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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"This energy is doesn't merely supply energy but controls all of Earth's supernatural energy. As such i think it should remain on Earth in the hands of an Earthling or I would have simply kept it. Removing from the space covered by the Ley Lines will cease it's functionality as well, it also prevents some inter galactic alien with one from coming to Earth and using one as it has primary control as the first sphere and no other spheres can dominante the ley lines as long as this one is the primary. Even if you could rig it to work from your world, you'd be making thatymuch easier to override it's status." Laxus explained. He carried the sphere over to Pepper. "Well unsuspecting female of Earth, take good care of it. I can trust you not to do anything bad or let it fall into the wrong hands.* Laxus said to Pepper as he held it out to her.
Newtype said:
"This energy is doesn't merely supply energy but controls all of Earth's supernatural energy. As such i think it should remain on Earth in the hands of an Earthling or I would have simply kept it. Removing from the space covered by the Ley Lines will cease it's functionality as well, it also prevents some inter galactic alien with one from coming to Earth and using one as it has primary control as the first sphere and no other spheres can dominante the ley lines as long as this one is the primary. Even if you could rig it to work from your world, you'd be making thatymuch easier to override it's status." Laxus explained. He carried the sphere over to Pepper. "Well unsuspecting female of Earth, take good care of it. I can trust you not to do anything bad or let it fall into the wrong hands.* Laxus said to Pepper as he held it out to her.
Augustus thought of something, before stating, "...Okay, a few questions for you Laxus since you know just WHAT these things are. How are Key lines created, how did this magical Deas ex Machina get in your hands, is there a version on every planet, and how do you manage to tap into it's energies?"
hudhouse said:
Augustus thought of something, before stating, "...Okay, a few questions for you Laxus since you know just WHAT these things are. How are Key lines created, how did this magical Deas ex Machina get in your hands, is there a version on every planet, and how do you manage to tap into it's energies?"
"How can you be a powerful magic user and not know about Ley Lines? I kind of went over what they were already but in the short version think of like an atmosphere of supernatural energy which describes somewhat what they are and how they are created. Ley Line controllers is tech we have in Asgard as our stuff tends to edge toward the meta/supernatural side. Humans would have likely made one in a few decades. Not every planet or realm has a Ley Line sphere because they have to be made. I can tap into it just like how chi users can draw energy from the stars, planets, and such, then convert it to chi. Tapping the Ley Lines is something the bulk of the Avenger's need to do, but its not something I need to do neithter is it something you need to do either I only chose to do it because I didn't feel like using my own power like being too lazy to draw your own weapon so you just use one where you find wherever." Laxus explained.
Newtype said:
"How can you be a powerful magic user and not know about Ley Lines? I kind of went over what they were already but in the short version think of like an atmosphere of supernatural energy which describes somewhat what they are and how they are created. Ley Line controllers is tech we have in Asgard as our stuff tends to edge toward the meta/supernatural side. Humans would have likely made one in a few decades. Not every planet or realm has a Ley Line sphere because they have to be made. I can tap into it just like how chi users can draw energy from the stars, planets, and such, then convert it to chi. Tapping the Ley Lines is something the bulk of the Avenger's need to do, but its not something I need to do neithter is it something you need to do either I only chose to do it because I didn't feel like using my own power like being too lazy to draw your own weapon so you just use one where you find wherever." Laxus explained.

Augustus calculated that for a few seconds, listened, then stated, "...Alright, basing off such technology and the fact I can use the power of cosmic to set up a blue print... I can form a new Key Line sphere in two days tops. The only issue is learning the base, which because of that battle with Cade and your explanation has properly briefed me in. I shall just reverse engineer this power. Besides..." Augustus formed inches away from Laxus just like he did to Cade. Augustus burned with hatred and malice, "If you knew of all of these powerful things... then why did you keep them a secret while Cade was trying to murder your friends and fellow Avengers? I can see why you and this entire vile world want me dead... but why not shield those who protect?"

