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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

LokiofSP said:
(Oh that kinda sucks, thought I made that clear)
The Machine:

There was another hum as another large bolt of electricity hit Azazel. Once he hit the floor his body was also dragged to the holding cells with rest. The timer was reset and the option to vote for someone else appeared, though until changed it would remain on whoever someone had voted for last.

@Steel Zinogre @Room1
(So that means he is really dead?)
LokiofSP said:
(No, the heart stops but they're still alive, just in holding cells with Mary and Cassie, and no, the others can't hear them. Team #2 has to find them.)

Sarah looked at what she had done in shock. He mouth was agape as she looked on, "I-I thought he knew...I just wanted to question him...Didn't want this....Didn't want this at all..."

@Steel Zinogre @Lemoncakes @Crono @Pink Gorilla @Pyosimros @AnyRoom2Peeps[/color]
(cool. Thanks.) Chocola gets up, and goes to the group. She looked around, and spoke. "Why not split up? And when we find the others, we meet back here, and come up with a plan?" She suggested. She then prepared to get berated, as her face clearly shows.
Sage pried his sisters off and sat down to eat. After he finished eating he got up and walked over to his baby brother , who he picked up and spun causing the baby to laugh. He rested the 2 year old on his hip and turned to his father. " Dad I'm going to take Ryan for a walk. " he said causing his father to turn around to look at him. " Ok , but take your sisters and be back in a hour. " his father said. " Ok. " he said before calling his sisters and saying goodbye to his father as he left the house. He walked to the park with Ryan held in his arms and the two little girls skipping in front of him.

Fortune scoffed, "Are you fu****g dumb?! We don't have powers and we're in a strange place with no idea of what these people are capable of, and you want to split up?! That's the stupidest crap I've heard all day!"

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Fortune scoffed, "Are you fu****g dumb?! We don't have powers and we're in a strange place with no idea of what these people are capable of, and you want to split up?! That's the stupidest crap I've heard all day!"

@Steel Zinogre
"Do you have any better ones? I don't hear you coming up with any." Maxton said as he walked up to fortune. "Maybe you should stop talking sh#$ and start helping for once, you poor excuse of a b$&CH!" He said, getting increasingly aggressive.

Fortune shook her head and laughed, "Are you kidding me? I've done more than either of you! I'M the one who got the door open, and my plan is we go down the same fu****g hall so we don't die! Or would you rather you get stabbed to death?! Assholes..."

@Steel Zinogre
Augustus lifted up the sheet of metal he stole, and pounded into a knife like shape.He rounded a hilt, before clapping and thinning out a sharp edge. Who knew that his skeleton Gaster form would come in handy? He placed the metal through the hole in his palm, and shaped it. He began cutting the hole, slashing himself to make the edge sharper. He stripped off a thin piece of metal, and placed it around his unflexed forearm. He tightened it as much as he could before letting go. A tempered carbon steel blade and neck brace. Now he was going to have to rip open his own throat like a can of sardines...
LokiofSP said:
Fortune shook her head and laughed, "Are you kidding me? I've done more than either of you! I'M the one who got the door open, and my plan is we go down the same fu****g hall so we don't die! Or would you rather you get stabbed to death?! Assholes..."

@Steel Zinogre
Maxton chuckles. "The only thing you have done more of besides opening a door, is doing a lot of....." He was cut off with jade punching him. "It take as asshole to know one. Now let's go." She said as she walked down the hall slowly.
"And if we stay together we will be shuffling round like the most conspicuous herd of dumb beasts imaginable. They're both shit suggestions, because this is a shit situation." She explained, in a patient yet clearly frustrated manner. "What is the worst idea, however, is everyone insisting on screaming their plans at each other. A little advice to those who are currently enjoying their first breakout: silence is generally advised." She looked down the three hallways quickly before looking back to them. "Three groups is most likely not feasible, but it seems we have enough numbers with a variety of skills to make two groups which could be prepared for whatever they may discover. Alternatively two groups down the same corridor, one to sweep the way and one to be more thorough in their search." She continued despite the other beginning to walk away, they were slow enough and it was quiet enough for them to hear through their stubbornness.

