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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Desimus tries to stand up, but then is quickly thrown back to the floor by the spirit. His powers finally settle back in, and he uses his reflexes to jump away. However, his knees give away again as his knees hit the floor again, blood dripping down his chest and entire body. He looks over at Fortune, his eyes looking into hers. What she saw was sadness, despairity, and confusion. However, of course only Fortune would see this as her spiritual power would be able to see it.

Connor noted the small device that fell to the ground below. There was a brief moment where his mind adjusted, and no time to try and deduce what had happened and what was going on exactly. The blonde's eyes shooting to the body that lay next to him, Connor would have probably broken right then and there at the realization of what he'd done. But that was out of the question, and in a quick panicked state he put his fingers to Aedan's neck to check for a pulse. "A-Aedan!?" he choked out, there was no pulse. "No!" Connor shouted through a grief and panic stricken state state, maneuvering himself closer to the other boy. "Pl-please, don't do this. I'm sorry!"

"You don't go out like this! You hear me!? Not by my hand!" Connor placed both of his hands on Aedan's chest above his heart and started applying rhythmic thrusts. The blonde ignored the fact that he was injured, that didn't matter. "Breathe dammit!" Connor cried out after going at it for a while, staring at Aedan's face for some semblance of a response.

In his panic he turned his head to look around at their surroundings, something had stopped the collars, and this whole ordeal. It was clear this wasn't the actual outside world, no sunlight or clouds, or people. Just a stage, desperately his eyes searched for camera's or an exit as he continued pounding his hands against Aedan's chest.

"I need help!!" Connor yelled hoarsely as loud as he could, "Anybody!?" Would someone come? Would they help or simply drag Connor away? Did he try to find the exit and get help or would that sentence Aedan to death? Aedan was still bleeding, even if he was giving the boy CPR if there wasn't enough blood to keep his heart pumping then it was a waste. Quickly he ripped off his tattered shirt and condensed it as best he could against the wound before he continued the CPR.

Desimus looks over at Chocola, and he weakly nods.

"Yeah, yeah I think I should be okay. My powers are back, my healing will kick in soon. Sorry I scared you."

@Steel Zinogre
"Why do people keep saying that...you'd think they would realize that those threats are meaningless..." Jordan disappeared in a flash of fire and appeared next to Emile "Hello happy peo-" Jordan looked at Fortune then at Desimus, then over to Fortune again "I assume I'm missing something important?"

National said:
Desimus looks over at Chocola, and he weakly nods.
"Yeah, yeah I think I should be okay. My powers are back, my healing will kick in soon. Sorry I scared you."

@Steel Zinogre
"It's fine.... but she scares meow more though." Chocola said, referring to Fortune. "I'm glad you are ok.... You are all I have left...." she said as she shook her head, fluffing up her fur.
Fortune sighed and turned away from the king, "I swear to god....If I EVER see you doing some s**t like that again, I won't let you up next time. Oh and by the way junior..." She approached Jade and whispered in her ear, "You aren't anything to me, and if you try me again, they'll be calling you the Handicapped She-Hulk..."

@Steel Zinogre @National
LokiofSP said:
Fortune sighed and turned away from the king, "I swear to god....If I EVER see you doing some s**t like that again, I won't let you up next time. Oh and by the way junior..." She approached Jade and whispered in her ear, "You aren't anything to me, and if you try me again, they'll be calling you the Handicapped She-Hulk..."

@Steel Zinogre @National
"not unless the family rolls in." jade retorted, as she walked from fortune. "She's REALLY got some issues to figure out." she thought as maxton had a surprised look on his face. "Damn..... That was really hot." he said.
Fortune began to walk away, "Anyways, I'm gonna clean this d**n mess up...Hope you guys help..." As she exited she had her spirit deliver a hay maker to Maxton for his comment.

@Steel Zinogre @National
LokiofSP said:
Fortune began to walk away, "Anyways, I'm gonna clean this d**n mess up...Hope you guys help..." As she exited she had her spirit deliver a hay maker to Maxton for his comment.

@Steel Zinogre @National
"OW!" maxton shouted as he received the haymaker, and hit a wall. "What crawled up your pants?" he asked as jade chuckles. Chocola went to go look for a mop, but instead found a broom. "This will do." she said as she pushed the broom along, brushing the bodies away.
Desimus stumbles back up, blood dripping down his chin as he sees Fortune walk out. He feels his ribs start to re mend, his entire ribcage shattered. He looks at Fortune as she leaves, and something ticked in Desimus, but he had no idea what. He looks at everyone else.

"Alright everyone, lets get the avengers out."

He walks out of the room, following right behind Fortune.

National said:
Desimus stumbles back up, blood dripping down his chin as he sees Fortune walk out. He feels his ribs start to re mend, his entire ribcage shattered. He looks at Fortune as she leaves, and something ticked in Desimus, but he had no idea what. He looks at everyone else.
"Alright everyone, lets get the avengers out."

