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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

hudhouse said:
Augustus with almost calculator for a mind immediately stated, "Fine, how about this, Azazel!" @Steel Zinogre
Augustus gave out orders like it was natural, "Challenge your Brother, Dark Heart. Tell him that if he breaks us all out, we will fight him fair and square. Hell, I'll even fight him in the dark force if he wants! Play to his emotional side!"

Augustus snapped his neck towards @sitanomoto Cassie, "They didn't bound our arms, just our throats. I have Thanos's knowledge, and Thanos gave Loki the Chitari army... plus my strength isn't a power it's just a growth mutation." He walked over to Cassie, before attempting to snap the thing open and test the circuitry. If he could change the energy from a AC current to a DC current it should fry out the machinery and allow him to just rip the thing open. Then Cassie could just look at how he did it, figure it out herself, free her parents and then they have 3 people able to unlock it at the same time.

Augustus then looked around before stating, "I'll get you next Mary, hold yer horses!" @Yngwie Schutz

Augusts stated, "...I came here to have some fun, guess now I gotta actually do somethin'! Shouldn't have left Dissonance..." He had the brain power to understand every single technological field there is at a PhD level at least! This was mere child's play. Human's, those he will never understand.
"I would..... but I don't think that I could...." he was stopped, since mephisto had teleported in through a portal. "Worry not, my son. Black heart is on his way..... I cannot free all of you alone..... and also, this place saps my power every minute..... I must go." he said as he disappeared, and azazel growled, he felt like he was heating up, but it was just his anger as his powers were stripped.
Mary was running out of air to cycle, she was going to die soon anyway. Using some of her strength sge turned tward Augustus and took a deep breath so she could talk.

"Agus-..us..Can't....move..dy-ng. Won't...hurt...-me....Kill..."

She had run out of air then looked at her panel, hoping he would get the message to put her name in.

"Can't...-elp any...one....Like...-his"

Desimus quickly jumps in the way, and with his surprisingly all human muscle, helps push the door back.

"Alright you lazy f***s let's get the hell outta here!"

National said:
Desimus quickly jumps in the way, and with his surprisingly all human muscle, helps push the door back.
"Alright you lazy f***s let's get the hell outta here!"
Jade then sprang into action, and helped with the door, as maxton held onto chocola, who was sleeping. Jade struggled with the door, but managed.

Augustus stated, "...Well-" He took a step out of the red circle, before collapsing straight into it. He swore for a second his entire brain just had to reload! Damn Window's XP! He thought he upgraded to '94! He got up, before completely ignoring the situation he was in. He screamed towards who ever was in charge

@LokiofSP , "Hey! Remove Mary from this! Your killing her! I'm not gonna have 2 deaths, and I swear to god I am not going to kill someone who was actually kind. Take her out of this damn thing whoever you ares. I don't need my powers to invoke fear in you... I already know how you got everyone in here. As I said.. I see the god damn shadows that crawl between the cracks..."
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"Oh shit." She breathed, a small smirk as she saw what began to unfurl. As Desimus ran for the door Eldkatla ran to the disarmed man rolling on the floor. Quickly grabbing him she marched him into the bathroom, throwing him in roughly. "I apologise, cannot have you running away now. I would say this was not personal, but well, some lies are just no fun." She stamped down on his leg - though not with her full force - to stop him from escaping and closed the door. With what seemed to be a well practiced stride she quietly stepped through the gap and into the hallway beyond, where she quickly looked around to see if there was anyone who would protest to their escaping.
hudhouse said:

Augustus stated, "...Well-" He took a step out of the red circle, before collapsing straight into it. He swore for a second his entire brain just had to reload! Damn Window's XP! He thought he upgraded to '94! He got up, before completely ignoring the situation he was in. He screamed towards who ever was in charge

@LokiofSP , "Hey! Remove Mary from this! Your killing her! I'm not gonna have 2 deaths, and I swear to god I am not going to kill someone who was actually kind. Take her out of this damn thing whoever you ares. I don't need my powers to invoke fear in you... I already know how you got everyone in here. As I said.. I see the god damn shadows that crawl between the cracks..."
'hehe', Mary thought, 'That's sweet'. She tried smiling but it was more of a weird half smile.

