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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Slowly grinning Maniac nodded. "You and I are gonna get along just fine Sage" he said pulling out his katanas. "Just fine." With that Maniac jumped towards a wall and cut it into pieces. After that he jabbed both blades into either side of the walls on his left and right and ran along the exist make a line as they went.

Sage made several more icicles and shoot them at the walls making extremely large holes in them. He smirked and kept shooting and making holes in the falls as he walked. He was glad he could use his full power again. @The Regal Rper
LokiofSP said:
The woman looked up at the warm and gentle face she saw, she knew something was wrong, after all she had DIED...Yet for some reason she felt...Safe. Like any fears she had melted away at that moment. She sniffled (Or sniffled as much as a spirit could) and began, "We were originally a support group...People who had lost loved ones throughout various fights the Avengers had...W-we were so angry for so long. We cheered when we saw the registration act passed again, we thought it would make things normal again...But then one day I looked on the news and saw their faces, and I realized that they were kids...I was thirty-five, just had a son...I imagined how their parents must have felt about them doing the things hey did and I felt horrible...
But that struck an idea in my head. There was no doubt that these kids had potential, but they lacked teamwork and skill...So I had an idea to fix the teamwork part...We made the Avengers hate each other, so their bonds are tested and broken. Then we unite them under a single idea.We first broke the bonds to make them feel terrible, then we would lift the spirits by showing them that their fellow man would always be beside them to help...We couldn't let non Avengers go either, so we took them here and made them comfortable...We also knew that some might go crazy and well...Kill each other...So we hired some of the best doctors and bought out some of the most expensive equipment to stop that from happening...

But as you can see, we were stopped before we could do anything. Now the Avengers are worse than before and children are dead in that arena...Yet I don't feel bad for them anymore. We were right the first time, look at what they did and still continue to do! They slaughter men, woman and children with families, honest, good working people who just wanted to help! We meant no ill will, we meant t help! It would have helped!...But they wouldn't listen..."

@hudhouse (I was getting worried nobody would ask why, had this whole big backstory planned :P )

Augustus, laughed in her face. Not in spite, but in honest laughter. He spoke softly, "...Do you know who I am? Since you spun a tale, let me spin you mine. I am the one who rebuild Latveria... I rebuild the entire eastern world after Thanos destroyed it. I have in my entire life only killed... one man. Though, I shattered his heart three times... nay four. I broke his heart when I was born in America, because of what a vile concoction I was. He used DNA from the original Avengers to fill in cracks and wounds, instabilities in my genetic coding after they broke into his base. When they broke in, one Avenger damaged a Doom bot but didn't destroy it. Tony Stark. Doom spent his time on me, finishing his 'worthy' successor, until the Doom bot attacked on what it thought was an intruder. It was supposed to be repaired but Stark damaged the chip... causing it to kill two of my three sisters, thinking of them as more Avengers trying to hurt the children."

Augustus sighed, as if it was a normal thing. Augustus looked at her and said, "...then I destroyed the name Doom 13 years later, destroyed his religious name Rabum Alal, then finally I killed Victor Von Doom. Four hearts, one life. He made me suffer through literal Hell, he warped me in hatred and anger. He blamed himself, but also me, and so nearly destroyed me. The only time I ever had his love was when I killed him. He finally said 'I Love You' just as I ripped him out of his suit and he disintegrated to dust and ash. Then... I worked on repairing and rebuilding. Making jobs, saving lives. Latveria is the safest place on the entire planet. So now... let me comment and speak of your goals.."

Augustus suddenly gave off a sadistic, cold and horrifying smile. His skin melted off to become Gaster once again, and as he spoke strange black and white symbols would form like subtitles in her sight just to scare her. They seemed foreign, but she could read their meanings. Augustus snarled out, "Those kids you see there... were trained by their parents to help. Those deaths and slaughter you speak of, were them stopping slaughter. Have you ever watched their battles? Spider Man's child does just what he does, flying and leaving a battle to stop and save people from the villain's actions. Without the Avengers, Thanos nearly 5 months ago would have ENSLAVED EARTH! Maybe even destroyed it! I have only killed in total twice in my life. The other was during Thanos's invasion... when I murdered Zar, Thanos's strongest general, his second in command. One knife, slashing and cutting, cauterizing tell it found it's mark and stole his throat. "

Augustus snickered like some monster who was forced to kill... a child soldier. He kept on going, "...Then you bastards revolted against me in America. I rebuild your cities, you threw rocks at my robots. You swore me off as some devil, some dictator who wanted everyone to be enslaved communists. Death threats from children and adults alike... when I was rebuilding their fucking city. I cured Asthma! I cured HIV! I cured Diabetes! I build energy that started healing the planet, using the pollution in the air as energy and cleaning it! I revolutionized the economy! Those who want to be lazy can now spend time sleeping to help computers over there, and as such work! There is nearly 2% unemployment, and that's 3% less then the entire United States.. and that's for the entire eastern side of the planet! Then you, and the heroes, and the entire world started to hate me for giving you all life. I tricked a god into reviving over 3 billion people... without me Europe, Asia, Africa... WOULD STILL BE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN!" He screamed with rage and sadness in his voice.

