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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

LokiofSP said:
Morgan cried out in pain, stumbling and looking at the arm, "WHAT!? WHY Would you...?"Morgan sat down for a few moments, cluctching his arm. He then began to let out a dark laugh, "Oh god...You f****d up SO bad..." He stalked towards her with his arms at his side and his head low. He untied the bandanna around his mouth and allowed her to see a sick smile, one that put her on edge as he gave off vibes of LIKING this...

@Steel Zinogre (I see what you did, don't get to carried away with the auto-hitting)
"You wanted the animal, you get my teeth for that." Charlize said as she growled, and swished her tail back and forth.
Jordan used the moment of lapsed concentration to explode the winds away from him. He gasped for air and realized that he actually needed to breath. "The hell? It was only then that Jordan started hearing the voice of reason in his head "...Oi...Cloud...somethin feelin off to you or is that just me?"
Morgan rushed forward and punched Charlize in the gut, making, he forced her mouth open and jammed her mouth open, he then put his arm between her teeth and yelled with his sick smile, "BITE ME NOW! DO IT! I FU****G DARE YOU!"

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Morgan rushed forward and punched Charlize in the gut, making, he forced her mouth open and jammed her mouth open, he then put his arm between her teeth and yelled with his sick smile, "BITE ME NOW! DO IT! I FU****G DARE YOU!"

@Steel Zinogre
Charlize knew his bluff, and tried to scratch him, but failed, since she could not get a proper stance. she groaned as she fell back, allowing her mouth room to close.
Morgan dropped down and pushed his arm deep into her teeth, and kept on pushing, laughing as he did so.

@Steel Zinogre
LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan used the moment of lapsed concentration to explode the winds away from him. He gasped for air and realized that he actually needed to breath. "The hell? It was only then that Jordan started hearing the voice of reason in his head "...Oi...Cloud...somethin feelin off to you or is that just me?"
"Yes something is off, like how I have not killed you yet by using full power." Laxus replied. Laxus used an esoteric lightning and water spell to analyze himself using his bio electricityand liquid within his body. It turned up a drug meant to cause irrationality. Someone must have put it there, to find out who he would have to play their game. He looked at Jordan and winked before he surrounded Jordan with the black winds once more but also funneled in some white winds to stop Jordan from suffocating. Hopefully he'd get the point he is supposed to play dead.
Jordan looked at the winds and started randomly blasting energy out of it to give off the illusion that he was trying to escape. Suddenly Jordan dropped from the sky and laid on the ground in a state of false unconsciousness
LokiofSP said:
Morgan dropped down and pushed his arm deep into her teeth, and kept on pushing, laughing as he did so.
@Steel Zinogre
Charlize then bit down again, and then scratched his suit. His wound began to bleed profusely in her mouth, choking on liquid iron.
He let go of her and picked back up his billy club, he laughed and began to beat her with it HARD. He taunted her he entire time, "You thought you could just kill me friends?! That I would just give up because your 'big' and 'scary'?! Well you forgot one thing...I've got the devil inside me, and he REALLY likes to play!"

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
He let go of her and picked back up his billy club, he laughed and began to beat her with it HARD. He taunted her he entire time, "You thought you could just kill me friends?! That I would just give up because your 'big' and 'scary'?! Well you forgot one thing...I've got the devil inside me, and he REALLY likes to play!"

@Steel Zinogre
Charlize curled up into a ball, and slowly built up electricity as she was beaten. electricity began to dance on her body, and she began to glow blue on her arms. on one of his swings, she grabbed him, and gave him a jolt equivalent to a taser being used on a runner. She let go, and let him fall to the ground. "You got a devil, I have a beast in me..... and she loves to fight." she said.
Morgan hit the ground and twitched, he then lay still for a few moments, seemingly unconscious.He slowly got up however, still smiling. He jumped over her back and picked up a rock, attempting to crush her head.

@Steel Zinogre
Charlize's skull caved in, and her brain is fatally damaged. she lay on the ground, unconsious, and choking on blood. She put up a fight, but she lost in the end. (You did it!! @LokiofSP )
The person that hurt him, that killed his friends and family was standing before him. There was no more Aedan, not anymore... That was the only thought in Connor's head as he rushed forwards furiously, only pushed deeper into the rage with Aedan's mention of the words brother and love. There was a small part, somewhere buried deep inside his heart that broke and wept for what was to come. But buried deep it was, it's existence was ignored with the anger enveloping Connor.