"It's....fine" gasping for air she continued. "I'll...be..-ine...S-sho..ing...you....care.....is.........en..ou....gh"

She took a few more gasps before continuing.


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"Will you all calm the hell down? This is why I keep in touch with cowards...you never know when a cowardly hero might be just what you need...for instance...said cowardly hero should FIND A WAY TO GET THIS COLLAR OF OF TECH! Once that happens we'll all be free in less than a minute" Jordan said an looked in a specific direction, towards the camera. It would have been odd to the Chitarians but Alex had been there the whole time waiting for someone to give him orders.
Perry Parker

Thirty seconds and someone's dying already. Not by voting, but from suffocating somehow. Perry quickly turned his head over to the person who was going die before the countdown's not even finished. She took a few more breaths and kept talking. At this point, Perry was expected her to laugh and say, "Surprise! I'm not really going to die!" But no, it seemed like she was still going to die. Rushing over to the stranger, he looked over at the other stranger (Gus). They seem to have a fondness of each other, they might be siblings, love interests, best friends? "Hey, Dr. Jr. Doom, what's wrong with her?" He asked him. This is the point in which Perry would expect him to say something like, "You stupid fool! Here's the problem!"
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The Machine...

There was a hum and a click, the votes were tallied and suddenly a huge beam of electricity hit Cassie, sending jolts of electricity through her body and 'killing' her. When she dropped to the floor she was dragged into the shadows. A needle hit Mary and dragged her to the shadows as well. When they woke up they'd be in the holding cells that were deeper in the facility...

@Newtype @LucianGrey7971 @hudhouse @RoomOnePeeps
LokiofSP said:
The Machine...

There was a hum and a click, the votes were tallied and suddenly a huge beam of electricity hit Cassie, sending jolts of electricity through her body and 'killing' her. When she dropped to the floor she was dragged into the shadows. A needle hit Mary and dragged her to the shadows as well. When they woke up they'd be in the holding cells that were deeper in the facility...

@Newtype @LucianGrey7971 @hudhouse @RoomOnePeeps
Redd and azazel look on, feeling helpless as azazel tried to grab her, but was too late. "Dammit! Why must everyone take...." He stopped, and saw Redd releasing steam from his vents, giving off an indication that he had hit his limit. "I..... Will not..... Tolerate this anymore." he said with irritation as he walked up to a wall, and tried to ignite his flamethrower, but failed, since pretty much everything was malfunctioning due to the collar.
Dazzle shrugged and followed out of the room.

Cassie felt herself in a high jolt of pain and collapsed without a cry of pain of any sort, a brave look on her face as her world went black.

She didn't get to tell Augustus or Az....



Nor did she get to punch Terry in the nose.

But at least she would be able to spend eternity with Azazel, and he could keep her updated on everyone. She wasn't scared of death. In fact, she welcomed it.

Terry yelled "NO!" And started towards Cassie, nearly forgetting that it was his fault that she 'died'. He was momentarily blinded, and when he could see, Cassie and Mary were gone.

His face turned red and tears streamed down his cheeks. "No...."

He pounded the wall with his fist once and then slid down it.

Hypnas watched all of this and she bit her lip. "Augustus," she said quietly. "Take off my collar please." She had a plan to help Terry.

Nevermore turned to Terry in Fury. "TRAITOR!" she yelled, launching herself at the boy.

Tony stopped her and held her back. Muscular wasn't a power, and Tony had kept in good shape. He was now stronger than Nevermore, and he pinned her arms to her sides.


"No, Julia," Tony replied. "This is what they want. They want us to fight each other."

