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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Cassie shot Mephisto a look that clearly said "if you weren't Azazel's father I would kick your ass" and continued to rub Morgan's now-soapy back. "Morgan... Mephisto is right. And you can't hold onto the mistakes you made or it will tear you apart from the inside out. Trust me, I know."
sitanomoto said:
Cassie shot Mephisto a look that clearly said "if you weren't Azazel's father I would kick your ass" and continued to rub Morgan's now-soapy back. "Morgan... Mephisto is right. And you can't hold onto the mistakes you made or it will tear you apart from the inside out. Trust me, I know."
Bubble finished rubbing Morgan's back, the leather now shiny clean, and she proceeds to scrub the front of him, getting at the stubborn dirt on his torso. ""I'd hate to admit it, but my dad is right. He may look all evil and merciless, but he is actually a very wise old man." He said as Mephisto chuckled. "Thank you son." he said with a smile.

Meanwhile, Jade, Finn, and Maul entered the tower, although the massive Symbiote did have trouble getting in. "GUYS! WE FOUND A NEW FAMILY MEMBER!" Jade shouted at the top of her lungs, causing Maul discomfort. "Please..... Don't do that again." he said in an irate tone. "Sorry... forgot you don't like loud sounds." she said. @sitanomoto @LokiofSP @CasualDragon @BeamMeUpScotty @Anyone else in the tower.
Morgan backed away from the group slightly, "I... Can just move past it? Yeah... Maybe it was a one off... Look at me, my dad would kill me if he knew I was literaly taking the devil's advice..." He chuckled and sniffled one last time, before bringing Cassie into a tight hug, "Thank you Cassie, I'm gonna repay you for this one day... In fact, it's now my mission to become a GREAT hero, just like you..."

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Morgan backed away from the group slightly, "I... Can just move past it? Yeah... Maybe it was a one off... Look at me, my dad would kill me if he knew I was literaly taking the devil's advice..." He chuckled and sniffled one last time, before bringing Cassie into a tight hug, "Thank you Cassie, I'm gonna repay you for this one day... In fact, it's now my mission to become a GREAT hero, just like you..."

@Steel Zinogre
"Well...... I'm not that much of a devil, but my Bastard Ale is stronger than Valhalla's Meade." Mephisto said. His watch started to beep. "Whoa! Look at the time! Gotta go, Zoo's opening. Cassie, If you would like, I can invite you, azazel, your parents, and 4 friends of any choice to my zoo! Here!" he said as he handed her 8 tickets. I got those for free, just for you. Maybe even morgan would like to go. Who knows, he might meet a certain someone there." he said as he did the generic eyebrow thing after a joke or reference. "Toodles!" he said as he entered a portal, and disappeared. @sitanomoto @LokiofSP
BeamMeUpScotty said:
((Did everyone escape?!?!))
(Yep, aleena is with everyone else. I've been putting off a maxton post for a while.) Maxton and aleena were at Central park with Strout, they were looking at the different birds, and using strout as a swing set. The tree did not mind, for as long as his fellow Guardians are happy, so was he. Then a ship landed in front of them, and out came Gamora. "Shit." was all he said. "I see you found your sister... like you said." she said with a sassy tone, and a smile. Strout smiles and waved, and gamora did the same. @BeamMeUpScotty

Aleena looked up from her spot and she jumped from the makeshift swing to greet her mother. She pulled her into a tight hug and didn't exactly let go. "
Mum, seriously, get me out of here I'm sick of earth," she grumbled, digging her heaf into her hair with another grumble. "And humans." Ever since the incident two weeks ago, her suit still was no-where to be found and she was close to getting Amelia back through the internet. A one time thing that she was hoping to complete after the calm visit to the park with Strout and Maxton. She was glad she was back, no doubt, and she was happy to be alive with only a few cuts and scrapes at her neck due to the collar she forced off.


@Steel Zinogre

BeamMeUpScotty said:

Aleena looked up from her spot and she jumped from the makeshift swing to greet her mother. She pulled her into a tight hug and didn't exactly let go. "Mum, seriously, get me out of here I'm sick of earth," she grumbled, digging her heaf into her hair with another grumble. "And humans." Ever since the incident two weeks ago, her suit still was no-where to be found and she was close to getting Amelia back through the internet. A one time thing that she was hoping to complete after the calm visit to the park with Strout and Maxton. She was glad she was back, no doubt, and she was happy to be alive with only a few cuts and scrapes at her neck due to the collar she forced off.


