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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"How about us?" A voice said from behind Morgan.

Tony Stark, Terry, and Cassie were all standing behind Morgan, Tony in the middle, Cass on his right, and Terry on his left.

"Terry, take care of Connor. Cass, you got my back?"

"As long as you have mine, Dad."

"Sure thing, Dad."

Tony smiled. Terry was beginning to grow on him.

Ironlad, Irongal and Ironman all took a battle stance, ready to fight if necessary.

Terry stood in front of Connor, his mask flipped down, and smiled. "Zero, keep me posted."

"Friday, keep me posted," Cassie said at the same time.

If Zero and Friday could have exchanged glances of amusement, they would have.
Aedan was grateful for the help, as the mysterious stranger supported his weight with a graceful manner. Oh, right. Him upstairs, did not want Aedan having nice things, or happy moments.

"Hey, wai-!" Then it was so sudden; he was rising, in the air, clutching the back of a... FREAKING ROBOT?! He was being kidnapped! "Oh this is... not good..." There was no way he could let go. He didn't have enough energy to sustain a free-fall like that, he barely managed falling from the Tower Window. This, was so much worse.

The worst part was; it was so cold. Aedan felt his body turning into an Ice Cube, he was several hundred feet in the air, flying through the wind at what had to be no less than 25mph and to top it off; he was clutching to a Robot. Or at least someone in a Robotic Suit. Regardless of which, the metal was freezing.

"Is air-sickness a thing? I think it's a thing..." Aedan muttered out through coarse breaths, he certainly felt ill. Growing paler by the minute, no doubt a combination of both freezing temperature and air-sickness.

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Cade saw the punch coming a mile away with Supernatural Awareness and senses. He jumped over the fist and ran up Smasher's arm with his supernautal agility and speed he moved with ease at a mach 3(3x speed of sound). He jumped from mid way 50 feet in the air and barrage Smasher with several slash projections. Once his feet touched the ground he held his hand out to Smasher, then he jerked his hand in a pulling motion which would exert several tons of invisible pressure on the back of Smasher's knees in an attempt to bring him down.


Laxus replied "It's your decision how you use it and who uses it. In this state you need force of will, the more wills the better the result. It's similar to that Apple of Eden in that addictive videogame series called Assassin's Creed, we have that in Asgard now."

@LokiofSP @Crono @Reaper @sitanomoto
Morgan took a breath, and raised his hand, "If you need will, then let me do it. I'm the most willful person I know... Plus he kinda almost smashed me with gravity, I'm still peeved about that!"

@Newtype @sitanomoto @Reaper
hudhouse said:
Augustus placed his fist straight down into Cade... and never felt the parry. All of his energy hit him head on... and he exploded in a vast show of cosmic power. He flew downwards, and hit a few sky scrappers while crashing into Manhattan. The body was warped and torn, the entire left side of his body skinless, the muscle black and ripped open, and shattered bone was all that was left. His pelvis and legs were far beyond shattered, all that really was left was some muscle. Steel pipes and concrete fragments impaled the edges of his torso. Some of his torso, most of his face, and his right arm was all that was preserved. He lost a lung, and most of his lower organs were not functioning and or not there. He gasped for breath, to weak to even be able to use his physical shifting power. He was in to much pain to think, to main pain to scream... he barely even twitched or made the movements of breath.
The irony. He fought gods with will and wit and strength, and yet in the end it's the son of Deadpool who ends him? He wanted to scream 'make it a fair fight!' He thought it was that guy who was weak.... and he didn't even know his name. He just saw that face, that insanity... it had to be Deadpool's. Maybe someone is just messing with him and it is Laxus with some magic protection. Or maybe it was just the Sentry wanted revenge... but who knows? Who cares? The world cares not whether Augustus Von Doom lives or dies. It will carry on just the same, faster even. The scourge of freedom, the Doomsday, the Rex Regum, the Omega Tyrant... the Prince of Latveria, Slayer of Doom... will be no more....?
Cassie looked over and her face paled. "Gus!!" She screamed, running over to the Von Doom child and skidding on her knees to his side. "Gus... No..." She looked him in the eyes. "Gus..." She took his right hand in both of hers. She was crying. "Gus..... You can't die on me.... Not now...."