Augustus just didn't know what to feel... what to say other then his normal malice and venom. He wanted to rip out Laxus's throat, same as Cade and Jordan for being so powerful, so mighty and being invulnerable to his magic. He just wanted to be strong enough to finally be known, to finally be acknowledged in life! He hungered for it, and all the venom and hatred he held for Laxus and Cade blinded him to it. The Avengers were only his friends because he gave them what they wanted... he gave them extra protection, life and security. He rebuild their tower, their cities, healed half of the planet through cunning, will and strength. He nearly died to stop Cade, when Laxus had it the whole time. He stood against creation and death itself, the being who could curse him to never breath again or kill all his children... if he ever actually had someone to love... for millenniums. How did they repay him?!

How did they repay Augustus Von Doom?! They fight him, they steal his sister away, they destroy his empire and revoke his rule. They call him a fool who doesn't deserve even the land that his father gave to him on his death bed. They force him off the planet and help enforce the fact he never had a home! They just rip into him, tear and ravage until nothing is left! Just some obedient servant that comes to their aide. Augustus screamed in outrage, attempting to blast everyone with a wave of telepathy just to show them how he felt, how he thought about all of this. Augustus just stood there, starring at them with new found hatred. Everything fit now... this is why he was a villain. He could trust no one, for all of them wanted him to be his puppet!

Augustus let out a horrific song lyric before unleashing his psychic might to destroy Avengers tower. He warped the Graphene into unholy shapes before shattering it with a tornado of flame. He took away the gift from those that used him most, before teleporting into the Dark force to avoid follow. The line stung the air...

"...There Are No Strings On Me..."

hudhouse said:

Augustus calculated that for a few seconds, listened, then stated, "...Alright, basing off such technology and the fact I can use the power of cosmic to set up a blue print... I can form a new Key Line sphere in two days tops. The only issue is learning the base, which because of that battle with Cade and your explanation has properly briefed me in. I shall just reverse engineer this power. Besides..." Augustus formed inches away from Laxus just like he did to Cade. Augustus burned with hatred and malice, "If you knew of all of these powerful things... then why did you keep them a secret while Cade was trying to murder your friends and fellow Avengers? I can see why you and this entire vile world want me dead... but why not shield those who protect?"

Augustus just didn't know what to feel... what to say other then his normal malice and venom. He wanted to rip out Laxus's throat, same as Cade and Jordan for being so powerful, so mighty and being invulnerable to his magic. He just wanted to be strong enough to finally be known, to finally be acknowledged in life! He hungered for it, and all the venom and hatred he held for Laxus and Cade blinded him to it. The Avengers were only his friends because he gave them what they wanted... he gave them extra protection, life and security. He rebuild their tower, their cities, healed half of the planet through cunning, will and strength. He nearly died to stop Cade, when Laxus had it the whole time. He stood against creation and death itself, the being who could curse him to never breath again or kill all his children... if he ever actually had someone to love... for millenniums. How did they repay him?!

How did they repay Augustus Von Doom?! They fight him, they steal his sister away, they destroy his empire and revoke his rule. They call him a fool who doesn't deserve even the land that his father gave to him on his death bed. They force him off the planet and help enforce the fact he never had a home! They just rip into him, tear and ravage until nothing is left! Just some obedient servant that comes to their aide. Augustus screamed in outrage, attempting to blast everyone with a wave of telepathy just to show them how he felt, how he thought about all of this. Augustus just stood there, starring at them with new found hatred. Everything fit now... this is why he was a villain. He could trust no one, for all of them wanted him to be his puppet!

Augustus let out a horrific song lyric before unleashing his psychic might to destroy Avengers tower. He warped the Graphene into unholy shapes before shattering it with a tornado of flame. He took away the gift from those that used him most, before teleporting into the Dark force to avoid follow. The line stung the air...

"...There Are No Strings On Me..."

Pepper took the sphere gently from Laxus.

Cassie watched Augustus lose it, and she grew furious, not with Gus, but with her friends. She felt much like Nevermore at the time when Laxus, as Raitei, attacked Pyrite.

"How DARE you," she said softly. "How DARE you!!!" She backhanded Laxus accross the face before flying up to Gus.

"AUGUSTUS!" She called out, hovering below him. "GUS, STOP!" She watched as he sung that last line, the line that haunted her Father's nightmares for years after the defeat of Ultron.

"...There Are No Strings On Me..."

She fell to her knees, looking at the ground where her tower had once been. Her lab.... Her info.... Her creations.... All gone....


