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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Currently we're many things, but clueless is not one of them. However you walking around like a wounded puppy is not going to help anyone." Eldkatla sighed and slowed her steps so she was in line with his. "Before I found myself on Midgard I spent time surrounded by unsavoury characters and I did unsavoury deeds; a year ago you would have refused to stand by my side. I'm not telling you this as a story of a dark past that I was forced into and am now attempting to redeem myself, as that is just not true. I am still that person."

She was silent for a moment. Joseph very much knew who her father was so she believed he would believe her, however she couldn't count to how he would react. Eldkatla continued on before he could argue or agree. "You are clearly new to this, full of hope and optimism and it should not be my bitter, jaded self who has to tell you this but look around you. We were all kidnapped for the sole reason of being more than human, and we were treated far better than the supposed 'heroes'. This is not the business you believe it to be and you need to accept that before your dreams get you killed." It was almost a very watered down version of a lesson her father had taught her, been teaching her for as long as she could remember really. "Of course that doesn't mean you can't do good."

sitanomoto said:
There was a flash behind Jordan and Tech, and Dazzle lowered her wrist camera. "Lovely. Just what I need to split the Avengers apart." She grinned evilly. "Toodles," she said as she sprinted out the door.
@Steel Zinogre
Helga lifted her head up, and groaned from hunger pains as she took small bites out of the meats. She began to feel full after a while, but was still feeling weak. Brute then returns, juices from the steaks and other meats still on his snout.
Jordan watched Dazzle leave with a weird look on his face "...She must be stupid, I'm not even affiliated with them..." Emile stepped forward as if to go after the girl but Jordan put his arm up to stop him "If she's stupid enough to bring the attention of a cult worse than the illuminati down upon her while thinking she can damage the Avengers then let her."
??? - 2 Week Time Skip

In deep Space, Augustus finally found what he hunted for. Augustus's Floating there in space was Galactus, the consumer of planets. His blue and purple armor shined brighter then the background, as his eyes starred straight into Augustus soul. The colossus that has nearly destroyed Earth on 3 separate occasions at least. He knew the secret well, the dead thing brewing inside a dead world in the shape of the dead. The corpse that writes and forms. Galactus spoke, "What business of Augustus of Dissonance have with mighty Galactus?" Augustus replied with a smug smile on his face, "I wish to harvest from the dying planet you next consume.. the Vibranium is very valuable!" Galactus snarled, something blocking his vision. He spoke, "Galactus allows this, but do not interfere with Galactus's ways."

Augustus flew with him for two days, until Galactus finally came across a giant planet. Augustus could feel the energy brewing inside it, it was near life. Augustus flew on his ship, showing no signs of weakness after not eating for so long. His hunger was here... after his prize. Galactus began to use his cosmic powers to consume the planet, dragging it's life into himself. Augustus had to work fast.. so he teleported under a guise of shadow to the core of the planet, under the shell of Vibranium. A being of energy was there, with the vibranium slowly shaping around it.

The being asked of him, "...Classification - Unique/Strange/Unknown. What is your name/identity/Person?" Augustus stated bluntly, "...I am the one who has killed twice..." He unleashed all of his magic at once on this celestial youth, unborn and still innocent. It watched in wonder and awe as Augustus called upon the Phoenix Force, and for one moment stole the life of a generation yet to come. He drank it, and screamed as he exploded into energy.

Augustus's eyes snapped open to seeing the world in a new way. The vibranium shell warped around him into battle armor, like Galactus's but so much grander. Then it warped into the will of Augustus. Something that was inhuman, something that represented him. The stranger of the universe, the homeless, the worker of fate. He weaved and forged for those who he loved but hated him. Augustus formed a being of celestial wrath, weaker then him from only just learning of this power. He gave up Thanos's power, Darkness of the Divine conduit, and Blackheart's power. They all coiled up into something Galactus could feed off of. The planet around him melted away...


Augustus stood there, starring down Galactus. He roared about trechery, while Augustus corrected, "I did what you demanded, oh god mine. You fed, and I fed. Now I am no longer Eternal, Daemon, or Human. I am a Celestial. Augustus the Smith. I am stronger then any sky father, and so I hold no fear. I am more durable then Zues... and as Thanos stated thou are as strong as him. If calculations/estimates hold water, I am grander then you. I give you energy, I made you something stronger then the unborn/dead child. Strike me down, but you know I have only good intentions. I wish to rebuild what was taken, and I shall."

