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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Reaper said:
The weapon slowed down from Dimitri's point of view. He remembered a massacre, the registration act, and Thanos. "Oh yea. Thanos. I beat Thanos. Now I remember. Robert Reynolds gave me his power to me. Oh my god. I'm still the sentry. I still have the power of a million exploding Suns. But... The void...." His train of thought was interrupted by the shrapnel making contact with his chest. It startled him, but he didn't feel any pain. He looked down to see that the shrapnel wasn't able to hurt him. It made a strange, soft sound as it hit his chest and stayed there with the tip touching his skin. @sitanomoto
(She was stabbing herself, bro.))
Terry Fitzgerald

Turns out, punching Sarah again was all it took. Terry was half expecting people to pop out everywhere, cheering for him. No cheering could be heard, but it wasn't like he needed it anyways. Terry put the palm of his fist in front of Sarah's head. He could end it. All those nights weeping for the people he's lost. All he needed was one more blast, and Terry could feel like he accomplished something. A few seconds were used to ponder this, until Terry slowly put his hand back to his side. "You're not a villain. I'm doing the right thing in not killing you," He whispered to himself, it wasn't like she could hear anyways. Standing up, he turned around and took off his helmet. All Terry wanted to now was take a walk. It's been a long day.

I'm doing the right thing.

Pyosimros said:
Terry Fitzgerald

Turns out, punching Sarah again was all it took. Terry was half expecting people to pop out everywhere, cheering for him. No cheering could be heard, but it wasn't like he needed it anyways. Terry put the palm of his fist in front of Sarah's head. He could end it. All those nights weeping for the people he's lost. All he needed was one more blast, and Terry could feel like he accomplished something. A few seconds were used to ponder this, until Terry slowly put his hand back to his side. "You're not a villain. I'm doing the right thing in not killing you," He whispered to himself, it wasn't like she could hear anyways. Standing up, he turned around and took off his helmet. All Terry wanted to now was take a walk. It's been a long day.

I'm doing the right thing.

(I also made a post for you too..... Dont ignore this one like you did the last. )
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](I also made a post for you too..... Dont ignore this one like you did the last. )

(Sorry, not my place but, posts take time.

I made my post a while back, he probably had it ready for awhile no need to get upset because he didn't respond to your in three seconds)
Reaper said:
The weapon slowed down from Dimitri's point of view. He remembered a massacre, the registration act, and Thanos. "Oh yea. Thanos. I beat Thanos. Now I remember. Robert Reynolds gave me his power to me. Oh my god. I'm still the sentry. I still have the power of a million exploding Suns. But... The void...." He reached up and grabbed her arm. Then opened the hole in his shirt to show that the wound was almost completely healed already. "I'm back, Red."@sitanomoto
Lisa Sharpe had come too close to killing herself....


But this time, instead of it being her saving people.... She had been saved.

" Dimitri...." She said. "Mitri.... I'm so sorry...." She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. "I'm so sorry... I... I tried.... I really did.... You.... I just...." She was sobbing now, so hard that she couldn't speak.
He hugged her back and patted her. "I know... I know. It wasn't your fault. You couldn't control yourself... I couldn't either." Holding her face into his chest, he looked into the distance and frowned. "Don't... Don't ever make me forget you again. Not even if I ask..." @sitanomoto
Pyosimros said:

Sarah took a little bit of the blow, which was a success for Terry. She then began to lean against a wall, and she started babbling on about Terry taking her parents and everything away from her. Terry had no recollection, but he was sure he forgot since he had most of his memories surrounding his secret identity long ago. It probably launched a domino effect, causing this. Before he could do a half-hearted apology, Sarah tried to kick her. Even if she wasn't at full speed, she was fast. Only moving his head over a little bit, the kick connected with his head, making a clanging noise. It stunned him for a few moments, after he regained his footing Terry launched two blasts from his arms and took to the sky.

@Steel Zinogre
Cindy's lefy hand then froze over, freezing the air around it. "Looks like you are getting the COLD shoulder." She said as fired a beam of ice at him, but missed. She grew angrier, and the charge in her hand built up. "You know love? You are a coward, always running away, because of Business! Did you find a side chick too!?" She exclaimed at the charge in her hand escaped her hand, and traveled to the rest of her body. She had held the charge too long. Her nervous system stopped working, and she could not move.
Perry Parker

More electricity blasts. Being covered with webs makes a good defence against electricity, a tip from his mom that Perry used a few times in his life. What also helps, is that the person he's against is a bad shot. All of these shots missed to a point that it felt that stormtroopers could actually be real. After the electric blasts, she started to fire ice blasts. At this point, Perry's spider-sense wasn't going off anymore. Which would give Perry a conclusion, he's never going to get hit. "Did you find a side chick too!?"

