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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Reaper said:
"Harriet? Is that what this is about?? Screw you. I saved your life by getting rid of her. I hate you." He said, getting to his feet. @Steel Zinogre
"And yet you accuse me of killing the others? Man, you have some issues." she said, standing her ground.
Harry panted. He was furious, but too tired to continue fighting. "It was you spider people who killed my father. Maybe I should've let Harriet and Norma go about their buisness" @Steel Zinogre
Reaper said:
Harry panted. He was furious, but too tired to continue fighting. "It was you spider people who killed my father. Maybe I should've let Harriet and Norma go about their buisness" @Steel Zinogre
"Just because someone who is a spider killed your daddy, that don't mean you blame me!" she said as she picked him up, and head butt him. He then leaned him up next to a car, and webbed him down as he lay unconscious. "Like i said, I AM NO KILLER." she said as she walked away.
Jordan flowed effortlessly between the sonic booms, all the while harnessing more energy. When he saw the slash barreling towards him, he lifted his hand once more and the energy concentrated into a large spear "You were never even a THREAT!" Jordan responded before throwing the spear at Laxus. The energy from the blade and it's point allowed it to tear a hole through the slash and continue towards Laxus. Jordan followed the huge blade through the hole and readied himself for the next attack
Connor woke on his stomach an anguished cry escaping the blonde as the memories of seeing Aedan destroying his friends and family one by one. There was a small coughing fit as he got to his hands and knee's, staring at the pavement below with a little disorientation...he had nothing to live for. Raising his head Connor scanned the street, spotting Aedan and everything hit him at once. With grit teeth he stood up, he did have one last thing to live for.

To Avenge.

"I never thought you'd be the one to stab me in the back, after everything we went through together. You showing back up with a sob story, I trusted you. I should have known you we're infiltrating us....you killed them all...the people I cared about most...you joined up with Carter..." Connor's eye's shot up to glare at Aedan, "...HOW COULD YOU!?!?"

Connor was enraged, cold energy was seething from his already frosted over fists and coating the street below, spreading out slowly in all directions from his vicinity. The ice was slower, and not as sturdy as it usually was, and he couldn't pump out as much as he normally could. But he was oblivious to all this, all he could see was red. Connor wanted to kill Aedan....no, Connor was going to kill Aedan. Any code or standard Connor held himself to didn't exist any longer, this was almost primal...and most definitely personal.

Hypnas smiled evilly, her villain self activating. As she spoke, her voice began to sound double, like two people were speaking in unison as she layered as much power as she could into her words.

"Dimitri Maximoff, you are too tired to continue, you know that. Slow down, rest, it'll all be alright," her sweet, coy smile was back, the one that Dimitri used to love so much, but something was off about it....
LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan flowed effortlessly between the sonic booms, all the while harnessing more energy. When he saw the slash barreling towards him, he lifted his hand once more and the energy concentrated into a large spear "You were never even a THREAT!" Jordan responded before throwing the spear at Laxus. The energy from the blade and it's point allowed it to tear a hole through the slash and continue towards Laxus. Jordan followed the huge blade through the hole and readied himself for the next attack
"You can say whatever you want to make yourself feel better but you're still human you piece of crap. Dependant on the power of a retarded bird. It's the Phoenix's fault as much as it is the humans like yourself, if only it wasn't so damn stupid." Laxus said condescendingly as he sidestepped the spear. The black winds peeled of the slash projection and surrounded Jordan draining the air out his space leaving him nothing to breathe. "You're nothing but a pathetic baby human in still attached by an umbilical to the Phoenix." Laxus commented.
Dimitri's pace slowed as he wobbled with his hands over his ears. He fell to one knee and braced himself with his arms. "Shit...." He said under his breath, trying to stay conscious. @sitanomoto
Morgan looked at the girl with disgust, "Because your a b***h? Because your a freak? I dunno! All I know is, your done! You don't mess with the Devil!"

@Steel Zinogre (Sorry this took so long, I'm getting swamped with notices)
LokiofSP said:
Morgan looked at the girl with disgust, "Because your a b***h? Because your a freak? I dunno! All I know is, your done! You don't mess with the Devil!"

@Steel Zinogre (Sorry this took so long, I'm getting swamped with notices)
(Same) "FREAK!? I AM A MUTANT! YOU ARE THE FREAK HERE!!!" she exclaimed as she charged morgan, and attempted to pounce. (We have one loser down... and that is harry.)
Hypnas grinned wider. "Yes. Come on, sleep...." She was taking her power to a new level, doing her best to shut down his entire brain, instead of putting it to sleep. She walked over to him and, with her gloved hand, stroked his hair in a soothing manner.
He fell to all fours and he felt his eyelids become heavy. It was too much to fight. As a last ditch effort, he reached up to her, grabbing the stone that she kept around her neck. @sitanomoto
Hypnas let him grab it. It didn't matter anymore. He could have it for all she cared. He killed everyone he loved, sold them to Hydra, made a fool out of her, kissed another girl....


