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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Desimus snarls as he sees that Miranda got knocked out by the tanquilizer. However, Desimus was always so riddled with alcohol and other chemicals, and also his adamantium body helped him stay awake. He grabs Miranda, knocking out more guards along the way. He dives behind a wall with her in his arm, using the wall as cover.

"I came here for a reason oh great Asgardian sh** talker. I have great confidence that the solution to our collars is down this corridor. Unless you are too much of a coward without your powers to protect you? Does it scare you to feel mortal? Well toughen up. Just fight it out."

@Reaper @Lemoncakes @Archon @LokiofSP
Cassie huffed irritatedly but stopped attacking Terry.

Terry, clutching his bleeding nose, glared at Cassie. "I will if she does."

Cassie stuck out her tongue.

Terry stuck out his back and then spat when blood dripped down onto his tongue. "Oh, gross! Yuck!! Oh god that's disgusting!"

"Ha-Ha," Cassie said, smiling haughtily.

"Why I oughta-"

"Shut UP!" Cassie said, moving around Azazel and engaging in a slap fight with Terry to keep blood from getting on her hands.

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sitanomoto said:
Cassie huffed irritatedly but stopped attacking Terry.
Terry, clutching his bleeding nose, glared at Cassie. "I will if she does."

Cassie stuck out her tongue.

Terry stuck out his back and then spat when blood dripped down onto his tongue. "Oh, gross! Yuck!! Oh god that's disgusting!"

"Ha-Ha," Cassie said, smiling haughtily.

"Why I oughta-"

"Shut UP!" Cassie said, moving around Azazel and engaging in a slap fight with Terry to keep blood from getting on her hands.

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"ENOUGH!!" Azazel shouted, he huffs and started to shake as he grew really angry. "ALL YOU HAVE DONE IS ARGUE AND FIGHT!! YOU CALL YOURSELVES HEROES, BUT YOU ACT LIKE CHILDREN!!" he shouted, his pupils narrowing into slits as he tried to keep calm. "Now you know why I try to keep calm...... Because of things like this...... It pisses me off more than it does Finn. Keep it up, and your throats will have slits in them." he said as he turned his back on them, not believing what he had just said. He went from severely angry, to rock bottom sadness as soon as he went into a corner of the room, and put his head between his knees. "I'm..... sorry about that.....just.....stop fighting..... please..." he said, sounding as if he were begging them to stop. @sitanomoto
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"I had nothing of use taken from me, just a phone and-" her hand rested on the hollow of her neck "my pendant." That was understandable, knowing who she was they would be wise to remove anything looking remotely alien, and they were right too. She mostly kept the norn stone as a token but it may be enough to suppress the restrictions of the collar. Or alternatively if they were able to remove the collars first she may be able to trace the magical energy back to wherever their effects were held... "We would not pass by one room in preference of the other; whichever we are able to find first we will use to find the next." Just as he was beginning to seem not to be the fool he presented himself as he began to spiral downwards as he thought. "Just prove to be more useful than a frog and we should have little problems."

Just then she caught the faint shout of Desimus over the sound of battle and resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "He may be right, but I refuse to believe both the access to our freedom and our stolen weaponry would be stored near each other. Considering the speed they will be progressing we will have time to give the remaining corridors a search, even if briefly."

Alex looked at all the people and furrowed his brow "...Too many..." he said and camouflaged himself again. Tech shook her head and his the tools before jumping into the fray. Small and frail as she looked, she was still Taskmaster's daughter...something the guards were finding out
The Office:

The woman watched in silence as the remaining Avengers were taken care of. They were quickly given different memories and their collars turned a degree down. They could use their powers now...To a lesser extent. But still they could.

Minutes passed as they got to work moving the Avengers into different rooms and by the time they were done, they were in rooms that looked like broken roads, complete with fake blood and overturned cars. The woman cleared her throat and began to speak to each Avenger individually.

