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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

National said:
Desimus only smirks as he claps his hands together.
"I never said entertain, but if thats how ya wanna see it Mrs. Kinky Asgardian Woman, thwn go for it."

Desimus walks over to the TV, pulling up a chair next to Carter. He settles Chocola back into Jade's arms, glaring right at her.

"Take good care of her, or I will beat your ass."

Desimus jumps up, landing in the middle of his chair, which was next to Carter and Miranda. He looks at the screen, watching each and every one of the Avengers in the room. This would definitely be an interesting show. He turns his head around, facing straight at Joseph and everyone else, waiting to hear this plan.

@Steel Zinogre @LokiofSP @Crono @Reaper @Lemoncakes
"That is no way to treat a woman.... But at least he cares about her." Jade thought as she petted Chocola to calm her down. Chocola felt a little more secure in her arms, despite being stripped of her powers.
Room 1

Finn had been goofing around in some of Stark Tower's labs when he had been gassed and dragged into a room of death. He listened as they explained what had happened and looked at the voting machine in front of him. He listened intently while everyone angrily discussed how they would refuse to vote. That wouldn't do anything but get them all killed though. He reached out and voted for himself. "Vote for me. If you don't vote then somebody at random dies. I won't hold it against you. Besides this gives everyone more time to make a plan." He gingerly tugged at the collar around his neck and how it was a bulky reminder that they were powerless. Straightening his back he looked around the group again. "We're running out of time. There's only a matter of minutes left." @Steel Zinogre @Newtype @Reaper @Pink Gorilla @hudhouse @LucianGrey7971 @Pyosimros @Yngwie Schutz @LokiofSP
Room 1:

Cassie groaned as she felt someone kick her. "God, please be careful.... I'm sore all over and I need coffee."

Tony awoke with Pepper by his side and he held her hand, something very un-tony-ish to do.

Pepper, who had been awake, raised an eyebrow at Tony and then looked over at Terry....

Who was in a very awkward position, his legs up against the wall face down. He groaned in discomfort. "The collar is useless to me and my mom.... Why the hell even give it to us?" He muttered into the floor.

Hypnas, who was sitting in the corner, clutched around her neck. The idiot chitauri hadn't taken her necklace. Good. She looked at Dimitri and then Harry, and then at Nevermore who had her hood pulled up.

"FOR THE LOVE OF-" she yelled as she awoke, punching the thing nearest her....

Which happened to be Connor.

Cassie listened, walked over to the panels, and immediately pressed her name as a vote.

She'd be the one dying, not one of the people who were so dear to her.


Room 2:

"Darling," Dazzle said to Carter. "You look distressed! Sit back and relax as we watch the Avengers get destroyed." She said.

Ruby Rage had awoken the minute the voice had began playing. "No!" She whispered. "Oh for the love of the maker I'll kill those chitauri!"

Dazzle grinned as she looked at Desimus. "My dear boy, calm yourself. You're making yourself look like a complete baby."
Desimus stands up, looking around at everyone. He had to guess who would be useful in which part of his plan. He could tell that the natural heavyweights were Emile and the Asgardian girl. The techy ones were obviously Tech, and also probably one of the others that haven't made a sound yet. He didn't know about the others, but he knew that they would all play a big role. For now, however, it was time to formulate this damn plan. He jumps up out of his chair, smirking at Dazzle.

"I'm no baby little girl, I'm about to formulate a plan to save these dumbasses. You either in or out."

Desimus claps his hands loudly before setting his tone to his King's tone, which sounded more calm, strict, and focused.

"It seems as though our biggest problem here is that we don't know where we are. Also, these collars are a big mess up to a lot of the people here, but not for all of us."

He looks over at Tech, pointing at the TV.

"Is there any way you can find out where we are by maybe hacking into the TV, and seeing where it is streaming this Live feed, so where we know where the Avengers are, and where we are as well."

He points at Emile now.

"Alright big guy, you're about the size of a Grizzly Bear. Can you try to search for maybe weak spots in this room? Search for maybe a hidden air vent, since every room has to have an air vent to keep the air fresh."

He turns to Joseph and Fortune.

"I'm guessing you know a bit about the Avengers, so I need to know what both of you know. I only know the average things that my Agents at my Kingdom pick up. I need to know who will be essential to getting first to help us save everyone else."

Desimus turns around, looking at the shy girl.

