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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Lance shook his head at how these fools felt they had the right to yell out and call her name. This could've been avoided but it seems Earth's Mightiest Heroes are Earth's Brainless Heroes. Especially her brother who voted for her to die, if anything he deserved to die for his idiocy. But first things first they have to get out of this but by moronic nature of the Avengers they weren't getting themselves out of this.
Dimitri began chuckling, which grew louder and harder as he stood to his feet. "Don't you get it? What brings people together better than tragedy? This can't be the chitauri. What's to gain? And why take the bodies away? It's because they're not dead, people. This isn't a test, or a sick game, or an experiment. This is an exercise." He cleared his throat to make sure he had everyone's attention. "I was told... That before I forgot everything... I was the leader of the avengers. Now I don't rightly know why I deserve that honor, but I'm stepping up now. If for no other reason, than to stop us from killing each other. No one attacks anyone. No one insults anyone. We stay calm and we find a way out. Is that clear?"

Aedan let out a sigh, as the events unfolded so quickly; his eyes first boring in on a nightly Connor, only to be taken towards the crumpling bodies of Cassie and Mary, he didn't know either of them well, but the cry of rage and cascade of insults from the heroes directed at her clone was immense, yet taking no part in the lame game his eyes bore in on Augustus, Jordan and Lance, they had no place here. The heroes were being punished - those freaks' presence was just salt in the wound. Had he been powerful enough, both would be dead, each one a villainous snake playing humans like pawns, both thinking they're superior to his race. They were disgusting, he hated people like them...Yet his frenzy of thought was soon interrupted; first by Finn's attempt at restoring order, reinforced by Dimitri's. Both were good speeches, no doubt...

Yet Aedan just didn't care anymore; Connor was the only reason he was here, truthfully Aedan had never been a White Knight; and that as reinforced now more than ever, he felt
nothing over the two deaths. That scared him, sitting down in his circle with a dejected sigh, paired with a defeated look; he waited for things to unfold, glancing at Connor sympathetically, then Augustus - their mighty 'savior' with scorn.


He sighed disinterested, not acknowledging the orders Desimus had given.'Worst, plan ever' were his only thought on the matter. Just moments ago he'd tried to motion to the fool to come over, and formulate a plan discreetly. But the idiot had just barked a bunch of nonsensical orders out loud. Precision didn't like him as a person - nor as a leader. Regardless of how inept he was, luckily their seemingly smart captors were twice as inept; the door casually opened, with a poor man first receiving a beating from Fortune, then likely being incapacitated by Miss Mischief. Of course, upon the order Joseph had slid under the door and helped keep it open from the other side - whilst the rest of them foolishly did not; Miss Mischief was the only one thus far who had come through the gap, Desimus clearly wasn't that smart trying to hold the door on the wrong side.

"Okay, heavy... door." He mumbled, as more people began to let go at their side in favor of climbing under the gap. "Miss Mischief, care to... wave those fancy -hm - fingers, and give me a strength boost?" Precision wheezed out, attempting to be humorous whilst his muscular frame was strained under the immense weight of what seemed like a blast door almost.

@Newtype @LucianGrey7971
Room 1:

Connor stayed on his knees with his forehead to the floor for a while, the voices in the room sounded like they we're miles away. The first voice to break through the barrier was Finn's shouting, the blondes eyes flinched slightly before sitting up. He'd had his moment to grieve, now he had to get his head back in the game.

Dimitri started speaking up, trying to reign everyone in just as Finn had. Connor scoffed, "So, what...I just imagined the Chitauri attacking earth and taking us down one by one?" Connor stood up one foot at a time as he turned to look across to where Dimitri's area was, "This fits their M.O. Influencing from behind the scenes? They took us down and now they're using us for fun in some mini-scaled influenced game they've rigged up. I wouldn't be surprised if a few of us in here we're actually Chitauri in disguise." Connor threw up a hand then let it drop as if he could care less.

Finally Connor stretched one leg over the red circle, keeping the device around his neck away from the edge of the circle and practically glared at Dimitri. "Are you so sure, about some hunch. That you'd risk lives? Do you actually believe if I step off that I won't die? Would you bet my life on it?"

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Terry looked at everyone mourning for their friend's death.

"How could I have been so stupid?" He murmured, tears flooding down his face.

Nevermore, who had calmed down significantly, turned to the other Terry. "You voted him? Good. I suggest everyone else do the same."

She punched Terry's name in.

Terry punched his own name in.

Tony and Pepper didn't put any names in.

Hypnas put her own name in, if it would stop the fighting.

Cassie groggily awoke. Ok... So I'm dead.

Worse things have happened.

But she was in pain.

That shouldn't happen.

Then Mary called out to her and she realized she wasn't dead.

"I'm here!" She called back.

Maybe I'll get to punch Terry in the nose after all.

