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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

LokiofSP said:
(Sorry man, I know you want Maxton to find her, but I actually planned this event out (Big surprise) along with the base. Going left not only doesn't bring you to the holding cells, but there is no t-intersection. I didn't want to be a huge stickler for what you do and do not see, but finding something as major as the holding cells isn't something I can let you just do. Try the @National route and just say where you go and I'll give you the first thing you see, from there you can generally do what you want)
(I made it so maxton waits for desimus, so he will follow.)
Desimus could only hold in his laughter before sneaking up behind the two. Desimus quickly slams his fist into the blonde haired guys face, knocking him out before kneeing the brown haired guys chin, rattling his brain unconscious. He searches the two men for maybe a key for these stupid collars, but finds nothing of a sort. Desimus only chuckles as he picks up the map.

"Checkmate kid."

He flips open the map, quickly analyzing it before scanning the rest of the break room. Suddenly, Desimus found a god send. He could not believe it. This would definitely solve all their problems! Desimus grabs the beautiful object in front of him, and takes it our of its packaging. He puts the Hot Pocket into the microwave, waiting for it to cook. After exactly a minute and forty five seconds, Desimus takes out the steaming pizza before following the map to the Avengers. Sneaking past guards, he follows the map to what seemed to be an intersection. The only thing Desimus was worried about was if he was being watched. (@Steel Zinogre Desimus kinda left the group and went his own way. He went the entirely different way so your post would not fit.)
National said:
Desimus could only hold in his laughter before sneaking up behind the two. Desimus quickly slams his fist into the blonde haired guys face, knocking him out before kneeing the brown haired guys chin, rattling his brain unconscious. He searches the two men for maybe a key for these stupid collars, but finds nothing of a sort. Desimus only chuckles as he picks up the map.
"Checkmate kid."

He flips open the map, quickly analyzing it before scanning the rest of the break room. Suddenly, Desimus found a god send. He could not believe it. This would definitely solve all their problems! Desimus grabs the beautiful object in front of him, and takes it our of its packaging. He puts the Hot Pocket into the microwave, waiting for it to cook. After exactly a minute and forty five seconds, Desimus takes out the steaming pizza before following the map to the Avengers. Sneaking past guards, he follows the map to what seemed to be an intersection. The only thing Desimus was worried about was if he was being watched. (@Steel Zinogre Desimus kinda left the group and went his own way. He went the entirely different way so your post would not fit.)
(Sigh...... I just cannot win..... )
National said:
Desimus could only hold in his laughter before sneaking up behind the two. Desimus quickly slams his fist into the blonde haired guys face, knocking him out before kneeing the brown haired guys chin, rattling his brain unconscious. He searches the two men for maybe a key for these stupid collars, but finds nothing of a sort. Desimus only chuckles as he picks up the map.
"Checkmate kid."

He flips open the map, quickly analyzing it before scanning the rest of the break room. Suddenly, Desimus found a god send. He could not believe it. This would definitely solve all their problems! Desimus grabs the beautiful object in front of him, and takes it our of its packaging. He puts the Hot Pocket into the microwave, waiting for it to cook. After exactly a minute and forty five seconds, Desimus takes out the steaming pizza before following the map to the Avengers. Sneaking past guards, he follows the map to what seemed to be an intersection. The only thing Desimus was worried about was if he was being watched. (@Steel Zinogre Desimus kinda left the group and went his own way. He went the entirely different way so your post would not fit.)
(Gonna just tell ya now, since you do have a map, Ima tell you that there's a huge a basement where they're being held filled with guards and crap, going it alone wouldn't be his best bet, but it's in character to try I guess :P )
Desimus's keen ears pick up footsteps from behind him, and he quickly turns around, his hands clenched into fists to pound the guard behind him. He sighs in relief to see it was just another of the people from the second room.

"Good, you're not another idiot guard. I'm guessing you're also here to help the Avengers?"

He clenches the map, keeping it close to his side.

Fortune looked from left to right and noticed that Desimus had left. She began to get red in the face, "That ASSHOLE! Come on! We're gonna find him and help him, whether he likes it or not!" She grabbed Joseph and gestured for others to follow as she attempted to run down the right hallway.