He walks out of the room, following right behind Fortune.
Chocola stopped cleaning, jade and maxton walk out, and Chocola followed suit. "Wait for me!" she said as she ran on all fours.
(I kind just wanna leave this event here... With everyone else crying their eyes out and team two walking bad ass towards the Avengers...It looks really bad ass in my head)
Boss put her arms up to help block all the blows she was receiving. Suddenly the collar released around her neck and her brain became unclouded. The false memories were erased and she looked at Cassandra from between her arms. "I am so sorry..." @Pyosimros
Sage woke up and sat up as he looked around. He placed a hand on his face and felt moisture realising he was crying. " What the heck happened? " he asked as he slowly got on his feet and stumbled. He eventually noticed Maniac. @The Regal Rper
"Heck if I know" he said standing to the side and looking at the room. "Looks like we were being made to fight here. After you fell asleep I felt something wasn't right so I knocked some sense back into myself. Got my memories back as well. We're stil these guys play thing."

Dazzle grinned. "Bravo big guy. You absolutely saved the day." Her collar fell off and she sighed contentedly.


Tony and Pepper, who had been at each other's throats, suddenly stopped.

"Tony..." Pepper had a big gash below her eye.

"Pep...." He had a black eye and a big bruise on his neck.

They kissed.


Terry and Cassie, who had stopped fighting when the doors to their cell opened. "Sorry...."

"Me too, Cass."

Cassie turned to Azazel and walked over to him, sitting down next to him and putting an arms around his shoulder.
Sage growled after he regained his bearings. " Well it seems I have my full power back so..." he said before he created a extremely large icicle that would surprise most people and shoot it off into the distance to see if they were actual outside or in a room.

The Regal Rper]"Heck if I know" he said standing to the side and looking at the room. "Looks like we were being made to fight here. After you fell asleep I felt something wasn't right so I knocked some sense back into myself. Got my memories back as well. We're stil these guys play thing." [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23808-djinnamon/ said:
Eldkatla waited just the briefest moment after he ran around the corner to follow, just enough time for the guard on the right to be distracted. She quietly walked forwards for a moment but when he spied her she ran. He raised the gun but she was already on him them, catching his hand and twisting his arm forward and then backwards again, causing him to drop the gun. She elbowed him in chest and as he leaned over in pain she spun around and kneed him in the back down to the floor. Whilst Jospeh dealt with the other two she searched the men to see what they had of use.

She looked towards him as he spoke and struck a pose, straightening up and abandoning the unconscious figure at her feet. "This is really not-" but her words were interrupted by a soft click and then a louder clang as the collars fell to the floor. Not that she needed that to realise. The feeling was as visceral as if she were once blind but could now see every single star in the sky, a limb made whole once more, and she took a breath as if it were the first she had taken in a while. And in this cold and clinical environment something organic - something magic - was as clear to her as could be.

She didn't move with the urgency she did before as she walked over to Joseph and grabbed his arm. Suddenly the world around them was replaced with a blur of bright colours which - just as quickly as they appeared - vanished and were replaced by a different room. Eldkatla put her hand on his chest for a moment to stop him from falling, teleporting could be so very disorientating to those unused to it. "Presuming they held everything together, your bow must be in here somewhere. After that, well, I suppose we try to find the others. Or we could just leave, I'm sure they'll be fine." She teased, knowing full well Joseph had the hero drive like nobody she had ever seen before.

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Joseph shifted on his feet slightly, as he stared at the collars. He wasn't quite sure what to expect from the goddess, a part of him felt she was just going to vanish on the spot, which he didn't want. Another part of him was afraid he was to be frogified - which he really didn't want. When she began pacing towards him, the boy swallowed a gulp; for a second he almost ran, he might have had his limbs not froze - instead he stared in horror - as she grabbed his arm, he opened his mouth to plead his worth - fearing with returned power she'd turn full Loki - no words left...

It wasn't due to fear, or shock. But something akin to being spun around on a 200 mp/h roundabout, he felt somebody had detonated a dozen flashbangs right in front of his face, a strange sensation of disconnection overcame the male as he hobbled on his feet, staring at multiple Eldkatla's, he squinted harder; not knowing if he was really that disorientated, or she had used a cloning ability, he didn't have much time to think on the matter as he didn't notice himself slowly falling forward until she'd kept him steady, with one hand.
"Woah, you're strong..." He complimented, still dazed by whatever had happened.

After a few more seconds of just staring at four, then three, then two... Then finally just one Eldkatla, Joseph found the strength to move, although it was anything but graceful; almost as if he was drunk. "My... bow? How did we..." Then it clicked; teleportation. That's why he felt like hulk had squeezed his head. "Thank you... I think..." He muttered still dazed, before continuing a little more enthusiastically: "Uh no! We should like, totally save the others... I mean... we're a team! Right?" Joseph asked, perhaps it was foolish to ask such a immature question to the daughter of Loki, but he had no grasp on who villains were, he'd never done 'heroing' before, and Eldkatla seemed to be anything but a villain... But more than that, the question served as a gauge of whether she would stay, or leave. Whilst it was childish; there was intelligence behind it.

