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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"I would say something as well! If you'd stop duplacating yourself!" Sarah attempted to dodge the attack, but she tried to dodge the wrong obe and ended up getting clipped, and getting thrown back.

Connor didn't want to fight anymore...his body hurt, his heart was in pieces, his soul was torn. There was no longer anyone in this world he cared for...except Aedan. Aedan just happened to be the person he hated more than anything or anyone as well. So for a moment as he watched the car door close-in he decided he'd be selfish, so maybe he could have dodged it or maybe not. But he didn't try. All he had left was vengeance, and once Aedan was dead then what? No, Connor was going to be selfish, he was going to go and be with those he loved in whatever the afterlife had to offer...and leave Aedan to this forsaken world.

Suddenly the world was spinning as Connor was sent crashing into the ground below. It always ended like this, with him being bruised and battered. But there wouldn't be a next time. All the anger that Connor had held just moments before seemed to dissipate with this new-found acceptance of death. And there was Aedan, towering above him, and Connor couldn't help but smile. "At least... where I'm going I won't be alone. Enjoy your solitude....asshole." This was Connor's way of winning. And if Aedan had decided to get close enough, Connor would let out a final flash freeze in the immediate area. However with the collar and his already diminished condition it wouldn't be nearly as harsh as he would have liked.

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Sage glared angrily. " Oh you know the two defenceless toddlers and the 6 month old baby. " He said as his arm healed finally.

The Regal Rper]Managing to block most of the ice this time Maniac was actually able to catch one with his mouth before he bit into it. Crushing it with his teeth. "I've killed a lot of families kid you'll need to be more specific" [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23808-djinnamon/ said:
Maniac took a second to figure out what this guy was talking about. The rest of the ice shards had fallen out of his body and he'd now fully healed. But try as he might he couldn't recall who it was this guy was talking about. As an assassin he'd killed his fair share. More so as a hired merc and a few on guarding missions along with a one time spy case. But he simply couldn't recall who it was this guy was talking about. He shrugged, before squatting while keeping his eyes locked on Sage. "Sorry, I don't know who you're talking about. And while I feel bad for your loss this battle is taking too long, maybe you're not one of those test dummies the scientists send after me. But if thats the case then I'll just make sure to knock you out."

One strong jump and he was in airborne right beside Sage. Swinging one blade towards Sage's right Maniac brought the katana down with an extreme amount of force. Then moved in with his other katana using the back of the blade to hit Sage's shoulder.

Sheathing both blades as he landed beside Sage, Maniac stood staring at the boy and knelt down beside him. "Sorry bout this kid." Raising his fist up he punched Sage with one swift jab to the jaw. With that he was knocked out and Maniac had won.

Aedan peered won at Conner, all that rage, anger, despair, and depression building up to this very moment, his eyes boiled with a burning need for vengeance, whilst his heart had been ripped in two, torn under the battle between his love - and his hate - for Conner. The blonde offered no resistance, whether he'd finally realized his horrific crimes and given up, or whether Aedan had truly won the fight; Aedan could not know...

Or perhaps he did. It was answered "At least... where I'm going I won't be alone. Enjoy your solitude....asshole." The words shredded his emotions, all the rage returned at once. "YOU DID THIS TOO US! THIS WAS ALL YOU! NOT ME! NOT ME!" Aedan bellowed like the devil himself, his fists clenched in pure malice, his features taking a truly twisted, hateful, rage-filled look. With almost-monstrous agility, he leapt onto Conner with a vicious scream, holding his fist up; prepared to start striking, and not to stop until it was over... Until they were avenged... But something about Conner's look made him hesitate, the way he lay bruised, and broken on the ground...

Aedan hesitated, something clicked; but a moments hesitation was all it took, an essential death sentence. Especially when Aedan himself was so weak.

(@Crono Please, Please, have Connor stab him accidentally in reaction to the villain-like leap. Aedan killed Connor's friends and family rememer! :P )
Connor lay in the street, waiting for the final blow. Yet when it finally came in the form of a shrieking Aedan leaping at him...Connor blinked. Whatever game of chicken he'd convinced himself he'd been playing was over, and he didn't want it to be. Yet with Aedan closing in the blonde was mustering the strength to raise his arm and brace it above him and closing his eyes. To anyone watching it looked like Connor was merely punching the air between he and Aedan, but as his arm shot forwards ice started to form in the shape of an icicle spear around his arm.

