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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

(Tower wen't boom. :P )

B-Shell? Connor thought after he'd hung up the phone and waited on the sidewalks curb. When did he start calling me that...and what does it mean? Minutes later he could hear the engine of the motorcycle he'd come to know and love, glad that it wasn't sputtering after being in Alex's care. "If any of you need me I'll be on comm's as usual." He told the others before the blonde stood up and walked over, slipping onto the back of the bike and putting his helmet on then wrapping his arms around Alex's waste. "Avoid any potholes, I have some recently re-opened wounds. We need to stop by my parents place and then to the airport." Connor had to admit that being so close to Alex had him relieved and a little more relaxed.

@StreetCrew @AnnoDomini
"Parents? Oh, I'm the one that stole their precious daughter from them, huh?" Alex said, giggling. He still had some fear about meeting Connor's parents, as he was not sure how they would react to their relationship, but even before that, to him. "Y-You sure I'm allowed? I mean, I am something that came out of the Cold War. That was not a very good time for both countries."

Maniac could feel it. The urge to follow Connor and Alex was great, he knew this feeling. For it was a feeling that every human or alien species had and needed to be fed. His inner troll. For the first time in his life Maniac actually could feel himself sweating. "Mother of french fries" he whispered as he watched Connor hop on the bike, his inner troll screaming for him to follow them. "This ship must be followed. Don't worry, fanfic writers everywhere will here of our adventures" he whispered the last bit more to himself than out loud.

"Hey you guys mind if I come with you?"

@Crono @AnnoDomini
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"Daughter!?" Connor scoffed under his helmet and knocked his hand upside Alex's helmet, of course he was just messing around but he didn't intend for it to be gentle. Snorting lightly when Alex asked if he was allowed, "Your important to me, and they are my parents. Your not a thing, your a person, and you came out alive and a better person." Connor gently headbutt his helmet into the back of Alex's, "Besides, they shouldn't be home right now anyways. Your going to have to meet them one day, you do realize this right?" Now Connor was amused, Alex went from being Mr.tough guy to being nervous.

Jack's voice had Connor turning his head to look at the other, "Uh, sure. Why not?"
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Jason stood there puzzled. Confused. First off all there was this massive fight with one guy screaming about how many powers he had against another guy with a big ass sword smacking the Avengers Tower. Secondly now a fucking space pod ripped through an entire building and out came a guy meeting up with the avengers like their long time buddies, what the hell for all Jason knew he was a Martian. Thirdly his popcorn was out and all that remained were the little seeds and buttery ending at the bottom of the packet. After some tentative licking of the fingers for the buttery goodness he began approaching the alien that just flew in. @The Regal Rper
Maniac without thinking instantly pulled out his gun and pointed it to the guy approaching him. Upon seeing the guy was harmless he returned the gun into it's holster. "Hello there! Do you want to join me on my adventures with this amazing ship?" he motioned for the guy to come closer only to whisper. "This ship is powerful. We must protect them with our lives."

@Crono @AnnoDomini @Captain Wolf
She’d been in worse situations. Yes, she was alone in a foreign realm, cut off from her family, friends and wealth, and yes, many in this realm would not be accommodating to a child of Loki. However she’d sure as Hel rather be standing here than where she was 24 hours ago… wherever here was. It was a deserted stretch of land, coated in a mix of snow and ash and her figure stood out clear. Not to say her being here was a complete accident; she'd been drifting across the earth since she'd learnt of Thanos' loss but not as aimlessly as it may seem. Eldkatla was bored and bitter and certainly not eager to rush back to her father. But she needed something, a touchstone, a little magic.

All such 'frivolities' had not been acceptable in recent times but now... now she was going to spend time doing whatever she wanted, even if that involved being on this planet for a little while. Creating an orb of magical energy she let it grow before releasing it, and watched as it was carried upwards. The light spread as the energy burned through the air, branching out and lighting up the sky and - just for a moment - the silhouette of Yggdrasil could be seen above her. She gave a smile, one that promised trouble, and as the branches vanished so did she. There was so much she could do, but even in a realm like this there were things she needed to first learn.
"Why I come from the land of bubblegum and candy canes. Where sweet treats are as far as the eye can see. Where people are always smiling and always willing to give a stranger a hand. Where there is no war, famine, hunger or trepidation that constantly looms over everyone's soul." Maniac smiled. "I come from Earth." Maniac turned his attention back to Connor and Alex. "So are we ready to go or what?"

@Captain Wolf @Crono @AnnoDomini
"O-Kay." Said Jason. This guy was clearly a sociopath or possibly a maniacal diabolical simpleton. However he added, "May I follow along?" Seeing an oppurtunity for adventure, and possibly extracting information on his father.
...After Three Months...