He finished off his speech, "...Then one of the Avengers tried to assassinate me. The son of Thor, Laxus. I made a promise to him that he would not kill me... as long as I left Earth. Then the god I tricked, the Phoenix Force, made me ask instead of taking. Then I would actually have a friend... that's what he bloody said. Call me insane, call me sadistic, but I did everything to better the world. I fought against two gods at the same time in wits and strength for people who weren't my family! People who hated me, people who scarred me. I have illness inside my damn brain that I only have because of my birth. I love everything, I want to see it all grow... and everyone looks at how I see and how I feel and laugh at me. They try to kill me because I am not them.. I watched all my work become ashes... so because of my deeds, you could say I am the savior of half a planet."

Augustus transformed into his actual true form, before Doom scarred him, before everything happened. He lowered his hand, fusing the Woman and her spirit together. She lived again, as if nothing happened. Augustus spoke in a strangely young voice, almost innocent. He spoke with wonder and joy, though with a British ascent, "So mistress, what do you think of me? A cruel monster? A sadist? A torturer? A horrific thing that doesn't belong on Earth?"

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Cassie smiled softly and kissed Az on the cheek. "It's alright, I would have done the same. Come on, we have to go find everyone else and tell them we're alright."

Terry was looking at his knees. "There's so much death here...." Terry whispered. "And its just.... My fault..."

Cassie turned around and slapped Terry in the face. ,"Don't give me that kind of s**t, Terry Stark. You're a hero."

"Don't feel much like one."

She slapped him again.

"OW! What was that for!?!"

"Get your head back in the game! You are a STARK!! Not some wimpy idiot kid who doesn't know what he's doing! that's DAD'S job!"

Terry snickered. "Yeah, I guess your right."
sitanomoto said:
Cassie smiled softly and kissed Az on the cheek. "It's alright, I would have done the same. Come on, we have to go find everyone else and tell them we're alright."
Terry was looking at his knees. "There's so much death here...." Terry whispered. "And its just.... My fault..."

Cassie turned around and slapped Terry in the face. ,"Don't give me that kind of s**t, Terry Stark. You're a hero."

"Don't feel much like one."

She slapped him again.

"OW! What was that for!?!"

"Get your head back in the game! You are a STARK!! Not some wimpy idiot kid who doesn't know what he's doing! that's DAD'S job!"

Terry snickered. "Yeah, I guess your right."
"First... We need to find Helga and Brute.... They will track the others down via scent, so they are our best bet." Azazel said as he put his right hand to his head, as if he is trying to find them. "I found them. We need to get out of here." He said.
Eldkatla let him revel in the moment, but couldn't help but let her mind wander to what her father would tell her. Selflessness gets you killed, rudeness is to be endured to allow others to believe they have the upper hand, heroes are ruled by their basest sentimentality. "The Disastrous Duo, more likely." She saw no point in being too negative, no use in crushing him before he'd managed to live out his hero dreams, that would happen with time for sure.

His reaction to her appearance was no shock to her either. As little was said of her mother everyone who dared mention her would agree Eldkatla had inherited her beauty, even if some would snarl it as if that were an insult. She went about tightening the harness on her leg and sliding her dagger into it as he stumbled over his words eventually fading out. "You do realise we are of the Norse pantheon, not the Greek. Would it not be more apt to call me a Viking?" Eldkatla smirked as she swung the door and looked into the corridor, to see it empty. Walking out and knowing he'd follow, she looked around to see if she recognised where they were. "It may be worth returning back to where we have been before, unless you know where we are." She didn't bother with whispering anymore, it was clear most of the loyal guards had run at the first risk to their own lives.

