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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

LokiofSP said:
Morgan cursed as he quickly shimmied on Stark Tower's ledges. He wouldn't have had to do this if someone had awnsered his calls. He looked inside a window and saw Cassie, Azazel and two weird ghost... Things... He sighed and reassured himself he was making the right decision 'I've worked with these guys... I can trust them I think... Its just... God, I've never took off the mask for anyone before... Guess there's a first for everything huh?'

He quietly opened the window and sat down, speaking at the next silence, he used his natural voice around them for the first time ever, "Sorry to interrupt but I did call... And this is kind of important if I'm going to work with you guys so... If I may have the floor..."

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto
(Bubbles is no ghost, but luna is.) "You may." Azazel said as he looked at morgan. "I can see you have something as hot as brimstone to tell us, just by looking at you. If it's murder, well.... you're gonna have to ask my dad for forgiveness." he said in a joking matter.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](Bubbles is no ghost, but luna is.) "You may." Azazel said as he looked at morgan. "I can see you have something as hot as brimstone to tell us, just by looking at you. If it's murder, well.... you're gonna have to ask my dad for forgiveness." he said in a joking matter.

(Typing on phone, didn't mean to put in two, sorry)
"I'm still not sure where you were when the registration act fiasco happened, but... In light of everything.... I don't think I was wrong. I mean if I would've won the war, we would've been more organized to fight Thanos, and when those people that kidnapped us did so, we would've been found in a matter of hours. I don't know, maybe I'm going crazy. It just seems like we are so inefficient." He admitted as he sat down on her couch. @sitanomoto
Miranda approached stark tower, standing on the sidewalk in front of the entrance. She had always wanted to make contact with the new avengers, but seeing them on the screens for the experiment made her think they might need her. She closed her eyes and lightly explored the minds around herself, and in the tower.
Desimus curses as he watches his large private plane land down. Out of the plane, his advisor, Bu'solin, walks out, his strict face relaxing a bit as he sees the king.

"Desimus! Oh by the thankful Panther God, you are alive!"

Desimus only snarls as he flexes his back, his many battle wounds and new scars showing vividly in the sun, concerning Bu'solin. To Desimus, he was still in an angry state. What was up with that Fortune girl? Was she playing tricks with his head? Did she plant some sort of device into him? He couldn't understand, but he tries to shrug it off.

@LokiofSP (If Fortune wants to make Desimus stay, making him join the Avengers)
Joseph walked casually down the street heading for Avengers Tower, something he had intended to do two weeks ago; but after the whole kidnapping shenanigans he ended up going back home to explain the whole story to his dad, Clint had simply told him:

"Welcome to the Avengers kiddo, that's what most days are usually like. You'll do well there.

Of course, after fleshing out the details, and giving his goodbyes again, the boy made a second journey to the tower, except it took him a weak and a few days longer to actually get around to doing so. He'd spent the rest of the time researching whatever information mankind knew about Asgard, Midgard, Loki, and Hel. All in an attempt to learn more about Eldkatla individually, which was odd, since after her small lecture he'd figured they were definitely done, right up until they found the Avengers he'd remained silent; and the Avengers needed anything but help; he was so demoralized due to Eldkatla's words he hadn't had the heart to introduce himself to any of them.

...Of course, his attitude was easily changed when he stumbled upon a mysterious number on his phone. Nobody ever got near his phone without his say so, there was only one person with the ability to do so who he'd been near. Elldkatla - or, Elly, Ella? - he wasn't sure which one worked best. Although that could probably be solved by ringing her, yet he always get too nervous; thinking about the last words they - or she, exchanged.

Alas, now he was finally going to sign up with the Avengers, for real this time! With a little jump to his step, he picked up his pace as he neared; occasionally changing the soundtrack playing on his earphones. The music blocking out the sounds of nearby commotion, yet his eyes still worked; and he noticed the street was nearly abandoned, with cars left; and what appeared to be injured soldiers incapacitated, taking the ear-phones out, Joseph's eyes widened at the sight of a nearby Symbiote. Just a few feet away from an enormous destroyed robot... How had he missed this?

he immediately armed his bow, and aimed it at the brute; before raising an eyebrow slightly, Is that... Iron Man? And Phil - Finn.. Hulk Jr? Why aren't they attacking?