Tony watched with a pained expression, but all that showed on the outside was the iron man mask, that stone-cold face of justice.

Terry watched too, from Connor's side, and his gauntleted hand clenched into a fist. He hated seeing Cassie in pain. He looked up into the sky at the figure of the Deadpool child and he tensed, waiting to spring.
There was something comforting about having the three Starks there, two being long-time friends and family, that with Finn and Dimitri in the fight almost made it feel like old times. But Connor shook his head, "No, I can't fight but if I can help then I will. If adding my will helps then I'm in." I can't run. Not when I have the power to help in some way. Connor stuck out his hand and placed it on the orb.

@Newtype @LokiofSP @Reaper @sitanomoto
Tony placed his hand on the orb as well. "Would it work through the gauntlet?" He asked rather cluelessly.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c65269eb2_TeenagerPost2!!.jpg.6569eb43122e203adcf1706100bbb494.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91746" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c65269eb2_TeenagerPost2!!.jpg.6569eb43122e203adcf1706100bbb494.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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He may have gotten him onto the ground but that was about it. Smasher stumbled forward when he swung into nothing before whirling around and going in for another. When he spun around however something slashed into him. It felt like a tickle. A tickle with a poisoned knife that is. His tough skin ached as if he had been cut but a quick scan showed him that he suffered no actual cuts through his skin. Then there was the pressure behind his knees trying to bring him down. Shifting his weight Smasher let Cade's magic pull him forward rather than outright dropping him to the ground. His legs groaned from the pressure that they were under and it would have been easier had Smasher simply let himself be pulled down. But Smasher was not one for loosing so gritting his teeth he let himself get tugged forward. He obviously couldn't bring him down on his own but he could be a good distraction. Bracing himself he used Cade's magic to propel himself over the head of the other boy. Landing on the other side he put his head down and ran in for a tackle.

ZETA knew what this was, the final song... the final code. Augustus kept it chained away encase he needed power, and it was exactly what he needed here. It sung a horrific tune, but seemed to come from his armor, "...What do we do with a drunken whaler?" Augustus's armor cracked open, spewing out a vast amount of pure whitish teal metal liquid. The liquid was burning bright with cosmic energy, using Augustus as a shield and filter to absorb tons upon tons of kinetic energy! The energy ate away at Augustus's armor, and embedded into his flesh... causing all the lights on the symbiotic to dim. The song played weaker and weaker until Augustus took his final breath. The McDoom finally let go, knowing that someone finally loved him back... "...What do we do with a drunken Whaler..... What do we do with a drunken whaler... early in the morning....?"
Augustus heart trembled, before finally stopping it's final beat. Cold moments past, an eternity dragging on...

But it refused

the music boomed to live as all the lights burned bright! "WAY HAY AND UP SHE RISES!" The armor exploded around him, taking a new shape. Armor and muscle grew and molded together, knitting itself into a single organism. His new heart pumped strongly, heating up the very air around with with life! "WAY HAY, AND UP SHE RISES!" Augustus grew wings of Dark force energy, tinted as it mixed with magic. Six teal wings ripped from his back, quivering in and out of realities from sheer will alone. He knew he would have died the moment he saw Cade rip through his clones like butter. He placed all the energy not into his fist, but into the symbiote in his armor to survive!

"Way, Hay! An Up She Rises!

"Early In the morning!"


Augustus fused his wings into one and took an ancient look... one born from the final angel that came down upon the Egyptians. He was justice from his code, he was the sorrow of being a beast no one wanted, but was filled with purpose. He roared out, "FOR AUGUSTUS, STILL STANDS!" Color seemed to bleed onto his body, forming a royal purple cloth that came down from his waist. Golden armor and texture bubbled and grew into the surface of his new flesh. His eyes burned with life and hatred, tiny teal slits all that remained of his pupils.

He looked towards Cassie, before thrusting his hand on to the apple of Eden like construct. He flung his wings out, before stating, "...If will is what we all need, I can give you my will as well. If we all can use the Key lines at the same time, I can take a small amount to create a fail safe, and be able to use my chaotic moves to distract him. I won't be able to do anything to the bastard since he's immune to anything stronger then cosmic level... so I need all of you to burn with the light of justice and might. Use whatever you have... or else this may be our final day.

