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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Boss jerked into several different directions as the room moved around. Suddenly it stopped and she landed on her knees. Boss lifted herself off the ground and checked to see if everyone was alright. She listened to the voices outside and suddenly the door opened showing S.W.A.T members. Before she could react in the slightest, the gas knocked out Boss once again.

Aleena stopped shouting all of a sudden as she heard a loud crash from the door. She scrambled to her feet quickly and looked out the small window into the hall. There was a door across from her but that couldn't be it. She banged against it with her neck, using the collar to hit the glass. "Hey!! Anybody out there?! Can you hear me?!"


@Steel Zinogre

Jordan hadn't said a word the whole time they were being jerked around, mainly because he was too busy holding himself in check...their was a good reason that he never mentioned his state of mind before becoming the Phoenix Force...but now it was starting to stir deep within him. He could hear the sound of S.W.A.T. moving in...and the sound of gas fuming into the room "Oh here we go..."
Group 1

Terry was the one to go down this time. How many more would they mow through before they were satisfied? That was answered pretty quickly when the world dropped from underneath of them. Being a hulk type being Finn had fallen from heights loads of times. Being human though changed the experience a little bit however and he staggered from side to side clutching his sides. When the shaking stopped Finn gasped. "Is that what it's like to free fall for you guys? Oh man that's brutal." He mumbled. Then there was a S.W.A.T team. "This reminds me of Hamlet when he's randomly rescued by pirates. I mean it's great that you're here... But how did a S.W.A.T. team get on a Chitauri spaceship? Makes no sense." Gas filled the room and Finn found himself drifting off to sleep. "Oh wait. They must have knocked the ship down. But how can they knock a ship down when it's in space? I always knew that the government had a Death Star. It's the only logical reason at this point. Hey pals, how did you get on here?" He mumbled as he fell asleep.

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype
@Reaper @Pink Gorilla @hudhouse @LucianGrey7971 @Pyosimros @Yngwie Schutz @LokiofSP @The Regal Rper
Desimus sees that everyone was starting to catch back up, his gut feeling telling him that something was amiss. However, for now, they had a map. It couldn't be fake, right? There was no way this was set up, right? He could only pray as they finally reach a secured door, which must be the basement.

"Well, let's see what we get ourselves into."

And with that, he kicks the door of the basement wide open.

@ everyone with Desimus
National said:
Desimus sees that everyone was starting to catch back up, his gut feeling telling him that something was amiss. However, for now, they had a map. It couldn't be fake, right? There was no way this was set up, right? He could only pray as they finally reach a secured door, which must be the basement.
"Well, let's see what we get ourselves into."

And with that, he kicks the door of the basement wide open.

@ everyone with Desimus
(Hopefully.... this will work...) Maxton followed Fortune all the way to desimus, and then he stopped next to the Wakandan king, and looked around. "Huh..... never knew a ship can have a basement..." he said. Redd saw SWAT enter as his friends fell asleep one by one. "What... is going oooon.....?" Sally asked, slowly going off into a daze, then collapsing. Redd, goes into sleep mode, just incase those SWAT people try anything. @LokiofSP @BeamMeUpScotty @sitanomoto @National
Mary's head shot up due to one,no, two things

1.There was no response from Cassie

2.There WAS a response from another person

She lifted her body up as an Idea came to her head


Hypnas allowed herself to fall asleep, letting the gas relax her system and lull her into a snooze.

Nevermore, however, was fighting all the way down. "No...." She mumbled as she fell to her knees. "Not... Again...." She grabbed the voting poduim for support, but her hand slipped and she rested her head on her hand. "Not.... Gonna.... Sleeee-" she was out with a snore.

Pepper and Tony were out too, a lot easier and without much fighting.


Cassie looked up as Terry was dragged into the room. "Terry Stark." She said.

"Zzk... Huh?" Terry awoke. He wasn't surprised at all that he was gone.

Cassie moved her foot and kicked her clone brother in the nose.


"YOU LITTLE TURD!!" Cassie yelled at him. "YOU BETRAYED YOUR FAMILY!!!"




Cassie kicked her clone again in the chest and he let out a wheeze.
Mary heard shouts in the cell nextdoor. Where Cassie was. Listening only one thought came to her mind, oh boy.

Several things confused her but she kept her cool

"Guys!!! Stop Fighting!! We need to get out og here ALIVE!! And so far today, how's that been going for you two!! Null!! So shutup and start thinking!!!"

