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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

The girls were sitting n the living room of their base when sleeping gas was pumped through the vents. They began to feel light headed and passed out almost immediately. The Boss walked out of her room and gasped before soon passing out as well.
Bodies were dragged, people were taken care of. While many of them put up fights, in the end there were to many, or they were to clever, they fell one by one. Each Avenger was transported desperately while top scientist and computer nerds implanted false memories in their brains.

To the Avengers, the chitari invaded and abducted them as opposed to being attacked by some hooded cultists. This stage was most crucial for what awaited, as they turned the collars on and disabled any powers anybody might have to prevent escape, they wanted to teach the Avengers a lesson, one that'd make them ready, one that would strengthen their bonds.

To do that they'd first have to destroy them, so they could build them from the ground up.


The woman pressed a button by her mic to turn it on. She took a deep breath and looked out at the crowds of people gathered, some in their hoods and garbs, and everybody not crazy was wearing their regular clothing.

She closed her eyes and took a breath and counted to ten, "This is it... Months of planning for this...We're not cruel, we're necessary..." She opened her eyes and nodded, she went approached the microphone and spoke to the crowd, introducing the plan to the people before the Avenger's woke up...


The crowd erupted in cheer as she continued (This is the part that tells you guys a general idea about what this event is, so I suggest you pay attention if you want to get a good idea of what's going on OOC Kappa) "FOR THOSE WHO DON'T KNOW, WHAT WE ARE DOING TODAY IS PUTTING THE AVENGER'S THROUGH VARIOUS SETTINGS THAT WILL TEAR THEM APART! WE SHALL NOW BEGIN THE FIRST ROUND!"


Morgan awoke to see a red circle beneath him, he began to panic as he thought back to what he remembered and began to panic, "Oh god, the chitari have us, we're gonna die aren't we?! Oh please! Why us?!" He looked across him to see Sarah Reilly doing similar. One by one Avengers woke up, as a message began to play in a large spherical device...

"Okay, is this on? YES! We got in! Okay look, we don't have long with this hack, but let me run you all down. Basically, once the aliens got you guys they left us alone. We have no idea why, but after doing scans on the device and room you're in, we found some interesting things. The panels in front of you will allow you to see allows you to vote for each other, it seems like they want you to vote on who the machine in front of you kills...It's also on a five minute timer, if you don't pick someone in the allotted time people will die at random ( OOC: You'll actually just be knocked out, so don't worry about losing characters this event...Unless you want to.). It seems like someone needs eight votes to be killed, so it's up to you all...We'll try to get you out as soon as we can, but it's hard! Just hold out...Also! The collars around your neck disable your powers, if you try to remove them you'll die...Please stay strong..."

The message ended and Morgan swallowed a huge lump in his throat, he looked around and bit back tears, "So what do we do?"

(Okay, lemme list the characters you guys got in this room, not that if your character isn't here, they're somewhere else, don't worry, I'll describe that in a moment, this post is long enough though...)

@Steel Zinogre: Cindy, Sally, Azazel, Strout, Charlize, and Redd @Newtype: Laxus only Kappa @CasualDragon: Finn only Kappa @Reaper: Both Harry and Dimitri, not sure what to do w/ your new gal @Pink Gorilla: Boss only, don't worry Kappa, the rest of the girls are somewhere else, just let me get there. @hudhouse: Gus only Kappa @LucianGrey7971: Jordan only Kappa @Pyosimros: Perry, Terry and Cassandra @LokiofSP: Sarah and Morgan @Yngwie Schutz: Anne-Marie, sorry about KOing you without permission, needed to get here)
Jordan merely yawned at the situation at hand, quite frankly he had pretended to be asleep. Honestly, what kind of idiots were these aliens that they tried too drug him? The collar was a different story, it had taken away his powers...that was a nuisance. "With all due respect...I'm not with the Avengers...in fact...I'm not with anyone and I REALLY don't think that you pissing me off is a good idea."
Fortune woke up blinking in a lavish room, decorated with nice furniture and fancy looking decorations. Everything looked new and nice, and she felt like she had taken the best nap in forever. She looked to her sides to see others just getting up on other beds that were just as lavish, filled with people she didn't know. She raised a brow as a flat screen TV in the middle of the room turned on. On the screen there was a picture of a woman in her late teens, the image stayed but sound came from it.