"Maybe I did! And said person could be bet-" Perry stopped mid-sentence as she flopped onto the ground. He didn't bother coming close, if he did, he would probably get jumped. "Come on! You have to try harder than that to lure me over to you!"
Pyosimros said:
Perry Parker

More electricity blasts. Being covered with webs makes a good defence against electricity, a tip from his mom that Perry used a few times in his life. What also helps, is that the person he's against is a bad shot. All of these shots missed to a point that it felt that stormtroopers could actually be real. After the electric blasts, she started to fire ice blasts. At this point, Perry's spider-sense wasn't going off anymore. Which would give Perry a conclusion, he's never going to get hit. "Did you find a side chick too!?"

"Maybe I did! And said person could be bet-" Perry stopped mid-sentence as she flopped onto the ground. He didn't bother coming close, if he did, he would probably get jumped. "Come on! You have to try harder than that to lure me over to you!"
She tried to move her head, and her lips. She realized she was totally paralyzed. Her heart rate begins to slow down, and she wished that she could give one more comeback. she knew her time was coming. It was then that her mind cleared up, and she realized what she had done, and what she tried to do. A tear rolled down her face as she felt darkness in her view. "I'm sorry.... I'm sorry dad..... I'm sorry mom..... mostly.... I'm sorry.... Perry...." She thought as she looked at perry, who was still angry with her for what she assumed was no reason at all. "Please.... forgive me..... for I have horribly sinned." was her final thought. @Pyosimros
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Reaper said:
He hugged her back and patted her. "I know... I know. It wasn't your fault. You couldn't control yourself... I couldn't either." Holding her face into his chest, he looked into the distance and frowned. "Don't... Don't ever make me forget you again. Not even if I ask..." @sitanomoto
Hypnas nodded into his chest, smiling through her tears. "I p-promise.... Never..." She hugged him close. "I love you, Dimitri Maximoff. I always have."
(Don't think I forgot about you! Even though I totally did @National )

The Office:

The woman turned around and scoffed, "God, can't those idiots do anything ri-" She looked behind him and her eyes widened in horror as she say the death that had followed the king, "God...You animal! Some of those were mothers, fathers, kids no older than eighteen! What's wrong with you?! Can't you see what we're trying to do?! We need a few more moments, and we'll have fixed the Avengers, saved the world!"

The gestured to the multiple monitors of the fights...


Fortune hadn't even bothered with talking to Maxton, instead she ran like hell to the office, only to stop at the sight of the bodies and yell, "What the f**k?!"
LokiofSP said:
(Don't think I forgot about you! Even though I totally did @National )
The Office:

The woman turned around and scoffed, "God, can't those idiots do anything ri-" She looked behind him and her eyes widened in horror as she say the death that had followed the king, "God...You animal! Some of those were mothers, fathers, kids no older than eighteen! What's wrong with you?! Can't you see what we're trying to do?! We need a few more moments, and we'll have fixed the Avengers, saved the world!"

The gestured to the multiple monitors of the fights...


Fortune hadn't even bothered with talking to Maxton, instead she ran like hell to the office, only to stop at the sight of the bodies and yell, "What the f**k?!"
Maxton followed fortune, and saw the room in a bloody mess. "WHOA! I have not seen this much blood and gore since 2 years ago..... Fighting aliens and shooting them is hard work." he said as he looked at the mess, he was impressed, and surprised. "Hey Panther, good job!" he said as he looked at desimus. then at the lady.
Desimus snarls as he grabs the woman by the neck, deadly intention filled in his eyes.

"All I see is death and betrayal, and I have never been more pissed in my life. You sit here, making us watch as countless warriors who fight for better futures for others die. How about I make you pay the ultimate price as well?"

He pulls his hand back, and prepares to plunge it into her heart.

@Steel Zinogre
The woman looks up in pure terror, "Please, you don't get it! We were the victims! We just wanted to help, to make them better! If you kill me now we won't be able to fix them!"

Desimus growls in rage, slamming the woman down to the floor.

"The hell do you mean by fixing?! It seems as though you are just killing off the warriors of this world! You are forcing them into your experiments. They aren't tools, weapons, or machines. They are still humans, and they are protecting civilians because they choos to! AND YOU TREAT THEM LIKE ANIMALS, LIKE MACHINES THAT YOU OWN?! They aren't yours to change!"

And with that, he brings his arm back, and attempts to plunge his fist straight through the woman's heart.

