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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

If looks could kill at that moment, then Desimus would be dead ten times over. Fortune talked in a forced calm, "I don't value my freedom? Yeah, fine, I totally don't. What would a girl who spent entire days locked in her room know about freedom? What would a girl, who wanted to run, but had to stay for her brothers sake know about freedom? You know what? I was wrong to come here... You clearly know so fucking much about freedom and suffering, can't imagine what it was like for you in your little palace, how much it must have fucking sucked when daddy got you a red Ferrari instead of a blue one. How much it sucked when you tears made your caviar salty... Fuck you..."

Desimus growls, and then, he snaps. He grabs her by the throat, shouting right in her face.

"Dad?! What dad?! You really think that I grew up with a silver spoon?! Hell, I have been in my palace less than my guests have. You don't know a goddamn thing! Once your entire brethren, kingdom, family, are all enslaved, and you have to watch as they are tortured, then you can talk to me about freedom! I have had the largest target on my back, and every day, I have to evade death. You think its that fucking easy!? Just ask Chocolate! Why do you think I didn't want her to stay in the kingdom?! You don't think I don't know about Laxus?! (Whichever one is the black panther kid) He was sent away, because my father and I both knew it would be better if only one of us had this target! You don't know anything about me! You have spirit powers, right?! Then I dare you. Peer into my soul. Check me. Look into my past."

@Steel Zinogre
National said:
Desimus growls, and then, he snaps. He grabs her by the throat, shouting right in her face.
"Dad?! What dad?! You really think that I grew up with a silver spoon?! Hell, I have been in my palace less than my guests have. You don't know a goddamn thing! Once your entire brethren, kingdom, family, are all enslaved, and you have to watch as they are tortured, then you can talk to me about freedom! I have had the largest target on my back, and every day, I have to evade death. You think its that fucking easy!? Just ask Chocolate! Why do you think I didn't want her to stay in the kingdom?! You don't think I don't know about Laxus?! (Whichever one is the black panther kid) He was sent away, because my father and I both knew it would be better if only one of us had this target! You don't know anything about me! You have spirit powers, right?! Then I dare you. Peer into my soul. Check me. Look into my past."

@Steel Zinogre
Chocola listened to the whole thing, what struck home with her was him mentioning her being sent away. "I guess.... you're not happy because of me...? Fine.... I guess.... I'll just head back to the tower then..... Have fun in Wakanda." She said with a sniffle as she climbed on Helga's back. "See you never.... I guess." once she kicked both of her tiny legs, they were off, helga knowing the way back to the tower, she had always looked up to desimus, she felt special around him and Black Panther, she was the only female Felyne to live the Wakandans, since her village in a forest was ravaged by a group of bears when she was a kitten, and the only one alive when Black panther found her. @LokiofSP @National
Desimus looks over at Chocola, and shouts loud enough for her to hear.

"Chocola, you were sent away for protection. You think I didn't care?! I sacrificed myself to make sure you and Laxus wouldn't get killed. You didn't know who was after our kingdom. I do care about you. Don't believe me? Only reason I really came here was because I knew you came to the Avengers as well. I was going to say goodbye, but Bu'solin showed up a bit early. You don't think I want you back home? Only three people ever reside in the palace permanently, and its been lonely."

Desimus looks into Fortunes eyes again.

"Go ahead. Peer into my soul. Ask me anything."

@Steel Zinogre @LokiofSP
National said:
Desimus looks over at Chocola, and shouts loud enough for her to hear.
"Chocola, you were sent away for protection. You think I didn't care?! I sacrificed myself to make sure you and Laxus wouldn't get killed. You didn't know who was after our kingdom. I do care about you. Don't believe me? Only reason I really came here was because I knew you came to the Avengers as well. I was going to say goodbye, but Bu'solin showed up a bit early. You don't think I want you back home? Only three people ever reside in the palace permanently, and its been lonely."

Desimus looks into Fortunes eyes again.

"Go ahead. Peer into my soul. Ask me anything."

@Steel Zinogre @LokiofSP
(She is gone dude, already heading back before he even started talking to her.)
Mako walked down the street. He sat on the bench. "The avengers huh? Where the hell am I supposed to find someone who belongs to them." Mako said to himself

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In a horrific flash, she is instantly transported to a dark room in the palace. A man is lying dead on the floor, and a young, small boy is crying: it was Desimus, a much younger one. He looks at Fortune, and she again, is transported to where Desimus is holding a dead woman, a girl about his age, 17. Another flash, and Desimus is seen in chains, a masked woman standing above him.
Fortune let go, stumbling back in pain. She clutched her side and held it. Red mixed with a clear substance as blood rushed from her nose and tears in her eyes, "Oh my god that was so... I mean... Tough shit..." She stood up straighter and wiped the liquids from her face, "You lost people, but at least you had people to lose. You don't know dick..."