"Oh my god... We're so sorry, we know that *Insert name here* was close to you, but you're our only hope now, please take care of them."




welcome to round two ladies and germs!The concept of this round is simple! Kill the people you love (Well I mean, knockout, if you want to die though I guess you can kill...)! Also! They may have been injected with a pheromone that makes them paranoid. So they would legitimately think the person they're fighting did something unforgivable.

And yes, you do have powers, but only to an extent! For example: If you're power is to teleport from place to place, in this situation you'd only be able to teleport ten feet at most. Basically, your powers should be VERY limited so your opponent has a chance. The typical, no god-modding and no auto-hitting apply.

This'll close out when there are five losers, so yeah...Besides that you can do whatever

If you have any questions just PM me...Or talk to me in OOC...Either works.

Anyways, the fights!

Tony vs Pepper @Steel Zinogre

Hypnas vs Dimitri @Steel Zinogre @Steel Zinogre @Newtype @Steel Zinogre @Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto

Tell me if I missed you :)
Dimitri slowly awakened and looked up to see Lisa laying on the asphalt. He balled his fists in rage and slammed them into the ground. "Why... Why.... Why?!??" He remembered the avengers splayed about with guns in their hands. They had taken their own life. She made them do it. He growled and tried to heat up, only making himself glow a dull red.

Harry leaned on a car to get to his feet. He looked up to see Sally down the street. A spider person did kill his father, but in his mind it was her. In a fit of rage, he ripped the door off of the car and threw it at Sally like a frisbee.

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto
@The Regal Rper

Sage looked around and instantly glared with fury. He thought Jack had killed his siblings. He summoned a rapier in his hand and charged forward as small shards of ice appeared and shoot at Jack.
Reaper said:
Dimitri slowly awakened and looked up to see Lisa laying on the asphalt. He balled his fists in rage and slammed them into the ground. "Why... Why.... Why?!??" He remembered the avengers splayed about with guns in their hands. They had taken their own life. She made them do it. He growled and tried to heat up, only making himself glow a dull red.
Harry leaned on a car to get to his feet. He looked up to see Sally down the street. A spider person did kill his father, but in his mind it was her. In a fit of rage, he ripped the door off of the car and threw it at Sally like a frisbee.

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto
Sally turned, and saw a car flying at her. She jumped over the car, and webbed it. But she missed, since her movement was too fast to aim properly with. She looked around, and saw harry. In her mind, he was working with Harriet Osborne.
Harry leapt at Sally to meet her in the air with a kick. He didn't have his gadget, gliders, or even his trusty smartwatch so his chances were slim. But he wanted her dead. @Steel Zinogre
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Reaper said:
Harry leapt at Sally to meet her in the air with a kick. He didn't have his gadget, gliders, or even his trusty smartwatch so his chances were slim. But he wanted her dead. @Steel Zinogre
"What the hell?!" she exclaimed as she got angry, she tried to slash at him, but missed several times. "Never thought I'd see you working with the witches of my dimension! Just give it up, and I will assure you a padded room." she said.
Finn awoke to hear a woman speaking and there was a pain in his arm. Looking down it seemed like he had been injected with two or three things. Tetanus shot? Flu shot? He couldn't figure it out. Looking up he gasped and pushed himself backwards a little bit away from what he saw. Overturned cars and blood everywhere. And he knew just who did it too based on what the woman had told him. Augustus had done it. But would Augustus really do something like this? He didn't seem like that kind of person and Finn had faith that he wasn't a bad guy. But something made his veins rush and the spot where he had his injections pounded like crazy. He felt the need for blood. He pushed himself to his feet and walked a few feet forward before cupping his hands around his mouth. "Where are you Augustus? I thought we could be friends. I thought that there was the chance that you would join us. I believed that you could change even when nobody else seemed to think that you could. I see now that you can't though."