Those we're why Connor had allowed Aedan so close, the reason he'd lost everything. Ice was trailing behind him on the street as he sprinted, and as he neared Aedan the Ice shot forwards on the street and closed the distance between the two. Connor used this for added speed and momentum by sliding on his feet while turned sideways. A thin layer of added ice on the bottom of his shoes only sped up the process, and the blonde crouched slowly as he neared Aedan. His path was clear, predictable, this Connor understood. That's why he positioned himself most obviously for an uppercut, however at the last second his foot shifted and the blonde twisted his body so that he spun to the left in a swift attempt to backhand his iced fist against Aedan's face.

[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](She's gonna be.)

(Oh, in that case)

Morgan laughed and picked up a billy club, stalking towards her he began to continue beating her, not allowing her to get up, "COME ON! YOU SHOWED SO MUCH PROMISE! WHAT ABOUT THE BEAST HUH?! WHERE'D IT GO?! IT'S TO SOON FOR YOU TO BREAK SO EASILY!!"

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
(Oh, in that case)
Morgan laughed and picked up a billy club, stalking towards her he began to continue beating her, not allowing her to get up, "COME ON! YOU SHOWED SO MUCH PROMISE! WHAT ABOUT THE BEAST HUH?! WHERE'D IT GO?! IT'S TO SOON FOR YOU TO BREAK SO EASILY!!"

@Steel Zinogre
(She's unconscious..... she can't get up anyway.... and on top of that, she is currently suffocating on her own blood.)
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](She's unconscious..... she can't get up anyway.... and on top of that, she is currently suffocating on her own blood.)

(I know, this is just to reveal something I wanted to do for a long time...I mean, if she could get up, that'd be coo' but this is more for him...)
LokiofSP said:
(Oh, in that case)
Morgan laughed and picked up a billy club, stalking towards her he began to continue beating her, not allowing her to get up, "COME ON! YOU SHOWED SO MUCH PROMISE! WHAT ABOUT THE BEAST HUH?! WHERE'D IT GO?! IT'S TO SOON FOR YOU TO BREAK SO EASILY!!"

@Steel Zinogre
Her heart stops beating, and she twitches with every blow. Her very soul leaves her body, as her body is only just a shell now.
Aedan grimaced as an animistic Conner sprinted towards him, no words, no hesitation; this wasn't the friend he'd known, but the murderer - the villain - he'd become. He understood this now more than ever, he braced himself as the blonde shot forward with surprising speed, his now manipulation of ice would be a factor to watch out for...

One thing Aedan understood at this moment in time was Conner's rage; it made him much more dangerous, yet much more predictable. Then, the ice shot forward, causing Aedan to instinctively raise his hand and stop its momentum, his powers were weaker for some reason; he didn't have time to send it spiraling back towards his enemy.

In an impressive burst of speed, Conner slid forward, head low, and evil intent. Aedan himself moved to intercept the slide with a vicious uppercut, the blonde's defenses allowing such a strike unchallenged; yet the in an instant a painful, iced fist smashed him in the face, busting his lip and leaving a terribly bruised mark on Aedan's face - in response, he growled - maintaining balance, and not allowing a second attack, the strike had caused him to spin, yet he increased the momentum of the spin to turn full circle, before lashing his foot out in an attempt to strike Conner in the abdomen with a powerful kick - which he would then follow up with a an attempted backhand of his own - sped up with momentum.

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Not Really Morgan:

Morgan went on for few moments, beating her corpse, while inside his mind something like this was going on...

'Oh god no! Not again no! I-I thought I was getting better! This hasn't happened in years, I thought I was getting better! I thought I was ready to be a hero...'

There was a moment that passed as Morgan came to and looked at what he did. The first thing that happened was he fell to his knees and vomited his guts onto the floor at the sight of what he did. He crawled away from the body and curled into a ball, tears soaking his blindfold as he shook, "I-I'm so sorry... This wasn't supposed to happen...I was ready I swear..." Then a shock hit him as he went unconscious...

