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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

You need him. He is useful. You can't yet do this alone. Eldkatla was well aware of her own flaws but for it all she was no fool. When she had managed to rid herself of this damned collar she could reevaluate but for now she would have to co-operate with him. It seemed necessary to remind herself of this whilst he was incessantly talking of... what was he even talking about? "I do not understand a thing of what you just said. When we have finally escaped this madness you can explain it to me." She hoped that that would be forgotten but if it kept him quiet for now she would bare it.

They walked down the corridor silently for a moment and she never rested her gaze, constantly looking from one place to another, reluctant to miss anything. Or at least it was silent for a moment. "Neither really. It is simply beautiful and made of magic, and assists me when it feels inclined to do so." She explained, more-or-less truthfully. "But not something I think will be of use in this situation. Not as useful as you with your bow, I'm sure." Eldkatla wished she could share his optimism that they're absence would not be noted but she felt much surer that it was only a matter of time before they were actively searched for. They needed to find something, quickly, or else they'd be forced to attempt to navigate that basement.

CasualDragon said:
Finn awoke to hear a woman speaking and there was a pain in his arm. Looking down it seemed like he had been injected with two or three things. Tetanus shot? Flu shot? He couldn't figure it out. Looking up he gasped and pushed himself backwards a little bit away from what he saw. Overturned cars and blood everywhere. And he knew just who did it too based on what the woman had told him. Augustus had done it. But would Augustus really do something like this? He didn't seem like that kind of person and Finn had faith that he wasn't a bad guy. But something made his veins rush and the spot where he had his injections pounded like crazy. He felt the need for blood. He pushed himself to his feet and walked a few feet forward before cupping his hands around his mouth. "Where are you Augustus? I thought we could be friends. I thought that there was the chance that you would join us. I believed that you could change even when nobody else seemed to think that you could. I see now that you can't though."
His mind had only one thing on it and that was death. He had to kill Augustus. He wanted to kill Augustus. The longer he stood there the more enraged he became. Slowly he started to laugh and bent over with his hands on his knees. He laughed until tears leaked from his eyes and he was standing upright again clutching his sides. His skin took a greenish tint and he started to grow but drastically stopped. Looking at himself he was not even a quarter of what he should be. At first it made him even more upset to see how he looked, but then he started laughing again. He looked up and around for Augustus his eyes crazed from some sort of drug that had been pumped into him. "Actually. Maybe I did all of this. And you know what. It feels so... good. The next smear of blood on the ground will be yours. I'll rip you limb from limb and bathe in your blood. And I'll enjoy every second of it. Maybe once we're done here I'll go and find some of the people that you care about and I'll kill them too. Find some of my old friends and end their pathetic lives. But first I'm going to destroy you Augustus. Make you wish you had never been born." Crazed Finn stumbled around looking for Augustus.


Augustus's eyes glowed blood red, and oh he wanted so much to kill! He hungered for it, but more importantly he was finally free! He warped around his appearance, becoming free of the maddening before looking straight at Finn. He didn't NEED the shot, he knew he was used and he wanted to make them suffer... but he wanted to do it playfully almost like a cat. Not kill em, not scar em, but make them know he was the king of the jungle. Now? Now the shot made him hunger for it. But... he heard what Finn was saying. It sounded disgusting... Augustus still loved everything. He looked around, and realized that his bloodlust... was more of a fear. He knew Finn was there, wanting to tear him apart. His fear of something he loved trying to kill him. He had to kill it first.

Augustus opened his maw, unleashing a flame in the air of magic. It simply made it brighter so that Augustus could see. He sung lines at Finny as he slowly transformed into a pitch black demented robot, "JaCk Be NiMbLe... JaCk Be QuIcK! jAcK jUmPeD oVeR tHe CaNdLe StIcK..." His cold metallic feet echoed throughout the room as he marched towards Finn. No, no it wasn't fear anymore! He gave in to the madness, to the desires and the sin. He gave the sorrows their song at last! He wanted to know what little boys were made of... Guess he'll just have to rip him clean open and see!

(Agustus vs Finn @CasualDragon @Pyosimros)

( @LokiofSP - You misspelled Augustus and stated that I was Casual. In your entire post you didn't even STATE Hudhouse! Just letting you know)

(My computer said I posted this yesterday but then didn't -_- )​
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hudhouse said:

Augustus's eyes glowed blood red, and oh he wanted so much to kill! He hungered for it, but more importantly he was finally free! He warped around his appearance, becoming free of the maddening before looking straight at Finn. He didn't NEED the shot, he knew he was used and he wanted to make them suffer... but he wanted to do it playfully almost like a cat. Not kill em, not scar em, but make them know he was the king of the jungle. Now? Now the shot made him hunger for it. But... he heard what Finn was saying. It sounded disgusting... Augustus still loved everything. He looked around, and realized that his bloodlust... was more of a fear. He knew Finn was there, wanting to tear him apart. His fear of something he loved trying to kill him. He had to kill it first.