His mind had only one thing on it and that was death. He had to kill Augustus. He wanted to kill Augustus. The longer he stood there the more enraged he became. Slowly he started to laugh and bent over with his hands on his knees. He laughed until tears leaked from his eyes and he was standing upright again clutching his sides. His skin took a greenish tint and he started to grow but drastically stopped. Looking at himself he was not even a quarter of what he should be. At first it made him even more upset to see how he looked, but then he started laughing again. He looked up and around for Augustus his eyes crazed from some sort of drug that had been pumped into him. "Actually. Maybe I did all of this. And you know what. It feels so... good. The next smear of blood on the ground will be yours. I'll rip you limb from limb and bathe in your blood. And I'll enjoy every second of it. Maybe once we're done here I'll go and find some of the people that you care about and I'll kill them too. Find some of my old friends and end their pathetic lives. But first I'm going to destroy you Augustus. Make you wish you had never been born." Crazed Finn stumbled around looking for Augustus.

Maniac awoke with a start. He couldn't remember anything at the moment, just vague things that may or may not have happened involving the past few months. Those fragments aside Maniac had one especially clear memory that reminded him of his past. The experiments. Hearing a shout as he stood up in a less than decent room, Maniac barely managed to stumble dodge ice shards that came at him.

Once he finally got his senses together Maniac, stared at Sage trying to figure out who he was and what he was even doing. A thought wormed it's way in his head. Practice.

"Another test huh?" he thought looking around for the cameras or two-way glass. "Alright kid" he said grinning at Sage. "Bring it."

Sage slashed at Maniac with extremely fast footwork and the intent to kill that obvious didn't belong in a trains session. " Dis. " he yelled as all his logical thoughts disappeared and were replaced by rage as he kept slashing.

@The Regal Rper
Reaper said:
Dimitri slowly awakened and looked up to see Lisa laying on the asphalt. He balled his fists in rage and slammed them into the ground. "Why... Why.... Why?!??" He remembered the avengers splayed about with guns in their hands. They had taken their own life. She made them do it. He growled and tried to heat up, only making himself glow a dull red.
Harry leaned on a car to get to his feet. He looked up to see Sally down the street. A spider person did kill his father, but in his mind it was her. In a fit of rage, he ripped the door off of the car and threw it at Sally like a frisbee.

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto
Hypnas awoke and looked at Dimitri, Rage in her eyes.

"You.... You killed them.... All of them... " she mumbled, trying to clear her head. "HOW DARE YOU!!!" She jumped up and sprinted with all of the speed she could muster, picking up a piece of asphalt from the ground. She hurled it at him with all her might.

"You betrayed your friends to Hydra!! You!!! Of all people!!"
Maniac dodged with ease. Being an assassin for years gives you experience. Dodging anger filled slashes is all. Seeing an opportunity Maniac simply moved in between one of the attacks got up close to Sage smiled at him then slapped his face gently. "Going to need to calm down kid. I don't know if the head scientist hired you but you're not doing a good job at challenging me kid"

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Harry put his feet on her back and pushed downwards in an attempt to rocket her to the ground. "You spiders even wisecrack the same."

Dimitri slowed down time with his mind. The woman running towards him wasn't standing practically still like she normally would've, but it was slow enough. He ducked the piece of debris and walked toward her at a normal pace, trying his best to raise his temperature as he went.

@Steel Zinogre
Reaper said:
Harry put his feet on her back and pushed downwards in an attempt to rocket her to the ground. "You spiders even wisecrack the same."
Dimitri slowed down time with his mind. The woman running towards him wasn't standing practically still like she normally would've, but it was slow enough. He ducked the piece of debris and walked toward her at a normal pace, trying his best to raise his temperature as he went.