@Steel Zinogre
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Aedan clutched his head in annoyance, hatig everything happening right now; the divide and conquer method of the Chitauri working a charm, with the peacekeepers; Finn and Dmitri being ignored, even Connor was among the rioters, yelling at the girl who'd told a hero to move off the circle, which he foolishly did. Aedan didn't know most, didn't care too. What bothered him was the fact that the villains were clearly winning, he'd spoke up once; and promptly been ignored, even the other two well-known Avengers were ignored, the situation seemed hopeless. His power didn't help him here... Nothing could make this worse...

"Hey! HEY! I appreciate the kind gesture but I'm not into BDSM and I could really go for something to drink right now! This is cute and all but seriously, I'm thirsty."

...Or so he thought. That was a familiar voice he never wanted to hear again, now instead of sitting dejectedly on the floor, Aedan curled up in the circle just waiting for something to happen, and avoiding the voice. That voice.


Joseph beamed slightly, at the girls compliment, attempting to lift the door a little more. "Ah well, what can I say? I DO work out!" The boy boasted, continuing to hold the door until he noticed Fortune let go. 'Woah, I AM strong!' were his only thoughts, until several seconds later he noticed there was no longer any strain on his arms, curiously, and with doubt entering his mind; he pulled back his arms from holding the door, eyes going wide as it didn't move, causing the hero to rub his head slightly, and turn a bright crimson red in embarrassment, she mocked him.

With a look of annoyance, and embarrassment plastered upon his face; he shot a glare at Princess Powerpuff, a slight notion of suspicion firmly placed in Joseph's mind. With his face still burning in a mixture of mild humiliation, and embarrassment, the boy moved as far away from Eldkatla as possible.

However - he didn't have time to lick his wounds, and mend his pride - when the girl who he'd gotten on relatively 'okay' terms with, snapped at another for a good suggestion, Joseph spoke up hesitantly, still out of confidence from making a fool of himself.
"Um, it's actually a pretty good idea. I mean, if we all bunch up then chances are whoever put us behind that door will just catch us all again, we have no powers. Martial Arts skills master - like myself - or not, they likely have stun rods, batons, tasers, guns and anti-us rays. If we split up, then there's less chance of us all being found, and if one group is somehow found, the other group's still have a chance to save them..." He explained, voice carrying a more confident tone; yet still covered with a hint of fear. Scary girl, was scary.

@Steel Zinogre
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BeamMeUpScotty said:
The daughter of Peter Quill and Gamora, sister to Maxton Quill , Aleena Meredith Quill.........was just about having the time of her life. If it weren't for the running of course. But apart from that everything was great. After the larger battle she had gone dark, never even returned to the Tower, and she tended to her own wounds when she finally stopped flying on the other side of the world. It was just what she had planned. Her first stop was Australia, but she was forced to leave after recharging her suit in an old garage towards Alice Springs and taking out some time, due to a small convoy of black cars with her bloody name on it. Next stop was France. Another recharge, couple days of real enjoyment and she was off, nothing went wrong there. And now, she was basicly back where she started. She had landed in America, in the state of California to be exact. Her suit was sitting in a kid's garage, she was passing as a 20 year old every night at the local bars pool table and all connection to the Avengers was lost. Even though that included her brother, and even though she hated it. She needed it more than she knew anyone else did. Her attitude had changed in the short time, she agreed with that, and her features luckily gave nothing away. Like they would care anyways. Once in a while she would have to duck behind a car because those idjits still haven't moved on, but if they hadn't found her now when would they ever? She didn't even carry a phone, and until she decided to leave this town her suit wasn't going to make a pipe.
"Hey Meredith" Aleena looked up at the middle aged man that greeted her and gave an always winning smile. "Rory, goodmorning." Rory nodded. "Breakfast as usual?" Aleena chuckled and took a seat at the bar. "Yeah, breakfast as usual." "Coming right up." Aleena ran a quick hand through her hair and glanced around the bar dhe had walked into for quite a few mornings now. And yes, they serve breakfast. And lunch. And dinner. After a couple minutes waiting Rory returned with Aleena's food. "Breakfast is served." Aleena looked down at her hot pancakes with syrup and grinned. "Nice." Rory chuckled a little himself. "And can I get a whiskey too thanks?" Rory nodded, walking over as Aleena started eating her pancakes. "You know, you have to be the-" A sudden loud gunshot rangout and pierced Rory's chest, his body flingin backwards into broken glass before he went to the floor. Aleena yelped a little and overcome with surprise she jumped right over the bar to get to Rory. She landed next to him and more gunshots hit the boze filled shelves above her, dousing both her and Rory. She checked his pulse, so greatful it hadn't failed, yet, and as more shots ran out she grabbed Rory's Colt on the underside of the bar and made a dash for it. People were screaming and dashing all over, and shots followed Aleena as she ran. Her skills were no less in the time she was dark.