Then it was quiet, and Connor slowly opened his eyes.


"So... Is the pendant like, alive? If it chooses when to help you, I mean isn't Thor's hammer sorta, kinda, like that?" Joseph said with a slight shrug, "Although I do admit; I'm killer with my bow! I'll totally show you some time, I've never ever missed! I mean, it's not that hard to hit a target, but still I've never missed! I can also fight like a Spartan! Y'know, like off the movie 300. I'm like one of those guys but with a bow, instead of a sword and shield." He gave her a quick doubtful look, aware of her silence once more. She didn't seem to like him... Why doesn't she like me? Am I talking too much? Maybe it's because Loki doesn't know what 'fun' is, she didn't seem Loki-ish - for some reason.

Scratching his head, and forcing himself to stop rambling; he quickly changed the subject.
"But... Uh, anyway..." Or, at least he tried to. His attention was instantaneously snatched to the loud groaning of a nearby, clearly large metallic door. Big metallic doors usually always had something useful in them. With a knowing suggestive look to Eldkatla, he set off towards the sound as quietly as possible. Chances are it was guarded - heavily even - but at least it wasn't the cursed basement. They had the element of surprise, and Joseph's master Spartan skills.
Terry Fitzgerald

C'mon no more banter. One blow. One more blow. If it takes her out, cool. If it doesn't take her out, then the helmet's power really dropped. Either that or she's stronger than I thought. Once Sarah was thrown back, Terry blasted over to her, attempting a punch to the gut. It missed, leaving himself open to an attack. He didn't noticed if he was hit, but he probably would later. Using his other hand, Terry tried to hit Sarah once again.


Cassandra Thompson

A roundhouse kick knocked Cassandra back a few steps. The symbiote's taking the brunt of the damage, and it's started to get agitated. Sifting through her thoughts, the symbiote knew what the lady did to her. Pissed off? Kind of. Didn't stop it from attempting to take control of Cassandra and end this. It started flooding Cassandra's head with thoughts of murder. Something she doesn't have the time for. She took enough hits. The more she takes, the more aggressive the symbiote is. Jumping at Boss, she tried to pin her onto the ground. If the plan worked, she would try to pummel her into the ground.

@Pink Gorilla
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When Cassandra jumped at Boss, her mind didn't process her next action fast enough. Cassandra was able to pin Boss to the ground, though Boss struggled intensely. She constantly tried to kick Cassandra off of her, but so far to no avail. Her mind felt flooded between her thoughts of rage and of what Cassandra did. @Pyosimros
Aedan stared down at Conner, his eyes glazed over; as he soon became light headed. Images flashed before him, happy images. Flashbacks of a better time, when he and Connor had bled together - as brothers - in Siberia. When they had first met, in the midst of battle, saving the day together... The final one, was of Aedan's return; where he had hugged Conner, and all his problems vanished; his self-hate, self-loathing... his loneliness. All of it; gone. He owed Conner everything, and no matter how much he fought the feeling - he loved Conner, they were brothers. They would always be brothers, no matter what.

Then, he felt it; the almost unnoticeable stinging infecting his abdomen. "Wh - what...?" was all he mumbled, raising his blood-soaked hand with a confused look, the surroundings began to fade, something shattered; causing Aedan to gasp slightly, as he fell back upon the cold, unforgiving ground, his whole body writhing in pain, as he coughed violently - the blood seeping from his mouth.

"C - Conner... I - I... Remember..." He wheezed out in coarse breaths, the sky darkening, the sun brightening, the surrounding corpses fading into nothingness, and Conner's appearance hazing in the blinding light. There were no Chitauri... The Avengers... They weren't killed by Conner... A trick, or maybe... A dream? Aedan didn't know anymore, discerning reality from fiction was difficult currently. But whatever it was, it didn't feel nice. It felt cruel, painful.

Aedan clasped Conner's hand in his own, groaning, and twisting under the pain of the puncture wound. Before forcing the warmest, most loving smile he possible could given his current state. "I... I'm sorry... For everything... For... Coming - Gh - back... I'm sorry... For... Ever showing up..." He struggled, breathing slowing to a barely noticeable pace. It would have been better had they never met... He knew that now, Conner would be happy. That is what Aedan only ever wanted... He was a burden... At least now, Conner was free. "Conner... I... L - Lo..." The males eyes failed, and the world around him darkened; beckoning him to sleep, he fought with all his might to stay awake; but speaking was impossible.