The Base:

Sirens were heard in the basement as tranqs were quickly used to subdue the kids. The solders got serious as they got their orders, while they went under they could hear talk among the soldiers, "What happened?!"

"Dunno, one kid went crazy, killed another one. Damn shame, thought this would be healthy for the kids...We need to isolate him, so we're putting him in a cage..."

When the team awoke they saw they were being carried by a group who was unaware they were awake. They were being carried to the other side of the facility, at the head of the group there was a middle aged man with a key looking device on his hip...

(No Room one cannot hear the alarm...

And no the collars will not unlock yet, you still need to send out a signal at the lady's office)

@Steel Zinogre @Archon @LucianGrey7971 @Lemoncakes @Crono
The ice on Connor's hand shattered when it had impacted against Aedan's face. Connor was aware but uncaring that it hadn't held up where it normally would have. The blonde expected a retaliation, but not one as quick as Aedan had given, the blonde gasping as his abdomen was met with a powerful kick. But the blonde knew it wouldn't end there, and threw up his own arm to meet Aedan's, their forearms crashing into each other. Though Connor's own arm faltered when he flinched, the sped up arm had more force behind it than he'd thought.

With one arm holding one of Aedan's back Connor took this time to actually go through with a plan to uppercut, with his other fist, following up by shoving forwards with that same arms shoulder whether it connected or not. "You never wanted to be one of us, always running off! Why come back!?" The words hadn't been planned, but burst out amidst the chaos.

Aedan's scrunched his face as his forearm was blocked, he hadn't expected the blonde to be fast enough to intercept the strike, and Aedans' brief moment of shock was all Conner needed to land a firm uppercut, yet even after the nasty strike; Aedan - similar to before - expected a second strike, and broke off their forearm clash, in favor of catching Conner's shove into an armlocked grapple with both hands, "You're right! I never wanted to be one of you, an Avenger. I wanted to be with you! I came back for you!" He shouted back through a furiously sorrowful breath, before pulling the armlock into an attempted shoulder toss.

Regardless of what would happen next, Aedan prepared to go all out, the longer this fight lasted the harder it would be. His next actions would involve an assault of all the moves he knew, Conner was a better martial-artist; Aedan planned to use the most lethal strikes possible. No holding back, no mercy. "We trusted you Conner, we all loved you. It was you who inspired the Avengers, the rest of us looked up to you!" He cried, as the image of a merciless massacre - the corpses of heroes littered about the tower, and street - re-entered his mind. With something akin to a battle-cry, Aedan charged forward releasing a flury of deadly attacks, trying to speed some up with momentum; hoping just one could break through Conner's better combat skills, if he could weaken Conner now, perhaps he could end it quick...

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"If only I was so lucky... they took my bow, my arrows, my phone, my spare phone, my laptop... Come to think of it, they took everything in my bag..."
Joseph quipped, before his face lit up, and he looked at Eldkatla with something akin to puppy eyes; "When we get your phone back, you should totally add me on Facebook! We could troll the Avengers in group chats... And you could help me level up in Marvel Avengers Alliance!" He suggested enthusiastically, already imagining the endless amounts of fun he could have pranking with Miss Mischief herself. So much so that he forgot the Avengers were captured, and they were likely surrounded by armed guards.

"Oh, and don't worry, I think I can be more helpful than a frog, but you were joking right? You wouldn't actually turn me into a frog, I mean, we're Facebook Friends to be, and Marvel Alliance Allies to be, we're a team. We make a good team, and - " Joseph stopped speaking at the sounds of... Nothing, the recent battle clearly over; and not in their favor, otherwise Princess dearest would be shouting in victory. The boy cast an apologetic look to Eldkatla for acting like a complete idiot, before rubbing his face slightly in embarrassment.

"Sorry... We'll go with your plan; nobody else is coming, so we could search further down this corridor, I doubt what we're looking far is so close - and as far as the guards know they have everyone - they won't notice we've crept off for a while." With that, he began moving down the corridor, eyes and ears peeled for any sort of clues or guards; it'd be great if they weren't caught, but if they were they'd need to use the element of surprise to subdue any attackers quick. "So, is your pendant what gives you your magic? Or does is just make you more godly?" Joseph whispered, still serious; but hating silence when conversation is to be had.

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