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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Pyosimros said:
Perry Parker

I'm awake. Cold floor in my 'casual' wear doesn't help.

"Where am I?" Perry groaned as he slowly rose from the ground. It was New York City. Blood everywhere, destruction everywhere. His headquarters, reduced to rubble. Perry wasn't sure if this was real, but the easiest way to check, via his suit, wasn't exactly an option. All he knew, was that Cindy did this. Probably out of spite for the lack of attention he gave her. Coincidentally, Cindy was in front of him. "Look. There are a lot of things I can excuse. But however, I can't forgive you for this. I'm sorry, but I'm turning you in, with a suit or not," Perry said over to Cindy. This is the time the other person would strike, so Perry prepared himself.

@Steel Zinogre

Terry Fitzgerald

Terry opened his eyes and looked around the torn up city. Not that he cared, New York City hasn't been his home for a long time. But what set him off, was the files he discovered. Turns out, Sarah was the cause of the alien ship he was in to explode, killing everyone onboard. Everyone but him. "As much as our partnership was good, blowing up a bunch of people. My friends. I can't let it happen again!" He shouted, his helmet was back, but he felt like he wasn't at full power. It didn't matter, it probably wouldn't take a lot to beat up a spider person anyways. Charging at her, he started up a concussive blast to hopefully knock her out.


Cassandra Thompson

Blood splatters, ruined city, Cassandra was familiar with this setting. And she would guess that Boss was as well. Her symbiote returned to her, but she could tell that it was weak. Boss did something to it, and she probably did other evil things behind Cassandra's back. She had a respect for Boss, but that respect was long gone. "I'm sorry, with all due respect, I'm taking you out," She said calmly. She can't succumb to rage, or she's no good as the person she's fighting.

@Pink Gorilla
"The only thing, that I will not allow to go by..... IS BEING GONE FOR TOO LONG!!" Cindy shouted as her hands combusted, and she charged at him, memories of her past under the surface of the sea came back to her, which increased her rage, and made her slightly unstable in terms of mentality.
Sage's eyes seemed to glow as a cruel smirk etched it self on his face. " I'll tear you to shreds and ribbons. " He said befor he jumped in the air when he landed he slammed the ground causing it to break and make a mini earthquake.
Harry ripped a fire hydrant out of the ground and hurled it at her. "BITE THIS!" He said, before seeing a nearby car and ripping the hood open to tinker inside. @Steel Zinogre
Jordan looked up and dodged five of the six bolts and lifted his hand to grab the sixth. It raged in his hand before he threw it at Laxus. Jordan put both his hands together and pure energy started forming and when he spread his hands out, the energy fired off like a barrage, flying off in a pincer formation before closing in on Laxus. "You really thought that would best me?" In the back of Jordan's mind the Phoenix Force could only leave nagging thoughts of doubt due to Jordan's weakened connection to it. It was only enough to form in the back of his mind and Jordan wasn't listening to it right now.

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Reaper said:
Harry ripped a fire hydrant out of the ground and hurled it at her. "BITE THIS!" He said, before seeing a nearby car and ripping the hood open to tinker inside. @Steel Zinogre
Sally dodged the hydrant, and dashed to harry, but tripped on her own legs on the way to him. "Stupid long legs!" she exclaimed as she gets back up, and thinks about her next move as she dashed to harry again.
Sarah's spider-sense went off, but it came slowly, and less pronounced. It barley left her with enough time to dodge the punch, to the tail end of the blow hit her. She stumbled and leaned against a wall for support. Shaking her head she looked at Terry, she gave a slight smile, "There you are, not gonna lie bucket head, thought I was gonna have to hunt you down for a moment...You took everything from me ya know? My parents, my handful of acquaintances... I was just starting to take up that whole no kill rule to...Shame..."

She rushed forward as best she could, still attempting to adjust to her loss of speed. As she got close enough she jumped over Terry and attempted a mid air kick.

Perry Parker

Hands went in flames, but I didn't get the the full fire flower experience so she hasn't started chucking fireballs at me, Perry thought as he began to quickly scan his surroundings. Most of the things were useless, but there were a couple things he could use. She was full of rage, as long as Perry kept his cool, he could maneuver around all her attacks. This is when I thank mom for her abilities rather than my dad... He quickly consumed himself in webbing, providing at least a little bit of protection. Before Cindy could strike, Perry webbed onto a wall before launching himself off in a kicking position.

@Steel Zinogre
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Maniac wobbled on the quake, practically enjoying himself as the earth shook, all the while maintaining his balance as he continued to move towards Sage. Pulling out one katana blade he continued his approach, his smirk still live. "We'll see who dices who up." Stopping, placing a firm grip on his katana blade, Maniac took a stance. Then in one quick jump he was in front of Sage. In a second he brought his katana blade down on him.