"Can you not see that he's a traitor?! He killed his own sister!"
sitanomoto said:
Dazzle shrugged and followed out of the room.
Cassie felt herself in a high jolt of pain and collapsed without a cry of pain of any sort, a brave look on her face as her world went black.

She didn't get to tell Augustus or Az....



Nor did she get to punch Terry in the nose.

But at least she would be able to spend eternity with Azazel, and he could keep her updated on everyone. She wasn't scared of death. In fact, she welcomed it.

Terry yelled "NO!" And started towards Cassie, nearly forgetting that it was his fault that she 'died'. He was momentarily blinded, and when he could see, Cassie and Mary were gone.

His face turned red and tears streamed down his cheeks. "No...."

He pounded the wall with his fist once and then slid down it.

Hypnas watched all of this and she bit her lip. "Augustus," she said quietly. "Take off my collar please." She had a plan to help Terry.

Nevermore turned to Terry in Fury. "TRAITOR!" she yelled, launching herself at the boy.

Tony stopped her and held her back. Muscular wasn't a power, and Tony had kept in good shape. He was now stronger than Nevermore, and he pinned her arms to her sides.


"No, Julia," Tony replied. "This is what they want. They want us to fight each other."

"Can you not see that he's a traitor?! He killed his own sister!"
"ENOUGH!!! I AM TIRED OF YOU FIGHTING EACH OTHER LIKE SAVAGES!!" Redd said with eyes glowing red, and heat seeping from his armor. "Every time something goes wrong, especially without knowing the consequences, you all lash out at each other! No wonder we are not to be called HEROES! Because of this! She will be fine..... I believe in her... just as you all should." he said as azazel stood next to him. "Easy big guy, no need to go overboard on the anger there..."
Mary turned to the man who had ran up to her. Then again, tried to smile wider, looking at the panel in front of her.


She was cut off as an electronic device grabbed her and began to drag, feeling her body being pulled forward, she silently thought in her mind, 'Thank You.'. Something was injected into her thigh and pain flowed through her as everything went black.
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Cassandra Thompson

Someone's already dead. More to come later. No one's bothered to notice her, which is good. This is one of those moments in which she would sit out rather than take action. If she allows herself to feel sadness for Cassie's death, it would lead to rage. And if the symbiote's still on her, rage would be bad. Stay calm. Deep breaths. You've been in more serious situations than this...

Perry Parker

"No! Cassie!" Perry shouted as she was struck by the electricity. He quickly moved over to her. Then something began to grab her. No! Nonononono... He thought quickly and tried to grab onto to her, but without his powers or his tech, Perry wasn't fast enough to grab her. It was bad enough having Ivory die, now it wasn't a relative. Instead it was a childhood friend. Fate's been cruel to him with people he meets, but that's the consequence of being a superhero. Perry kneeled down for a seconds, tears began forming, but he quickly sniffled them away. "Nononono... S-she could still be alive," He began and shot straight up and began pacing around his tiny little circle like a maniac. "T-this could just be a scare tactic. S-she's not dead. No! She's not!"
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"I don't know about any of that~ I'm putting my Faith in a coward over you guys...that should tell you something." Jordan interjected
Room 1:

Connor cried out as he watched Cassie crumple to the ground. Nearly throwing himself out of his circle to go after her body with fists tightened and eyes blinking through the tears. It hit him lick a sack of bricks as he dropped to his knees and put his fist to the floor below, repeatedly. What should he have done? What should he have said? They should have voted for him...or come up with a system...something. He was trying to stop this from happening, if they we're to die he would give those he cared about more time. Connor wanted to protect those closest to him, but in the end you can't save everyone.

He could hear others shouting at Terry, no surprise, he wanted to shout at him too but his emotions we're keeping him low to the ground. "I'm sorry Cass..." He muttered as he put his forehead against the cold floor.