The girl looked at Dimitri like he was crazy, "That's so stupid?! Are you suggesting one of us did this?! That this is all some sick, 'exercise'?! We're killing people on a timer, we just saw two die! This isn't an exercise, this is some sick game! The only thing that we can do is pick the people that deserve it!" She slammed her fist on Terry's button and waited.

@Reaper @Crono @sitanomoto
"Bet your life? Absolutely!... Not.... Wait yes!... Umm, give me a second..... No, I don't think I would." He replied to Connor. "It's a theory in progress. But also...." He spoke a bit softer and covered his mouth to everyone except Connor. "Tensions are really high. What do we want all of us believing?"
Desimus quickly slips over the door, leaving the others to take care of it as he examines the hallway . He looks over at Fortune and Joseph, and smirks. After analyzing the door, he saw a few niches and gears that could easily be disabled. He walks over to the door, and starts to casually disable the closing mechanism on the back. After a few seconds, the door stops trying to close, but Desimus doesn't tell Joseph or Fortune that he stopped the door, making the two look like fools until they would figure out that he stopped the door.

@Archon @LokiofSP
sitanomoto said:
Terry looked at everyone mourning for their friend's death.
"How could I have been so stupid?" He murmured, tears flooding down his face.

Nevermore, who had calmed down significantly, turned to the other Terry. "You voted him? Good. I suggest everyone else do the same."

She punched Terry's name in.

Terry punched his own name in.

Tony and Pepper didn't put any names in.

Hypnas put her own name in, if it would stop the fighting.

Cassie groggily awoke. Ok... So I'm dead.

Worse things have happened.

But she was in pain.

That shouldn't happen.

Then Mary called out to her and she realized she wasn't dead.

"I'm here!" She called back.

Maybe I'll get to punch Terry in the nose after all.
Hearing Cassie's voice Mary smiled and yelled again.

"That's great!!!! What happened up there!?!"

Augustus suddenly stood up, and started to pound on the floor. The calculators were done in his head, 120,000 pounds of square force is required to bend the hardest steel, tempered. Its expensive, basically paper but a little bigger. Rounding, that would mean that the steel should be around 83,000 newtons of force required to bend. Slap 8 more Zeroes onto that, and Augustus would still be stronger. If all his calculations and assumptions were within the ball park, not only could he rip this entire base down... but figure out that nearly nothing could stop him.

Augustus tried to pry open the floor under him, and see just what it was made of. He asked aloud, "...Are we sure it's another pick who dies? The announcer didn't come on, did she?"
The daughter of Peter Quill and Gamora, sister to Maxton Quill , Aleena Meredith Quill.........was just about having the time of her life. If it weren't for the running of course. But apart from that everything was great. After the larger battle she had gone dark, never even returned to the Tower, and she tended to her own wounds when she finally stopped flying on the other side of the world. It was just what she had planned. Her first stop was Australia, but she was forced to leave after recharging her suit in an old garage towards Alice Springs and taking out some time, due to a small convoy of black cars with her bloody name on it. Next stop was France. Another recharge, couple days of real enjoyment and she was off, nothing went wrong there. And now, she was basicly back where she started. She had landed in America, in the state of California to be exact. Her suit was sitting in a kid's garage, she was passing as a 20 year old every night at the local bars pool table and all connection to the Avengers was lost. Even though that included her brother, and even though she hated it. She needed it more than she knew anyone else did. Her attitude had changed in the short time, she agreed with that, and her features luckily gave nothing away. Like they would care anyways. Once in a while she would have to duck behind a car because those idjits still haven't moved on, but if they hadn't found her now when would they ever? She didn't even carry a phone, and until she decided to leave this town her suit wasn't going to make a pipe.

"Hey Meredith" Aleena looked up at the middle aged man that greeted her and gave an always winning smile. "Rory, goodmorning." Rory nodded. "Breakfast as usual?" Aleena chuckled and took a seat at the bar. "Yeah, breakfast as usual." "Coming right up." Aleena ran a quick hand through her hair and glanced around the bar dhe had walked into for quite a few mornings now. And yes, they serve breakfast. And lunch. And dinner. After a couple minutes waiting Rory returned with Aleena's food. "Breakfast is served." Aleena looked down at her hot pancakes with syrup and grinned. "Nice." Rory chuckled a little himself. "And can I get a whiskey too thanks?" Rory nodded, walking over as Aleena started eating her pancakes. "You know, you have to be the-" A sudden loud gunshot rangout and pierced Rory's chest, his body flingin backwards into broken glass before he went to the floor. Aleena yelped a little and overcome with surprise she jumped right over the bar to get to Rory. She landed next to him and more gunshots hit the boze filled shelves above her, dousing both her and Rory. She checked his pulse, so greatful it hadn't failed, yet, and as more shots ran out she grabbed Rory's Colt on the underside of the bar and made a dash for it. People were screaming and dashing all over, and shots followed Aleena as she ran. Her skills were no less in the time she was dark.