Managing to make it to the door, she flung a wave of spontaneous electrical energy at the car targeting her, and immediately it went up. She fired twice with the Colt at the engine, causing it to burst and made a huge dash for her once place of rest. Her legs were pumping and she was in fleeting mode, trying her god damned best to outrun her attackers.

She literally broke the lock on the kid's garage and was surprised to see he was inside. "Jared!! Get out!! They found me!!" The teenage boy whirled around to face her. "What?!" "Go!! Hide!!" Aleena ran to her suit and Jared was panicking. "Will I ever see you again?!" Aleena detached her suit and started removing her clothes to reveal her skin tight second skin beneath. "I highly doubt it!!" "Meredith!!!" Aleena growled and moved the Colt aside as she stepped into her suit, it feeling cozy again finally. Amelia activated and Aleena spoke to her. "Amy, we have company, send a distress signal." Amy did so, and Aleena was looking over her screen. "Aleena, The Avengers have not been heard from for some time." "What?" "Meredith!!" Aleena looked around to face Jared and she felt a pang of regret. Her helmet went back over her head and she walked over to him, standing just above his height. "I told you to leave." "Will I see you again?!" Aleena furrowed her eyebrows and a little and leaned in, giving Jared a chaste kiss, lingering for a second before she shook her head at him and stepped back. The young man balled his fists and went to make a move towards her when Amy suddenly shouted, her voice brodcasted to both of them. "Air strike!!" Aleena's eyes widened and she dove for Jared but they were hit between them and both teens went backwards full force. Aleena had her suit, Jared didn't, and you can guess what happened after that.

Aleena woke with a start, her body in great pain and her usual clothing stripped of her. She couldn't see anything due to a tight blind fold over her face, but there was a colar at her neck, she couldn't use her powers and she was lying down. Her hands were held down by obvious cold metal braces and so were her feet. She didn't feel right at all and she spoke up, she could tell she had been crying. "Oi!! Where the hell am I. And why can't I see anything!?!~" She was silenced by a bolt of electricity to her side, which would usually make her stronger. She hated it. It hurt and it felt unnatural. Letting out a small scream whoever it was that was still above her and wheeling her around, continued with the shocks. Most anybody would be able to hear her, wherever she was. "God damnit!!! STOP!!" Whoever it was they were laughing, but it wasn't human, she could tell.

@Steel Zinogre ((Ta-Da!))

((I don't know who else to tag, or what the bloody hell that button mashing is up there, so uh...I'll just leave this here...))

((Happy Holiday's!!))
(Would all this lead up to being with the others, in holding cells? @BeamMeUpScotty )

"Anybody out there? Anybody at all? Just gonna leave me here to get thirsty?" Maniac called. When no response came he sighed. "Ugh...I wonder how the others are doing."
Desimus, on the other hand, ignored the entire group as he went searching by himself. While these collars might have taken away his powers, he still had his gut that he would always follow. Looking down the halls and sneaking past guards, Desimus looks around for the holding cell of the other Avengers. @LokiofSP (If you want me to find them)
LokiofSP said:
(Yeah, I understand, but Maxton was with the others.
The holding cells are in an entirely different part of the building, and when you give me no context about which way you go, I can't say that you reached it)

(Depends on which way he goes)
(It should be a little better now.....)
National said:
(Up to you. Flip a coin if ya want.) @LokiofSP
(Alright, in that case...)

Desimus eventually come to the end of a hallway, where there was a white room with a open door. It looked like an office break room more than anything, which was reinforced by the two men standing inside drinking coffee. One of them had blonde hair while the other had brown. They were both in their black hoods and spoke.

"So you see Megan brah?"

"Totally bro! She and I totally hit it off last night!"

"So did you...You know..."

"Yeah bro! Totally!"

"Yeah bro! *High five*"

"Yeah! I love it when girls play chess with me on the first date!"

"Anyways, can I borrow your map of the base bro?"

"Totally brah, it's on the table..."

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