"Hello heroes! If you're here then congratulations! You have powers and abilities that you've either A) Used properly B) Did not use them to associate with the Avengers much! Or C) Have spoken against them, or left them entirely! As a reward you've been given a room a luxury and lavish to spend your time in while we wait for them to finish! We are so sorry to have done this, but we had to keep an eye on you...That's why the cameras watching you are here to keep an eye on you, that's also why the collars around your neck a weakening any powers you may have to a huge degree. But don't allow that to dampen your mood! Enjoy your time here, and if you wish to watch us rebuild the Avengers, turn to channel 4!"

(Alright guys and gals, in this group we're going to be going around this complex and attempting to figure out who these guys are a free the Avengers! Kinda sucks that most of the people here suck and don't know each other...Anyways!

@Steel Zinogre: Jade, Chocola and Maxton, the animals are being held in somewhere else...If you find it you can free 'em @Pink Gorilla: The gals @Lemoncakes: Eldkatla @LucianGrey7971: Tech and Emile @AnnoDomini: Alex @LokiofSP: Fortune @National: I'm blanking on how to spell your characters name, but you know your here

Anyways, since we're like the Avenger's version of the Expendables, lets go)
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LucianGrey7971 said:
(Wait, wouldn't Jordan be in that group? Based on B, I mean...he's talked enough shit about them...)
(See, that's what I wanted to do.

But Jordan is the only one of your characters to interact with any of the characters in the Avengers in anyway besides fighting or threats for the most part, and I wanted to split up the people with multiple characters, so I did what I could.

The logic's a tad loose, but it's all I got)
Room 1:

It was all very disorienting as Connor woke, slowly but surely he stood. The blonde rubbed at his forehead momentarily as he cleared the fogginess from his mind, and looked around the room at the other heroes as the message played. Many we're present, but as he kept looking it became clear that not all we're. The one that stuck out the most to Connor was Alex, and he couldn't decide if he should be worried or relieved. Had they been killed by the Chitauri? Maybe they'd made it out... The thoughts of those missing we're more prominent than the situation he and those with him we're in.

Connor started to pull at the collar unconsciously but stopped abruptly as the message spoke of the device killing it's wearer. This pulled him more to the present situation. The blonde let out a sigh, "Is everyone alright?" He asked looking around the wide room slowly at each of them.

Room 2:

Carter stood leaning against a wall with his arms crossed over his chest. This was a serious pain, one moment he'd been enjoying what would have been an amazing breakfast burrito then the next he'd been a drooling sleeping unconscious mess on the floor. Now? Now he was locked up in some stupid fancy room with a bunch of heroes, no sword, no enhanced strength. The clone's eyes flicked from one body in the room to the next, glaring a hole in each of their foreheads. Admittedly he was a little nervous, what was to stop them from taking him out here and now? After what he'd done to that idiot Connor, and what he'd vowed to continue doing to the Avengers in general.

Though he couldn't help but question who would have actually known it was him that gutted Connor. Carter's eyes lingered on Alex, and the blonde guessed he might know, as for the others? He hardly recognized half of them. Carter shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, the hell did this Aliens stick him here for?
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Desimus blinks the haziness from his eyes as he looks around. He was still bare chested, his entire chest covered in the artistic ink drawings. He quickly gets up, in a battle like position. He feels the collar around his throat, and he snarls as he scratches at it.

"The hell is all this bullshit?! I'm the king of fucking Wakanda, how dare you fucking put this leash on me like an animal?! Is this a sequel of Trapped?! I'm gonna rip your goddamn throats out!"

Desimus grabs for his gun, but looks down, pissed. His stuff was probably taken by these guys. He roars in rage as he rips off a peg of his bed and chucks it at the TV.

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Tech laughed at the Wakandan's outburst. "Property damage. You sure showed THEM. What's next? Vandalism? Defacement of property? Public urination?" she mocked him already thinking of plans to get out out this. From what she could tell, there were three people she knew they hadn't captured. Although one was in the wind, the other was a coward as the third...well...