Well she thought she did...

"You are both very smart people!!"

Hearing a reply Mary's somewhat non-existent heart skipped a beat.

"I'm Marie! But call me Mary!! Can you fight or is that Danm collar still on you!!"

@sitanomoto @BeamMeUpScotty
sitanomoto said:
Hypnas allowed herself to fall asleep, letting the gas relax her system and lull her into a snooze.
Nevermore, however, was fighting all the way down. "No...." She mumbled as she fell to her knees. "Not... Again...." She grabbed the voting poduim for support, but her hand slipped and she rested her head on her hand. "Not.... Gonna.... Sleeee-" she was out with a snore.

Pepper and Tony were out too, a lot easier and without much fighting.


Cassie looked up as Terry was dragged into the room. "Terry Stark." She said.

"Zzk... Huh?" Terry awoke. He wasn't surprised at all that he was gone.

Cassie moved her foot and kicked her clone brother in the nose.


"YOU LITTLE TURD!!" Cassie yelled at him. "YOU BETRAYED YOUR FAMILY!!!"




Cassie kicked her clone again in the chest and he let out a wheeze.
Azazel wakes up with cassie and terry fighting. "Hey! Break it up you little kids!" he said as he separated them, his hands on the area where the neck meets the chest. "Could you act like little whiney brats later? Right now, we gotta get outta dodge." he said, sounding like an annoyed father.
The Basement:

As soon as the door opened it became clear just how big this was. Various people, from trained officers and soldiers, to mercenaries, even regular people with guns were posted in various places throughout. Looking ahead there was another huge door, guarded by even more people. Beyond that was another hallway, which led to five more. It as then, and only then that one could get to the holding cells. Even worse? It was prgressive, the first hall had the lowest ranks, while each hall increased in number and skill. SOMETHING was deep inside that nobody wanted out. Of course, unknown to anybody, no guns carried bullets, but they instead carried tranqs.

As soon as the door opened, every gun was on Desimus and Alex.

@Steel Zinogre [/color]
LokiofSP said:
The Basement:
As soon as the door opened it became clear just how big this was. Various people, from trained officers and soldiers, to mercenaries, even regular people with guns were posted in various places throughout. Looking ahead there was another huge door, guarded by even more people. Beyond that was another hallway, which led to five more. It as then, and only then that one could get to the holding cells. Even worse? It was prgressive, the first hall had the lowest ranks, while each hall increased in number and skill. SOMETHING was deep inside that nobody wanted out. Of course, unknown to anybody, no guns carried bullets, but they instead carried tranqs.

As soon as the door opened, every gun was on Desimus and Alex.

@Steel Zinogre [/color]
As soon as the doors opened, and the guns were on them. Maxton smiled, since it was a while since he got any action. "Hey guys, you here for the party?" he asked as he walked up in front of desimus, smiling as he extended his arms in a T-style. @National @LokiofSP
Curiosity began to bug Mary

Why the hell was Cassie mad? She gave an order didn't she? Why would you get mad if someone followed an order you told them too do? Isn't that what you want. And poor Terry is getting beat up by others and himself by trusting a superior and following an order. Was there really something wrong with that? Although, something could be wrong with her...Neverthe less she heard Azazel calm the pair down.

"Thank You! Now let's get thinking shall we?!"

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto @BeamMeUpScotty
Desimus snarls as he pockets the map. He turns to Maxton, and nods.

"Guess we'll just have to pummel our way through!"

And with that, he quickly jumps into the room, punching one of the many guards to the floor, using his body as a meat shield, plowing through several guards as he kicks into another mercenary. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he sees one of the guards pull out his tranq gun, and aim it at Fortune. The next thing that Desimus did, was definitely something you would not see come from him every day. He drops his meat shield, and lunges in the way of the tranquilizer, the dart sticking in his back. He grimaces, thankful that it was not an actual bullet.

Yay, lucky me."

National said:
Desimus snarls as he pockets the map. He turns to Maxton, and nods.
"Guess we'll just have to pummel our way through!"

And with that, he quickly jumps into the room, punching one of the many guards to the floor, using his body as a meat shield, plowing through several guards as he kicks into another mercenary. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he sees one of the guards pull out his tranq gun, and aim it at Fortune. The next thing that Desimus did, was definitely something you would not see come from him every day. He drops his meat shield, and lunges in the way of the tranquilizer, the dart sticking in his back. He grimaces, thankful that it was not an actual bullet.