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Dimitri looked up at the buildings and the road in front of them. "So if none of that horrible stuff happened... Where are we?" He said, still holding her. @sitanomoto

Miranda rubbed her neck as the collar fell off. "Thank god. I can think again... Look, if you need me to, I can tell if someone is telling the truth." She said in desmius' direction. @National
Lisa shook her head. "I don't know. I really don't know." She closed her eyes and reached out with her mind, looking for some other sign of human life. "I can't sense anyone...."
LokiofSP said:
The woman soaked in all Agustus had told her. She gave him a warm, almost maternal like smile, "I think you're a hero..."


Augustus smiled and stated, "Welp, your the one in 7 billion. Your free to go, but please don't try and do this again? I may not be an Avenger, but on a one on one fight... only two people could actually beat me. Oh and uhhh.. here..." Augustus placed a nanobot on the ground that chewed up the floor in about a one title area, creating a large amount of itself. One of the bots attached to her skin, but it weighted less then the wind. Augustus stated, "These little bots will form a small aura around the electromagnetic field your body naturally produces. Basically.. you have a force field around you. Its not to tough, but it will allow you to evade the King of Wakonda. Also, if you say "Hide me" it will turn into a cloaking field so that no one can visually see you. But people who can see Thermal can see ya, so watch out! They will only activate if your within a visual radius of a super powered person. If you attempt to break a law with the cloaking it will stop. This way you won't die..."

Augustus vanished with his teleportation, and began to secretly supply all of his cults around the world...​
Brute growled as everything went on, The other Avengers and their allies get freed, but her he was, with his best friend Helga, locked in a room, and possibly forgotten. He hated the thought, and tried whatever he could to escape. The glass was immensely scratched up, to the point of being completely blurred out, and scratches on the doors and walls. Blood was caked on his cracked face, and small drops dripped from his face. He was getting desperate, and that's what a wyvern of temperament does. Helga had lost hope, and was laying down, starving as much as brute was, and was weak. Brute wanted to do something to help her, but Depression has too big a hold on her ebonshelled body. @sitanomoto @LokiofSP @National @Everyone else.
"BRUTE!!!" Nevermore Called, having figured out a way to get out of her room. "BRUTE!!! BRUTE WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" She was worried about her friend and mount. "HELGA!!" She called, remembering the other dragon-like creature.
sitanomoto said:
"BRUTE!!!" Nevermore Called, having figured out a way to get out of her room. "BRUTE!!! BRUTE WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" She was worried about her friend and mount. "HELGA!!" She called, remembering the other dragon-like creature.
Brute heard nevermore, and he began to glow throughout his body in his veins. He then ran up to the window, and savagely scratched the window and doors, making as much noise as he could. The noises echoed throughout the halls, and helga covered her face with her fist, since she was weak, starving, and depressed.
"GOOD BOY, BRUTE!!! KEEP GOING!!" Nevermore ran through the halls, right past Cassie, Azazel, and Terry, then to Brute and Helga's cage. "Brute!" She said, smiling. "You're alive!" She put her hand on his snout and then kissed it. "Can you break this?" She asked as she phased through the bars.
sitanomoto said:
"GOOD BOY, BRUTE!!! KEEP GOING!!" Nevermore ran through the halls, right past Cassie, Azazel, and Terry, then to Brute and Helga's cage. "Brute!" She said, smiling. "You're alive!" She put her hand on his snout and then kissed it. "Can you break this?" She asked as she phased through the bars.
Brute growled, and broke his claws through the bars, and proceeded to knock down the bricks by careening into it, his skull has suffered many fractures, and his face caked with his own blood, as his wounds in his nasal passages healed slowly. He was a raging mess at this moment, and as soon as he saw that the wall was knocked down, instinct kicked in. He completely disregarded Nevermore due to his hunger induced frenzy, and went to a cafeteria, where it was completely empty, devoid of any life. He saw the fresh meats that were laid out just before the guards and employees left. And all he cared about was feeding his vast hunger that had been going on for hours, and went straight for them, but made sure to leave some for Helga.
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Joseph scrunched his face up slightly and shrugged. "Potayto, potato. Vikings and Spartans are both awesomely badass." Joseph then had anther brilliant idea,something common in the boys brain "That's it! You're a Viking, I'm a Spartan! Now c'mon... A Spartan and Viking?! Dangerous Duo - confirmed." He cheered confidently, with an almost blind trust in the girl. Taking to his feet and following her lead as she exited the armory, or storage room.

With a glance around he simply shrugged, having no idea of their whereabouts; but surprised at the question nonetheless.
"You mean you can't find them with your Loki powers? I mean, Your dad seemed pretty good at finding stuff..." Joseph said remembering the Tesseract incident. Where his own father became a villain for a brief while. He didn't bother asking why they weren't being sneaky any more, Miss Mischief could click her fingers and any brave guards would become brave frogs. Such a cool power... I want...