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Desimus growls as he looks over at the smart mouthed girl.

"The hell do you want, Ellen Degeneris? Yeah, maybe I should do public urination, all over your fucking face. Maybe then you might smell attractive, since nothing can save how you look."

@LucianGrey7971 (now before anyone gets mad at me, don't be a bully kids. This message is sponsored by NASA)

Aedan stirred, forcing himself up from the floor and glaring at the individual who spoke against them. "Well, you're here. Deal with it!" He growled rather aggressively, his mood well and truly soured. No rest for the wicked, but at least they got three months of rest this time. Turning his attention to the current rooms inhabitants, he glazed over the many people he wasn't familiar with, until heard Connor's voice. "There you are, they got us both then..." Aedan whispered, trying to think on potential ways out of the situation. Rubbing his temples, and grinding his teeth together the hero let out a sigh, before his eyes met Connor's.

'It's also on a five minute timer, if you don't pick someone in the allotted time people will die at random'

With a knowing glare, he shook his head at Connor, he knew the blonde knew that he knew, Connor's train of thought. "No." Was all he muttered, crossing his arms. He then turned to everybody else, and raised his voice slightly. "We don't vote! If they kill us, then fine. But we don't kill each other. We don't... Vote!" Aedan said as confidently as possible, slightly nervous considering very few people were familiar with him.

Joseph Barton

A.K.A Precision

Joseph groaned sleepily, hugging the fluffy covers even tighter, barely awake; but just enough to hear dribs of information from a female voice, addressing him - and others. "I fall into all three categories... Do I get a reward?" Joseph mumbled, still crumpled on the bed, quite comfortable, and unwilling to move right away. Not totally concentrating on the rest of the words, instead quite happy to just allow the silky, luxurious bed to devour his attention. His memory was hazy, he couldn't quite recall what happened, one moment he was outside the Avengers Tower, then he was here... Not that the teen was complaining - until he heard mention of the collars.

Moving his hand to his neck, his eyes shot up, and all drowsiness faded,
"What the -" Then a raised voice, and a rather loud smashing sound. The sudden impact on his ears caused Joseph to leap off the bed, poised for combat, as he shot a glare at the oversensitive male. Who'd smashed the TV, and linguistically assaulted the girl who questioned him. White Knight in Shining Armor Instincts kicked in, and he walked in front of Wakandian Drama Queen. "What's your problem Princess?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow, staring the guy in the eyes, not understanding the situation, or knowing any of the people. But trying to discover his angst, and restrain him if need be... He could, I could...? With an awkward shift on his feet, Precision tensed awkwardly. '...It's my first day...' He thought to himself exasperatedly, he was going to murder his dad for this.
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Tech flicked on of her braids behind her back and snorted at his comment. "Bitch please, I'm adorable~ I also know God and I can confirm...he doesn't like ugly."

Jordan sneezed randomly in the other room "I better not be getting sick...Damn aliens taking away my powers...if I get a cold I'm shoving my non-powered foot up someone's ass"
Room 1: Dimitri shot up, grabbing his collar in discomfort and confusion. He stumbled around, kicking a few of the still drugged folk, including Harry. Harry rolled over to face everyone before squinting at them. "What the.... The chitauri? This doesn't look like their ships."

Room 2: Miranda sat in the corner, holding her knees to her chest in fright. She hadn't seen a situation like this before in all of her life, and it was horrifying to her.
Chocola woke up to Desimus screaming, and tech laughing. "Could you keep it down....? I'm trying to recover from a headache.... Nya." she said as she covered her ears, and started to shiver as she laid on the cold hard floor. Jade then picked her up and snuggled her. "You need a little warmth, that's all." she said as chocola stopped shivering. Maxton leaned on a wall, looking down at the ground, thinking. "Only if my dad were alive..... he would know what to do....and do it with style. And besides..... I hope that my sister is alive..... out there" he thought as a silent tear fell down his face. "Ruby....." he said, and a voice sputtered to life. "Yes? What's wrong?" she asked, to which he replied, "I miss him...... I miss my dad..... I wish he were here." he said, and was silent for the remainder of his time. @National @LokiofSP @LucianGrey7971 @Crono
Desimus laughs as he looks at Fortune.