Three figures looked at the Stark Tower that was slowly being rebuilt. Not all the floors were complete. but just enough was complete for the Stark family and Avengers to stay. Two looked at the one in the lead and asked, "Are you sure we are ready? If we act to quickly then they will catch wind of us and we shall never get this chance again, we must be sure..."

The man in front put up a hand and spoke, "Peace brothers...Everything is in place...We are ready, we just need them..."

They nodded and slipped into the shadows, disappearing into the Tower each one of them appeared in front of Dimitri, Cassie, and Conner. They spoke in the same voice and spoke the same words. Although nobody would see unless they ran around to check the Tower.

They said this, "Hello...You are the Avengers, you know not of us, nor do you know why we are here. You are most likely confused or angry for us to have come into your home. However, it matters not. We are here simply for one purpose, to test our heroes and make them better, to show them their wrongs and fix them...You will pray for death, you will despise your fellow man, you will wish we die, but believe us, we will rebuild you..."

@Crono @Reaper @sitanomoto
"I'd rather not...."

Dimitri said, Pausing to take in the situation.

"Your pitch needs a little work. I didn't like the bit about praying for death as much as you might think I would. But I mean, to each their own." @LokiofSP @Crono @sitanomoto
Connor had been inside his room at the tower sitting on his bed, debating things from over the last year in his mind. Eventually he'd had enough of wracking his brain, standing and heading towards the door to his room. Before the blonde could exit however he was abruptly stopped by the appearance of a man, one he didn't recognize. He was a little surprised, and by now there wasn't much that could surprise him.

Connor stiffened, listening as the man started speaking almost immediately. Crackling icy air flowed from his partially opened hands that stayed at his sides. It could be taken as an open warning or just simply that it was him being ready and prepared to throw down in his quarters. But this man before him did not provoke him, did not attack him, his words did however start to annoy Connor. "Fix us? You don't fix what's not broken, you can take your tests elsewhere. We aren't interested."

Mary looked at Stark tower once again, it was being rebuilt, scaffolding thrown every witch way and it's metal being put up once more. Still, even though the building was in this shape it felt to different in it's power. It still moved the streets and all eyes on them toward it, so they could bask in it's glory.

The last few moths had been hard, looking for a missing person is hard work. She hasn't yet reached her goal of reuniting with her sister, but she was so close it was almost killing her...kind of. She had left on bad terms last time, and now she was prepared to make it up too them. Holding a basket in her arms full of pretzels, she bean to walk up the the doors of stark tower. Taking the same form as she did when they last met. Short chocolate brown hair tied up in a high ponytail, which made her look a bit boyish, with her ears almost peaking from underneath her hat. Green eyes sparkling in the sunlight. Except this time she changed her form to more of a fall wear.

A white turtle neck and jeans with combat boots completed her outfit with a black Russian turban covering her ears. Smiling she walked through the front door. Hearing noises upstairs, she climbed the stairs so she could see the people there.

"Hello?" she asked, walking in and looking down some hallways.

@Crono @Reaper @LokiofSP @sitanomoto
Cassie was working under one of her dad's cars when the guy appeared in front of her. She slid or from underneath and stood, looking at the man with a raised eyebrow. She was covered in splotches motor oil and had black streaks under her eyes like a football player. She crossed her arms, blowing some hair out of her face that had not made it into its ponytail, wrench in hand. "Um..." She said, scowling. "No, I don't think so." She put her wrench in her toolbox and clenched her oily fists.
The men looked at the teens and shook their heads, "We knew you would be resilient, change always sounds hard at first...But unfortunately, you have no choice here..."

The tower began to fill up with a gas, as people began to feel the need to sleep. The three men pulled down their hoods to reveal gas masks that protected them from the knockout gas,
"You yourselves set this into motion! Forced our hand! This is the outcome, this is the day we make you great again! Just as the universe intended!"

As this happened heroes everywhere were knocked out. From knockout gas to chloroform, they took and abducted all heroes and put collars around their necks made of some strange an nearly impossible to break metal that restricted any powers they had. If they were at board meeting a member jumped up and attacked. helping an old lady cross the street? The old lady attacked them! It seemed as if there was at least one person lying in wait for every hero out there...

As the heroes began to fall asleep, all of them shouted at once,

(Alright, gonna let you guys get one last post in if you want, after this the REAL fun stuff starts)

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @hudhouse @Lemoncakes @AnnoDomini @AnyOneIMissedTellMeSoICanFixIt
Smelling Chloroform, Mary changed her body to not allow any oxygen in, reverting to her true form's lungs. Seeing where the gas was coming from, she found the hall they were all in and charged at one of the men, still feeling a bit drowsy. She managed a flying sidekick in midair at the one closest to her

's head.