Without another burning word that scorched the ears of those who dared interrupt him, Augustus vanished to Dissonance, forging himself a throne of magma and stone. He began the finalization of plan ABSOLUTION. It was time to bring the world around a new...
Time Skip 2 weeks

Cassie had been in her room/lab for the majority of the last two weeks, only coming out for dinner and restroom breaks. She didn't say anything, but her parents knew something was off.

She hadn't been in contact with anyone in two weeks, and it was taking a toll on her. She grew quiet, maybe slightly hostile, but mostly solemn and sad.

As she tinkered with her new gauntlet she remembered about Luna. Little Luna, always sneaking around and getting into things she shouldn't have. Lun, who had always sat by her when Cass was working, helping her by bringing over wrenches and what-not. Luna, the small Wyvern who had wiggled her way into her heart and then died so suddenly on Christmas eve.

She didn't make contact with anyone in her team. They probably thought she and Terry were still dead.

She didn't want to talk to them at the moment. She just wanted to disappear.


Terry sat on the couch, reading a car magazine with Tony next to him.

Pepper was in her office working on financial stuff for Stark Industries.

Ruby sat next to Terry, polishing her whip.


Hypnas sat in her house. Not a night went by that she didn't have a nightmare about Dimitri....

What if he actually did something like that?

She knew it was a stupid question, that he would never do that. But the nightmare was there. And sometimes it shifted into her Killing Dimitri, and then becoming evil again.

She sighed as she put her crossword down, stuck on a 4 letter word for "believing when there's nothing left to believe in" that started with an H.

God, she was terrible at crosswords.


Nevermore sat in her house, playing her harmonica with Brute resting next to her.
These had possibly been the two worst weeks of his life. Learning martial arts was tricky, but learning it in a class with kids that were all younger than you made it a whole lot worse. Wiping his forehead with a towel he sat to the side and watched some of the fights that were occurring. His coach walked over and slapped him on the back. "Listen. I think that it's time you join people more your age. You've learned enough that you're skilled enough to join them and not die. From now on come on Tuesdays and Thursdays." Finn nodded and shot his coach a thumbs up. Showering and changing into fresh clothes he finished up before walking home. He had been training himself non-stop to become better and stronger than he was before and he was pretty pleased by how things were turning out at the moment.
"Hope." Dimitri shouted. If she turned around, she would see him floating outside of her window. Two weeks of practice with the Sentry's abilities have paid off, apparently, as it was difficult for him to stabilize himself on the first few days of flying. @sitanomoto
Laxus sat upon his throne in Asgard reflecting over the pass 2 weeks. Many of the new generation Asgardian advancements took place in three months prior but now they had finally phased out the obsolete weapons and standards. The new Destroyers were testament to that, as well as the newly improved Bifrost. But Laxus currently was admiring something he made using his father's hammer Mjolnir, a shield and a fine shield indeed named Ley Aegis.

Laxus was interrupted by the arrival of two of his Grandmaster. One clad in the same armor he used to wear, the warrior was known as the Razor Wolf. Laxus had personally gifted this warrior with his old equipment after this warrior had traveled to Midgard to aid one of his associates. The other warrior clad in a different armor named Hendrickson was a prodigy in living up to the new standard created by Laxus three months and 2 weeks ago. He had given them both the rank of Grandmaster.

Laxus made Ley Aegis disapper before taking his place upon his throne. "My King, the retraining of the already enlisted warriors is complete. They now live up to the new standards." Razor Wolf reported. Hendrickson continued "My King, the new Bifrost works as intended as well as the Ley Lines of Asgard. With that the last of Asgards new defenses are complete." Laxus nodded at the news and then said "Thank you, you may rise." The two Grandmasters stood up. "Asgard owes a lot to you two, the new advancements would have taken much longer without you. You have my thanks. That'll be all from me for now." The two Grandmasters nodded before leaving.
Connor stood outside of the local hospital, people would pass him by occasionally, but the blonde stood motionless as if trying to will himself to move. The morning was chilly and Connor couldn't prevent the shiver that rand own his spine. Eventually he did, feet carrying him through the front doors and slowly down the hallways. He looked almost like he belonged there as he still had a few bruises and bandages, except for the fact that he had on clothes instead of a hospital gown.

Back at Stark Tower if anyone stopped by his room they'd find his door wide open, he felt like if he was leaving he shouldn't have left it shut to get stuffy and dusty. The room was cleaned, the bed was made, and upon the bed sat his shield with a note laid on top of it.