Augustus opened his maw, unleashing a flame in the air of magic. It simply made it brighter so that Augustus could see. He sung lines at Finny as he slowly transformed into a pitch black demented robot, "JaCk Be NiMbLe... JaCk Be QuIcK! jAcK jUmPeD oVeR tHe CaNdLe StIcK..." His cold metallic feet echoed throughout the room as he marched towards Finn. No, no it wasn't fear anymore! He gave in to the madness, to the desires and the sin. He gave the sorrows their song at last! He wanted to know what little boys were made of... Guess he'll just have to rip him clean open and see!

(Agustus vs Finn @CasualDragon @Pyosimros)

( @LokiofSP - You misspelled Augustus and stated that I was Casual. In your entire post you didn't even STATE Hudhouse! Just letting you know)

(My computer said I posted this yesterday but then didn't -_- )​
(My mad b

You wanna hug it out?)
LokiofSP said:
(My mad b
You wanna hug it out?)
(Just lettin ya know! If it wasn't for Casual I wouldn't have even known this was happening. I would have checked this morning and screamed out, "4 whole pages of posts?!")
hudhouse said:
(Just lettin ya know! If it wasn't for Casual I wouldn't have even known this was happening. I would have checked this morning and screamed out, "4 whole pages of posts?!")
(I understand b, I probably glossed over it because I was blanking out.

I gotchu now...Ima give you a hug)
Terry Fitzgerald

For the next few actions, Terry knew what she was trying to do. With each passing second, Sarah got closer and closer to him. Terry kept launching blasts as her, but she was dodging every single one of them. Before he could react, she jumped at him, and they started spiralling downwards. "You know, if someone was around, they would change this into you hugging me and it's going to be a terrible fanfiction!" He shouted, finally managing to shove her off before he went into the ground. With only a few seconds left, Terry didn't have that much time to not smash into the ground, so instead, he blasted horizontally. It was better to recover when Sarah was a decent distance away from him.


Cassandra Thompson

The thing with Boss, is that she's pissed. Probably pissed to a point that she was prepared to murder her. Last time she checked however, Cassandra had a symbiote, and she was sure Boss didn't have any powers. Which means this is the equivalent to bring a knife to a gun fight. If she let the symbiote take control, Boss was as good as dead. She saw Boss trying to make her way over to her, so Cassandra tried shoot some tendrils at Boss. It would be good if she would get knocked out from the first blow, but she knew that wasn't happening.

@Pink Gorilla
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When Cassandra shot her tendrils out, Boss tried to dodge them as best as she could, but with her dulled reflexes, some of them skimmed her and slightly cut her. That didn't stop her advanced, she got close to Cassandra and kicked her leg towards Cassandra's knee. If that worked, she would follow up with kneeing Cassandra in the face. @Pyosimros
Archon said:
Aedan's scrunched his face as his forearm was blocked, he hadn't expected the blonde to be fast enough to intercept the strike, and Aedans' brief moment of shock was all Conner needed to land a firm uppercut, yet even after the nasty strike; Aedan - similar to before - expected a second strike, and broke off their forearm clash, in favor of catching Conner's shove into an armlocked grapple with both hands, "You're right! I never wanted to be one of you, an Avenger. I wanted to be with you! I came back for you!" He shouted back through a furiously sorrowful breath, before pulling the armlock into an attempted shoulder toss.
Regardless of what would happen next, Aedan prepared to go all out, the longer this fight lasted the harder it would be. His next actions would involve an assault of all the moves he knew, Conner was a better martial-artist; Aedan planned to use the most lethal strikes possible. No holding back, no mercy. "We trusted you Conner, we all loved you. It was you who inspired the Avengers, the rest of us looked up to you!" He cried, as the image of a merciless massacre - the corpses of heroes littered about the tower, and street - re-entered his mind. With something akin to a battle-cry, Aedan charged forward releasing a flury of deadly attacks, trying to speed some up with momentum; hoping just one could break through Conner's better combat skills, if he could weaken Conner now, perhaps he could end it quick...

