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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

National said:
Desimus only laughs as sarcastically and loud as possible before flipping off Fortune.
"If you talked anymore a d**k would've flown right in that s****y mouth of yours."

He angrily grabs the guys arm who poked him in the chest, throwing his arm back.

"Don't you dare touch me d***head, or I'll make sure that finger goes somewhere it probably goes everyday anyway."

He turns around, scanning the room. As much of a son of a b***h this guy was, he is still one of the best strategists and fighters in this room. His eyes quickly analyze everything they could before looking at Jade, his evil glare spotted right at her. He cracks his knuckles as he sighs, particularly looking at the shy girl who asked about the talking cat. He looks over at Chocola, and sits down in front of her.

"The hell are you doing here?"

@Steel Zinogre
"Why... MEOW! Why must you sound displeased to see meow...?" she said, a sharp pain in her head penetrated her concentration, and quickly disappeared as she looked at Desimus. "Please..... Don't hurt me....." she said as tears rolled down her face. Jade wanted to comfort her, but wanted to stay out of it, for she did not want to anger Desimus, the most spoiled cat she ever saw. @National
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Fortune looked around the room and barley suppressed an urge to murder everyone in there, "I swear to god above I'm about to castrate this asshole..." She walked over to Joseph and slapped his chest, "WAKE THE F**K UP ASSHOLE! OKAY HERE'S HOW THIS IS GONNA GO! WE'RE GONNA GO AROUND AND INTRODUCE OURSELVES SO MAYBE-JUST MAYBE, WE CAN FIND SOMETHING ABOUT EACH OTHER THAT DOESN'T MAKE ME WANT TO MURDER YO-"

She noticed Carter and her eye twitched a bit, "Well...At least that might happen for most of you..."

@Steel Zinogre
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Joseph stare up at the girl, wide-eyed with a look of both fear, and shock plastered across his face. If this was what the Avengers were like, the Avengers were mean... "Oookay! Yes Ma'am!" the teen jumped up and saluted, his gesture torn between a mock, and terror. She was scary. "Hey, I won a snow-boarding competition last month, still want to murder me?" The silence was briefly deafening, every second dragged for an eternity, and then Joseph performed a flexing pose, like some sort of action-movie hero. "Introducing, yours truly: Precision! Da da da daaaa daa!" He'd just dug himself a grave, and made it so much worse...

'I want to go home...'
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Stay on Earth, wait out the passing storm in a dull peace and return home without persecution. Or that was the plan. Yet here she was, trapped with these squabbling children.

It was still a little hazy but the course of events were not too hard to determine, and ultimately her situation would always be the same. The time for looking back was not now, now was for wreaking havoc. She stood up using the wall for support as the combination of drugs and heels appeared to be a poor one - she hadn't really dressed with the potential of kidnap in her daily plan. She dejectedly gave her fingers a click to see only the smallest and most pathetic flash of magic. She was snapped out of her own wallowing by the loud voice coming from the deceptively small girl.
"Well, let us hope they have as poor judgement in their security as they do with their determining of worthiness. But fine, I'll play." She had plenty of practice at lowering herself to work with others for a common goal, and nothing mattered more than getting her magic back now.

Room 2:

The people in the room we're insufferable. Ms. Patato Head, Wakandan prick, green bean, whiny kid with a stick stuck where the sun don't shine, Connor's boytoy, a spineless girl, and the cat...among others. Carter never thought he'd rather be dead, but for a moment he did, as everyone was shouting. If his eye's could have rolled any harder they would have, pushing off the wall he walked leisurely to where the remote was ignoring anyone he passed along the way. Grabbing it he flipped the station, if there was anything he got out of this, it would be watching the Avengers crumble and break to whatever was being done to them on a big screen. A smirk crossed his face as the inhabitants of room one flashed on the TV screen, Maybe this won't be so bad afterall.

@Steel Zinogre
@Lemoncakes @LucianGrey7971 (And other Room 2 peeps.)
Fortune looked at Precision up and down, 'He's just...Such a f*****g dork...' She sighed and looked at him dejectedly, 'My only weakness' She patted Joseph's head, "You...You get a pass...Congrats on being the fist non-asshole here...I guess..." She sighed and looked at Eldkatla and raised a brow, "So what's your deal Caster? Look like somebody pissed in your Cheerios."

@Archon @Lemoncakes
Desimus snarls as he stands up, glaring at Jade.

"I have the senses of a goddamn cat, so I can feel your stare. Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt the cat. I know Chocola. By the way, you still haven't answered my question. Why would they abduct you as well?"

Desimus hears Fortune yell at all of them, and for just a few seconds, he seemed serious.

"My name is Desimus, and I am the King of Wakanda. I am also known as the Black Panther. Spoiler alert, my dad died, and I had to take over."

@Steel Zinogre @LokiofSP
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National said:
Desimus snarls as he stands up, glaring at Jade.
"I have the senses of a goddamn cat, so I can feel your stare. Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt the cat. I know Chocola. By the way, you still haven't answered my question. Why would they abduct you as well?"

Desimus hears Fortune yell at all of them, and for just a few seconds, he seemed serious.