Something was off about these memories. They seemed.....


They were real. All of them.

"Good-night, moya lyubov'," she said.
Jordan could feel the oxygen slipping away, unfortunately for Laxus, Jordan was very spiteful. He used the Asgardian's own hubris against him and detonated the spear while he was still in the middle of his speech. All of the energy that had been built in the spear unleashed itself in an explosive fashion towards Laxus
Dimitri began chuckling quietly. "You want to kill me?" Something about the gem gave him a tiny burst of energy. He could almost think clearly now. @sitanomoto
LokiofSP said:
(Aw you, thank you! @Steel Zinogre
Charlize became disoriented, and shook her head to regain her composure. "The thing about animals is..... That they bite back." she said as she punched him in the chest, grabbed his right arm, and bit down hard, the taste of blood filled her maw, which she found repulsive. She had missed any major veins and vessels, but tore a few muscles in his arms she let go, and walked back, horrified and proud of what she had done.
LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan could feel the oxygen slipping away, unfortunately for Laxus, Jordan was very spiteful. He used the Asgardian's own hubris against him and detonated the spear while he was still in the middle of his speech. All of the energy that had been built in the spear unleashed itself in an explosive fashion towards Laxus
Laxus dahsed away from the explosion at a Massively Hypersonic speed, while maintaining the black winds around Jordan. He began to realize in that moment he couldn't use Mysticism, he had attempted to do so during the evasion so that he could go back and finish off Jordan face to face but it wasn't working which he found strange. Something isn't right here at all, he could tell that now.
Boss looked around the city absolutely horrified. Her eyes settled on Cassandra and rage filled her. Boss was not one to let her emotions get the best of her, but with the fake memories put into her mind, she couldn't stop herself. "You killed my daughters, you bitch!" She began to make her way quickly to Cassandra. Boss tried to focus her mind, but her head felt foggy and slightly groggily, but she still made her way to Cassandra and reached out for her neck. @Pyosimros
Morgan cried out in pain, stumbling and looking at the arm, "WHAT!? WHY Would you...?"Morgan sat down for a few moments, cluctching his arm. He then began to let out a dark laugh, "Oh god...You f****d up SO bad..." He stalked towards her with his arms at his side and his head low. He untied the bandanna around his mouth and allowed her to see a sick smile, one that put her on edge as he gave off vibes of LIKING this...

@Steel Zinogre (I see what you did, don't get to carried away with the auto-hitting)
"Nyet, my friend. I just want you to sleep." Her doubletone voice was layered with as much power as she could get. "You've had a hard day, betraying the world and such. Remember, top dog villain is my job."
All at once, he lost consciousness and fell sideways, rolling over on his back. His breathing was very shallow and his hand opened a bit to reveal the stone from her necklace. @sitanomoto
Aedan groaned in pain, as he fought with all his strength to stand. The recent mark of betrayal fresh in his mind, as the Avengers tower lay in ruins; heroes scattered, dead. All of them. He paced forward, rage seething from his system, as he let out a small cry whilst kneeling beside the broken suite of either Iron Man, or Cassie. It mattered little... They were all dead. Then, his head shot up; as his eyes pierced Connor's heart with the fury of hell itself.

The memories of how Conner had worked with the Chitauri to betray the Avengers, the promise of power beyond imagination as his prize... and now, only Aedan stood between Connor and that power, should his friend win; the earth would die. He could not allow that...

At Connor's words he laughed, his face only showing pure hatred and disgust, "How could I?! This was you, not me! YOU killed them! You betrayed everything you ever believed in, and for what?! Power?!" Aedan screamed back, the cars around him being crushed under his furious output of momentum. "We were brothers once Conner... I loved you..." The male said, voice trailing off at the end as a single tear flowed down his cheek.

His heart burned with sorrow, yet his soul craved blood. The thought was long present in his mind; Connor was a villain - the worst of them. He needed to be put down, Aedan scanned the surroundings, and noticed his staff snapped in two pieces, before he released a slight sigh, and looked at Conner once more. "I will do what I must... Forgive me." With that, he took up a combat stance and awaited Conner's attack. His mind focused, his goal was simple; either he died, or Conner died. There was no retreat... No mercy....

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