@Steel Zinogre (Only the last paragraph is where you guys are at, if you want to skip the rest.)
Sage was in the kitchen making dinner for his siblings because his parents were on a date. He walked around the kitchen making the food as fast as he could and kept watch on the baby in the high chair while the toddlers played in the living room waiting for something to put in their stomachs. It was moments like this that made him feel like a single father to the kids and not their older brother. Once he finished he called the toddlers into kitchen and had them sit before placing the fold in front of them.

Once he and the children finished eating , he gave them a bath and put them to sleep. He then began to clean the house and fell asleep. His parents arrived soon after and looked down at him fondly. " You did good my little snow prince. " Wiccan said smiling as Hulkling picked Sage up and carried him to his room as Wiccan followed and watched the two. Once Sage was laying on the bed sleeping his fathers went to their room and fell asleep.
Cassie took out her phone and opened a text message for Connor. "Where are you?" She texted him (@Steel Zinogre) ghost and smiled. "That's Bubbles. Terry's little water squirt." She turned to Bubbles. "And that's my old friend Luna." She turned back to Morgan. "Before you tell me, Devilboy, I want to know this: how the hell did you know I was alive?"

Reaper said:
"I'm still not sure where you were when the registration act fiasco happened, but... In light of everything.... I don't think I was wrong. I mean if I would've won the war, we would've been more organized to fight Thanos, and when those people that kidnapped us did so, we would've been found in a matter of hours. I don't know, maybe I'm going crazy. It just seems like we are so inefficient." He admitted as he sat down on her couch. @sitanomoto
Lisa raised an eyebrow as she brought Dimitri his sandwich and a soda. She sat down next to him. "Have you talked to the Starks?" She asked him. "I know Pepper and Tony have some input on leadership, but I don't know how they're doing, what with Cassie and Terry and all...." She shook her head.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie took out her phone and opened a text message for Connor. "Where are you?" She texted him (@Steel Zinogre) ghost and smiled. "That's Bubbles. Terry's little water squirt." She turned to Bubbles. "And that's my old friend Luna." She turned back to Morgan. "Before you tell me, Devilboy, I want to know this: how the hell did you know I was alive?"
Lisa raised an eyebrow as she brought Dimitri his sandwich and a soda. She sat down next to him. "Have you talked to the Starks?" She asked him. "I know Pepper and Tony have some input on leadership, but I don't know how they're doing, what with Cassie and Terry and all...." She shook her head.
bubbles looked at luna, and luna looked at bubbles, they circled each other, and then chased one another outside of the room, while luna gleefully squeals at chasing bubbles. @sitanomoto @LokiofSP
Morgan shrugged, "Honestly? Didn't know. But I also know your the closest thing to a leader this team has, so I tried you. Now can I speak please?"

LokiofSP said:
Morgan shrugged, "Honestly? Didn't know. But I also know your the closest thing to a leader this team has, so I tried you. Now can I speak please?"

Cassie put her phone on vibrate and motioned for Morgan to go ahead, a small smile escaping her as she watched Luna and Bubbles chase each other around with squeals of delight.
The cold surrounded her, and all she saw was a white world. It fractured and shifted, but the ripples began to slow until the world slowed to an empty blur. Then her body began to protest and her lungs began to scream and Eldkatla pushed herself up and took a gasping breath as the water splashed over the side of the bath. She'd finally slept through the night which had left her feeling sluggish so, for lack of better options, holding oneself below freezing water was always a good fix. Standing and stepping out, Eldkatla grabbed a thick robe and shrugged it on as she walked through the flat to her room.