"What's so special about me!?" Connor shouted as Aedan rushed at him with intent in his eyes, the blonde was still recovering from the toss. Aedan's words bit deep, that he himself was what brought Aedan back...and was ultimately at fault for everyone's deaths. Connor knew Aedan, and Aedan knew him, they both knew each others weakness'. But Aedan didn't know his ice so well, didn't know what he was capable of. And that was an advantage, and Connor focused coating his forearms and shins with Ice, knowing Aedan was going to use his momentum ability to his own advantage the blonde needed to counter defensively.

What Connor didn't realize was that this would be his downfall, Aedan's momentum carried him with force. And Connor's Ice was noticeably weaker thanks to the dampener, each strike Connor blocked shattered the ice. It couldn't reform quick enough and slowly but surely he was overwhelmed by Aedan's flurry of attacks. Balance was key in this situation and Aedan wasn't allowing him any of that, Connor's only chance was to go on the offensive. So he did, leaving himself wide open to whatever Aedan was throwing his way Connor threw one wholehearted iced over fist straight at Aedan's face.
hudhouse said:

Augustus's eyes glowed blood red, and oh he wanted so much to kill! He hungered for it, but more importantly he was finally free! He warped around his appearance, becoming free of the maddening before looking straight at Finn. He didn't NEED the shot, he knew he was used and he wanted to make them suffer... but he wanted to do it playfully almost like a cat. Not kill em, not scar em, but make them know he was the king of the jungle. Now? Now the shot made him hunger for it. But... he heard what Finn was saying. It sounded disgusting... Augustus still loved everything. He looked around, and realized that his bloodlust... was more of a fear. He knew Finn was there, wanting to tear him apart. His fear of something he loved trying to kill him. He had to kill it first.

Augustus opened his maw, unleashing a flame in the air of magic. It simply made it brighter so that Augustus could see. He sung lines at Finny as he slowly transformed into a pitch black demented robot, "JaCk Be NiMbLe... JaCk Be QuIcK! jAcK jUmPeD oVeR tHe CaNdLe StIcK..." His cold metallic feet echoed throughout the room as he marched towards Finn. No, no it wasn't fear anymore! He gave in to the madness, to the desires and the sin. He gave the sorrows their song at last! He wanted to know what little boys were made of... Guess he'll just have to rip him clean open and see!

(Agustus vs Finn @CasualDragon @Pyosimros)

( @LokiofSP - You misspelled Augustus and stated that I was Casual. In your entire post you didn't even STATE Hudhouse! Just letting you know)

(My computer said I posted this yesterday but then didn't -_- )​
Finn whirled around to see where the sound was coming from, his face stretched into a wide grin. He tried to push his power and found that he could grow a little bit more to the point where he was a quarter of how big he should be. He would work with that. He laughed a bit when Augustus sprouted the nursery rhyme. "There's probably a destroyed daycare around here. I could introduce you to the children who go there. You'll just have to die first. I'm sure they'll want you there more than anybody wants you here." All traces of the Finn that anybody knew were gone. He was purely out for blood now. "Nice robot. Are you trying to compensate for something?" He laughed and clutched his head. Moving over to the side he picked up a car. He managed to get it up but he stumbled a little under the weight of it. "Oh my dear friend Augustus. If only I had my full strength. No matter! I'll pull you apart like a child pulling the petals off of a daisy. You'll just have to sit still." Pulling back to get more momentum he rushed forward and swung the car like a baseball bat hoping to at least dent the thing somewhere.
BeamMeUpScotty said:
((Oh God...What happened ???? DX))
((btw. HAPPY FRICKEN NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!! xD XD xD XD X3 X3 X3 XP XP XP (<3)(<3)(<3)(<3)(<3)(<3)(<3)(<3)(<3)(<3)(<3)(<3)(<3)))
(One of my characters died, and it was not Maxton. And there is a bunch of fights going on as well.)
For a brief moment Sarah felt like she was falling...That was until she began plummeting. She shot out web lines to slow her fall, but they snapped and made her plummet. Then came the blasts, she was pushed into a concert wall and hit her head on it, she groaned and noticed there were now two of everything, she made a time out symbol, "Just...Give me a moment...I just need to catch my breath..."

