaze. "He's not, I wouldn't be here right now if my father hadn't told me. I might not be offering you a second chance otherwise."

Desimus' head bows, his hands covering his eyes. After what seemed like a moment of silence, Desimus looks back up at Bu'solin.

"Tell X'Chu that I will not be coming back home. It seems that I have a lot to learn, so I'll stay with the Avengers. I have some payments I have to pay back anyway. I leave the kingdom in your and X'Chu's hands."

Bu'solin can only smile as he snaps his fingers, and two men walk down the base of the plane with two large suitcases.

"I knew you would say that, so I already took the liberty of packing up your things for you. Your Black Panther suit as well is in there with all of your tools, and also your little secret is in there as well."

Desimus nods, picking up the two suitcases, nodding at Connor.

"Black Panther is joining the Avengers again."

Reaper said:
Miranda sighed and walked around him. "Fine. I don't need you to." She said before turning to the group with her best fake smile. "Hello everyone, my name is Miranda. Can I speak to whoever is in charge?" @djinnamon @whoeverIsAtTheTower
Sage smirked. " I know don't and I do believe you but I don't particular like smug tone before. " he said simply as he followed her. " Also lady , wipe that fake a*s smile off please. " he ssked
The blonde cleared his throat, "Well...technically I can't accept you in...but I'm sure they'd be happy to have you." Connor made a cheesy smile before holding his helmet out in front of him. "So, you need a ride back to the tower?" Admittedly the thought of returning after just leaving wasn't on top of his list, but simply dropping Desimus off couldn't hurt. Though, the suitcases could complicate things...

Raikou entered the Avenger's Tower, security here was lack luster to say the least. There wasn't even a receptionist or any security guards as he just strolled in with with a sword to his side. He realized the Avengers may need some brains as well as organization. They could have at least had one of their own downstairs manning the front desk, he could have been a suicide bomber for all they know. He used electroreception to scan the building detecting a PA System. He knew an access point should be the huilding comminication phones, he put his hand on it and using his electricity manipulated the PA System. He put out a page. "Paging Stark to the front desk!" This sounded all over the Tower.

@sitanomoto @anyone in the tower who feel this concerns them
Miranda ducked as she was startled by the man coming over the PA system. "Who the hell is that?.. Well, at least now I know where they're headed." She said, walking away from Sage into the elevator. Upon arriving at her floor. She looked at Raikou, assuming that was the one that made the call. So she stood nearby and waited. @djinnamon @Raikou Kaminari
Sage walked over to the man with a convincing fake smile on his face. " Who are you. " he asked sweetly as he looked at the man. Now he knew this guy is suspicious and he was already powering a energy beam. He waited patiently for a answer as the smile began to falter.

(what page is the characters sheet on?)

@Raikou Kaminari
djinnamon said:
Sage walked over to the man with a convincing fake smile on his face. " Who are you. " he asked sweetly as he looked at the man. Now he knew this guy is suspicious and he was already powering a energy beam. He waited patiently for a answer as the smile began to falter.
(what page is the characters sheet on?)

@Raikou Kaminari
(Page 30)

"None of your business kid for the moment kid, but don't ever look at me like that again. Creepy." Raikou replied. He noticied another had also come down here. None of them seemed like a Stark but the one who was talking to him seemed to be preparing an offensive. He could read it in his thought waves through electromagnetic pulse signals with Electrical telepathy.
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Desimus shakes his head, pushing a button on his cellphone. Suddenly, the plane from above drops a heavy crate, and the large box parachutes down next to the two. Desimus rips open the metal crate, revealing the beast inside.


"I got my own ride right here. By the way, where are you heading off to? I can tell you aren't going straight to the Avengers Tower."


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