(I got carried away with writing a death scene, not sure if he's dead or not. O.o )

Although she attempted to attack, Sarah was to disoreiented to properly do anything. As such, when Terry punched her, she crumpled to the ground, now uncouncious.

Connor watched the blood poor out of Aedan down his iced over arm. The blonde took no pride in it, watching as Aedan fell backwards and the red ice shattered and fell to the ground. Connor pushed himself to sit up with a grunt, looking at his former friend and brother injured. No matter what Aedan had done, no matter how much he hated the other boy for it, it still hurt Connor to see Aedan this way.

It became clear that Aedan was dying, even babbling about remembering something...what? Who knew. Maybe he remembered what their life had been like before Aedan decided to rip that away from them. Still, Connor shuffled over beside Aedan, peering down at him he felt the tears streaming down his cheeks without his say-so while Aedan was apologizing. Though it also frustrated him that Aedan knew he was wrong, yet he'd waited too late, on his deathbed to realize it when so many lives could have been saved if he'd done so sooner.

Connor was quiet, he had no idea what to say. It was Aedan's last moments but Connor didn't want to comfort him, yet he felt the need to. Instead he simply squeezed Aedan's hand, and when that hand that squeezed back eventually went limp Connor turned his face to the sky and wept.

Connor Rogers had lost everyone he cared about, and now with Aedan gone he was alone and would live out what was left of his life in silent misery. The last one standing.

I'm no hero....I'm just a survivor.
hudhouse said:
Augustus saw this display and laughed horrifically. He stated, "These tendrils are a part of me, remember?!" The tendrils he grabbed suddenly glowed bright red, and transformed into thousands of hungry maggots that tried to eat into Finn. All of the other tendrils fused back into Augustus as he changed into Final Ichago from Bleach. He lifted up a single hand, black magic dripping of it. He screamed out, "THIS IS OVER!" He unleashed a thick black horizontal wave of magic, that would throw his nervous system out of wack, paralizing him from the waist down if it hit! Any maggot that made it into Finn would grow spines covered in acidic compounds and burst. The pain would hopefully stop him and allow Augustus's black wave to hit, stopping him dead in his tracks!
(Alrighty, no deaths!)
"Maggots. Nice touch." He laughed as the maggots crawled through his skin. "The pain makes me feel more alive!" He roared out still laughing. The small vile creatures crawled through his flesh. Soon they started to grow and his eyes spread wide open. "That's a fun party trick." He grinned and watched as the spiny acidic maggots burst inside of his body, bubbling the flesh. He collapsed to his knees from the assault and shrunk down to his normal size. He watched without a trace of fear as the black wave of magic came his way but he still did not move. "Do it Augustus. I dare you. I know that you can't. You're weak and spineless. You could never hurt someone who used to be an ally." The black wave continued on its way and Finn smiled. "I guess I was wrong wasn't I. Good game Augustus. If I had more power on my side than maybe this would have been longer and better." Forcing himself to his feet he jumped to avoid the wave but didn't jump high enough and the wave plowed him back to the ground where he lay in agony. "They'll never forgive you. The others. As soon as they find out that we fought and that you won they'll push you aside. You'll live on your own in your own misery. And that is where I will have won." He laughed a bit more before he passed out. ((Oh my god there was no avoiding that xD I should have thought ahead when I chose to grab those tendrils but I signed my fate then))

(Ima just help this along before more people die...)

Fortune awoke to the sight of armed guards carrying her and others on stretchers back towards the rooms they awoke in. This wouldn't have been much of a reason to do anything if not for an odd looking device hanging off one of the guards hip...

Deciding to go for it she caught her guard by surprise and managed to take his gun. She then turned around and shot each guard besides the one with the device, she then took the device along with a knife from the main guard. She put the knife to the man's throat and sneered,
"So...This thing looks important, you wanna tell me what the f**k it does before I slit your d**n throat?!"

The guard began to bawl, "I-It unlocks the collars! But you have to go to the central office to get to it! It's just up ahead and left! Please spare me, I have a famil-" Before be could finish, Fortune bashed his head and allowed him to fall to the ground having passed out. She smiled and looked at the others who had been caught, "We got the f***s now!"