@Steel Zinogre @Lemoncakes @Crono
LokiofSP said:
Fortune looked from left to right and noticed that Desimus had left. She began to get red in the face, "That ASSHOLE! Come on! We're gonna find him and help him, whether he likes it or not!" She grabbed Joseph and gestured for others to follow as she attempted to run down the right hallway.

@Steel Zinogre @Lemoncakes @Crono
maxton followed fortune, and hoped to find a way to aleena. "Hey.... could you help me get my sister..... when we get to that point?" he asked fortune, he expected her to still be angry with him, and waited her answer as he followed her.
LokiofSP said:
Fortune looked from left to right and noticed that Desimus had left. She began to get red in the face, "That ASSHOLE! Come on! We're gonna find him and help him, whether he likes it or not!" She grabbed Joseph and gestured for others to follow as she attempted to run down the right hallway.

@Steel Zinogre @Lemoncakes @Crono
"Yeaaah. Or not." Carter stated then abruptly started walking in the exact opposite direction, they could do their thing, and die hopefully. And he'd go find an exit....or something.
Desimus nods, putting his hands up.

"When you get stripped away from your kingdom, stressing every single second about tons of other things while also trying to find a way to break out the worlds strongest force of super heroes out of a weird whatever this is, you start to miss a few important details. And also, for some unknown reason, I haven't cussed you out and try to kill you. What's your name kid."

Desimus turns around, looking at the young shy girl he saw before. She watches her walk over to then, and Desimus nods to her.

"How nice, we got a little group now. Let's not waste time, cuz time kills."

"Wouldn't dream of wasting time. After you!" She said as she motioned forward. She wasn't sure what the plan is, and she was hoping Desmius would go so she could follow his lead.
Desimus nods as he pulls out the map, quickly reading it before he grins viciously.

"A basement, huh? That sounds like something that could hold alotta promise. Let's go."

Desimus quickly trots down the hall before looking over at Alex, signalling that he was waiting for his answer.

@Reaper @LucianGrey7971
Sage bought his siblings back home after playing with them in the park. He went to his room and layer on his bed before promptly falling asleep. He awoke in the second room.His purple eyes opened he was instantly on his feet with a rapier he had created when he realised that he wasn't in his bedroom.

Aleena kicked at the wall in front of her and her neck strained a little in pain. It felt almost like her colar was getting tighter around her neck. She hissed in pain as she still had no avail in attempting to use her powers, and she cursed at herself. Her captors still hadn't removed her nice and tight blindfold and now her hands were bound, but they were slowly being removed with Aleena's strength and pull. She was in a plain t-shirt and grey sweats, barefoot, and sweating like crazy too in her stark white room. There was a light, yes, but it would flicker badly everytime she tried to use her power, so that was a good sign at least. Right?

Her bottom was starting to get flat, she could tell, and what state her hair was in now, she did not know. It felt like a bun, but a messy and sweaty bun.

it was in Aleena's best interest though to shout out as she did. She didn't care who heard, well, unless the others were there, then great let them hear, but her captors she could care so much less about.

OI!!!! Can one of you crack-heads, please!! Get this thing off me!! I swear to god i'm gonna rip all your throats out if you touched my suit!! And Amy too!!!"

She had absolutely o idea where she was. The door had one small window and there was only such thing as a double sided window. But no furniture.


@Steel Zinogre


@I Dunno

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"His name is Recon" Tech said to Desimus, she was flanked by the big man Emile who was holding a n unconscious guard by his face. "Did you bring the tools Rec?" Recon nervously produced a few electrical tools and a mirror.
Room 1

Finn looked nervously at the large machine in the center. They had to be getting close now to the five minute mark. They had talked a lot about getting out of there but they hadn't actually started trying to figure that out yet. Gently he ran his fingers along the safe side of the red death area he was in, seeing if there was any sort of groove or notch that he could use to disturb the circle. Having gone all of the way around and finding nothing he gently reached up to his collar. They had gotten them on the teens without killing them which means that there had to be a way to get them off. He decided to not think about the fact that there could be a key needed or the power to them might have to be shut off. Having no idea how much messing with this thing could cause death, Finn was very careful with his examinations. Sure it was risky but experiments always were.