Still expecting her to poof at any given moment; He lifted the full travel bag, packed with clothes, a laptop, multiple packets of haribos, toothbrush, spare phone, and his quiver + arrows. He didn't feel the need to carry the quiver, not whilst Miss Mischief remained, she could just zap all the bad guys with her fancy glitter fingers.
I wish I had glitter fingers....Now ready to move; he looked to her for orders, "Don't forget your phone, we still have to discuss Facebook, and Marvel Avengers Alliance!" He reminded, remembering the awesomeness that was Facebook.

(Long post is long
O.o )

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Magic hands phased through the entire building, grabbing the soul of the Woman while also grabbing her body! Red eyes glowed ahead of it saying, "...Found you..." before vanishing her into the dark dimension. Augustus held the soul while giving off nanobots to start rebuilding and keeping her corpse alive, while he stared straight into the soul. He stated, "...My nanobots are on each and every Avenger. They still breed within the tower as part of it's structure so they can't tell. Keep it secret for me?" He gave off a warm smile, as he transformed into a large, fluffy goat-like monster. He formed as Asgore. He still kept that warm, glowing smile before calmly saying, "Please, could you tell me what happened? I will offer your protection, and I will return you to your body. Though... I will not hold back if you turn out to be some sort of evil villain. I will be fair.. I did preserve you for this long hmm?"

(Good thing Jordan isn't an avenger...)

Jordan walked around the prison as though he weren't in enemy territory during what could only be described as a jail break. He was flanked by Emile, who was more concerned with taking out whatever was in front of them, and Tech, who was just beating up any and every guard that passed them.
The woman looked up at the warm and gentle face she saw, she knew something was wrong, after all she had DIED...Yet for some reason she felt...Safe. Like any fears she had melted away at that moment. She sniffled (Or sniffled as much as a spirit could) and began, "We were originally a support group...People who had lost loved ones throughout various fights the Avengers had...W-we were so angry for so long. We cheered when we saw the registration act passed again, we thought it would make things normal again...But then one day I looked on the news and saw their faces, and I realized that they were kids...I was thirty-five, just had a son...I imagined how their parents must have felt about them doing the things hey did and I felt horrible...

But that struck an idea in my head. There was no doubt that these kids had potential, but they lacked teamwork and skill...So I had an idea to fix the teamwork part...We made the Avengers hate each other, so their bonds are tested and broken. Then we unite them under a single idea.We first broke the bonds to make them feel terrible, then we would lift the spirits by showing them that their fellow man would always be beside them to help...We couldn't let non Avengers go either, so we took them here and made them comfortable...We also knew that some might go crazy and well...Kill each other...So we hired some of the best doctors and bought out some of the most expensive equipment to stop that from happening...

But as you can see, we were stopped before we could do anything. Now the Avengers are worse than before and children are dead in that arena...Yet I don't feel bad for them anymore. We were right the first time, look at what they did and still continue to do! They slaughter men, woman and children with families, honest, good working people who just wanted to help! We meant no ill will, we meant t help! It would have helped!...But they wouldn't listen..."

@hudhouse (I was getting worried nobody would ask why, had this whole big backstory planned :P )
Desimus continues to walk down the corridor, catching up to Fortune. He looks at her, his hazel eyes trying to analyze her.

"I had my reasons to kill her. We aren't animals they can just lock up. Don't you see that? What if they did that to you?"

Finn gasped and woke up looking startled around the room. He could feel his power back and he had his memories back. But he could still remember everything that had happened. He looked himself over for the wounds that he had obtained during the fight and was shocked to note that they were all gone. Bending his legs to stand up he was also pleased to note that he could move them again. But where was Augustus. He whipped his head around to find the teen but didn't find him there. He must have left already. His whole body ached and he felt like death. But the worst of the pain was in his head. He remembered everything. How insane both him and Augustus had been when fighting. The blood lust that had washed over them and how he could still feel how much he had wanted to kill his own friends. He looked at the open door. He wasn't too sure if he wanted to see the others. What if they knew what was happening during the fights? What if they had managed to fight off the collars and the false memories and everything else while he succumbed to them? There was only one way to find out and that was to leave the arena that they had been trapped in. He took a step but stumbled a little. Looking down he sadly eyed up his twisted and flattened prosthetic. It had to be from when the car landed on him. The leg was built to handle the weight of the hulk, but a car that had it's weight multiplied by twenty? That was like trying to hold up four or five hulks. He would make do with it though. Pulling up a pole from something that was lying on the ground he used it like a cane to leave the room.

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