(@Steel Zinogre
@Crono (Yes Carter was caught, don't ask why) and @AnybodyIMissed)
Desimus fights through the tranquilizer as he snarls. There is something down that basement. He doesn't care anymore. If there is something down there, then damn well was Desimus going to fight for it, and crush the competition for it. He roars as he jumps back into the room. His powers might be gone, but he is still the strongest warrior of Wakanda. He has years of experience, natural talent in fighting, none of this has faded. Why was he fighting? He fights for his people, and if that means to save the Avengers, then so damn be it. Desimus plunges his hand into a guards chest, his fierce warrior spirit igniting. He drops another one with a swift jab on the neck, grabbing his tranquilizer gun. He fires down a few other guards, and repeats this action with the other guards, dropping one once the gun he uses runs out, dropping more guns as he gets farther and farther into the basement. He gets past the first and second hall, dropping every guard in his ravenous state. This was his mistake, and he was going to see through it. He makes a big entrance for Fortune, watching her take down the guard, and the device. He runs through to the office, plowing through multiple more guard, shooting them down or slitting their throats. He gets to the office door, kicking it in as he snarls at the woman inside.

"Back... away... from the damn computers."

Desimus was dripping in blood from dropping all of the guards, his back and arms riddle with tranquilizer darts stuck into his skin.

LokiofSP said:
(Ima just help this along before more people die...)

Fortune awoke to the sight of armed guards carrying her and others on stretchers back towards the rooms they awoke in. This wouldn't have been much of a reason to do anything if not for an odd looking device hanging off one of the guards hip...

Deciding to go for it she caught her guard by surprise and managed to take his gun. She then turned around and shot each guard besides the one with the device, she then took the device along with a knife from the main guard. She put the knife to the man's throat and sneered,
"So...This thing looks important, you wanna tell me what the f**k it does before I slit your d**n throat?!"

The guard began to bawl, "I-It unlocks the collars! But you have to go to the central office to get to it! It's just up ahead and left! Please spare me, I have a famil-" Before be could finish, Fortune bashed his head and allowed him to fall to the ground having passed out. She smiled and looked at the others who had been caught, "We got the f***s now!"

(@Steel Zinogre
@Crono (Yes Carter was caught, don't ask why) and @AnybodyIMissed)
"Damn Straight!" Maxton said as he gets up from the stretcher. Jade gets up, and looked around. "Where's chocola?" she asked as she heard low moans of a cat. chocola enters the room, rubbing her head. "Meowie.... my head hurts....." she said as she winces at the sharp pain in her head. Jade picks her up, and held her cradle style. "Shall we unlock these dog collars?" maxton asked fortune with a smile, and looked at her with a 'Let's do this' look.
"Alive is a big word, but they were created by a powerful sorceress so some of her may reside in them. But a many great number of things in this universe love to judge me so why not some stones as well." Eldkatla said with a smirk. When he went on to talk of his fighting she tried to understand, despite his once again mentioning some 'film' of this world. "Well, while I cannot attest to this '300' if you are of any match to the Spartans of old then it shall be quite a sight to see." She was nothing if not perceptive and his slump in mood was clear, and whilst her father seemed determined that fear was the surest route to loyalty she was not so sure.

When she heard the metallic clash ringing down the corridor she paused, and looked to Joseph at the same time. He stepped forward, seeming happy to lead the way and she let him. She just hoped he was far quieter in his fighting than the Spartans were, and that she would be able to remember that she didn't have her magic.

Hypnas laughed and took the stone from his hand. She took a piece of shrapnel and stabbed Dimitri in the heart. She held it there for a moment, twisted it, and then pulled it out. She smiled for a moment before realizing what she had done....


She took the stone from Dimitri's limp hand and bit her lip. "No.... Why? Why would you...." She put her forehead on his, weeping. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...."

Reaper said:
All at once, he lost consciousness and fell sideways, rolling over on his back. His breathing was very shallow and his hand opened a bit to reveal the stone from her necklace. @sitanomoto
CasualDragon said:
"Maggots. Nice touch." He laughed as the maggots crawled through his skin. "The pain makes me feel more alive!" He roared out still laughing. The small vile creatures crawled through his flesh. Soon they started to grow and his eyes spread wide open. "That's a fun party trick." He grinned and watched as the spiny acidic maggots burst inside of his body, bubbling the flesh. He collapsed to his knees from the assault and shrunk down to his normal size. He watched without a trace of fear as the black wave of magic came his way but he still did not move. "Do it Augustus. I dare you. I know that you can't. You're weak and spineless. You could never hurt someone who used to be an ally." The black wave continued on its way and Finn smiled. "I guess I was wrong wasn't I. Good game Augustus. If I had more power on my side than maybe this would have been longer and better." Forcing himself to his feet he jumped to avoid the wave but didn't jump high enough and the wave plowed him back to the ground where he lay in agony. "They'll never forgive you. The others. As soon as they find out that we fought and that you won they'll push you aside. You'll live on your own in your own misery. And that is where I will have won." He laughed a bit more before he passed out. ((Oh my god there was no avoiding that xD I should have thought ahead when I chose to grab those tendrils but I signed my fate then))