@Steel Zinogre
Cassandra Thompson

"All that time. Working with you! I should've turned you in during the Civil War. I should've followed Maria's orders!" Cassandra began and tried to punch Boss repeatedly. She couldn't tell if the blows were even connected, she was enjoying this too much. Vision distorting, bad sign. If she takes a wrong step, the symbiote would take over. All Cassandra needed to do was beat Boss up. After that, she would fine everyone else. Sort this mess out. Unless Boss killed everyone already, which Cassandra isn't leaving out as an option.

(@Pink Gorilla Speed post sorry ;- ;)
The woman writhed around, trying to get in her last words, "We know...We just...Wanted...To help...There was no way...We would have left them...

We just needed....One more...Round...Please...I just want to see my so-"
She never got to finish as the king's hand passed through her chest, she began to make sick gurgling noises, but after a few moments, everything stopped. She fell limp...

@National (murderer)
National said:
Desimus growls in rage, slamming the woman down to the floor.
"The hell do you mean by fixing?! It seems as though you are just killing off the warriors of this world! You are forcing them into your experiments. They aren't tools, weapons, or machines. They are still humans, and they are protecting civilians because they choos to! AND YOU TREAT THEM LIKE ANIMALS, LIKE MACHINES THAT YOU OWN?! They aren't yours to change!"

And with that, he brings his arm back, and attempts to plunge his fist straight through the woman's heart.

@Steel Zinogre
Maxton claps sarcastically as he saw everything unfold. "Good job, you did it. You murdered someone just because you felt like it. Are you proud of yourself?" he asked in a sarcastic tone, not at all surprised at the events leading to this point. Chocola and jade walked in. Chocola saw the horrific scene, and ran away, tears rolling down her face as her 'Role Model' had just murdered a woman.
Desimus pulls his arm back, the woman's crimson blood now painted on his bare arm. He stumbles back, the many tranquilizers now starting to take even more affect as his knees buckle, his arms holding himself up from his face hitting the floor. His breaths were in heavy rasps as he stares over at Maxton, a deadly glint in his eyes.

"They tried to treat us like animals. Whoever told them we wanted them to change us. Who ever told them we NEEDED THEM TO FIX US?! That is none of their business! You can call me a murderer, but I fight "fixers" everyday! People who say they can "fix" Wakanda! What is their to fix! My kingdom has been prospering for centuries, and their is nothing to fix. People only destroy the more they try to fix something they are not even a part of."

@Steel Zinogre @LokiofSP
National said:
Desimus pulls his arm back, the woman's crimson blood now painted on his bare arm. He stumbles back, the many tranquilizers now starting to take even more affect as his knees buckle, his arms holding himself up from his face hitting the floor. His breaths were in heavy rasps as he stares over at Maxton, a deadly glint in his eyes.
"They tried to treat us like animals. Whoever told them we wanted them to change us. Who ever told them we NEEDED THEM TO FIX US?! That is none of their business! You can call me a murderer, but I fight "fixers" everyday! People who say they can "fix" Wakanda! What is their to fix! My kingdom has been prospering for centuries, and their is nothing to fix. People only destroy the more they try to fix something they are not even a part of."

@Steel Zinogre @LokiofSP
"Good point, but have you even seen this team? We fight each other than the actual Avengers fought villains, and that is a fact." Maxton firmly said, standing his ground, and not a single drop of fear resided in him. "You can kill me right now, but that will not change a damn thing, and it will certainly not make your family proud, especially the cat that ran off with the first look at you! Would your dad be proud of this? I sure as hell know he would not." he said, making sure to stand tall. Jade walks off, rolling her eyes as she looked for Chocola. "Chocola? Where are you?" she called.
Fortune fell down and began to vomit. After which she wiped her mouth and pushed pass the two boys having their pissing contest. She looked over the desk and began shuffling papers and putting them in stacks, she then put gave the pile to Desimus, "Here, maybe you'll find some s**t in here that'll stop you from getting arrested and f****d in the ass. Now come on, help me find a place to put this damn key so we can finish this..."

@National @Crono
Carter stepped by the weeping cat and the boy with daddy issues on his way into the room. The bloodbath of a room brought an amused look to his face, "Well! Good job there. Couldn't have slaughtered them better myself." The clone said as he looked at the worn out Desimus who had clearly done the work with the blood that covered him. Of course Carter wouldn't have killed all of them, just as many as necessary to satiate his annoyance at being brought here, the rest could finish their little science experiment on the heroes. Alas he was late to the party, and still had yet to find any popcorn around.

@Steel Zinogre @National @LokiofSP

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