"My name is Desimus, and I am the King of Wakanda. I am also known as the Black Panther. Spoiler alert, my dad died, and I had to take over."

@Steel Zinogre @LokiofSP
"I do not know..... I do not know....." Chcoloa said as she tried to hide her face with her paws, but her claws dug deep, and cause some minute bleeding. "I do not know why I am here...... But I have a bad feeling about this....."she said as she started to have a panic attack, feeling pressured to answer a question she does not know an answer to. He did die...... He got shot..... I saw it all...... I saw everything....." She said as she started to sniffle, and turned her back to everyone, trying to hide everything, her fear, pain, and insecurity. @National
Eldkatla looked Jade up and down, and then gave a smile which didn't reach her eyes. She didn't expect respect, not least from these people, but she didn't even understand half the references thrown at her. Still, the general gist was clear. "Yes, well, being forcibly taken and trapped in a room with... " she paused, looking around the room "strangers will do that to a person." Seeing the others begin to introduce themselves she decided against lying; although it would be easy there would be little to gain and unfortunately a little trust may be needed now. "I am Eldkatla Lokidóttir: goddess and born of Asgard." She didn't much want to get involved in the pissing contest, but she didn't want to be here either, so she may as well take her moments and it had been too long since she'd been able to say that.
Lemoncakes said:
Eldkatla looked Jade up and down, and then gave a smile which didn't reach her eyes. She didn't expect respect, not least from these people, but she didn't even understand half the references thrown at her. Still, the general gist was clear. "Yes, well, being forcibly taken and trapped in a room with... " she paused, looking around the room "strangers will do that to a person." Seeing the others begin to introduce themselves she decided against lying; although it would be easy there would be little to gain and unfortunately a little trust may be needed now. "I am Eldkatla Lokidóttir: goddess and born of Asgard." She didn't much want to get involved in the pissing contest, but she didn't want to be here either, so she may as well take her moments and it had been too long since she'd been able to say that.
"Jade Walters. I am the daughter of She hulk." Jade said as she looked away from desimus. "I feel you sister, it is really weird being around so many people in a tiny room." She added.
(Putting this thing in both so ill just say sorry now....

Boss called at 10:35 and said to work so i was relying on email alerts for the rp...then fell asleep at my desk so...

..Feel free to laugh im an idiot)
Desimus picks up Chocolate, grabbing her paws, yanking them away from her face. From his front pocket he pulls out a handkerchief, patting down the small cut marks she made into herself.

"Don't talk about it."

Desimus stated this as bluntly as anyone ever could, his angry fave quickly changing into a blank slate. He was not going to talk about his dad. He turns to the Asgardian girl.

"Oh, you're an Asgardian Chick? One of my friends are from there. His name is Yxxstill, Asgardian Born and troublemaker or whatever the hell his title was?"

@Steel Zinogre @Lemoncakes (kind of a little teaser to another character I'm gonna make way later)
Joseph felt his throat go tight, almost expecting the girl to punch his teeth in. Luckily, she decided to treat him like one treats an infant. He wasn't bothered she'd patted his head in such a way; although he'd much rather have received a handshake. Although the boy wasn't complaining, a non-asshole was as good a compliment as any. He'd take it.

The conversation moved on, with her addressing another girl. For a moment Joseph stood, arms folded. Listening as the words were unraveled, then he straightened a little more, with a mixed look towards the girl.
"You're Loki's daughter...? Then that means..." Joseph stopped and looked about the room, he wasn't among the Avengers... This was a mixture of both hero and villain, with a disgusted look; and violent glare his eyes shot between the Wakandian Princess, and the sadist watching the Avengers suffer with a smirk plastered across his face.

Discomfort swept over his system, this wasn't helping. Standing around talking wasn't going to accomplish anything, if this wasn't a prank like he'd thought; then the Avengers were in danger. "If anybody wants to help rescue the Avengers, then please stand by me. The rest? I don't care." His voice was serious, the gravity of the situation a little heavier. He was determined to help them, he could scarcely believe what was really happening; but it was.
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Fortune looked at Joseph and rolled her eyes, "Well I mean, I'm kinda obligated to, but one problem, how in the f**k do we leave? No powers, no weapons, one big ass steel door."

He opened his mouth to reply; but the words vanished. 'That was a good point... I really should have thought about that.' A brief moment went by as he searched his brain for any sort of method for escape; force wasn't an option... They were also being watched. Crap, he shouldn't have spoke up, eyes are on them at all times.

He offered no reply, instead he looked at everybody in the room for a brief moment, and as discreetly as possible motioned towards the cameras. Before feigning a yawn, but placing his finger over his lip. 'Shhh'. He motioned towards Fortune, that insufferable lunatic, Desimus, and Miss Mischief herself; Eldkatla, to all gather around him. They seemed like the most useful, Black Panther, Loki, and his father were all incredibly smart, through tactics, subterfuge and stratagem, he had no idea about Fortune... But he'd keep that to himself.

If they gathered around, they could begin formulating a plan; whilst they were being watched, chances are they wouldn't be able to listen in on them.