After Stopping to hear what Desimus said, right in front of the Airport, she felt horrible for assuming that he was miserable because of her. So she went back to the two, and hopped down. "So... you sent me away for protection...? Then tell meow, and be honest with meow. What were you protecting meow from?" Chocola asked as she hopped off of Helga, who stood patiently. "I do not need protection, I maybe just a small, prissy feline, I have the heart of a panther, and you know it. So why protect me, knowing I can handle myself?" she asked as she stared him down, managing to keep her cool. @National
LokiofSP said:
Morgan took a deep breath and put his hands around the various parts of his mask and began to unknot them, allowing the cloth to fall into his hands. He stared at the cloth in his hands for a few minutes before finally lifting his face.
"My name is Morgan Murdock, and I wanted to talk because... I have Multiple Personality Disorder, and I want to let you know the risks you're taking by keeping me on this team..."

Cassie smiled. "Morgan Murdock. I like that name." She nodded. "I'll listen." She took a seat on her worktable and motioned for him to go ahead.
Morgan took another breath, "Well... It works like this, there's me, and there's two seperate personalities within my brain. They have their own thoughts, feelings and motivations, this is important because one is REALLY bad... Do you rember Charlize Mcoy? She used to hang around here... Well it killed her. Two weeks ago when we were in the place..."

He began to cry, "It does terrible things... I-I just don't know what to do...:

@Steel Zinogre
Rumors have been going on now about a string of destroyed gangs stretching from Calfornia to New York over the recent months. The survivors would tell stories of a samurai cloaked in electricity is the one responsible. If one were to follow the reports then they'd know he was in Manhattan now, the reason unknown. Some say he was here to link up with Avengers, others say he is here to disband them. Neither story is completely wrong or completely right. He doesn't plan on leaving the Avengers as they are, his first step speaking to ones who run their HQ, the Starks. He also planned to see out the one known as Dimitri who reportedly once tried to organize the Avengers and give them much more structure. He also has totalk to all their prospects and then finally the veteran members.
LokiofSP said:
Morgan took another breath, "Well... It works like this, there's me, and there's two seperate personalities within my brain. They have their own thoughts, feelings and motivations, this is important because one is REALLY bad... Do you rember Charlize Mcoy? She used to hang around here... Well it killed her. Two weeks ago when we were in the place..."

He began to cry, "It does terrible things... I-I just don't know what to do...:

@Steel Zinogre
Azazel was stunned for a moment, but took into consideration the hormone injected into a select group, morgan being one of them. "I understand..... It was not your fault. The people who injected the horrible stuff into your head...... it is their fault. You were their pawn for a really brutal game." Azazel said as Mephisto appeared. "Brutal! But it was rather amusing!" He said with a chuckle. "If it makes you feel any better, She feels awfully bad about biting you. I would bring her out of Hell for confirmation, but it would further traumatize you, so I will give it a good year for it." he said as azazel growls. "DAD...... NOT HELPING." he said in a passive-aggressive tone. @LokiofSP @sitanomoto
Augustus began his plans on creating a unstoppable fleet. He searched through so much of Human fiction for some ideas, and found one concept that to appealing.... he began spending his time generating and splicing DNA, creating strange beasts. The power cosmic burning around him like a star, furiously working and manipulating things that shouldn't be. The lava rose up in the Gardens of Birth, cooling yet gaining life. The new beasts rampaged and fought against each other until their vented hatred died down, and they began to live in harmony. Some though would keep on fighting, becoming stronger and tougher. Augustus kept on eye on this deviants, making sure to seclude them just far enough away to not murder but close enough to be challenged. Some beasts he sent off to the other near by planets because of their fearsome might. The experiments began hitting their final phases... only 2 days until the broadcast. Then he will need those... the artifacts. Their power was to grand... and those egotistical Asgardians. Laxus was armoring and preparing the place as if he had known...

No matter! Augustus decided that causing some chaos would assist. He would take out the random chance and unite it all! Make it love and be at peace! Be fair! Even if it meant destroying Earth all together....




LokiofSP said:
Morgan took another breath, "Well... It works like this, there's me, and there's two seperate personalities within my brain. They have their own thoughts, feelings and motivations, this is important because one is REALLY bad... Do you rember Charlize Mcoy? She used to hang around here... Well it killed her. Two weeks ago when we were in the place..."