It read...

I'm sorry for leaving like this, a note. I did wan't to tell you all but I was afraid you'd try to stop me or talk me out of it and I didn't want that. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I just need time, I can't be here right now...not after what happened. I'll miss you all, take care.

- Connor

Of course Connor intentionally left out the part where he wasn't sure if he'd ever be coming back to the team, that'd probably be the kicker to have them hunt him down. The blonde didn't have a plan one way or another, he just needed to get away. But his first stop was Aedan's room in the hospital, where he'd spent a majority of the last two weeks anyways.

Connor paused at Room 304, taking a breath before reaching out for the door handle then stepping inside. To his dismay Aedan was still in the same spot, still in the coma that Connor had put him in. Moving slowly across the room he stopped at the foot of the hospital bed, "I'm sorry..." He muttered quietly as if trying not to wake Aedan, hands wrapped around the railing at the foot of the bed. They tightened as he stood staring at the other boy quietly for the next few moments. Connor had said those words so many times over the last two weeks it felt like second nature to say them now.

Reaper said:
"Hope." Dimitri shouted. If she turned around, she would see him floating outside of her window. Two weeks of practice with the Sentry's abilities have paid off, apparently, as it was difficult for him to stabilize himself on the first few days of flying. @Steel Zinogre
sitanomoto said:
Lisa jumped and turned around. "For the love of God, didn't anyone ever teach you to knock? Or use the door?" She said, but she was smiling. She filled in the word "Hope" and stood, walking over to the window and opening it. "Come on, Flyboy. I'll get you a snack." She walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge.
------- -_- ---------

Cassie's head shot up and she looked around, hearing the rustling of paper and footsteps down the hall to her left, as well as squeals coming from Terry's bathroom to her right. She decided to investigate Terry's bathroom first.

She got up and knocked on the door.

Terry heard the knock. "SH**!" He whisper yelled. "Bubbles, be quiet!"

Cassie raised an eyebrow and knocked again.

Terry shot out of the bathroom, quickly closing the door behind him. "Hiya Cass!" He said, a little too brightly.

Cassie crossed her arms and her eyebrow raised even further.

"You... You probably want to know what's going on... Don't you?"

She nodded.

"I um..... Was.... Fixing the drain!"

Cassie rolled her eyes, pushed terry aside, and opened the bathroom door.

@Steel Zinogre
Bubbles stayed quiet, and the fin-like appendages on her head lowered down as she tried to look as small as possible. Upon seeing cassie, she felt afraid, afraid of her reaction when she turned around. The Enclave was storming the city, With Kyklops robots scanning buildings, and infantry in the sewers. "We need to find that Symbiote! HE is what we need for our research in Jupiter Division." The commander in a humvee said through the comms. The infantryman immediately replies, screaming as Maul charged them. "We Found Him! He's made the sewers his home!" he shouted before the line goes dead. "All units, the Symbiote is in the Sewers, move to Alpha Squad's last known Location." The commander said as Grunts and Heavies moved in. Howard picks up the Enclave units and raises an alarm. "Anthony.... Er... I mean Tony, The enclave is causing a ruckus in the sewers, I have also picked up a Hulk Symbiote's signature as well." he said as he brought up a file on Maul. "Maul is what the symbiote is named, and he was created by The enclave as a weapon against Any thing that can transform into a raging beast..... Like the Hulk. I worry that Finn and Jade may be in danger if the Symbiote falls back into their hands."

This is a Kyklops. From The Incredible Hulk) @sitanomoto @CasualDragon
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Cassie looked at the creature in the bathtub and her heart melted. "Awwww....." She said, kneeling next to the tub. "Oh my gosh..... " she stroked the head of the thing in the tub and giggled a little. She turned to Terry. "You can keep her, but she can't stay in the bathroom." Those were the first words she had said in two weeks.

"Yesssss!" Terry said, pumping his fist.

Cassie smiled and went to Connor's room. Her smile dropped when she read the note on his shield. "No...."

She was devastated at Connor's leaving. She was gonna tell him today, she was gonna tell him she was alive, get a big hug and then talk to the rest of the team with her best friend by her side.

Now he was gone.

And he left his shield.