"Not for the Avengers, not for Humanity, not for Earth... but for all of those who fall prey to beings like Cade's wrath! We are guardians of Justice, those who Avenge the fallen, and make the shadows face the light! Shall we burn one final time...?" Augustus poured all of his mental strength, will and wrath into the orb, trying to give his all for this conflux of life. Augustus was no longer merely the son of Doom, or the Bringer of Despair.

He was Augustus, Daemon of Justice!
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As the Avenger's poured their will into the orb the ley lines of Earth manifested themselves in it's atmosphere. Laxus quickly instructed "Okay, you have done it just keep that up. Keep pouring in your will power." One of the polygon in the atmosphere began to glow. As Cade winded up to use a portal to send Smasher to the Sahara Desert a giant pillar of energy rain down on him. "It seems I have accomplished my objective. Hope they use this power well and let it be the gate way to more power." Cade said to no one in particular but his voice echoed all around the globe. Cade himself soon faded, likely dead or something. To Laxus it looked like they killed him reminded him of another human videogame called Wrath Unleashed too bad he broke his copy and making one is just not the same.

@CasualDragon @Crono @Reaper @sitanomoto @LokiofSP
Morgan looked at Cade and whined internally, 'What?! That's it?! No big finale?! No kicking of teeth! I wanted to fight him!' He cleared his throat and smiled half-heatedly, "Is that it? Did we do it? Did we win?"

@Newtype @sitanomoto @Crono @Pyosimros
LokiofSP said:
Morgan looked at Cade and whined internally, 'What?! That's it?! No big finale?! No kicking of teeth! I wanted to fight him!' He cleared his throat and smiled half-heatedly, "Is that it? Did we do it? Did we win?"

@Newtype @sitanomoto @Crono @Pyosimros
Augustus just stood there... he did all that effort, all of that pain and suffering... for this? Just to activate these Key lines? Augustus stood dumbfounded for a few moments... before he stated, "...If you excuse me..." Augustus teleported himself to the upper atmosphere and screamed as he unleashed a giant explosion of magic flame. The universe around him sung not in pain, but in majesty. After the end of his shout he reappeared where he last was and said, "...Out of my system... I'm fine..."

"Oh...thank god." Connor mumbled, taking a step back before sitting...well more like falling, on the curb. Whatever had him going at that moment, be it willpower, adrenaline, or just sheer force. It was gone, and he was too exhausted to stand any longer. With shoulders slouched he stared at his bare feet in front of him before slowly looking up at the crumbled tower, "So...what do we do now?" Connor guessed he'd likely go home after he'd been fully checked out.

The blonde needed time to heal and rest til he was back up to 100%, and it was clear that the tower wasn't the safest place to do that. He'd joked with Aedan about a vacation, but maybe he should take one...not that staying at home and walking around like he was a normal person sounded like much of a vacation. But to each their own.
Finn tied the stretched waist of his shorts into a knot and jogged away from where Cade had been. His knees creaked from the pressure that they had been put up against and Finn stumbled to the ground twice. After a quick examination he spotted that the knee of his prosthetic had been warped from the pressure. He could fix it later. It was a lot better than what the damage could have been. He took one last glance back to where Cade and him had been fighting. He had hopped that there was the possibility of a friendship but that wasn't to be apparently. He turned away and hobbled over to where Connor and company were gathered around. "How about we take a vacation. Beach location."
Jason stood around, a half-eaten popcorn bag clasped atop one hand while the other was fishing out the delicacy of popped corn. Jason consuming it.
CasualDragon said:
Finn tied the stretched waist of his shorts into a knot and jogged away from where Cade had been. His knees creaked from the pressure that they had been put up against and Finn stumbled to the ground twice. After a quick examination he spotted that the knee of his prosthetic had been warped from the pressure. He could fix it later. It was a lot better than what the damage could have been. He took one last glance back to where Cade and him had been fighting. He had hopped that there was the possibility of a friendship but that wasn't to be apparently. He turned away and hobbled over to where Connor and company were gathered around. "How about we take a vacation. Beach location."
Crono said:
"Oh...thank god." Connor mumbled, taking a step back before sitting...well more like falling, on the curb. Whatever had him going at that moment, be it willpower, adrenaline, or just sheer force. It was gone, and he was too exhausted to stand any longer. With shoulders slouched he stared at his bare feet in front of him before slowly looking up at the crumbled tower, "So...what do we do now?" Connor guessed he'd likely go home after he'd been fully checked out.
The blonde needed time to heal and rest til he was back up to 100%, and it was clear that the tower wasn't the safest place to do that. He'd joked with Aedan about a vacation, but maybe he should take one...not that staying at home and walking around like he was a normal person sounded like much of a vacation. But to each their own.
Cassie smiled and then looked at Tony, then at Terry. Her smile dropped when she realized who was missing. " where's mom?" She asked, looking around frantically.