"I need you to pair up with the mammoth man. If he finds an air vent, you seem to be the only one that can really fit, little girl. I would ask the cat to go with you, but that would seem unlikely. I'll also come with you."

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto @Crono @Pink Gorilla
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Room 1:

Connor locked eyes with Aedan before the other boy had spoken, and the look he got from Aedan had him give a faint smile. It was as if his mind had been read, Aedan suggested no one vote but Connor knew that wouldn't help. The people in this room we're going to die, he couldn't think of a way around that, there wasn't one. So formulating a plan to save as many as possible was the next solution, that meant buying time and making sure that those with the best chance to think something up had to be kept safe. And as fate would have it Finn was trying to rack in those votes, "No Finn, you need to put that brain of yours to good use. If you all vote for me, then that buys you all more time to figure a way out. I'm not as useful without something to hit." The last bit was a meager attempt at a joke, though a bit truthful. Powerless was fine by him, made him feel more like his old self, but without a set target he felt a bit lost to be honest.

The blonde wasted no time, reaching out a hand towards the screen and voting for himself. Besides, he doubted he could ever actually vote for someone else to be killed.

Room 2:

Carter watched smugly at the screen, "Now if only we had popcorn." He mumbled, and turned to look at Dazzle with a smile. "Me? Stressed?" Am I? To be fair I'm locked in a room with a bunch of crazies, some of which might want me dead, with a power draining device around my neck. "I'm watching the best show on earth what do I have to be stressed about?" It was clear a plan was being formed to stop this, and while possibly an amusing failure, if it succeeded he wouldn't get to enjoy the main event. If it wasn't for the fact that he was greatly outnumbered he might object or even attempt to stop them, but he wasn't stupid, he kept his trap shut, something that he was having great trouble doing. It was like an itch, one that he was trying not to scratch.
Lance awoke on a red space in a room, he was surrounded by others but not just any other people but the Avengers. It seems that they were playing a form of Roulette, well he wasn't going to let the aliens play him. He punch in his own name on the panel. Someone told them all not to vote, Lance if he understood the information right no one would die if they all voted for themselves because you need 8 votes to die. After coming to this conclusion he yelled "Wait! Everyone vote for yourself if you need 8 to die then as long as we do that we satisify the current conditons without anyone having to die. Do not let them play us for fools."

@All the Room 1 peoples

Fortune put a hand on her chin, "Lemme think...Hm...Well all the Avengers are complete assholes who you shouldn't trust, but if you needed a useful one...Hm...With these collars, I'd say get one of the geniuses, so Iron-Man, Cassie 'I-swear-I'm-not-a-fu****g-fangirl' Stark, Perry Parker or Finn Banner might be some of our best options..."

Mary opened her eyes slowley remembering how she was K.O.ed at Stark tower. Aww, and all those pretzels went to waste.

In a word Mary felt...strange, why was she colapsed onto the floor. And she...couldn't quite move.

The stange colar around her neck was for some reason, preventing her body from moving. Luckily she had reverted to her internal organs in her true form before she was knocked out. Otherwise her organs would have stopped working by now.

Hearing everyone argure was beginning to hurt her ears. With all the strength in her body, she tried to speak.


(Sorry if i was being an ass)
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Cassie smiled. "I appreciate the offer, Connor and Morgan, but its too late, I'm already voted for."

Terry got up. "Twice." He pushed Cassie's name into the voting machine.

Cassie looked at Terry in surprise. She was expecting her clone brother to object or even put his own name in.... Not agree with her right away. She looked at her mother, who stood and looked at Tony. She went over to the voting machines and put a name in.

Tony also stood and put in a name, and then sat back down.

Terry almost went hysterical himself. "Yeah, and then they'll have one of us eliminated at random!" He was breathing heavily.

"Terry, calm-"

"No Cass. I will not calm down. Now is a perfectly good time to freak out!" He started biting his nails. "We're all gonna die at some point."
LokiofSP said:
Fortune put a hand on her chin, "Lemme think...Hm...Well all the Avengers are complete assholes who you shouldn't trust, but if you needed a useful one...Hm...With these collars, I'd say get one of the geniuses, so Iron-Man, Cassie 'I-swear-I'm-not-a-fu****g-fangirl' Stark, Perry Parker or Finn Banner might be some of our best options..."