@Lemoncakes @LokiofSP @National
Asgardian chick. Even if her own words were beginning to be influenced by this realm many were still grating on her. If this was how a king was allowed to speak she feared for his kingdom. "I doubt I know him, though I'm sure you're not insinuating that I entertain troublemakers. My Lord." Her tone and smile were mocking, but instead of waiting for his reaction she turned to Joseph at his realization. It was the reaction she was generally expecting on Midgard - they were justified in their hatred of her father after all. To his credit however he swallowed his disgust quickly and instead made a small motion to them. She paused briefly but stepped forward. Whoever they all were, they all wanted their freedom.

@National @Archon @LokiofSP
Mary's eyes fluttered open, only to realize...floating!

Her body was levetating off of the ground and wasn't falling. Large cylindrical walls were on all sides, at least 20 ft away from her on both. Where was she? What happened?

Wait, the gas at the tower she got knocked out when she did her side kick. They tried to put a silly colar around her neck but she still fought. And they eventually just punched her out. Looking down, she saw where the blood came out of her torso. Having closed up her oxegen, that was the only place it could come out. Closing her wound, Mary heard a whirling noise from above. Interupting her thoughs, a large wind soared her upwards to where some people were standing She had nothing touching her, nothing to use as a base for her tramsformation.

Soon, one scientist came out wearing a gas mask, a large metal rod in his hand. Extending it out until it was about 6 inches away from her. Mary tried to move away, but her sorroundings didn't let her. All of them pulling her twards the stick.

In a flash, the top end erupted in radioactive power. Thrusting a large radioactive and electric burst through the air and onto her body. Her molocules began to heat up, seperaring from each other.


Screaming didn't help...but what else could she do?
Miranda approached the TV screen carter was staring at, and ended up next to him. "What is that? What are you watching?" She asked, still a bit shaken. @Crono
Augustus rather funnily wasn't even on the same planet as the Avengers! However when he saw all the fun, he just gave himself up. From what everyone knew of him, he protected the Avengers multiple times. Hell, no one would know about Thanos, so he would simply be seen as scum of the Earth.

He awoke to realize that they knocked him out, and not only that, he was stuck in his Gaster get up! Crap. Well, he decided to play along, listening to the broadcast. He could vote on whoever he wanted to die? Without a second thought he punched in his own name, "Rex Regum". His eyes were calm, and looked to those around him.
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National said:
Desimus picks up Chocolate, grabbing her paws, yanking them away from her face. From his front pocket he pulls out a handkerchief, patting down the small cut marks she made into herself.
"Don't talk about it."

Desimus stated this as bluntly as anyone ever could, his angry fave quickly changing into a blank slate. He was not going to talk about his dad. He turns to the Asgardian girl.

"Oh, you're an Asgardian Chick? One of my friends are from there. His name is Yxxstill, Asgardian Born and troublemaker or whatever the hell his title was?"

@Steel Zinogre @Lemoncakes (kind of a little teaser to another character I'm gonna make way later)
Chocola understood why he said not to talk about it, and left it alone. She felt alone, and she felt trapped, like a caged animal.
Reaper said:
Miranda approached the TV screen carter was staring at, and ended up next to him. "What is that? What are you watching?" She asked, still a bit shaken. @Crono
Room 2:

When the room started to quiet down Carter glanced over his shoulder briefly to see the cute little huddle they we're trying to have and snorted. As if the people who'd captured them and we're watching them couldn't see and hear everything being said, but maybe it'd create more amusement. So who was he to stop it? He sure as hell wasn't about to join it.

Staring at the TV he heard a shaky voice asked, turning his head slightly he raised a curious brow at her before looking back at the screen once again. "Animal Planet my dear. That with a bit of Saw added to the mix, will probably make for a damn good show."
Boss awakened in the room and she held her head. "Damn, that was unpleasant." She listened to the announcement and all the instructions on what was going on. When they mentioned the collar, she reached up and her hand glided across it. Boss stepped up to the machine and saw the buttons. She only had five minutes to decide who to vote for. Boss knew they were all young and had things to live for, so hopefully they would have the same idea and vote for her. She pressed the button to vote for herself and then she stepped away from the machine.

The girls woke up and looked around the room. "Damn, I have one helluva headache." Tanya stated. The rest of the girls agreed and listened to the announcement. They looked around for the Boss.

"Why wouldn't she be here? She is the one one who practically got everyone on the right track." Allison said. They listened to everyone else fight and rolled their eyes. They walked over to the TV and saw everyone on the screen. "I don't see this ending well." Vicky said.
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Desimus only smirks as he claps his hands together.

"I never said entertain, but if thats how ya wanna see it Mrs. Kinky Asgardian Woman, thwn go for it."

Desimus walks over to the TV, pulling up a chair next to Carter. He settles Chocola back into Jade's arms, glaring right at her.

"Take good care of her, or I will beat your ass."

Desimus jumps up, landing in the middle of his chair, which was next to Carter and Miranda. He looks at the screen, watching each and every one of the Avengers in the room. This would definitely be an interesting show. He turns his head around, facing straight at Joseph and everyone else, waiting to hear this plan.

@Steel Zinogre @LokiofSP @Crono @Reaper @Lemoncakes

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