If she could talk, she would have totally said something snarky.

@LokiofSP( and anyone else who wants to help)
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Cassie fell to the floor, fighting all the way down for consciousness and for air. "Damn..." It must have been strong stuff to get her knocked out. "Barista..... Need more.... Coffee....." She muttered as she fell asleep.
Desimus groans as he throws up in his toilet, his massive hangover annoying him to no end. He wipes his face with a hand towel as he looks at himself in the mirror. To him, he didn't know what he saw. Many would say a reflection, but to Desimus, it was something else he saw. Suddenly, he sees a reflection in the mirror, and whips around to see one of his maidens hold out a towel for him.

"You look distressed, my king. Please, sit down, and I will clean up your face."

Desimus without a word nods and sits down on his bed, the maiden climbing up, and sitting behind him. Suddenly, being just a bit too late to notice, Desimus looks down at a needle that pierces into his back. The maiden smiles as she pulls out the syringe, the knockout fluid working into his veins, putting him into a deep sleep. She quickly puts a collar around his neck, smiling and giggling as she walks out of the room.

Dimitri tried to hold his breath, but it was too late. He stumbled forward to the man speaking to him, trying to attack. In reality, he only took a few steps before collapsing.

Harry's mug crashed to the floor, spilling the spiked yea he had been drinking. He soon joined it on the floor, just like they planned
Connor tried to fight back, tried to let loose an icy attack the moment he noticed his body start to loosen up. But his eyes started to close as he faltered sideways unable to hold his balance or use his legs, crumpling to the ground unconscious.
Azazel began to feel woozy as the Chloroform kicked in, he collapsed as chocola tried to turn on her vents in her helmet, but they malfunctioned, and she became knocked out. "I'm sorry.... My king..." she said, as if Black Panther was standing there, staring at her with his piercing stare. Slash growled, trying to fight the gas, but the gas was too strong, and he went to sleep. Everyone else began to feel woozy, even Helga and Brute. Redd was shutdown beforehand. @LokiofSP

"Pick up damn it..." Aedan growled, listening as Connor's phone went to voice-mail for a fourth time. Connor never usually missed his phone calls... He really couldn't explain the sensation, but something felt wrong; everything felt wrong. He couldn't get in contact with anybody, Alex, Connor, Dmitri, Perry. It was almost as if the whole superhero world had gone AWOL. The thought was more than disturbing, his eyes scanned about the horizon rapidly, face twisting into a show of concern, and fear. He'd decided to take the weekend off on a small camping trip, yet some form of omen screamed something wasn't right...

...Which, he'd soon learn was very true. It was sudden, far too quick for any reaction; silence first, then a deafening 'pop', his mind worked to fight it, fight the gas pouting from a cylinder before him, alas, momentum does not work on gas. Stumbling forward, he coughed violently, trying to resist the urge to just, lay down and sleep. A figure before him stood, watching, in some sort of final vein hope of escape, Aedan stumbled forward, his fist lunging in the figures general direction - only to hit air. The teen collapsed, wheezing frantically whilst clutching his throat, before nothingness overcame him.


Here he was, finally; Avengers Tower. After what had to have been months of arguing with his father, he'd finally give in. 'The Avengers need you!' He'd say, 'You are an Avenger!' He'd lecture. 'We aren't getting pizza again!' He'd yell. "Stupid Hawkeye... What kind of stupid name is Hawkeye anyway?" Joseph chided, before stopping in the middle of the street abruptly, something wasn't right he couldn't describe it, but a terrible feeling overcame him... "A disturbance in the force..." He whispered, scanning the distant Avengers tower. Before it hit him; 'Oh, crap! I didn't buy everybody gifts, I knew I forgot something...' With a sigh, the teenager continued forward, hoping they'd forgive him for his terrible transgressions. Idly pacing closer to the tower by the second, Joseph unhooked his phone, and messaged his dad.

'What kind of name is Hawkeye? It sucks. Not like Precision. In fact, what kind of name is Clint?! Ugh, I don't believe you're forcing me to put my life on the line for a bunch of strangers who nearly get killed all the time! If I die I'm going to haunt you SO hard!

Satisfied with his text, Joseph peered up at the tower, raising an eyebrow, it was still a ruin. Oh well... With a bright smile, a confident smile; and without a care in the world, the new legendary Avenger; Precision, opened the door and entered the tower. "Honies! I'm... Ho -" He promptly collapsed with a face-plant to the floor.
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Sage sat in his bedroom with a book in his hand. He absentmindly flipped the pages as listened to the shuffling of feet outside his bedroom door as his little brothers and sisters played.

( Wiccan went crazy with baby making)

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