Who.... Against all odds... Against everything that was thrust upon him....

Became a friend to her...


Loved her....
Connor had more or less zoned out when the mystical babble started getting talked about. The blonde started paying more attention when Gus started getting louder, looking up and towards both he and Laxus. Then Cassie cried out and before Connor could grab onto her the girl was gone from his side, Connor flinching at the movement. "Cass!" He called out almost scolding, but with a hint of sorrow when she'd backhanded Laxus.

Then all at once what was left of Avengers Tower was destroyed. What had gone wrong? One minute Gus seemed to be friendly, even more-so to Cass which to be honest Connor wasn't exactly happy about...but that was more of the big brother side of him talking. Well and the fact that Gus had made some highly irregular choices such as putting Cassie in a coma. But the guy had saved Connor, so the blonde was letting it slide with intent to speak to Gus privately at some point.

But now? Looking up at the distraught and furious Cassie his fists clenched, once again Doom Jr. had done Cassie wrong. He'd even gotten her to care for him, then crushed it. Connor might have owed Gus his life but that debt meant nothing to him any longer.

"I am going to kick his ass, no matter which planet he hides on."
Jordan patted his pockets and pulled out a card with an address on it. He handed it to Jamie "Go there. The only things there should be Tech's frightening amount of robots..."
Laxus didn't bother answering Doom Jr., had he not just brought this to tech to them in their time of need. That fact alone let him know Gus was just doing more of his self absorbed melodramatics. He wondered why Gus would need this, to get a fair fight against beings stronger than him? That was a laughable this tech won't help him the slightest, it's plantery power at best. This power didn't constitute Cade's Zenith nor his own Mysticism, this power will not help him.

He didn't even flinch when Cassie backhanded him, it was in that momet he realized she loved Doom Jr. As Captain Connor spoke Laxus could only agree with him. "If thinks this'll help him it won't, but indeed he is proving to be a not a thorn in our sides but a stick up our @**** . But Captain Connor it'll be what you and the Avengers may have to use to defeat him should he come back with vengeance."

In the city of Wakanda, the people of the city were living peacefully, and busy. Today was the day that many people would challenge Desimus for his title. Every other 25 years, a Gladiator who wins the Grand Fighting Games can challenge the Black Panther. Of course, this was Desimus' first ever challenge, since he was crowned when his father was killed. Of course, the cocky teen wasn't even close to nervous. Desimus, cloaked in his King clothes, was ready for battle. A few hours pass, and the Gladiator champion steps into the ring, the crowd cheering and booing for the behemoth. It was no surprise he won the Gladiator games. The man was enormous, easily hitting 7'4 with a massive build. A minute passes, and the arena goes quiet. Suddenly, smoke pours into the arena, and out of the smoke, the lean muscular figure of Desimus steps out, and the crowd roars in applause and cheer as the young king walks in with his Black Panther uniform. The match starts, and the massive behemoth charges at Desimus. Desimus leaps out of the charging and way, tripping him over. He jumps on the fallen giants back, and slams his fist into the giants back. The behemoth coughs in pain, trying to get back up. However, his spine was shattered, and Desimus again stood up as the victor.

The huge festival ended, and a few hours later, which would mark as late night for Wakanda, Desimus was in his room, smoke billowing out of a large cigar he held in his hand. Broken glass was scattered in his room, all of his mirrors shattered, even the glass cups that gave just a small hint of his reflection. His advisor, Bu'zosin, knocks on his front door, and without the young kings permission, walks in. Of course Desimus didn't argue at this, since Bu'zosin is a saint, and would never bring ill will to the young king.

"What do you need from me Bu'zosin? It's late, you should be asleep."

"Of course, young king. But something has quite intrigued me. Your father, he has always had ties with the Avengers."

"Uh huh, yeah I knew that. Captain America, the spandexed hero, who now has a kid with most cliche name in the world. Next is Tony Starks kid, who looks like Hermione on crack, and then that one Symbiote kid and blah blah blah. Get to the point."

"Now, all they need is the cocky young brat from the Black Panther", Bu'zosin walks over to Desimus, and crushes the cigar from his hands.

