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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Fortune pivoted and put a finger in Desimus's face, "Because they were people! You can kill people with powers, you can kill people who can f*****g defend themselves, but the moment you slaughter regular people who can't hurt you, esspcialy ones using non-lethal force, then I get pissed. Look around, each one of these bodies on the floor had a story and people who cared about them. Who are you to rip them from those people?! That's f*****g terrible!"

Desimus grabs her finger, pushing her arm aside as he steps in, getting close to her.

"They have tried to strip away our freedom! Who told them that they could use us, experiment on us?! We are also humans, and we also have rights! Maybe, since your freedom has never been risked before, you can relate! I have had to fight for my kingdoms freedom for centuries! For years, they always been suppressed by the outer world! I can relate to what is happening! Once you are stripped down to being a slave, then you can tell me if these people were innocent!"

Fortune growled at Desimus and hardens her glare.

"You have powers, it's your fucking job to protect those who don't. Maybe you never had a time when you weren't like this, but I did, and I can tell you that there's no worse feeling than seeing somebody who's on a level you could never even HOPE to reach come after you...My brother was killed by a super powered asshole, my dad was decommissioned by one! You guys treat normal people like dogs, annoyances that you don't bother sacrificing..."

She pulled away and began to walk from the boy, "No person would hurt people the way you all do...Maybe you are just animals..."

"It is NOT our job to protect anyone..." Alex appeared near Desimus Abe continued speaking "Nature's law: survival of the fittest...where were your words when mutants were hunted down and killed for having powers? Where were your words my family was burned for harboring a mutant? You think you're the only one with tragedies? You're nothing more than a self centered person who's letting the fear and hatred of those who do wrong influence the views on all others...you say we treat normal people like dogs? Normal people treat us like TOOLS. If I help its because I want to...I have no responsibility to the likes of you...Some powered humans suck...that's a fact but that's still just human nature...no different than regular humans. Humans lie, steal, murder and persecute...but WE should be held to a higher standard of conduct for having powers when crime came LONG before any mutant discovered there powers?"

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sitanomoto said:
Dazzle grinned. "Bravo big guy. You absolutely saved the day." Her collar fell off and she sighed contentedly.

Tony and Pepper, who had been at each other's throats, suddenly stopped.

"Tony..." Pepper had a big gash below her eye.

"Pep...." He had a black eye and a big bruise on his neck.

They kissed.


Terry and Cassie, who had stopped fighting when the doors to their cell opened. "Sorry...."

"Me too, Cass."

Cassie turned to Azazel and walked over to him, sitting down next to him and putting an arms around his shoulder.
"I'm sorry Cassie....... For what I have said......" He said as he looked at her. "I just got tired of the constant conflict....." He said as he looked at her, and then at terry.
@djinnamon The doors shatter, and an opening appears after the ice shards pierce through a part of the wall. Climbing through Maniac motions for Sage to follow as he begins walking down an empty hall. "If we're in here the others are bound to be here somewhere. That and I want my suit back, along with teleportation belt Deadpool gave me"
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Sage smirked , practically feeling his ego growing slightly. He followed Maniac quickly and looked around before turning to Maniac. " Yeah I want some payback for them making me think you killed my siblings. By the way sorry for attacking you. " he said as he walked along side Maniac.

@The Regal Rper
Shrugging the apology away,Maniac kept moving. "It's fine, mistakes happen. Besides not the first time someone's tried killing me for doing a friend or relative in, it happens. For now let's focus on getting these collars off and finding the others."


(Not sure if the whole collar thing comes off for everyone or just those removing theirs.) @LokiofSP
Sage raised an eyebrow. " So you are a assassin. " he asked as he folded his arms and looked at Maniac. He really wanted to get home but this Maniac guy is interesting so he'll stick around for now.

(They come off by themselves and which page in the character sigh up tab is maniac on?)