Managing to make it to the door, she flung a wave of spontaneous electrical energy at the car targeting her, and immediately it went up. She fired twice with the Colt at the engine, causing it to burst and made a huge dash for her once place of rest. Her legs were pumping and she was in fleeting mode, trying her god damned best to outrun her attackers.

She literally broke the lock on the kid's garage and was surprised to see he was inside. "Jared!! Get out!! They found me!!" The teenage boy whirled around to face her. "What?!" "Go!! Hide!!" Aleena ran to her suit and Jared was panicking. "Will I ever see you again?!" Aleena detached her suit and started removing her clothes to reveal her skin tight second skin beneath. "I highly doubt it!!" "Meredith!!!" Aleena growled and moved the Colt aside as she stepped into her suit, it feeling cozy again finally. Amelia activated and Aleena spoke to her. "Amy, we have company, send a distress signal." Amy did so, and Aleena was looking over her screen. "Aleena, The Avengers have not been heard from for some time." "What?" "Meredith!!" Aleena looked around to face Jared and she felt a pang of regret. Her helmet went back over her head and she walked over to him, standing just above his height. "I told you to leave." "Will I see you again?!" Aleena furrowed her eyebrows and a little and leaned in, giving Jared a chaste kiss, lingering for a second before she shook her head at him and stepped back. The young man balled his fists and went to make a move towards her when Amy suddenly shouted, her voice brodcasted to both of them. "Air strike!!" Aleena's eyes widened and she dove for Jared but they were hit between them and both teens went backwards full force. Aleena had her suit, Jared didn't, and you can guess what happened after that.

Aleena woke with a start, her body in great pain and her usual clothing stripped of her. She couldn't see anything due to a tight blind fold over her face, but there was a colar at her neck, she couldn't use her powers and she was lying down. Her hands were held down by obvious cold metal braces and so were her feet. She didn't feel right at all and she spoke up, she could tell she had been crying. "Oi!! Where the hell am I. And why can't I see anything!?!~" She was silenced by a bolt of electricity to her side, which would usually make her stronger. She hated it. It hurt and it felt unnatural. Letting out a small scream whoever it was that was still above her and wheeling her around, continued with the shocks. Most anybody would be able to hear her, wherever she was. "God damnit!!! STOP!!" Whoever it was they were laughing, but it wasn't human, she could tell.

@Steel Zinogre ((Ta-Da!))

((I don't know who else to tag, or what the bloody hell that button mashing is up there, so uh...I'll just leave this here...))

((Happy Holiday's!!))
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Sage got out of bed and left his room before going to the bathroom. After taking a bath and brushing his teeth he went to his room to get clothes and went down stairs to the kitchen. He was instantly tackled by his two little sisters while Billy , his father , feed his baby brother. Sage barely kept standing as his sisters clung to his shirt.
Finn watched as people angrily voted for Terry to be the next. He shook his head sadly and voted for himself again, refusing to be the reason someone died. Or were they wrong and like Dimitri said nobody was in fact dying. Still. He cleared his throat. "By voting for Terry you're doing the same thing he did when he voted for Cassie. You made a choice that's going to cause an outcome that we shouldn't be choosing for our friends to face. Sure we're mad at him. But heroes don't kill." He looked at the spot where Cassie had been. @Steel Zinogre @Newtype @Reaper @Pink Gorilla @hudhouse @LucianGrey7971 @Pyosimros @Yngwie Schutz @LokiofSP
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Boss just walked over to the machine again and voted for herself. "There is no need for Terry to be the one who dies next. I am old and the rest of you still have many years left. Some of you have family and friends to go back to. You should't break up Terry and his family anymore than they already are. Now stop acting like immature children and be reasonable!" She said and leaned against the wall. @Anyone in the first room
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Jordan continued lying there, eyes closed, meditating. This shouldn't be a problem, if they had truly wanted them dead they'd have killed them instead of knocking them out. So where were the idiot Stark and that other person. "All these questions and very few answers~" he said aloud too no-one in particular "Hmmm so what is the correct question to ask~"

An invisible tapping could be felt on Desimus' shoulder as the 'Coward' that Jordan had referred to was finally starting to make his move. Alex wasn't lucky or anything, the aliens didn't seem all that intent on finding him so he just went camouflage and followed them. This one may have been a loud mouth and unnecessarily violent, but if anyone could help Tech get that collar off..it was this guy.