[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Brute growled, and broke his claws through the bars, and proceeded to knock down the bricks by careening into it, his skull has suffered many fractures, and his face caked with his own blood, as his wounds in his nasal passages healed slowly. He was a raging mess at this moment, and as soon as he saw that the wall was knocked down, instinct kicked in. He completely disregarded Nevermore due to his hunger induced frenzy, and went to a cafeteria, where he saw many people eating, and turning to look at him. "HOW DID THAT GET IN HERE!?" on of the guards exclaimed in pure fear as some of them drew their guns. Brute took a deep Breath, and roared, pushing everything in his way to the back of the room, crushing some guards with tables, or chairs. He did not care about them, all he cared about was the assorted meats that were laid out, and went straight for them, but made sure to leave some for Helga.

(All the guards bolted

Sorry I took so long to tell you but I was watching the new Star Wars)
"Why do you call it that?" Stopping suddenly, Eldkatla turned to look at Joseph. "Do you credit your own skill to the one who taught you it? Yes, my father taught me but it is I who practiced until exhaustion, I who stayed awake for days to read the old texts, I who have sacrificed to become this. I love my father but I am so much more than an extension of him." She didn't raise her voice but she kept her eyes trained on his, before suddenly turning to continue walking the other way.

She was no where near as angry at him as he would believe, she was well used to being treated as just another child of Loki. But Joseph was too busy building this fantasy and while she hadn't minded indulging him to begin with but she knew the time for lies and she knew the time for truth. "I can only find something I know, it is not as simple as wishing to find the Avengers and then appearing before them. I could find that room because I could follow the necklace, I have nothing to follow this time." Eldkatla explained, not leaving him to dwell in negativity. There was also the hope that he would be able to solve the problem with his knowledge of the Avengers but of that she was not counting on.

Joseph flushed with discomfort at her outburst; she wasn't shouting, but the tone said enough, he could've sworn he felt her eyes gazing at his soul, and a mixture of guilt and doubt built up in his system. She said it herself; Loki trained her, that gave away more reason for caution, his own enthusiasm had been sapped at that very fact, parents mold their children, he'd seen her in a cheery, playful, friendly light. Yet her outburst left him more than a little dejected, clearly she wasn't interested in his ideologies at all - in the end, she'd been stuck with him, now the collars were off, she didn't need to act like she cared about anything he said. What was I thinking? Of course she doesn't care.

"...Sorry... I didn't mean to offend... I didn't mean it like that..." You know I didn't... "It was just a reference..." Which you probably wouldn't understand, or care to understand. After listening to her explanation of finding the room; he simply gave a half-hearted nod, his sentence had been mostly a joke, yet she'd took the opportunity to shut him down, it worked - well, he wasn't used to such attitudes, he'd never had somebody actually berate him in such a way, not even his father. "Right, so we're clueless; our best bet is to try and catch one of the guards, and have them show us to the Avengers... You can use your magic for that... Right?"

Tech had hacked a nearby console and was enjoying herself as she hacked into countless government sites...then she stopped smiling all together. "Uhh...Jordan...you NEED to see this..."

"Swear to God Tech, I don't care how many documents you find, I'm the Phoenix Force and the moon landing was NOT stag-" Jordan stopped dead in his tracks as he looked at the screen, his eyes widened in disbelief and horror and his heart sank to his stomach. Amidst reports that had been altered, Tech had found originals all with the same symbol of a group that clearly had deep ties and deeper pockets and really didn't want to be known. Jordan's face twisted up in rage, disgust and contempt as he stared at the symbol...because itb was his symbol...yet it wasn't. Jordan's own symbol was a variation of Jean Grey's Phoenix symbol with sharper edges and an extra set of background wings...this symbol was old, Dark Ages old. A flaming bird and in the middle, pieces of a broken sphere that symbolized the destruction of Earth.

"The Cult of Phoenix...do the Avengers now about this?" he asked but Tech just shook her head

"I didn't even know about this, and I hack every government at least four times a day...this just happened to be me messing around. Sh...should I destroy the evi-"

"No!" Jordan hissed out before regaining his composure "...No, if they find it, they find it. Hiding it makes me look like I'm part of that group...just...Let's go."
There was a flash behind Jordan and Tech, and Dazzle lowered her wrist camera. "Lovely. Just what I need to split the Avengers apart." She grinned evilly. "Toodles," she said as she sprinted out the door.

@Steel Zinogre

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