"I've told you several times to stop taking out your stress and nightmares on your lungs. I've already had to ban alcohol from your clutches, shall this be taken away as well?"

Desimus only snarls as he stands up, his tattooed bare chest gleaming from the moonlight.

"I've already told you several times you old man. I'm not joining the Avengers."

Bo'zimus sighs, and he walks out of the room, locking it behind him. Well, it seems that Plan B is the last option. He pulls out his smart phone, and calls the only man he knows who could help him, Captain America.

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Steve was out in New York, still heading up the citizen work efforts in fixing what was left of the damage from the Thanos attacks. Which wasn't much by this point, but people we're still shaken and misplaced and he'd put himself right in the middle of it since the beginning. The man was taking a break when his phone rang. A curious look crossed his face before he pulled it out of his pocket, secretly hoping it was Connor as the boy never stayed in touch these days, and while Steve could just go to the tower anytime and set him straight on why he should at least call to talk to his mother every now and again, he decided to let Connor have his space.

The curious look didn't leave when he spotted the number and held the phone to his ear, "Bu'zosin? It's been a while, how have you been?" Giving a wave to a few of the other workers to let them know he'd be a little longer he stepped away, for more privacy or just to keep moving he wasn't sure.

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Each phone ring gave the old Saint a little jolt, as he was still hurting accustomed to these new technologies. One of the largest renovations that Desimus did was making the entire kingdom much more recent, while still miraculously perfectly tying in all of the Native cultures in with technology. It was a perfect haven, but Desimus was still in a huge heap of stress, and he needed to learn compassion and teamwork. He hears the phone get picked up, and hears his familiar old friends voice.

"It's so nice to hear you, old friend. I have been doing well, even though old age is chasing me. However, I still feel young, even if my body protests. Look, I need your help. Remember T'Challa, the Black Panther who fought with you and the Avengers? Remember his child that you saw when he was roughly four years old? Well, much has changed in the kingdom. T'Challa has passed away 15 years ago, and Desimus, since he was 12 years old, has been the King of Wakanda. However, there is something off. The child is cruel, relentless, merciless, and full of poison. Hell, the child uses poisons to kill of the surrounding leaders that try to invade Wakanda. The Kingdom has been doing well under his rule, but I fear for the future, and the Young Kings health. I want him to join the Avengers, but he'll need some.... Convincing. Can you please help?"

Steve leaned into his side as he listened to to Bu'zosin, hearing about T'Challa's son was troubling indeed. A sigh escaped the mans lips, "T'Challa would have a fit if he knew about this." Shaking his head he gave it some thought, "And if he'd been around I'm sure Desimus would be different...but there's no point on thinking of What If's." Steve looked at the nearby buildings momentarily pausing, "I'd come speak to him myself but I think I have a better idea. My son Connor, I'll send him instead. It sounds like Desimus would respond better to someone from his own generation, rather than someone who knew the father that the boy never got the chance to." As if to finalize the thought to himself Steve nodded. "How does that sound?"

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When Augustus asked to tag along and hang out with them Finn waved over to the group. "You pretty much died trying to fight that guy. That's worthy of staying with us." But then things escelated and Augustus ended up leaving with a freshly destroyed Tower in his wake. Sadly Finn watched him go hoping that his new friend would come back, but he didn't. Finn turned to look at the rubble of the building. "My home isn't that far away from here if anybody needs a place to stay." He said quietly.
Cockpit locked, Destination Earth. Thank you for your time on Quatinabu.

Escape Pod Launch!

Self-Destruct Sequence engaged, Stabilizers failing. T- 5 minutes.

Maniac, apprentice and adoptive son of Deadpool now flew through space in an escape pod. His destination, the others. Quite a bit of crap had happened since he'd been given a mission by a certain client to hitch a ride on a rocket to a certain spaceship miles away from earth. This particular job had been simple. Guard the guy, Charles with the jewel worth more than a solar system and deliver it to his client within a months notice. Currently he had no idea how much time had passed on Earth while he had been away and things hadn't gone as smoothly as he had thought they would on this particular mission.

Maniac tilted his head to the side, gaining a pop from his neck as he stretched. "Damn. Sleeping in a stasis pod set for....? However long I was asleep was not easy, I feel sore as fuck!" A few more pops, before he pushed a button on the panel and felt the escape pod propel through the void of space heading directly towards earth his friends destination. That is even if they were still alive.