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No sentries made themselves known so Eldkatla turned back to the door. This group is a travesty. With what seemed like half rushing to hold the door and the other half trying to fit themselves through the gap, the sight would in any other situation be ridiculous. She sighed and hid her head in her hand, before straightening up and taking a breath, running her hand through her hair. "If I had the power to do as such I would not be here anymore." Seeing what Desimus was doing from the corner of her eye she continued. "Luckily for us all, you may already be stronger than you know." Twirling the ring on her finger she looked around at where they more closely, as the prospect of freedom became more tangible she was beginning to take the situation more seriously.
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"Technically I never voted~" Jordan interjected "And calm the hell down Mercer...things may not be as bleak as they look...PRETTY bleak...but something is off...ever so slightly..."
Room 1:

Connor let out a huff as he pulled his leg back into his circle, he didn't plan to step over the line no matter what Dimitri had said. He just wanted the speedster to take a second and think about what he was saying, that this wasn't real? That Cassie wasn't dead? Sure it can give people hope, but others could take the leap over the line to find out. And that wouldn't do anyone good, just cause more death.

Augustus was on his rampage again and if Connor could get to him and hit him or throw something at him he would. "Yeah I see you trying to rip the floor up, what happens when you suddenly go below that circle and that collar kills you? Did ya think of that genius? We have to play the game to buy some damn time, you think anyone here likes it? Don't berate us for it."

He could talk the talk, but staring at the screen where he had to vote he felt like he was going to be sick. There was no way to know who everyone had voted for....but from the sounds of things Terry was getting hit hard with votes after the fallout of Cassie's death. Boss had made her case, but she had a family as well, the girls would never forgive them if they killed their adoptive mother. Connor wanted desperately to just vote for himself, it was the easy way out, but he'd done that last time and Cassie had died because of it. Reaching out a slow and hesitant hand towards the screen he tapped the woman's name with regret, she had a point and had her reasons.
Crono said:
Room 1:
Connor let out a huff as he pulled his leg back into his circle, he didn't plan to step over the line no matter what Dimitri had said. He just wanted the speedster to take a second and think about what he was saying, that this wasn't real? That Cassie wasn't dead? Sure it can give people hope, but others could take the leap over the line to find out. And that wouldn't do anyone good, just cause more death.

Augustus was on his rampage again and if Connor could get to him and hit him or throw something at him he would. "Yeah I see you trying to rip the floor up, what happens when you suddenly go below that circle and that collar kills you? Did ya think of that genius? We have to play the game to buy some damn time, you think anyone here likes it? Don't berate us for it."

He could talk the talk, but staring at the screen where he had to vote he felt like he was going to be sick. There was no way to know who everyone had voted for....but from the sounds of things Terry was getting hit hard with votes after the fallout of Cassie's death. Boss had made her case, but she had a family as well, the girls would never forgive them if they killed their adoptive mother. Connor wanted desperately to just vote for himself, it was the easy way out, but he'd done that last time and Cassie had died because of it. Reaching out a slow and hesitant hand towards the screen he tapped the woman's name with regret, she had a point and had her reasons.
"Look, I know we lost people today. I feel a lot of grief myself. But we need to get our heads in the game here, and think like one mind. Multiple heads are way better than one." Azazel said as he looked at Dimitri. "And he is right, think of this as an exercise. And one that we are failing right now." He said as he looked at everyone else. "Connor, I need you too. Afterall, you are the son of the First Avenger." He said with a smile. @Crono @LokiofSP @sitanomoto @Reaper @National @anyonelse

The girl laughed at Azazel, "Am exercise? Really gonna put your money on that huh? If you're so confident, why don't you step over that red cirle huh? Show us there's nothing to be afraid of!" It was clear the girl wasn't thinking straight, otherwise she wouldn't have said this, but this was life or death in her eyes, and she didn't want to die yet.

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
The girl laughed at Azazel, "Am exercise? Really gonna put your money on that huh? If you're so confident, why don't you step over that red cirle huh? Show us there's nothing to be afraid of!" It was clear the girl wasn't thinking straight, otherwise she wouldn't have said this, but this was life or death in her eyes, and she didn't want to die yet.

@Steel Zinogre
"If you insist." He said as he stepped on the circle, but saw nothing happened. "Nothing to fear." He said with a smug smile. @LokiofSP (honestly, I have no idea what the circle is supposed to do.)
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"If you insist." He said as he stepped on the circle, but saw nothing happened. "Nothing to fear." He said with a smug smile. @Steel Zinogre @Room1

Room 1:

Connor smiled back at Azazel, the boys smile was warm, and his words we're as well. That Connor was needed? It felt good to hear though with their current situation he never felt more helpless and useless, he felt more useful against Thanos. "Thanks Az." Then Sarah was going off, and Connor expected Azazel to rub it off but instead the boy stepped off the circle and Connor's mouth dropped...then so did Az.

"Why the hell would you go and tell him to do that!?" Connor shouted at the girl.

@Steel Zinogre @LokiofSP

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