She felt tears run down her cheeks and then picked up his shield, the big vibranium frisbee, and took it to her newly rebuilt lab, placing it into the case with Ivory's letter, her dad's helmet, and the note from her dresser that she made.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie looked at the creature in the bathtub and her heart melted. "Awwww....." She said, kneeling next to the tub. "Oh my gosh..... " she stroked the head of the thing in the tub and giggled a little. She turned to Terry. "You can keep her, but she can't stay in the bathroom." Those were the first words she had said in two weeks.
"Yesssss!" Terry said, pumping his fist.

Cassie smiled and went to Connor's room. Her smile dropped when she read the note on his shield. "No...."

She was devastated at Connor's leaving. She was gonna tell him today, she was gonna tell him she was alive, get a big hug and then talk to the rest of the team with her best friend by her side.

Now he was gone.

And he left his shield.

She felt tears run down her cheeks and then picked up his shield, the big vibranium frisbee, and took it to her newly rebuilt lab, placing it into the case with Ivory's letter, her dad's helmet, and the note from her dresser that she made.
(Wait... What happened to tony? And is Cassie contemplating something?) Bubbles looked at cassie, and slipped out of the tub. She followed cassie around, but made sure that she stayed hidden out of her sigh, and left a soapy trail in her wake. Azazel then found her, and came up to her. "What's wrong, love? Something happen?" he asked as he lifted her head by the chin, and put on an assuring smile. "You can talk to me.... If you want to of course." he said.

In the sewers, Maul was being chased down with heavies equipped with flamethrowers, while the grunts held sonic guns. "It's over, symbiote! Give up now!" one of the grunts said as maul looked for a way out. He then decided to break through to the surface. "NEVER." Was all he said as he jumped out of the sewers, and breaking his way to the surface. "He's runnin'! Get him!" he said as2 Kyklops and men in exosuits chased him down. Heavies and Grunts piling into humvees as they followed. Maul grew tired of running. He had lost his home, but he will not lose his freedom. He picked up a car, and threw it as hard as he could at one of the Kyklops robots, hitting the eye. It was really effective, as it knocked down the bot. "Finn.... We gotta help the symbiote.... It can't take those baddies on its own." Jade said as she ran out of the tower, not expecting finn to follow her. @sitanomoto @CasualDragon
Morgan sat down in civillian clothing, he had to get away from the Avengers, they couldn't know what he had done. Hell, they might have already figured out. That's why he was here, in a church for confesionals. The preist in the booth next to him was silent as he allowed the boy to collect his thoughts.

Morgan then broke the silence, "Forgive me father, for I have sinned... Thats how you start these things right? Sorry, I haven't been in a church since my dad stoped forcing me to go... Anyways... I just feel terrible Father... I-I thought I was ready to do something great with my life, yet once again the demons on my shoulder refuse to allow me to...

"I should have gone to my shrink for this but I've just felt so... Dirty you know? I can't look any of my freinds or family in the eyes, I can't dare look in the mirror, this isn't breaking dad's new vase, this was a whole new level of bad... I just ask for some way to repent..."

The Preist spoke, "I can't do that until you tell me what you did..."

Morgan was silent. He licked his lips,
"I see then... I'm sorry to have wasted your time..." He then stood up and left, his footsteps echoing throughout the Church...


Morgan stood on a rooftop in costume, having just exited a meeting with a phsycaitrist. He took out his phone and scrolled down the short list of contacts. He hit one and put on his Daredevil voice, "Um... Cassie Stark? It's Daredevil... I just need to see you and... Come clean with some things... I haven't been entirly honest with any of you. And after what happened two weeks ago... I just need to talk to someone who can help..."

He floated in through the window before landing on his own two feet. "You're the best! But... We have to talk about something and I don't know who else to bring this up to..." He said, looking downward @sitanomoto
Finn had headed to the tower in the hopes of company when Jade came sprinting towards him yelling something about protecting a symbiote. Startled and not exactly knowing what was happening he sprinted after her. "Erm. Is this a symbiote that we know already or a new one. Just how many symbiote wearers are there?" It seemed like this was the umpteenth thousandth one but if it needed their help than that was what they would do. He was pleased to feel less strain on his body as he ran and he praised himself for deciding to take up a martial art. He had been practicing his changes too and was pleased to note how fast he had let Smasher take over. The eye seemed like the weak point so that was where he was going to aim for. Tearing up a streetlight he spun a few times before hurtling it and himself towards one of the Kyklops to spear it in the eye. On his way down he grabbed some of the seams of the giant robot and yanked to pull it apart.