"Tiny huh? No one could say the same to your v****a. I could probably swim in that like it was an Olympic pool."

Desimus then turned to the guy who called him princess, and Desimus smirks as he fully stands up, ready to fight if need be.

"Oh would you look at that, the knight in shining armor? And the hell is up with your eyebrow, is it gonna jump off?"

He then turns a full 180, and points his hands to Tech.

"If pretty means being so ******* ugly that it would make God not want to tell you truth, then go ahead Honey Boo Boo."

@Steel Zinogre

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Room 2: "Is that a... Talking cat?" Miranda said out loud despite herself. She covered her mouth immediately after, as if it made a difference. @Steel Zinogre
Jordan laughed at Aedan "that's the spirit! United we fall, Divided we stand~ At any rate, we're playing the crapiest game of Survivor ever...only for keeps." Jordan flipped to his feet and stretched a bit "Honestly, if only there were a way to get this thing off...I'd end this annoyance in 10 seconds flat...Guess I'll settle for exterminating their entire race once this is over."

Tech ignored the boy and looked over at Emile who had apparently been chained up. It took Emile a few seconds to break free of the chains and shrug off the groggy effects of being drugged. "Seriously big guy? How much of your strength is from lifting?!" Her answer came as a shrug from the big guy.
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Fortune's eye twitched, she shut her eyes and took deep breaths, "Calm...Everything is fine...I know my body...I'm a respectful young woman...Except when someone says that! Look who it's coming from! Your fu****g di** is like a infant giving a fu****g thumbs up, and that's when it's erect, and as for these assholes!" She gestures to all those crying, "You should all grow a pair and stop bit****g! God! The only two who don't make me want to hang myself from my bed covers are these two, and only because THEY make me want to do it from my sheets!" She began to breath heavily from her mouth, "Okay...I feel a bit better now..."

@Steel Zinogre @National @Archon


Morgan shook his head, "No, nope, not gonna happen. I'm really sorry, but what if the machine is looking for a specific one of us? Like one of us did something bad to the aliens and they want us to do the right thing and kill them?"


Sarah laughed while trying to stop herself from flipping out about potential death, "Sorry, sorry! I get the whole possibly dying thing, I just need to think about something else or else...Or else I'll...oh god I don't wanna die"

@Crono @Archon @Reaper
Joseph just stood there pacified, staring first at the childlike man who had the most insufferable God-Complex, and then to the girl who decided to just vent on everybody. "Okay screw you Prince Pathetic!" He said, pushing his finger into the man's chest in a pointing motion. "And screw you Miss Miserable!" Having turned he now pointed at the girl who'd took her anger out on the innocent. "I did NOT sign up for this! I'm out!" He yelled the last word frustratingly, already thinking up different methods of Kinslaying to use on father dearest.

He was going to walk away. He was going t walk to bed, see, he wanted to get away. But the combined stress of the whole event was far too much, this was his
first day. The antagonist in front of him clearly knew how to push buttons, and under normal circumstances he would have ignored the insult. But something about the guy... It enraged Joseph. He stood there seething for a moment, as the other male walked away. An internal tug-of-war took place, he wanted to attack him... He wanted to attack him so damn bad...

In a final show of resignation, only barely containing his anger, the teenager paced back to bed. "I quit!" He said aloud, before climbing under the covers and attempting to go back to sleep.

'I hate the damn Avenges, this prank sucks!'

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Desimus only laughs as sarcastically and loud as possible before flipping off Fortune.

"If you talked anymore a d**k would've flown right in that s****y mouth of yours."

He angrily grabs the guys arm who poked him in the chest, throwing his arm back.

"Don't you dare touch me d***head, or I'll make sure that finger goes somewhere it probably goes everyday anyway."

He turns around, scanning the room. As much of a son of a b***h this guy was, he is still one of the best strategists and fighters in this room. His eyes quickly analyze everything they could before looking at Jade, his evil glare spotted right at her. He cracks his knuckles as he sighs, particularly looking at the shy girl who asked about the talking cat. He looks over at Chocola, and sits down in front of her.

"The hell are you doing here?"

@Steel Zinogre

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