Pyosimros said:
Perry Parker

Hands went in flames, but I didn't get the the full fire flower experience so she hasn't started chucking fireballs at me, Perry thought as he began to quickly scan his surroundings. Most of the things were useless, but there were a couple things he could use. She was full of rage, as long as Perry kept his cool, he could maneuver around all her attacks. This is when I thank mom for her abilities rather than my dad... He quickly consumed himself in webbing, providing at least a little bit of protection. Before Cindy could strike, Perry webbed onto a wall before launching himself off in a kicking position.
Cindy almost had perry in her grasp, but when he went onto a building, she became even more angry and frustrated. "What's wrong perry? Why are you always running from me?" she asked mockingly as one of her hands became electrically charged, and the other hand cooling off to normal temperature, appearing to be normal. "It's not so Shocking to see you run." she said as she casted bolts of electricity at him, but missing.
Maniac slid his foot back, just in time. Using the slight friction from the abrupt slide of his foot he continued to add pressure on the blade drawing Sage down enough till he eventually pushed him back with a rough elbow to the solar plexus.

LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan looked up and dodged five of the six bolts and lifted his hand to grab the sixth. It raged in his hand before he threw it at Laxus. Jordan put both his hands together and pure energy started forming and when he spread his hands out, the energy fired off like a barrage, flying off in a pincer formation before closing in on Laxus. "You really thought that would best me?" In the back of Jordan's mind the Phoenix Force could only leave nagging thoughts of doubt due to Jordan's weakened connection to it. It was only enough to form in the back of his mind and Jordan wasn't listening to it right now.
Laxus simply leaned out of the way of the thunder bolt and countered the energy pincer attack by intercepting them with beams of sky energy. "Do you really believe you'll ever defeat me?" Laxus asked. Laxus then infused his blade with black lightning of destruction and black winds that now only but drain out oxygen. He began his next attack by first using thunder manipulation to create a series of concussive booms around Jordan, then swung his blade unleashing a slash projection that took up the entire road.
Harry turned around from the car. He had tied two heavy pieces of metal together with a belt from the car, creating bolas which he threw at her legs. @Steel Zinogre
Reaper said:
Harry turned around from the car. He had tied two heavy pieces of metal together with a belt from the car, creating bolas which he threw at her legs. @Steel Zinogre
The bolas hit her, tripping her. "You slick son of a b!@ch!" she exclaimesd as she tried to remove the bolas, but could not properly grasp it, so she hooked them from below, and waited until Harry came close.
Harry grabbed a pipe from inside the car and jumped into the air, with the intent of stabbing it through her as she layed on the ground @Steel Zinogre
Maniac spun and blocked half the thrusts, some cutting into him others sliding off his blade. Once he saw the opportunity he quickly drew out his second Katana and slashed towards Sage's arm in order to make him drop the weapon.

Terry Fitzgerald

Sarah took a little bit of the blow, which was a success for Terry. She then began to lean against a wall, and she started babbling on about Terry taking her parents and everything away from her. Terry had no recollection, but he was sure he forgot since he had most of his memories surrounding his secret identity long ago. It probably launched a domino effect, causing this. Before he could do a half-hearted apology, Sarah tried to kick her. Even if she wasn't at full speed, she was fast. Only moving his head over a little bit, the kick connected with his head, making a clanging noise. It stunned him for a few moments, after he regained his footing Terry launched two blasts from his arms and took to the sky.

@Steel Zinogre
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Reaper said:
Harry grabbed a pipe from inside the car and jumped into the air, with the intent of stabbing it through her as she layed on the ground @Steel Zinogre
She then flung the bolas at harry, which stopped him, and brought him down. She gets up, and looked at him. "I am not killer, harry. Just stop cooperating with her and help me fight crime." she said, following the Heroes don't kill rule, but intends on rendering him unconscious.
He brought himself to all fours from a prone position. "You're lying. I know what you did. And I'm not cooperating with anyone. I have no idea what you're talking about." @Steel Zinogre
Reaper said:
He brought himself to all fours from a prone position. "You're lying. I know what you did. And I'm not cooperating with anyone. I have no idea what you're talking about." @Steel Zinogre
"Likewise. I've done nothing wrong, harry! You're working with Harriet! You did not kill her, did you?!" she exclaimed as she stood there, trying to stay calm.

Sarah was dropped to the floor by the blasts She held her head and waited for the world to stop spinning, she looked up and saw Terry trying to get away, she shot out a strand of web, but cursed when it didn't reach him. She got up slowly, "Guess we're doing this the hard way then..." She then began to run, jumping from cars to power lines, off buildings and such, she eventually got level with the boy and attempted to tackle him.

@Steel Zinogre [/color]
LokiofSP said:
Sarah was dropped to the floor by the blasts She held her head and waited for the world to stop spinning, she looked up and saw Terry trying to get away, she shot out a strand of web, but cursed when it didn't reach him. She got up slowly, "Guess we're doing this the hard way then..." She then began to run, jumping from cars to power lines, off buildings and such, she eventually got level with the boy and attempted to tackle him.

@Steel Zinogre [/color]
"I Killed them!? I don't even know how to make a bomb, let alone do that! And you are stupid, for assuming such a thing!" She said as she got up, and slightly charged up. "My dad is an X-man! Why would I soil that?" she asked, as she backed away from morgan.
"Harriet? Is that what this is about?? Screw you. I saved your life by getting rid of her. I hate you." He said, getting to his feet. @Steel Zinogre

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