He began to cry, "It does terrible things... I-I just don't know what to do...:

@Steel Zinogre
Cassie walked over to Morgan and pulled him into a hug. "Shhh...." Cassie said, shooting a glare over her shoulder at Mephisto. If you weren't the ruler of Hell I would kill you for that. She thought. She returned her attention to Morgan. "It's okay, Morgan." She said. "You're not the only one here who has been experimented on." She rubbed his back, a technique that her mom used to use when Cassie was stressed out.
Quiet still wandered around the place Jordan had left her at. She made minimal contact with the team, just sending them messages an letting them know she was okay. She had been constantly trying to send a message to Augustus, but not being able to speak had its limitations. Quiet sent messages hoping they would reach him, but she didn't even know if it was going to the right person or even going to the right location, but she still tried. @hudhouse
sitanomoto said:
Cassie walked over to Morgan and pulled him into a hug. "Shhh...." Cassie said, shooting a glare over her shoulder at Mephisto. If you weren't the ruler of Hell I would kill you for that. She thought. She returned her attention to Morgan. "It's okay, Morgan." She said. "You're not the only one here who has been experimented on." She rubbed his back, a technique that her mom used to use when Cassie was stressed out.
Bubbles finished chasing luna's ghost, and was met by Morgan crying, she saw a lot of dirt caked onto his suit, and snorted at the filthy contamination. So she walked up to morgan, and rubbed her soapy tail on his back, with the soothing smell of Lavender filling the air. "My My, Look whose momma switch just turned on! Azazel, she is definitely a keeper, yeah? She'd make a HELL of a queen." Mephisto said with a chuckle at his pun. "DAD...... STOP..." azazel said as he looked disapprovingly to Mephisto. "A friend just murdered someone else when he was not in control, maybe you should forgive his uncontrolled negligence!" Azazel shouted irritably. "I've already forgiven him. He did put on a good show in my opinion." Mephisto said as he looked at morgan. @sitanomoto @LokiofSP
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When Quiet realized that he wasn't anywhere close to her, she walked over to the wall and started lightly hitting her head against the wall. I am never going to get out of this damn building. Quiet thought to herself. Well at least those snipers haven't come back for me yet. The snipers had recently been assassinating several different targets, including corporation owners and politicians. The reason had not been quite worked out yet.
Sage had woken up in the morning and went to Avengers tower after saying good byte to his family he walked into the room only to see Morgan crying and Cassie hugging him while glaring at Mephisto. He walked over to the two quickly. " Why is Morgan cryimg. " he asked Cassie , worry and confusion evident in his tone.

sitanomoto said:
Cassie walked over to Morgan and pulled him into a hug. "Shhh...." Cassie said, shooting a glare over her shoulder at Mephisto. If you weren't the ruler of Hell I would kill you for that. She thought. She returned her attention to Morgan. "It's okay, Morgan." She said. "You're not the only one here who has been experimented on." She rubbed his back, a technique that her mom used to use when Cassie was stressed out.
@sitanomoto[/URL] @LokiofSP
Morgan took in deep breaths and attempted to calm down his speech, though he still spoke like a scared child, "It's just that, I don't want to hurt anyone else I care about! I don't kno- *hic* what to d- *hic* I thought I was getting better..."

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto
LokiofSP said:
Morgan took in deep breaths and attempted to calm down his speech, though he still spoke like a scared child, "It's just that, I don't want to hurt anyone else I care about! I don't kno- *hic* what to d- *hic* I thought I was getting better..."

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto
Mephisto sighed, and cracked his bones as he kneeled in front of morgan. "Morgan Murdock...... I require you to listen to what I have to say, and say NOTHING until I finish. Understand? Good." Mephisto said as he cleared his throat. "Mistakes happen, whether they be big or small, it does not matter. I've seen many good people come and go, but there is a thing called a 'Life Cycle'. Life begins, and it ends. While you have ended someone's life, son, you have just sent them to a much better, and more fair place, which is my Domain. Hell is not what those Pedophiles in Ministry say it is. It is a place of eternal living after death. Good people always live nice lives, and have better opportunities than up in the surface." He said as he sighed, with that being a mouthful. "What I am trying to say is...... Just because there is a mistake made, that does not mean that there is a light in the dark. Charlize is living nicely, working at the Zoo From Below." He said with a chuckle. "I opened it myself, to bring creatures of all kinds to it, and show everyone there what more life there is than just Brimstone and hell hounds." He said as he finished, and saw morgan had calmed down. @sitanomoto @LokiofSP
Sage's eyes widen at what Mephisto said. " I never pigged you for the nice type. " he said to Mephisto in awe. He looked back at Morgan and placed his hand on his head. He ran his hands over the boys head comfortingly.

@Steel Zinogre @LokiofSP

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