Room 2:

Carter wasn't exactly on board with the whole Save the Avengers plan, but he'd be damned if he was going to sit around in this room after they'd snatched him, maybe he'd get some payback or just leave. Either way the blonde walked out of the room while the door and garbed man was being dealt with.

Morgan looked at what happened and in a bit of rage furiously tapped on Terry's name on his console, he pointed at the boy, "What's wrong with you?! Why?! You were her brother!! You should have been the one telling her not to!"



Sarah looked at the scene as everything hit her, she began to openly bawl at the thought of such a sudden end. She had so much she still wanted to do, and to die here, like this, she wanted to have met her end doing something right...Not being juged by her peers...
Room 1

Finn dropped to his knees and watched silently as one of his childhood friends was struck down. He was angry. Angry that they were being forced into this situation and angrier that all anybody could seem to do was argue and fight with each other. He clenched his teeth and his fists and pounded the floor a couple of times before sitting up. He could feel tiny pin pricks in his neck and he knew that it was the collar repressing his power. It was odd to feel such anger but not change form. At the same time however it was beginning to hurt. A bit woozy from watching Cassie die, Finn pushed himself to his feet and looked at the warring Avengers. He cupped his hands around his mouth and took a deep breath.

"QUIET." He bellowed out. "Fighting with each other is what they WANT." He gestured towards the machine. "This is not the time. We lost Cassie and yeah we're all pretty peeved off with Terry right now. But do you really think that this is the time for that? GO AHEAD AND FIGHT IF YOU WANT BUT SOMEBODY ELSE IS GOING TO DIE. IF YOU WANT THE CHANCE TO LIVE THEN SHUT UP. This is the reason why we're here. Do you get it? The chitauri have us, sure. But do you see why they chose to put us in this room? They did it because they KNOW THAT WE CAN'T SEEM TO WORK TOGETHER. We're playing right into their hands! They know that this is easier than actually fighting us. Why fight us when we can fight each other for them. Is this what Cassie would want." He added quietly before sitting down again. "Now take deep breaths and when you think you're capable of talking without saying something stupid then we'll get to work on figuring out how to get out of here."

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @Reaper @Pink Gorilla @hudhouse @LucianGrey7971 @Pyosimros @Yngwie Schutz @LokiofSP
Jordan merely laid on the floor and closed his eyes "Wake me when I have my powers back would ya?"
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Boss looked around the room and said nothing. Sure, she had seen the Avengers bicker before, but she had never seen them lose their sh*t quite like this. Now, that Cassie was gone their was nothing they could do until they next set of instructions comes along. (Sorry, was with family.)
Augustus sighed. His immune system, his very body was changed in a way that the poisons barely worked on him. He stood awake, staring at them but paralyzing his muscles to look like he was asleep. Hell he could even stop his blood flow, the toxic fatigue chemicals were also the normal chemicals people generated for living, which needed oxygen to remove. He could live for hours and hours without a breath, let alone a heart beat. So holding the poison in one place, he was awake.

Augustus snapped open his eyes for real in the holding cell. He grabbed his head before letting out a whimper, before whispering to himself, "...Why did I even go to this? I am starting to see things like Gaster..." His left eyes suddenly glowed bright orange, and his right bright blue. They flooded his eyes, turning brighter and brighter until they turned into tiny dots. His eyes darted around the room, seeing that electromagnetic field around them start to turn into lines, melting away into the light and shadows like rats. 1s and 0s plagued the nightmarish shadows, he realized his mistake. His constant shifting allowed him to stay as himself and the person he was imitating to be 'cool'. This persona, this masquerade, was now seizing him since half of him was now dead on the dance floor. He took some comfort in the black and white scarf he had tight around his own throat.