@The Regal Rper
Laughing at Joseph's disorientation, Eldkatla went on to follow the signal she had followed here. "Strong to you." She paused in front of one box and with a smirk opened the lid and pulled out her necklace, which she slipped over her head, and her phone, which disappeared from her palm after that. "I think a team requires more than two people." She seemed more at ease now, more collected, and there was a grace in her movements which had not been there before. "Though I suppose that, seeing as I'm here, it would be selfish not to help. I would hate to make a bad first impression." And would much rather be owed a favour - just in case. A gold haze appeared and clung to her, melting away to reveal her much more impractical clothes had been replaced with soft leather, hardy cloth and flashes of dark metal which, while clearly still in good condition, was also well worn. "So, who to first? I care an equal amount for all those captured but if thinking logically it is the Avengers who the ill intent was directed towards."

"Well an assassin is one of my jobs. I'm a merc, a guard, a lot of things really. But around here or at least among the real Avengers of this team I'm the jerk that keeps the party going" chuckling a bit something came to mind.

(Around page 6-8 in the sign up sheet) @djinnamon
Sage chuckled , this guy was good at lightening the mood. " Oh I don't think I introduced myself , I'm Pagan but you can call me Sage , fanboy , cheeky a*s f*cker etc." he said as he stretched a hand out for Maniac to shake.


@The Regal Rper
Taking Sage's hand and shaking it Maniac turned his attention back to the hall they were walking through. "So how'd you join the team? I've missed quite a bit since my absence, lost a few friend that actually liked me in the process, tho. Kinda don't want the same mistake to happen again. You just walk in and say you want to join or do you have some personal conviction for joining?"

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Desimus looks at her, shocked. He couldn't believe that she would say all this. Then again, neither of them knew nothing about each other. For all he knew, she could be lying, or telling the truth. They knew nothing about each other, and they were already judging each other. He shakes his head as he continues to follow, hoping to just get this over with.
" Well my father is the reason , he is Wiccan. I look up to him a lot and I want to be like him , so being an avenger tied into that. " he said simply as he folded his arms behind his back and kept walking. " So what is your reason. " he asked

@The Regal Rper
"My old man sent me here. Told me I'd find some kind of purpose to stick around and do some good instead of jumping from job to job. Said there was a reason he wanted to be an Avenger, and I should find a reason to, eventually anyway. Basically he gave me a mission to find something here." @djinnamon
Precision's face lit up; as she all but confessed to taying, even if she attempted to be nonchalant about it. "Exactly! See, selflessness is good, rudeness is bad. You're well on your way to becoming a great hero like moi." The boy stated with enthusiasm, before having a 'stupid' lightbulb moment, and blurting it out like every other thing he thought of. "We could be partners! The Dynamic Duo... The Dangerous Duo! The Duo of Dominance!" Caught swept away in his own fantasy, Joseph very nearly, said something he'd surely regret. Yet even he held his tongue; 'You could be my side kick!'

He still didn't want to be a frog, so that sentence never left his mouth; yet before he could continue rambling he noticed the gold shimmer now surrounding the Asgardian. "Please don't turn me into a frog..." he whispered, barely audible; until he re-opened his eyes - which he'd shut out of fear - only to notice a completely different Eldkatla before him, his mouth was agape as he stared for an awkwardly long moment, before he bushed slightly, itching his neck awkwardly. "Uh, I - I was, you look uh..." His brain went into overdrive, as he began to conjure plans to escape the situation; several involving shooting himself with an explosive arrow. Say something idiot! "Like a Spartan! Well, Spartan's tend to be male... Although Rise of an Empire had a Spartan girl, and she was badass. Aha! That's it! You look like a Spartan girl! Sort of..." Kill me.

"...Yes, Avengers... We have Avengrs to save..." Although I'd much rather save myself right now...

"Course not. Told me to find something here. Not sure what he saw in the Avengers but whatever it is he thinks me hanging with them will let me see something. Not sure what, but I assume he expects me to figure it out. It's taken longer than usual though" he shrugged. "Guess I'll just keep hanging around till I do see it."

Sage nodded and folded arms as he appeared to think for a few seconds. " I'll help you search. " he said as he reopened his eyes and smiled at Maniac. He had nothing better to do and he was ready to get questioned when he got home. @The Regal Rper
Cindy felt her healing kick in, repairing her damaged nervous system. Her heart however, could not be repaired. She looked at Perry with a smile, and said. "Goodbye..... My love." She said, as her head hit the ground, darkness enveloping her sight, and her heart stops beating. She is now a corpse of her own doing. @Pyosimros

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