Trying not to tug on it he ran his fingers along it once again trying to find a way to get it off. After that probing he moved to the voting podium. This one, he deemed, would be a little more tricky. They knew nothing about the podium. Examining it he, once again, looked for some way to pry it from the ground without outright yanking it. If they could get them out naybe they could launch them from their sections and throw it at death machine or maybe disrupt the circles around themselves or something.

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @Reaper @Pink Gorilla @hudhouse @LucianGrey7971 @Pyosimros @Yngwie Schutz @LokiofSP @The Regal Rper
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Augustus lifted up the dagger and collar, looking towards Finn while he did the same. Well, the more the merrier! Augustus jabbed the dagger into his own neck, but did wince in pain. He chopped a thin layer of his flesh right next to the collar open, and slotted in the metal. IF his plan worked correctly, the steel would conduct the energy used by the collar to limit his powers, and he would shape shift his way out of it. He kept the dagger in the collar towards the nape of the neck, which should allow him to think a little more clearly.

(I am going to make a post about Helga and brute, just because.) Brute awakens as Helga looked at the window of the room they were in. The collar on her preventing slime from being produced on her fists. Brute gets up, and looks around, he felt slightly nervous and fearful about being locked in a room, with nothing to eat. This triggered a flashback from when he was with AIM. this angered him, and he started to glow, but the collar on him prevented and explosive powder from escaping his claws. He ran at the window at full speed, and crashed, the window unbroken, but his nose cracked. The sound of the crash echoed throughout the halls, but not loud enough to be heard from the entire base. He growled as he looked at the window, it felt like his worst nightmare. @LokiofSP @National @BeamMeUpScotty @sitanomoto
Dimitri typed his own name in the console, mumbling to himself. "Well we can find out if it's real now, can't we?"
This decision was simply down to the lesser of the evils. Briefly looking back to the room they had woken in she accepted that the time to be clever was over though she didn't necessarily resent them that, if her life was so fleeting she would be more prone to this rash escape 'plan'. She also didn't necessarily resent helping them but this was not a chaos she enjoyed. One corridor held a distant boy with a too familiar look in the eye, the next the King had stormed down with the others following in toe, and the last was empty. After looking down the empty corridor briefly Eldkatla simply rolled her eyes and walked down the busiest corridor instead. She fell in line behind them and while her manner was more light-hearted the way she moved was practically predatory with silent footfalls and a cat-like slink. "So what is it you intend to find? For I do not believe we'll see a sign reading 'Avengers here! Saviors welcome!' Though that does also raise the question - what is everyone's thoughts on murder in our current situation?" Some things were best just to clarify in advance. Whilst the last guard had escaped with an admittedly major injury but also their life she wasn't willing to extend all the same courtesy.
(Sorry but I'm realizing this room is a bust :P , I think Ima move it along for sake of interest)

The Office:

The woman drummed her fingers. The Avengers were so keen on protecting each other, that no matter how bad it got, most refused to vote. It was commendable really, but it couldn't be like this. The flames were stoked, this was it, she pressed a button on her desk, and the one with the most votes, Terry Stark, was shocked and dragged down to the holding cells. She then pressed a button on her comms, "They're ready, make a noise, commotion, just don't get to close..."

The Room:

The machine suddenly jolted into action, making various noises until a bolt of electricity hit Terry, drops him. Not even two seconds after he was taken, there was a rush of clamor outside as the room itself began to shake, before a feeling of crashing down at hundreds of miles per hour came upon them! They moved and jerked from left to right, until eventually, they stopped suddenly.

Minutes passed and talking could be heard outside, things like, "Are you sure this is the right one?" and "Get it open now!" Followed by heavy banging on the door followed. Just then, a piece of metal burst and men in S.W.A.T uniforms came rushing in to 'help' the Avengers. As they knelt down next to them, the strange gas filled the room once more, putting everybody to sleep.

(Now we can get to the part I was REALLY hoping for

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @CasualDragon @Reaper @Pink Gorilla @hudhouse @LucianGrey7971 @Pyosimros @LokiofS

You guys can post reactions if you want, round two should be less slow...Maybe

Depends on how active people are as a whole.)

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