@Steel Zinogre
"Oh you did not...!" she said as she went in for more swings of her scythe like hands, but missed. She then webbed him up in one shot, but little did she know that the webbing was significantly weaker than before, allowing harry to escape.
Jordan looked at the blood in his hands and slowly looked up at Laxus. "...you...this is what you do? You betrayed us all, we we're friends and you betrayed us for HYDRA?!" Flames jumped across Jordan's arms and he jumped at Laxus

He tore away the webbing on his way to the ground, landing awkwardly but avoiding injury. "She is weaker. Too bad I am too. Why exactly?" He thought to himself. @Steel Zinogre
LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan looked at the blood in his hands and slowly looked up at Laxus. "...you...this is what you do? You betrayed us all, we we're friends and you betrayed us for HYDRA?!" Flames jumped across Jordan's arms and he jumped at Laxus
"Bastard." Laxus uttered quietly as he looked around at the dead bodies of the Avengers. "My comrades, who my father died protecting. Who I had chosen to aid in honor of his memory. I knew I should have killed him, all those months ago I should have destroyed him along with the Phoenix. Now the Avengers are dead because I didn't kill him. But now I will, I shall be their Avenger. I shall claim not revenge, not vengeance, but Reveagence!" Laxus thundered as the winds picked up, the rode iced over, and the sky became clouded with black storm clouds and red lightning.

Laxus summoned his Asgardian armor, a piece of the ground broke of to his hand and he transmuted it into a black blade composed of a compound of Graphene, vibranium, and adamantium. He began glow red as he prepared to carve up that bird brain. Phoenix or whatever, he was going to kill him like a thanksgiving turkey in the old days. Laxus used esoteric winds to nullify Jordan's flames. Then six bolts of red lightning arced down from the sky aimed for Jordan.

Maniac winced the shards of ice stabbing his feet. But soon enough that wince turned into a slightly twisted smile. Pulling his feet out from under the shards Maniac ignored the pain which had slowly begun to heal and began walking towards Sage. His smile still live. "Now you're getting serious kid, let's have some fun" @djinnamon
Reaper said:
He tore away the webbing on his way to the ground, landing awkwardly but avoiding injury. "She is weaker. Too bad I am too. Why exactly?" He thought to himself. @Steel Zinogre
"Well.... we both are weak.... but we have an equal chance.... how peculiar." She thought as venom dripped from her mouth, literally. a bright yellow liquid dripped from her mouth, and she smiled. "I've got more bite than you do, Goblin." she said with a chuckle.
Perry Parker

I'm awake. Cold floor in my 'casual' wear doesn't help.

"Where am I?" Perry groaned as he slowly rose from the ground. It was New York City. Blood everywhere, destruction everywhere. His headquarters, reduced to rubble. Perry wasn't sure if this was real, but the easiest way to check, via his suit, wasn't exactly an option. All he knew, was that Cindy did this. Probably out of spite for the lack of attention he gave her. Coincidentally, Cindy was in front of him. "Look. There are a lot of things I can excuse. But however, I can't forgive you for this. I'm sorry, but I'm turning you in, with a suit or not," Perry said over to Cindy. This is the time the other person would strike, so Perry prepared himself.

@Steel Zinogre

Terry Fitzgerald

Terry opened his eyes and looked around the torn up city. Not that he cared, New York City hasn't been his home for a long time. But what set him off, was the files he discovered. Turns out, Sarah was the cause of the alien ship he was in to explode, killing everyone onboard. Everyone but him. "As much as our partnership was good, blowing up a bunch of people. My friends. I can't let it happen again!" He shouted, his helmet was back, but he felt like he wasn't at full power. It didn't matter, it probably wouldn't take a lot to beat up a spider person anyways. Charging at her, he started up a concussive blast to hopefully knock her out.


Cassandra Thompson

Blood splatters, ruined city, Cassandra was familiar with this setting. And she would guess that Boss was as well. Her symbiote returned to her, but she could tell that it was weak. Boss did something to it, and she probably did other evil things behind Cassandra's back. She had a respect for Boss, but that respect was long gone. "I'm sorry, with all due respect, I'm taking you out," She said calmly. She can't succumb to rage, or she's no good as the person she's fighting.

@Pink Gorilla
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