@Steel Zinogre

"Glad to see you too Aleena. And I wish I could, believe me. But you two must be together." She said with a smile. "And maxton is responsible, right?" Maxton smiled. "Very." He said sarcastically. "You act so much like your dad, maxton. No wonder you get in so much trouble." "some one has to be the smartass around here." Maxton jokingly retorted. "Besides...... Having Aleena with me..... Is the best thing every. I'm hooked on a feeling. and a good one too." he said as he chuckled at his joke. "That song is indeed amazing." Ruby said as her hologram appeared on her wrist. "Nice to see you gamora." "Likewise" Gamora said. @BeamMeUpScotty
Desimus only looks at her, sadness and grief mixed into his eyes.

"I think I know enough to tell me that I had justice. You really think I don't know anything? Then what do you suggest I do? You sound like you're the almighty wizard or some shit, that you know what I've been through."

Desimus turns around to show Fortune his back, several large scars painting his back. Another flashback suddenly flashes into Fortune's mind. Fortune was transported into a room, a dark and musty room that looked exactly like a dungeon. And next to her, at her feet, was Desimus bounded by chains, his head bowed. A woman walks out from the darkness, the masked woman from the other flashbacks, dragging the girl who Desimus held as she died. The masked woman laughs as she pushes the girl to the floor, her eyes red from crying. The girl looks up at Desimus, and mouths a sentence to him before her eyes widen. She looks down, and sees that a bullet has passed through her heart, the masked woman holding the gun. Desimus shouts before the flashback cuts off again, Desimus painted in blood as he holds the body of the dead girl, countless dead people that he killed under his feet like a horrific corpse mountain. The flashback ends as Desimus turns back to face Fortune.

"I still don't know anything huh?".

National said:
Desimus only looks at her, sadness and grief mixed into his eyes.
"I think I know enough to tell me that I had justice. You really think I don't know anything? Then what do you suggest I do? You sound like you're the almighty wizard or some shit, that you know what I've been through."

Desimus turns around to show Fortune his back, several large scars painting his back. Another flashback suddenly flashes into Fortune's mind. Fortune was transported into a room, a dark and musty room that looked exactly like a dungeon. And next to her, at her feet, was Desimus bounded by chains, his head bowed. A woman walks out from the darkness, the masked woman from the other flashbacks, dragging the girl who Desimus held as she died. The masked woman laughs as she pushes the girl to the floor, her eyes red from crying. The girl looks up at Desimus, and mouths a sentence to him before her eyes widen. She looks down, and sees that a bullet has passed through her heart, the masked woman holding the gun. Desimus shouts before the flashback cuts off again, Desimus painted in blood as he holds the body of the dead girl, countless dead people that he killed under his feet like a horrific corpse mountain. The flashback ends as Desimus turns back to face Fortune.

"I still don't know anything huh?".

"Desimus..... I'm sorry.... For what I said...." chocola said as she walked up to him. "I just..... I want you to stay.... I am empty without you, and you are all the family I have left..... ever since dad died..... Ever since then.... you've been very distant....." she said with a tear in her eye, her words are just what any little girl would say to their big brother who was about to leave them. @National @LokiofSP
Desimus turns to Chocola, addressing her as well with his scars on his back.

"From this. Thankfully, you weren't there for those seven horrible months. I never told you, and thankfully, it's been held as just a dark secret of Wakanda. Think Chocola. Who has always wanted me and dad dead? Who has always wanted the power of the Black Panther? Hydra. I never want you and Laxus to have had to go through that."

He kneels down, and hugs the little cat, scratching her in between her ears.

"I've never doubted your fighting ability. But I've never wanted you to have to go through things I have gone through."

@Steel Zinogre @LokiofSP
National said:
Desimus turns to Chocola, addressing her as well with his scars on his back.
"From this. Thankfully, you weren't there for those seven horrible months. I never told you, and thankfully, it's been held as just a dark secret of Wakanda. Think Chocola. Who has always wanted me and dad dead? Who has always wanted the power of the Black Panther? Hydra. I never want you and Laxus to have had to go through that."

He kneels down, and hugs the little cat, scratching her in between her ears.

"I've never doubted your fighting ability. But I've never wanted you to have to go through things I have gone through."

@Steel Zinogre @LokiofSP
"You don't know what i've been through...... When I first got here, I was treated as a stray. I was homeless, and very dirty. I had an infection in my left eye, I had a tick infestation, I even resorted to drinking gutter water! and all during Christmas too!" Chocola said as she looked at maxton. "But when the Starks took me in.... I felt like a different cat. But with you..... I actually feel happy around you..... and some of the animals that the Avengers have were made by Hydra.... and they would never hurt me, Right helga?" she asked, who nodded as she growled, and licked her fists to prime the slime for explosion. "See? She gets me...." @National @LokiofSP
Connor was leaving the hospital Aedan was being kept in, his bike parked across the street in the parking garage. As he made his way over he suddenly remembered something he was meant to do. Something he'd promised his father he'd do, before everyone was abducted.