A while later she stood in the living area, staring down a world map which had been drawn onto the wall as large as it could be, though it was hard to see the boundaries under all the small scribbled runes and scraps of paper. It had been easy to learn the superficial elements, enough to pass as Midgardian. That part was even fun, who didn't like to double their wardrobe and spend hours playing with their hair and face? However this part of immersion had always bored her: the histories, the culture, the prominent people. Luckily for her Midgard was small and new. Unluckily for her she had no food and that was beginning to be all she could think of. "I need to meet a cook, gods know I can't afford one." She murmured to herself, grabbing a jacket and heading out to the city. Food was the goal, not the kidnap of a cook, but she wouldn't rule out an attempt to charm one into her life. A girl could dream.
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Tony turned around and nodded, smiling at Joseph. You couldn't see it however, because he was hidden behind his mask. "Aahh, Barton told me you were coming." He said.
CasualDragon said:
Well it seemed like they had been invited to the tower so that was where they would go. He waved for Maul to follow him. "Months huh? Wow. So... You were created from my dad's DNA? You're pretty much my brother which would make you a cousin of Jade's. Anyways Stark tower will be the safest place for you to go at the moment. There are other heroes there and it's so big that it makes it easy to hide if needed." Turning to start walking towards the tower Finn noticed Barton junior pointing his bow their direction. Joseph was it? Finn held up his hands in a gesture of peace. "Easy my friend. He's on our side." He walked over to the kid and held out his hand. "I don't think we've actually been introduced. I'm Finn Banner."
@Steel Zinogre @Archon
"Well..... now that I know that I have someone I am related to..... I have no more need for hiding." Maul said, He was relieved to find people who are not easily intimidated by Symbiotes like him, and to find out that The Hulk is Finn's dad is even better for him to know, since he now has found a place in life, despite being the youngest out of the 3 of them.
Fortune got off the motercycle she was on and ran up to the bottom of the steps leading to Desmius's jet. She looked the king in the eyes with a burning hatred, "So that's it huh!? Just going to leave after all this!? Where the fuck do you get off! Your just going to go back to your country still a shitty ruler who dosen't know a damn thing about people! FUCK YOU!"

Desimus grits his teeth as he hears a motorcycle start to come closer. And then, right after that, he hears the venemous voice of a certain woman. His head turns around, his eyes showing with years if pain and torture inside of them.

"You know literally nothing about me. Just because I kill doesn't mean it isn't justified. The hell do you know about freedom? You take it for granted."

@LokiofSP (you can start the Connor/Steve talk now @Crono )
LokiofSP said:
Fortune got off the motercycle she was on and ran up to the bottom of the steps leading to Desmius's jet. She looked the king in the eyes with a burning hatred, "So that's it huh!? Just going to leave after all this!? Where the fuck do you get off! Your just going to go back to your country still a shitty ruler who dosen't know a damn thing about people! FUCK YOU!"

Chocola then arrived at the airport while riding on Helga's back, she felt abandoned once more when desimus left for the airport without saying goodbye. "Desimus..... Brother.... Please don't go..... Don't leave meowt here all alone. You are all I have left.... and you leave me with even a goodbye..." she said as she grew emotional, and hopped down to the ground. @National @LokiofSP
"No... Of course not. If I talk to anyone about it they might assume I'll act try to force everyone like last time. And now that I have the power of the Sentry, they'll be scared. The last thing I need is them not to trust me." He replied, taking a bite out of the sandwich. @sitanomoto
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Morgan took a deep breath and put his hands around the various parts of his mask and began to unknot them, allowing the cloth to fall into his hands. He stared at the cloth in his hands for a few minutes before finally lifting his face.

"My name is Morgan Murdock, and I wanted to talk because... I have Multiple Personality Disorder, and I want to let you know the risks you're taking by keeping me on this team..."

LokiofSP said:
Morgan took a deep breath and put his hands around the various parts of his mask and began to unknot them, allowing the cloth to fall into his hands. He stared at the cloth in his hands for a few minutes before finally lifting his face.
"My name is Morgan Murdock, and I wanted to talk because... I have Multiple Personality Disorder, and I want to let you know the risks you're taking by keeping me on this team..."

"We have more potentially dangerous members, but please, do go on." Azazel said, taking into account of some of the members, like Finn and Jade, redd and ruby, and many others. Azazel thought for a moment about the MPD. "What risks are there? Because Redd used to have all that before.... If i remember correctly. Do no ask how I know." he said thoughtfully. @sitanomoto @LokiofSP

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