While away the friendly psycho had heard quite a bit of news from the guy he was supposed to guard. That guy was dead. The jewel however, Maniac looked at the bulging item in his suit pants that was directly above his stomach. "It's safe" he said with a small grin. That grin faded however when he recalled all the things he had heard from Charles, the guy he was supposed to protect but ended up dying when he had insulted one of the ambassadors of an alien race for not answering an important question he asked.

"How hard is it to pick between Pizza and alien soup made out of dead animals?" he grumbled, feeling the escape pod shift a bit before he looked out the side window to see the alien space ship blow up into a billion pieces. He smiled. "Next time they won't try to take my weapons from me." Speaking of weapons Maniac turned in his seat to look back at his dual katanas, guns and knife. They'd all been stripped from him along with his own expertly made suit when he'd been put in stasis.

Finding that jewel again after he unfroze had been a nightmare. The floor had been so freaking cold and he hadn't been able to find the remainder of his suit save for the mask and weapons when he went prowling around. But at least he'd been able to teach that ambassador a lesson for not answering his question.

Once he'd ripped the gem out of that ambassadors hand he had made quite sure he let Viper, his silver blade katana, and Scythe the dark blade katana do the talking. By beheading. Yup he had beheaded the ambassador of an alien race from the world Quantebula, and he honestly did not care that the race had sworn vengeance on him, his planet and anyone else he knew. He'd made sure they would never get the chance by taking out the plutonium core that kept their ship stable.

The escape pod shook again then everything went red. Maniac looked around coming out of his reminiscing now realizing that while he'd been thinking of how awesome that explosion looked he was now speeding towards earth.

Warning! Gravitational Force Strong. Rockets Failing, Manual guide initiated!

"Damnit A.I. I gave you one job!" Grabbing the handles, the psycho turned and did his best to decrease the speed as he descended into earths atmosphere, the pod gaining heat as it broke through the atmosphere, then the clouds. Heading in the direction of a quite destroyed building that Maniac could only assume was Stark Towers.

Visuals sited! the program stated, pulling up images of Finn and others that Maniac couldn't make out clearly. And as he got closer he notied they had begun pointing in the direction he was coming from.

"Oh boy they noticed me!" he said with glee. Strapping all his weapons on and making sure the jewel was still secured in his slightly ripped pants the genius assassin prepared himself as Stark ruined Towers came into view.

Impact imminent. Welcome back The Maniac.

Jack smiled, as the escape pod flew past the others and he waved to them before slamming into a building nearby Stark Tower's everything shaking, as the pod ripped through half the building, an office and the women's bathroom before coming to a stop and falling to the ground a good football's field distance away from Finn and the others.

The pod exploded, both burning and ejecting Maniac out on to the ground before he landed on the ground on his back, breathing heavily with a smile on his face despite the pain. "It's great to be back."

@hudhouse @Captain Wolf
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Bu'zosin smiles, even though the retired Captain America wouldn't be able to see it. The old man suddenly gets into a violent coughing fit, before recovering himself.

"Thank you Steve, that would be most appreciated. I have heard much of him and his group, so I do look forward to meeting him. Thank you so much. I have already booked a plane for him. Tell your son to go to the nearest airport, and a private jet will be waiting for him and whoever else wishes to accompany him."

Jamie took the address and went on her way there. She avoided people so they wouldn't get sick and moved as fast as she could. When she arrived at the destination, she entered and saw what Jordan meant. There were tons of robots lying around. Jamie looked around a bit before sitting down and waiting for Jordan to tell her what to do.
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Augustus stood there, grabbing his head and rampaging about all the emotions he felt. He felt betrayed, he did so much but that was just the issue. It's not his job! He was the one who wanted this life, he wanted to rule and lead and protect. He wanted to be a dictator but one that people would love. One that kept life going, one that made it all better! BUT THESE PEOPLE!