@Steel Zinogre
CasualDragon said:
Finn had headed to the tower in the hopes of company when Jade came sprinting towards him yelling something about protecting a symbiote. Startled and not exactly knowing what was happening he sprinted after her. "Erm. Is this a symbiote that we know already or a new one. Just how many symbiote wearers are there?" It seemed like this was the umpteenth thousandth one but if it needed their help than that was what they would do. He was pleased to feel less strain on his body as he ran and he praised himself for deciding to take up a martial art. He had been practicing his changes too and was pleased to note how fast he had let Smasher take over. The eye seemed like the weak point so that was where he was going to aim for. Tearing up a streetlight he spun a few times before hurtling it and himself towards one of the Kyklops to spear it in the eye. On his way down he grabbed some of the seams of the giant robot and yanked to pull it apart.
@Steel Zinogre
"Great... now the whole family is here." The general said as he gets out of the humvee, and was followed by 2 men in exosuits. Maul saw the man and immediately lost his cool, and he roared in a venom-esque way, and charged toward him, but was stopped by one of the exosuits releasing a sonic blast, causing him to wriggle tendrils around. "You will fight for us monster, you will allow me to be your host. You are nothing without one." The commander said as he loaded his pistol, which contained flaming ammo. Jade grew curious and looked at the man. "What do you mean?" she asked. The general laughed and made a gesture, causing electric chains to be shot out by the men, and landed on Maul. "Maul here, is a symbiote that lives without a host. He currently has no host as is. My plan is to weaponize him, all of my soldiers will were his very children like coats." He said as maul struggled to break free, his anger growing like his frustration did. "You will do no such thing.... NOT ON MY WATCH!" she said as she went for one of the Exosuits. The general dodged out of her way, and she completely decimates the suit, moving onto the next one. Maul breaks free as the strength of the chains gave out. Maul gets up, and growls, before roaring, his grotesque teeth opening wide to see a massive tongue, wiggling freely. "What...? He broke free?!? Kill them!!!" he said as he gets in the humvee, and drove off. @sitanomoto @CasualDragon
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??? - ???

Augustus activated a few switches... and began to send out the signal. It would take a few days until it reaches Earth, but when it did...

(Just to help get things started! The Arc will begin on the 6th!)
@sitanomoto[/URL] @CasualDragon
((She keeps his old crushed helmet here. It's kind of like Batman's trophy room. Tony's still alive, so is Pepper, don't worry :) ))

Cassie smiled through her tears, but they were still streaming down her cheeks. "C-connor.... Connor left...." She said, then buried her face into Azazel's shoulder. "He's gone, Az, and I don't know if he's coming back. He left his shield here! I'm... I'm worried about him!"

Tony landed next to Jade and charged up his freon beams. "These guys giving you trouble, Jade?" He said.
Smasher ran up to the closest man and picked him up by the jacket before bashing him into the ground back first. His goal wasn't to kill, merely to put them out of commission for a while. He held his arms up to block a hail of bullets and when it was done he quickly gestured for Jade and Maul to get out of there with a quick nod of thanks to Tony for showing up. He turned back to the opponents and glared at them, waiting for them to make the next move.

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto
sitanomoto said:
((She keeps his old crushed helmet here. It's kind of like Batman's trophy room. Tony's still alive, so is Pepper, don't worry :) ))
Cassie smiled through her tears, but they were still streaming down her cheeks. "C-connor.... Connor left...." She said, then buried her face into Azazel's shoulder. "He's gone, Az, and I don't know if he's coming back. He left his shield here! I'm... I'm worried about him!"

Tony landed next to Jade and charged up his freon beams. "These guys giving you trouble, Jade?" He said.
"They are giving our new symbiote friend a lot of it." Jade said as she discombobulated a grunt. Ran out into the fray and slams into the ground, causing a shockwave to send the shooters flying. "Tony.... We need pepper.... For when this fight is over." Jade said as she ran to maul, the bullets have stopped, and those who are wounded fled on foot. "You OK big guy?" She asked as maul looked at jade, and gave her a thumbs up. "Good... Meet my cousin... Smasher, or Finn." She said as she pointed to smasher. "Smash.....er?" He asked, giving a clear indication that he does not speak often. Azazel held her tight. "I know.... It's gonna be OK love." Azazel said as he saw Luna's spirit right behind her, and he winked at the spirit. "Turn around, someone wants to see you." He said as Luna sat on her hind quarters, her tail swishing through the dresser. @sitanomoto @CasualDragon
Reaper said:
He floated in through the window before landing on his own two feet. "You're the best! But... We have to talk about something and I don't know who else to bring this up to..." He said, looking downward @Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto
@sitanomoto[/URL] @CasualDragon

Tony nodded back to Fin, and then called Pepper.