He spoke out loud, "How pathetic are we? We die in shadows because none of us are brave enough to grasp the sun. Every futile attempt causes our own shadowy web to clutch ever harder... forcing us to look down onto this strange picture. A reality so close to the one of light, yet with no cares or worries.. the persona of our life. It's something we cherish as our life and safety... but our freedom and soul start hollowing because of it..."
Perry Parker

It took a little while for Perry to get into a calm state, but he was too pissed to make jokes. It seemed Terry was the cause of this, so he silently pressed the button. He looked over at everyone else, and Cassandra was busy pressing the button for Terry to go, Nova Terry was starting to stir, Finn was telling everyone to think logically or something, Morgan's pissed, and Jordan started to take a nap. "When I get back to Parker Industries. I'm just going to stare blankly at the skyline, and reflect on what just happened," He sighed. The last time he did that was when Ivory died, and when he was body-swapped. But the latter was on the roof of Stark Tower.

Terry Fitzgerald

"What is it!?" Terry shot up from his resting position. He was in an unfamiliar location, with people shouting 'Terry' in an angry fashion. What did I do? What happened yesterday? Then he remembered. Aliens. He couldn't believe he got captured by them. In space, Terry fought worse aliens than that. No! My helmet! He shouted to himself. Terry's only way to become a superhero was gone. Without his helmet, he was as useless as a normal person who wasn't a Stark and well, superheroes that didn't have powers. Soon enough, he realized that they were talking about the person who shared the same name as him. Giving a short shrug, he pressed the button marked 'Terry Stark', since it seems like it was what everyone else was doing.
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Pyosimros said:
Perry Parker

It took a little while for Perry to get into a calm state, but he was too pissed to make jokes. It seemed Terry was the cause of this, so he silently pressed the button. He looked over at everyone else, and Cassandra was busy pressing the button for Terry to go, Nova Terry was starting to stir, Finn was telling everyone to think logically or something, Morgan's pissed, and Jordan started to take a nap. "When I get back to Parker Industries. I'm just going to stare blankly at the skyline, and reflect on what just happened," He sighed. The last time he did that was when Ivory died, and when he was body-swapped. But the latter was on the roof of Stark Tower.

Terry Fitzgerald

"What is it!?" Terry shot up from his resting position. He was in an unfamiliar location, with people shouting 'Terry' in an angry fashion. What did I do? What happened yesterday? Then he remembered. Aliens. He couldn't believe he got captured by them. In space, Terry fought worse aliens than that. No! My helmet! He shouted to himself. Terry's only way to become a superhero was gone. Without his helmet, he was as useless as a normal person who wasn't a Stark and well, superheroes that didn't have powers. Soon enough, he realized that they were talking about the person who shared the same name as him. Giving a short shrug, he pressed the button marked 'Terry Stark', since it seems like it was what everyone else was doing.
Cindy awakens, and looked around. "Where am I.....?" She asked as she heard perry. "Perry....? Is that you?" she asked in a pained tone as she got up.
The first thing Mary felt was herself gasping.

Her head whipped backward as she tried to fill her lunges er air sacks with air. Before when she was knocked out, they got the clorophorm into her air sacks by punching her so hard her lungs bled. Having sealed up her mouth and nose, the only place for the blood to come out was through where they were punching. Causing her airsack to burst and physically break her skin, she had enough time to form clothes over it, but not enough time to heal it before she past out. Because her powers were to shift her matter, and all she was was matter, she lost the ability to move her body without pain.

The collar had been removed from her neck, only to be replaced with two electric rods in the center of her hands. The message was clear, 'we want you alive but if you move your dead'. Sighing heavily she healed her stomach and began too look around.

It looked more like a dungeon cell then one of an organization. Very cramped and compact for something to keep a hero in, though she wasn't really established. The memories from when she was abducted came rushing back. Wait that scream that sounded like..

"CASSIE!!" she yelled, hoping the girl would hear her. If there were two hero's down here somewhere then they could maybe try to get out of the dungeon. "WHERE ARE YOU CASSIE!!!"


(Sorry for anyone I confused earlier, that was why she was dying)

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