Augustus suddenly stood straight up, and roared out, emotion and malice dripping from every word of his voice like poisoned daggers, "How big of fucking children are you?! We are planning on ways to let you LIVE here you ungrateful swines! If your going to all vote and insult them, then your just proving your unfit for being a HUMAN! There are 2 things in life we were all made for! The first and most holy of decrees, make others are you happy! The second decree, make yourself happy! If you go to the inverse of the first, your worst then devils! Even the Daemon in the room, Azazel, makes those around him happy! You three by ignoring us, and slashing at us while speaking your minds? Your proving just how inhuman and selfish you truly are. Oh lets save the people with brains, kill everyone else! We pick who dies right here friend. If all of you need a Martyr because your all to stupid?

@Everyone in room 1

"Kill me then. Give me all your pain and suffering. I can make better use of it in Hell then all of you people. Burn me at the stake, let the Chitari kill the bad guy. I should have just killed you all back at Avenger's tower before Thanos, none of you deserve to live." His mind slipped for one second, speaking out the truest and most real words he has ever said, "No one on Earth needs me. My death will just bring all of ya happiness and joy, the entire world even! All of my family smiled when they hung me... all of you smiled while I nearly died against Cade! I see all of the god damn things between the cracks that coil around our throats, those little secrets that drown out every sound." He cackled madly for a moment, hoping this little display would make all of them vote to kill him. He sung a note like a mad man with pure joy in his voice, "Slice my throat with a rusty cleaver!" It was to the old song 'what do you do to a drunken Sailor?'

Augustus kept on his aggressive campaign, "...Let's get this over with already. I hate feeling the damn shivers down my spine and the air slowly moving around my chilled body. The sooner I can go back to my Iron Maiden the better... all that's left is the cold dark pain they drilled. The cold emptiness of wanting death but you people all giving me some hope before snatching it away with cold talons. Death would be a blessing after knowing you all and what you have become and what you have still left to evolve into."
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Perry Parker

"I appreciate the offer, Connor and Morgan, but its too late, I'm already voted for."

Perry slowly sat up from his previous position with the sound someone talking, and looked at everyone with a blank face. His memory was hazy, but from what he could remember, some aliens came and took him away. Moving his head around slightly, he noticed that there was a collar on him. "Great. Am I in an alternate dimension where humans are the pets of different animals? I hope my owner's not a spider," Perry whispered to himself, the jokes got him away from the groggy mood, and he stood up, walking towards Cassie and the others. "Alright fellas! What're we voting for. Next president? Oh! Or is this a reality TV show where we vote each other out this room and we get to live our normal lives. If so, vote for me! Because I want to get out of here," He said with an upbeat tone and rested both of his arms and Cassie's and Terry's shoulders.
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hudhouse said:
Augustus suddenly stood straight up, and roared out, emotion and malice dripping from every word of his voice like poisoned daggers, "How big of fucking children are you?! We are planning on ways to let you LIVE here you ungrateful swines! If your going to all vote and insult them, then your just proving your unfit for being a HUMAN! There are 2 things in life we were all made for! The first and most holy of decrees, make others are you happy! The second decree, make yourself happy! If you go to the inverse of the first, your worst then devils! Even the Daemon in the room, Azazel, makes those around him happy! You three by ignoring us, and slashing at us while speaking your minds? Your proving just how inhuman and selfish you truly are. Oh lets save the people with brains, kill everyone else! We pick who dies right here friend. If all of you need a Martyr because your all to stupid?
@Everyone in room 1

"Kill me then. Give me all your pain and suffering. I can make better use of it in Hell then all of you people. Burn me at the stake, let the Chitari kill the bad guy. I should have just killed you all back at Avenger's tower before Thanos, none of you deserve to live." His mind slipped for one second, speaking out the truest and most real words he has ever said, "No one on Earth needs me. My death will just bring all of ya happiness and joy, the entire world even! All of my family smiled when they hung me... all of you smiled while I nearly died against Cade! I see all of the god damn things between the cracks that coil around our throats, those little secrets that drown out every sound." He cackled madly for a moment, hoping this little display would make all of them vote to kill him. He sung a note like a mad man with pure joy in his voice, "Slice my throat with a rusty cleaver!" It was to the old song 'what do you do to a drunken Sailor?'