"What's wrong, Tony? Somebody blow up your toys again?" Pepper said, picking up the phone.

"Ha-ha, very funny Pep. But seriously, get the living room ready for guests and tell Cassie and Terry that Fin and Jade are coming over."

"Sure thing, Tony."

"Love ya!"

"Love you too."

Tony ended the call and then looked at Jade. "Remind me again why we need Pepper after this?"



Cassie turned around and let out a gasp of delight. "Luna!" She said, running over to the baby Wyvern. She stopped right on front of her dresser and realized that Luna was transparent. Her smile didn't drop, however, as she laughed at the baby's antics. "Hi, Luna." She turned to Azazel and rolled her eyes at him. "I don't know how you do it, but you always manage to make me feel better."
Finn changed back and looked at the new symbiote. "So you don't have a host? That's pretty cool, how do you manage without one? Well we're the good guys so... Hi." Finn looked back towards where the enemies had been not that long ago before turning back. "How long have they been after you pal? If it's too hard to speak than write on the ground. Or you can type on my phone if that makes it easier." He patted his pockets and pulled out the squashed remains of his phone. "Forgot to put it in the pouch that I made for it again. Okay so maybe you can't type on my phone. Sorry. I know a bit of sign language if you know it."

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto
CasualDragon said:
Finn changed back and looked at the new symbiote. "So you don't have a host? That's pretty cool, how do you manage without one? Well we're the good guys so... Hi." Finn looked back towards where the enemies had been not that long ago before turning back. "How long have they been after you pal? If it's too hard to speak than write on the ground. Or you can type on my phone if that makes it easier." He patted his pockets and pulled out the squashed remains of his phone. "Forgot to put it in the pouch that I made for it again. Okay so maybe you can't type on my phone. Sorry. I know a bit of sign language if you know it."
@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto
sitanomoto said:
Hypnas nodded, making him a sandwich.. "Go ahead, Speedy. Spill."

Tony nodded back to Fin, and then called Pepper.

"What's wrong, Tony? Somebody blow up your toys again?" Pepper said, picking up the phone.

"Ha-ha, very funny Pep. But seriously, get the living room ready for guests and tell Cassie and Terry that Fin and Jade are coming over."

"Sure thing, Tony."

"Love ya!"

"Love you too."

Tony ended the call and then looked at Jade. "Remind me again why we need Pepper after this?"



Cassie turned around and let out a gasp of delight. "Luna!" She said, running over to the baby Wyvern. She stopped right on front of her dresser and realized that Luna was transparent. Her smile didn't drop, however, as she laughed at the baby's antics. "Hi, Luna." She turned to Azazel and rolled her eyes at him. "I don't know how you do it, but you always manage to make me feel better."
"Well, we need a lullaby for maul, right? cuz he seems a little emotionally unstable.... like a 5-year old." Jade whispered into his ear.

Maul looked at finn, and sighed. "I can talk...... But I don't get very many people to talk to...." he said as he sat on the ground. "They've been after me for months now..... they created me using the Hulk's DNA, and infused it into a Venom symbiote.....and that... is me." he said, as he looked at finn and jade.

"Luna wanted to see you, and besides, I know you've missed her..... but she can only come to the surface world for 1 whole day. So she has to go back tomorrow. But hey, she can come back every week if you want." Azazel said as luna screeched at seeing Bubbles. Bubbles looked at luna, and came closer. She was confused by the spirit's transparency, and looked at cassie and azazel for the explanation. @sitanomoto @CasualDragon
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Morgan cursed as he quickly shimmied on Stark Tower's ledges. He wouldn't have had to do this if someone had awnsered his calls. He looked inside a window and saw Cassie, Azazel and two weird ghost... Things... He sighed and reassured himself he was making the right decision 'I've worked with these guys... I can trust them I think... Its just... God, I've never took off the mask for anyone before... Guess there's a first for everything huh?'

He quietly opened the window and sat down, speaking at the next silence, he used his natural voice around them for the first time ever, "Sorry to interrupt but I did call... And this is kind of important if I'm going to work with you guys so... If I may have the floor..."

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto

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