CasualDragon said:
Finn whirled around to see where the sound was coming from, his face stretched into a wide grin. He tried to push his power and found that he could grow a little bit more to the point where he was a quarter of how big he should be. He would work with that. He laughed a bit when Augustus sprouted the nursery rhyme. "There's probably a destroyed daycare around here. I could introduce you to the children who go there. You'll just have to die first. I'm sure they'll want you there more than anybody wants you here." All traces of the Finn that anybody knew were gone. He was purely out for blood now. "Nice robot. Are you trying to compensate for something?" He laughed and clutched his head. Moving over to the side he picked up a car. He managed to get it up but he stumbled a little under the weight of it. "Oh my dear friend Augustus. If only I had my full strength. No matter! I'll pull you apart like a child pulling the petals off of a daisy. You'll just have to sit still." Pulling back to get more momentum he rushed forward and swung the car like a baseball bat hoping to at least dent the thing somewhere.
Augustus stated in response, "...This entire world hates me! You should know that best... but that little daycare? That would be nice... to take care of someone even if they don't appreciate it. It's something that... I would love to to do actually." He gave a warm smile, before his eyes glowed blood red. He weaved a spell, making the car weight over 20 times its weight to try and crush Finn's arms! Augustus laughed at the next comment, in his bloodthirsty state, he held nothing back. He spoke the truth constantly, no matter how violent, "Why yes.. of course! By morphing I can practice acting like the person I want to be, or it allows me to get a little bit away from the act of murder. A persona if you will... but you don't care..." Augustus suddenly formed lots of tiny metal tendrils with little heads, all of which unleashed a barrage of optic blasts! He was keeping his distance, trying to abuse the fact Finn was all about using his weight.

(If you get the upper hand, you have permission to kill Augustus)
Maniac watched Sage retreat before sheathing one of his katana blades. "I'll give you one chance trainee. Give up now or else I'll slice through that giant ice cub and make sure you won't be able to hold anything for a while"


Aleena was sitting at the botyom of her "cell", "room", whatever you wanna call it, door. She hit her head against the door somewhat, her eyes closed and silent uncontrollable tears falling slowly. She could hear alot of shouting out in thr hallways. And it scared her that she recognized some of their owners. Communication was crap, and she was getting much too worn out to try and use her powers again. "Maxton...hurry up you boof-head..."

@Steel Zinogre
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hudhouse said:
Augustus stated in response, "...This entire world hates me! You should know that best... but that little daycare? That would be nice... to take care of someone even if they don't appreciate it. It's something that... I would love to to do actually." He gave a warm smile, before his eyes glowed blood red. He weaved a spell, making the car weight over 20 times its weight to try and crush Finn's arms! Augustus laughed at the next comment, in his bloodthirsty state, he held nothing back. He spoke the truth constantly, no matter how violent, "Why yes.. of course! By morphing I can practice acting like the person I want to be, or it allows me to get a little bit away from the act of murder. A persona if you will... but you don't care..." Augustus suddenly formed lots of tiny metal tendrils with little heads, all of which unleashed a barrage of optic blasts! He was keeping his distance, trying to abuse the fact Finn was all about using his weight.
(If you get the upper hand, you have permission to kill Augustus)
The car suddenly weighed a ton and it came crashing down on him. Rather than being upset about being stuck under the car he laughed about it and waited for the next attack which he knew would come shortly. He wasn't disappointed and allowed he metal tendril blasting things to get the car off of him. A few of them hit and he staggered to the side and eyed up the damage. His skin was stopping most of the damage but there would be bruises and in some spots there was some blood. "Ohh I like games!" Pushing his head down he ran straight through the barrage, simply letting the optic blasts slam into him. He reached out to grab a hold of some of the tendrils with the intentions of pointing them towards Augustus rather than himself.

((As mentioned in OOC I would prefer that Finn stay alive because I really dislike making character sheets. But, as also mentioned in OOC, feel free to mess him up if ya want. He'll heal at some point.))
"What's so special? You were my only friend, my only family! You brought meaning into my life... I couldn't live without you..." Aedan retorted, not slowing his attack as Conner blocked with efficiency; the smashed ice cutting along Aedan's forearms, and fists. Any previous love had left; he had to remind himself, over and over, He no longer faced the Conner he knew. He fought the Villain he hated - the one who orchestrated the fall of the Avengers, and who would ultimately end the world for power.

Letting out a roar, the male planted first a strike into Conner's gut, then a kick into his knee, both with deadly intent, the blonde's defense faltered; and the marks of the vicious assault began to take effect, yet whilst Aedan's attack had been effective, Conner's own strike caught the male off-guard, his likely injured form wasn't strong enough to cause killing damage, with a likely killing blow. Yet the ice connected all the same, sending Aedan flying back several feet, he knew nothing about Conner's ice power; Conner knew everything about Aedan. A decisive disadvantage.

Pain wracked his body as he slammed into a car, rolling off with a wheeze. He could not lose, he would not! He rose to his feet, glaring at Conner as the world seemed to slow around him, his face twisted in fury as with great strength he pulled the door from the car, and tossed it with as much momentum as the male could muster, the pure exertion from the strike, and energy used caused Aedan to drop straight after, panting for breath. "TRAITOR!" The male howled, his vision blurred; and body weak. All the same, he stood, walking forward once more.