Augustus kept on his aggressive campaign, "...Let's get this over with already. I hate feeling the damn shivers down my spine and the air slowly moving around my chilled body. The sooner I can go back to my Iron Maiden the better... all that's left is the cold dark pain they drilled. The cold emptiness of wanting death but you people all giving me some hope before snatching it away with cold talons. Death would be a blessing after knowing you all and what you have become and what you have still left to evolve into."
Azazel looks at Augustus, and looked down. He felt bad for being yelled at by him, but he saw the point. Redd then activates, and looked at augustus. "Augustus..... please. I do not want you to die....... you are one of my best friends...... and you have helped me and my family so much...... let me take the axe. I will be sure to not have my death in vane." he said, since he copied everything about himself into his own file folder back at the tower. It was password locked, and he had plans with a project he had been working on as well. (I will update his sheet, if he dies of course.) @hudhouse @sitanomoto @Pyosimros @National @LokiofSP @Crono @Anyone I Missed
Eldkatla perched on the back of one of the chairs, and listened to the plan. She looked upwards to the sky - or to the ceiling at least - and thought of how her father would tear apart the nine realms to free her from this place. Unfortunately she had no way to contact him at all and was left with no option to cooperate, she'd save the Avengers if it meant her own freedom. "We've already established these figures are able to view our every move, this plan of yours is reliant on them choosing not to." She pushed herself up and turned to face them. "I'm not dismissing it, but we should be prepared for that door to open and for those on the other side to be far better equipped than us." Oh gods, if she had her magic back she'd tear apart this realm herself.


@Pyosimros @Room #1 Peeps
Room 1:

Connor stood still in his designated zone as others spoke, staring at his voting screen where his name was already highlighted from voting himself. "Terry why would yo--" Connor cut himself off, he understood why to an extent. Terry might be Cassie's clone but he wasn't her, he didn't have her experience. The boy had never been in a life or death situation before...and he couldn't handle it. But to vote for the person who was supposedly his sister to be put to death?

Gus started striking chords left and right, "Just shut your pie hole Gus!" Connor shouted across the room, "You don't want to help? Fine. Sit there and sulk, I could care less. But do it quietly while we try to find a way out of this. This is what we do, Avengers die so ungrateful pricks like you can live." Connor was frustrated and usually tried to candy coat things, but this was an extreme situation, and if he did indeed die soon he wanted to be clear. Kid Doom didn't care about his own life? Good for him, he deserved an ass-kicking but not death.

At this rate the first death would be random, most we're being self-less, as expected.

@sitanomoto @hudhouse
"Not the brightest bunch are you, no wonder you get your butts handed to you almost everytime you fight. I pointed out the hole in the rules yet you insist on playing right into the enemy's hands. If you listened well, you need 8 votes to die, if we all vote for ourselves then that means we each have 1 vote that means none of us have 8. Meaning we all live. It doesn't get any more simple than that." Lanc2 as he looked upon the Avengers. In their current state they were such a sorry bunch. He wondered why some of them were even Avengers, why had they not branched off and formed their own teams like back in the day. Avengers, Thunderbolts, Defenders, X Men, and the Fantastic Four. Why did they all have to be Avengers when they don't even want to be?

@Steel Zinogre
Augustus just snickered before stating, "...This is why I don't mess with things that don't have brains. Nothing make's any sense..."

Crono said:
Room 1:
Connor stood still in his designated zone as others spoke, staring at his voting screen where his name was already highlighted from voting himself. "Terry why would yo--" Connor cut himself off, he understood why to an extent. Terry might be Cassie's clone but he wasn't her, he didn't have her experience. The boy had never been in a life or death situation before...and he couldn't handle it. But to vote for the person who was supposedly his sister to be put to death?

Gus started striking chords left and right, "Just shut your pie hole Gus!" Connor shouted across the room, "You don't want to help? Fine. Sit there and sulk, I could care less. But do it quietly while we try to find a way out of this. This is what we do, Avengers die so ungrateful pricks like you can live." Connor was frustrated and usually tried to candy coat things, but this was an extreme situation, and if he did indeed die soon he wanted to be clear. Kid Doom didn't care about his own life? Good for him, he deserved an ass-kicking but not death.

At this rate the first death would be random, most we're being self-less, as expected.

@sitanomoto @hudhouse
Gus roared out, "Thought you were actually intelligent, but your just like your father! A cave man who can't adapt! I am bloody saying to pick me because it has the happiest ending! Someone who wants to die will die so everyone else lives. Isn't that what you just said idiot?"
Desimus watches Room 1 from the TV, and he nods at the Asgardian.