Augustus immediately snickered, before his own body exploded into green acidic ooze. The strange compound reformed itself into Augustus, walking towards Finn. He spoke while Finn was still up, "...To be honest, I knew that the chemical was in me the whole time. I want to hurt you Finn not to kill you... but to make you better. To hone your edge off mine, and hone my edge off yours. The Sword Logic, the killing blade of life. That is what I practice in fighting... to better myself and my foe so they can use the killing blade if they need. Your killing edge is not even enough for my training blade, eh? Now come here you giant colossus..."

Augustus snapped, turning all the maggot corpses and spines inside Finn into Finn's own stem cells. They flowed to the injuries, and rapidly fixed the damage Augustus did. He screamed to anyone who could hear him, any who dared pretend to be his overseer, @LokiofSP "Hurt anymore fucking innocents, those S.W.A.T. members, these Avengers?! I know your Humans... I know who you are. I saw your faces, your chemicals can't warp my mind. I came here not for fun... but to save my friends! You sadistic fiends who slaughter and kill for no reason... torment us because of your own insecurities? Watch your lives burn and melt away as you stare into your own soul, realizing that your life is not of the good you are. You are monsters who hide behind fleshy masks, behind your screens in comfort pretending to be others. Your living your power fantasy, all you zeroes. Compare yourself to me, to what I can and have done.

"I cured terminal illnesses that you people didn't even know. I gave you the technology to allow you to see atomic reactions for the first time. What did you all do? Be cogs in the machine, and work from behind your shadows to exert what little power and might you have. Scrapping the world by, and ripping it apart. This world dies because you are gears in the machine... and now that you try to finally make your move you little zeroes, you go to strengthen the machine you wish to get out of by tormenting those outside your little circle. After all of this, I will open up peace talks with the Chitari just to spite you. I will make them our friends... and show you just how ignorant you are. How sadistic your ways are!

"I will better this world while you help the villains... you leave us here in suffering while they run on the streets for other heroes to clear. Your police die, we don't. We save lives... you torture them. Leave me and my friends alone... and let us save you! Let us help you! You are teaching u
s the suffering you are trying to escape but are to weak to evade... you don't want us to repay this kindness now, don't you?"

Augustus knelled to Finn, impaling his back with a single palm that drained the venom from him. He let out a strange green ooze that started to heal him from the light. His skin would be green for a few hours as it absorbed sunlight. Augustus looked down at this mighty colossus, realizing that in the end everyone was just a Zero without others. He snickered, "Poor unfortunate hero, I wish that you learned. You reveal that I am in pain and need.. and just kick a dog while it's down. Now the Bitch bites back, and you can't take it... poor little puppy." Augustus kept the vile toxin within his own body, away from his bloodstream. He armed himself with this paranoia, and began warping it into something deadly. This strange concoction grew into a bio-weapon, one that would make the whole world turn over at his command.​
Dimitri's eyes opened wide as he was stabbed. His jaw dropped as he looked at her. The chemical messing with his brain had worn off, and he could think clearly again. More importantly however, the gem did it's job of holding onto his old memories, which were returned to him now that he held it for a while. Blood ran out of his mouth and down his cheeks. @sitanomoto
Hypnas's head began to clear as Dimitri's jaw dropped. His memories...

"Dimitri..." She said, grabbing the piece of shrapnel. "Forgive me." She raised the piece of shrapnel above her chest and plunged downward......

((STOP HER @Reaper!!!! STOP HER!!!)
The weapon slowed down from Dimitri's point of view. He remembered a massacre, the registration act, and Thanos. "Oh yea. Thanos. I beat Thanos. Now I remember. Robert Reynolds gave me his power to me. Oh my god. I'm still the sentry. I still have the power of a million exploding Suns. But... The void...." He reached up and grabbed her arm. Then opened the hole in his shirt to show that the wound was almost completely healed already. "I'm back, Red."@sitanomoto
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