15 Days ago

"Connor I need a favor." Steve spoke to him from his parents living room, having decided to drop by for a visit. "I need you to go to Wakanda and speak to it's leader, Desimus T'Challa." Connor agreed but that wasn't all Steve had to say, his father continued on explaining what his son needed to know about Desimus's past.

"Desimus grew up with only his father there, his mother is an unknown even to me. As a young boy, Desimus would watch in horror as his father was killed by a masked assassin. Afterwards he became the rightful ruler of Wakanda. However, after a few years, when he was 14, Hydra found Wakanda, and invaded the kingdom with all of its force, no mercy shown. Many were killed, and in the end, the entire kingdom was enslaved, including Desimus. Two years later he gained access to abilities through the Panther god, and with this new strength and his past skills of fighting, he forced Hydra to leave his kingdom." This was the gist of it, Connor thought it odd that his father would give someone's whole life story. It was then that he realized how important this was to Steve, that Connor speak to Desimus.

Buzzing from the blonde's pocket broke his train of thought, a silent thought of who it could be ran through his head and the thought of if they'd found his note already. The blonde stopped at his bike, leaning against it as he read the text from none other than Cassie. A faint smile crept across his face, something that he hadn't done in a while. Cassie was one of the few people that always managed to do that somehow, not to mention it was a relief hearing from her. After the incident two weeks ago she was gone...but no body was ever found so he hadn't given up hope that she was out there somewhere and this text only confirmed that.

"Leaving the hospital on 32nd, it's good to hear from you. You alright?" Was the reply he sent to her phone, before his mind wandered back to Desimus. Connor knew the panther kid had been a part of the abductee's along with many others two weeks ago, as to where he was now Connor wasn't too sure.

Joseph lowered the bow, and didn't even make an attempt at understanding when Symbiotes became the good guys. He sure as well wasn't planning on questioning Iron Man though. With a enthusiastic look, he clasped Finn's hand in a friendly handshake, he'd officially met the Avengers... Properly, this time. "Yeah! That's me, they call me... Precision... Way better than my dad by the way." The boy chided, still with the determination to best Hawkeye's own deeds, not in a competitive way, but just a way to prove himself.

"Finn Banner! Awesome, Hulk Jr, Smasher! You're cool, you can totally show me how to go all green, and strong." He winked jokingly. He then looked up at Iron Man, no words coming to mind. "Uh, yeah! Here I am, my mission to make the Avengers a better place!" With another curious glance he peered at the Symbiote and the girl beside it, his mind attempting to figure out how they were good guys. Whilst the boy was happy to meet the two Avengers, and curious of the other two, he couldn't help but be overly excited with seeing the interior of Avengers Tower. It was likely far more high tech than the old generation's. No offense to Tony, thank god he couldn't read minds...

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto
Miranda walked into the room with the others in the tower. It was second nature to her to manipulate everyone in a room to not notice her, so she was practically invisible. As she got closer however, someone in the room began to give her issues. she couldn't tell who it was, but it was so off putting that she accidentally ran into Sage. "Damn!" She swore under her breath, trying to back away slowly. @djinnamon
Sage was walking out of the room only to be bumped into. He stumbled back but regained his balance soon after as he looked at the girl. " Hello , what is your name. " he asked with a raised eyebrow and folded his arms across his uniform clud chest as he looked at the girl with curiosity. He didn't think he ever saw her before and he knew almost everyone.

She raised her hand to wipe his memory, before changing her mind and lowering it. "Miranda. My name is Miranda Xavier." She said in a defeated tone. "Who are you?" @djinnamon
Sage tried to remember ever petting a Miranda around here but he could not recall one before he was interrupted by the girl's question. " I'm Sage ,Sage Kaplan. Its nice to meet you " he said smiling while mentally noting to find out about the girl later.

"Nice to meet you, too." She said, pushing her glasses further up her nose. "If you don't mind me asking, who is in charge here, and may I speak with them?" @djinnamon
Sage instantly gain a serious expression on his face. " First tell me what is your business here , I don't believe I have ever seen you before. " he said in monotone. As far as he was concerned this girl was an unknown and he couldn't let his guard down.

(What page is Miranda's character sheet on?)


"Same as the rest of you. Saving the world and all of that. I saw everyone on the experiment. I saw how horribly it went." She said, assertively. She paused and looked at his forehead before continuing. "So you don't believe my intentions are good. I'm sure you've heard of Charles Xavier, haven't you?" @djinnamon

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