They stole everything from him, his land, his family, his faith, his devotion! He gave his life nearly 4 times to protect that god forsaken planet, and now he stands here alone banished to another realm. Why did he deserve this?! He preserved everything he destroyed, everything kept in shadows. He had already began strengthening the life force of the planet by creating Key lines. Absurditas would rise, more and more powerful yet tranquil beings being born. The biodiversity was immense, and yet it was all in a equilibrium because of Augustus's will and eye.

Augustus began his move, sending out more colony fleets. Maybe they would just leave him the hell alone for once... make the misery something he could handle for once?
Laxus replied to Connor. "Its alright Captain Connor I understand how such emotions can influence humans. Just contact me when you go after him, I must return to Asgard for my coronation and handle some of my duties as King. Take care of my associate Lance Monroe T'Challa when he comes by, he doesn't have the same values as most." Laxus then tooka few steps back and vanished in a bolt of lightning from the sky.

"He'll be on his way days end, I'll make sure of it. I'll try to visit sometime when the city isn't in need of repairs." Which was just about never, "You take care of yourself Bu'zosin." He told the man over the phone before ending the call and dialing Connor.


Connor who was still sat on the curb by the tower, staring at Jack's grand entrance felt the buzzing in his pocket and with a moment of careful effort maneuvered it from it's containment. The blonde answered nervously, "Dad? If this is about the tower, everything's fine." Sort of a lie, kind of a lie, yeah it was a lie.

"Tower? What happened to the tower?" Steve asked and Connor regretted his choice of words. "No, it's nothing. Just uh...what'd you need?" Steve rubbed at his chin with his free hand, "I need a favor." Between the tone and the choice of words it was more like, I need you to do something and no you don't really have a choice, but feel free to argue with me though you'll know I'll win, I always do.

"I need you to go out to Wakanda, it's current leader is about your age. Actually the two of your are only a month or so apart. Anyhow, I owe T'Challa a lot, and his son could use... a change. I want you to bring him onto the team, convince him." Connor grimaced, of course if he told his father about his injuries Steve would retract the request but that meant not only telling his father just how injured he was but also how he'd received said injuries. Connor huffed, he didn't want to worry his dad among other reasons, so he declined the thought. Besides he was just visiting and speaking to the guy right? Surely it'd be fine even in Connor's state.

"Yeah, sure dad. Just give me a little time to prep and I'll head off." Connor replied, Steve thanked him before they ended the call and Connor rubbed at his eyes harshly. Never a break, as usual. Looking back at his phone he was happy that he knew where numbers we're and that he'd memorized Alex's new number and dialed it. The blonde was worried about Alex, but smiled lightly at the thought of the other boy out joy riding on his bike. Which was a dick move considering Connor was lying in a hospital bed, but Connor wouldn't complain if that was the case.

@Streetgroup @National @AnnoDomini
Slowly Maniac rose, his body healing the burns around him but not the scars. Once up and about Maniac looked at the tower. Then at the others, before whistling. "I see a hurricane went through here. So uh, what happened this time?"
Alex was on Connor's bike, somewhere outside town. He has spent the last days going to different towns, searching for something. He had a bag with him, a red bag that was hanging from his back. He felt something in his left pocket, so, naturally, he took it out and responded without looking. "Who are you, and how did you get this number?"

Connor looked at the others while the phone rang in his ear, "If you guys go to the beach, you'll have to go without me." Though he guessed they'd heard his side of the conversation with his father. When the other line picked up Connor frowned at Alex's response, more or less not amused. "I'm the guy whose bike you stole, ya big jerk." The blonde sighed, "How far out are you?" He asked, hoping not to hear that his bike was in pieces at a junkyard. "I could use a ride...and I've been worried about you." The last part was said in a low tone, more or less trying not be overheard by everyone that was there.

@AnnoDomini @streetgroup
Bu'zosin sighs in relief as Captain America hangs up the phone. This was a large breath of air for the old saint. Maybe, just maybe, Desimus would be pushed to being an Avenger, and just maybe, his eternal stress would be quenched. He dials in the Airport Security, and the plane prepares itself for Connor. @Crono
"Hey there b-shell! Well, just outside, will arrive in a couple of minutes. Grab your things and we're going. And I miss you too." Alex says, smiling, after closing the phone and starts speeding towards the tower. In a matter of minutes, Alex is in front of the tower, the engine of the bike roaring. "Come on out!"


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