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Terry Fitzgerald

The hit did a decent amount of damage, Terry wasn't sure how many more impacts he could take. His helmet wasn't at full power, that would explain why it hurt. If whatever happened to his helmet never happened, Terry would've already shoved Sarah into the Leaning Tower of Pisa to a point where it would stop leaning. "Hey. You see the destruction around us?" He began and slowly stood up, leaning on a garbage can for support. "It feels like a big metaphor for our current relationship status," Terry finished, igniting his hands with energy. "Now I would say a cliché line at this point, but the time for that's been over for a while now," He shot at Sarah, trying to pin her into the wall.

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The Regal Rper]Maniac watched Sage retreat before sheathing one of his katana blades. "I'll give you one chance trainee. Give up now or else I'll slice through that giant ice cub and make sure you won't be able to hold anything for a while" [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23808-djinnamon/ said:
Sage finished healing and busted out of the dome of ice and into the air and . He glared down at Maniac before ice shards surrounded the man and shoot at him from all directions as Sage landed.
BeamMeUpScotty said:

Aleena was sitting at the botyom of her "cell", "room", whatever you wanna call it, door. She hit her head against the door somewhat, her eyes closed and silent uncontrollable tears falling slowly. She could hear alot of shouting out in thr hallways. And it scared her that she recognized some of their owners. Communication was crap, and she was getting much too worn out to try and use her powers again. "Maxton...hurry up you boof-head..."

@Steel Zinogre
Maxton had a feeling that aleena was around, and had to find where. "Hang tight.... I will get you out." He said to himself as he thought about a plan. @BeamMeUpScotty @LokiofSP
CasualDragon said:
The car suddenly weighed a ton and it came crashing down on him. Rather than being upset about being stuck under the car he laughed about it and waited for the next attack which he knew would come shortly. He wasn't disappointed and allowed he metal tendril blasting things to get the car off of him. A few of them hit and he staggered to the side and eyed up the damage. His skin was stopping most of the damage but there would be bruises and in some spots there was some blood. "Ohh I like games!" Pushing his head down he ran straight through the barrage, simply letting the optic blasts slam into him. He reached out to grab a hold of some of the tendrils with the intentions of pointing them towards Augustus rather than himself.
((As mentioned in OOC I would prefer that Finn stay alive because I really dislike making character sheets. But, as also mentioned in OOC, feel free to mess him up if ya want. He'll heal at some point.))
Augustus saw this display and laughed horrifically. He stated, "These tendrils are a part of me, remember?!" The tendrils he grabbed suddenly glowed bright red, and transformed into thousands of hungry maggots that tried to eat into Finn. All of the other tendrils fused back into Augustus as he changed into Final Ichago from Bleach. He lifted up a single hand, black magic dripping of it. He screamed out, "THIS IS OVER!" He unleashed a thick black horizontal wave of magic, that would throw his nervous system out of wack, paralizing him from the waist down if it hit! Any maggot that made it into Finn would grow spines covered in acidic compounds and burst. The pain would hopefully stop him and allow Augustus's black wave to hit, stopping him dead in his tracks!

(Alrighty, no deaths!)
Cassandra Thompson

Boss was already close enough, and Cassandra was expecting a fight against a normal person with a bunch of experience. Problem is, she was wrong. Underestimation led to a hit to Cassandra's knee, which sent her leaning forwards. It caused some pain, but Cassandra would guess the symbiote would heal it in a few minutes. A knee to her head did the most damage. It dazed her for a few seconds, leaving Boss a few seconds to plan her next blow. Enhanced pretty much everything except for stupidity. I'm dazed, but the symbiote isn't. I wish it would just attack instead of worrying about me.

@Pink Gorilla
Managing to block only a few of the ice shards with his katana Maniac felt the stab of multiple ice shards hit his body. He winced, but merely stood his ground and pulled out his other katana again. Pulling out a few of the ice shards his body slowly began to heal again. "That's cheating. I can't fly so how am I supposed to get up there?" he said, then in a flash he pulled out one of the knives in his belt and slung it as fast as he could the blade flew right into Sage's leg. @djinnamon
Sage just barely moved out of the way of knife and glared at Maniac while growling. " You think I play fair with people who kill my family. " he said with venom dripping from very word. He made more ice shards appear around Maniac and shoot at him again. Sage panted as he felt it was harder to form ice.
Managing to block most of the ice this time Maniac was actually able to catch one with his mouth before he bit into it. Crushing it with his teeth. "I've killed a lot of families kid you'll need to be more specific" @djinnamon

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