Yay, lucky me."

Maxton chuckles as he watched Desimus fight. Then a guard came at him with a baton. He smacked the hand holding the baton, and punched the neck of the guard, knocking him down, gasping for air. He picked up the baton, and hit a guard with it. The baton broke, forcing fisticuffs on him. He started to fist fight with the guard, singing Hooked On A Feeling. "I can't stop this feelin'! Deep inside of me!" he started, then continued. @LokiofSP
Fortune looked at Desimus in surprise, "Wow...You actually have a heart...Huh..." She pointed down at him ,"Not an asshole." She then rolled to a downed solider and scooped up a gun as she got behind cover and began to fire at others.

Desimus grimaces as he punches down another guard, before starting to feel the effects of the tranquilizer. He grits his teeth, dodging a guard and slamming his arm into his attacker, backhanding another guard to the floor before the rush of tranquilizing fluid knocking him to his knees.
Aedan remained in his position, not paying attention to the voice. He'd rather the Chitauri torture him than answer the assailant; perhaps they brought 'Jack' here to do just that... Damn aliens.

@The Regal Rper


Precision watched as the girl had a little outburst over the fact that Princess slithered off; it didn't bother Joseph to much, but she seemed hell-bent on tracking him down, and whilst he originally planned to follow; he eyes the blonde suspiciously, the same man who'd enjoyed watching the Avengers suffer earlier; he wasn't playing into the group, like Desimus - yet Joseph received a bad vibe from the guy.

He hung back slightly, waiting for the others to chase after Desimus, yet whilst he planned to follow; he thought against it, right now they needed to find the Avengers, that was there main priority. So he trailed after the main crowd, ignoring the the second priority...

Alas, upon reaching said crowd, he stopped in his tracks, as he saw several armed guards now faing in this direction - with eyes wide, and a gulp, he turned to Eldkatla "
The answer would be no, we stop drop and run! That never failed anyone, right? This isn't an engagement we can win..." He rushed out, eying Fortune to see if she was going to go down with Desimus..

@Lemoncakes @Crono

@(Everyone who tries to fight should be KO'd. No way should they win... I feel Desimus is trying to take too much control... At this rate the arc will be over in one more page. @LokiofSP @National)
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Miranda ran out with Desmius and the group, only to hide behind cover as the fight started. She was completely useless if she wasn't using her mental abilities. One stray tranquilizer hit her in the back, causing her to fall forward, unconscious.

As the swat rushed in, Dimitri smirked. "This is making less sense by the minute. I told you... That.... Somethings.... Up" He said until the gas caught up to him. @LokiofSP
As soon as the door opened it took Eldkatla only a second to realise this was madness and moved to push her back against the wall of the corridor. She only watched as the others began to charge in and held back a number of colourful words she would have liked to shout after them. Hearing Joseph she put her finger to her lips to signal him to be silent and then, just as quietly, quickly moved the opposite way until the corridor turned and they would no longer be seen from the door. "No. We are not going into that room, not yet anyway. We need to get these collars off, that should be and should always have been the priority." When she had her magic back she'd be unstoppable, but when relying on wits alone she was not about to throw herself in situations such as that. "However our wise King took the map with him and as well as this everyone is going to now be very aware of our presence." She carefully looked around the corner to see if anyone was running down to them in the opposite direction but they seemed to be safe (relatively) for now. "Again, shit situation with abundance of shit options, but we cannot sit here long. If our friends do not come back to us soon it will be our foes who come to meet us."

@Archon @anyone who didn't want to run into the basement
Joseph calmed his brief panic, and took to a more sent curse of action; following Eldkatla's lead, before wincing silently at her words. "Well, I mean this collar doesn't effect me... I just need my bow, and preferably my arrows... My phone too, wonder if I missed any texts..." Joseph mumbled, trailing off at the end, before snapping back to the situation. She was right, the bloodthirsty ass may have gotten them all - and the Avengers killed. Who knew how many guards were in the building...

"Right, okay... We can be sneaky, I can be sneaky, sneaky is my second name... " Joseph boasted, looking for any others who may have had the smarts to not throw themselves in the basement. However, he then gazed at Eldkatla, a curious look across his face. "When you get the collar off, you won't like, turn me into a frog or anything... Right? I mean, I'm useful as a human, I actually quite like being human, I make a good human!" The boy pleaded, almost as if expecting her to turn him into a frog right there. After all, she was Loki's daughter... Loki would probably turn him into a frog.


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