"Yeah, you might be right, but we might as well make a plan while we are waiting. It doesn't hurt to try. Not only that, but we'll know how they strategize, all depending on how they stop us. Also, we can figure out how much we are limited with these collars. My top priority is breaking these off so we can go and save the Avengers."

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National said:
Desimus watches Room 1 from the TV, and he nods at the Asgardian.
"Yeah, you might be right, but we might as well make a plan while we are waiting. It doesn't hurt to try. Not only that, but we'll know how they strategize, all depending on how they stop us. Also, we can figure out how much we are limited with these collars. My top priority is breaking these off so we can go and Dave the Avengers."

(DAVE?! I think you mean save?)
Room 1:

Connor rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest, "Sounds like you want the easy way out. That you actually regret your choices and this is your way to try and make amends, or maybe I'm over-thinking it. Either way, I'm trying to save lives, even yours! I don't care if your a prick or a saint, if it saves more lives it's worth it! You say I can't adapt? Fair enough, show me up, you do the adapting. Instead of offering yourself up, help figure a way out!" The blonde shook his head and took a breath, "Seems like it will be random for now anyways." Someone was about to die, and he couldn't do a damn thing to stop it.

Perry Parker

What Perry hears from everyone is anger and people calling each other stupid. It wasn't that surprising, he feels like whenever he walks about to them it always ends with this. Two minutes left, and all of this tech he had's missing. Looking around the room, nothing could really enable him to build a device to break everyone out, so he'd have to think of a different solution. Perry was annoyed by all this bickering. It was useless and it was getting them nowhere. "Everyone!" He shouted to get everyone's attention. "Okay, why don't we just capitalize on this situation. Yah, it may seem evil--but! Do we have any supervillains here?" He asked and looked at everyone.
Crono said:
Room 1:
Connor rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest, "Sounds like you want the easy way out. That you actually regret your choices and this is your way to try and make amends, or maybe I'm over-thinking it. Either way, I'm trying to save lives, even yours! I don't care if your a prick or a saint, if it saves more lives it's worth it! You say I can't adapt? Fair enough, show me up, you do the adapting. Instead of offering yourself up, help figure a way out!" The blonde shook his head and took a breath, "Seems like it will be random for now anyways." Someone was about to die, and he couldn't do a damn thing to stop it.

@Steel Zinogre

Augustus gave out orders like it was natural, "Challenge your Brother, Dark Heart. Tell him that if he breaks us all out, we will fight him fair and square. Hell, I'll even fight him in the dark force if he wants! Play to his emotional side!"

Augustus snapped his neck towards @sitanomoto Cassie, "They didn't bound our arms, just our throats. I have Thanos's knowledge, and Thanos gave Loki the Chitari army... plus my strength isn't a power it's just a growth mutation." He walked over to Cassie, before attempting to snap the thing open and test the circuitry. If he could change the energy from a AC current to a DC current it should fry out the machinery and allow him to just rip the thing open. Then Cassie could just look at how he did it, figure it out herself, free her parents and then they have 3 people able to unlock it at the same time.

Augustus then looked around before stating, "I'll get you next Mary, hold yer horses!" @Yngwie Schutz

Augusts stated, "...I came here to have some fun, guess now I gotta actually do somethin'! Shouldn't have left Dissonance..." He had the brain power to understand every single technological field there is at a PhD level at least! This was mere child's play. Human's, those he will never understand.

Fortune kept on thinking of ways to break out of the room, when the giant steel door opened to reveal a man in a hood wheeling in a cart of food, he went to close the door, but in a flash the girl was on him. She kicked him in the groin and used one arm to keep the door open, but it was quickly pushing her back due to the weight. She used both of her arms but it still barley held, she looked to the others in the room, "H-hey you fu**s! I found a magical fu****g portal out of here! Now help me keep it open!"

@Steel Zinogre (Sorry this feels forced, realized I forgot a important detail in escaping the room, this was the back up plan :P )


A strange and obnoxiously loud sound of ticking began to fill the room. Morgan put his hands to his head "Oh god...What's going on?!"


Sarah snapped her fingers as she thought to answer Perry's question, "Um! Um, Doom! Kid Doom! I think! Oh god we have thirty seconds!"

@Pyosimros @hudhouse

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