"Right here, sweetheart." Pepper said from behind Cassie. She put a hand on her daughter's shoulders. Cassie smiled in relief that her mother and father were still here.

"Maybe while the Tower gets repaired, we can all take a beach day."

"Sounds like fun, Cass," Terry said.

Tony put a hand on Terry's shoulder, and Terry looked up at him, beaming brightly.

Cassie walked over to Connor and sat down next to him. She put an arm around his shoulder and pulled him in for a side hug, careful to be gentle with the injured boy. "Think your dad will be happy to see my mom and Dad again?" She said quietly.
"Beach vacation huh?" Connor smiled, he'd just spoken to Aedan about the beach earlier as more of a joke. With their luck a tidal wave would threaten everything the moment they arrived. The blonde leaned into Cassie as she pulled gently for a hug, arching a brow at her question and giving it a moment of thought, "I'm sure he will...but he's probably going to try and figure out how and why, I'm sure there'll be a speech or two in there somewhere."
Augustus sighed as they spoke of life and fun and pleasure. The warped angel stated, "I unfortunately can't just indulge like that yet. I need to readjust all my security to my new DNA, as well as-" ZETA spoke through the strange psychic armor, "...Actually, I have handled all of that... Augustus truly should just have an off day. Would any of you mind if he tagged along?" Augustus stood rather baffled, he wasn't angry by all means. He loved ZETA, he was absurdly helpful and helped him with all of his crazy ideas as well as being his oldest 'friend'. Heh... more of an imaginary friend turned real. To lonely to make friends, so he actually made a friend.

Augustus sighed before stating, "...Lord this is absurdly awkward. I guess I am just not that used to asking for anything. Would any of you guys object to me tagging along? I can set my friends to start repairs on the tower during your trip." Like a scientist thought of their creations as children, he thought of them as friends.
Cassie smiled and then laughed softly to Connor. "Sounds just like your dad," she said, and then looked back up at Augustus. "Of course we wouldn't mind," Cassie and Pepper said at the same time.

Tony and Terry, whose masks were both up, turned to each other with a half worried, half amused look on their faces.
Laxus reclaimed the Ley Line Sphere he decided rename the World Apple after the Apple of Eden. "Okay this thing needs to be somewhere safe and somewhere where it can be developed for more advanced uses. I will be sending someone sometime soon, to work with whoever gets possession of it. I would choose Stark, but if it goes to Stark I need to know he won't slot in in some robot or something because that has a habit of going wrong. My top pics are the Stark family as a whole as in no one Stark shall hang on to it, Captain Connor, or Fearless Leader Dimitri." Laxus explained.

@Crono @Reaper @sitanomoto
Tony looked at the Ley Line Sphere and then looked at Pepper. "I vote Pepper." He said.

"What?!" Pepper exclaimed.

"Think about it, Pep, you don't really have the technical know-how that Cassie or Terry or I have–"


"Tony...." Pepper gave him a warning g look.

"And you're way more responsible than I am!" Tony finished quickly.

Cassie and Terry were snickering behind Tony's back, and Pepper was nearly laughing herself.
Augustus spoke out, "I can apply the science of Doom's suit, locking it in another dimension on my planet while still letting all of it's energy go into Earth. Hell, it will act as if it's closer to the core! Though, I can just provide the security measure to the holder..."

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