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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

[QUOTE="Captain Wolf]Jason followed Maxton thinking he was heading toward the kitchen, "Thanks," He said before glancing over toward her, "Jade." Then he continued moving off. His stomach rumbling slightly.

"Hey.... You a newbie?" Maxton asked in a nervous tone. For his mother was coming to visit soon. "If I sound a bit sketchy..... I'm sorry.... I've been stressed out lately."
[QUOTE="Captain Wolf]Jason just smiled and replied, "I possibly am."

"Grab yourself a bite to eat." Maxton said to Jason as he finished making a pb and j sandwich.
Connor chuckled just enough to prevent any discomfort when Aedan offered to do the hug himself, leaning in just slightly to return the hug carefully. Slapping Aedan's back twice he pulled back from the embrace with a scrunched up nose, "You smell like you ran in a thousand mile marathon." Knowing full well he'd ran all the way from Mexico.

Connor shook his head, "Now go," The blonde shooed him away with a wave of his hand, "Go shower, eat, see the others, rest. There's no need for both of us to be trapped in this room."

@Archon (The name change is what I meant.)
Aedan chuckled heartily in response to the jest, he probably ran a little more. "Give or take a few hundred, yeah, I guess I did." Yet in response to Connor's command for him to leave, Aedan raised an eyebrow. "Smell that bad, huh?" making his way to the side of the room, Aedan had the good graces to open a window. It probably smelt worst than a litter dump in the room. "I guess I will go hunt down the showers, don't worry; I'll fetch you some Air Freshener straight after." He then gave a knowing look to the blonde, "Don't expect me to socialize though." He finished with, in a rather serious tone. Before taking his leave.

What had to be several hours later; Aedan finally, happily, discovered a shower. He had already took precaution to be unnoticed by what felt like hundreds of heroes, it would be rather anti-climactic to be caught in the shower after all his effort. Not to mention very, very awkward.

@Crono (Hey now, same picture, and same shortened nickname! 'Arch' See? You're used to it already!)
Cade Wilson stood outside the Avenger's/Stark Tower with one sword drawn. Many pedestrians stopped to look at him as it looked odd for a man to hold such a seemingly insignificant weapon to such a giant structure. He aimed his blade right at the edge of the Tower and then he swung his blade, the second it made contact it unless a slash projection large enough and strong enough to cleave through the Tower.

Nevermore felt the Tower rumble and she poked Brute in the side. "Come on, big boy. Let's go see what happened."
"What the hell?" Asked Jason as the walls began shaking. "Tremor?" Having already eaten two sandwiches now he left the kitchen bounding for the doors while passing Jade and the others he had met heading towards the great doors.
Aedan closed his eyes as a feeling of complete tranquility overwhelmed him. The Avengers Tower had a lot of technologically advanced features, no doubt. But none came close to the beautiful turbo-showers. 'I'm never leaving this room again... Connor is officially replaced.' He really meant it too, if he'd known showers like these existed, he'd have become an Avenger as soon as he could.

Alas, he was Aedan. And him upstairs had made it very clear Aedan didn't deserve nice things, or happy moments. The shower stopped; a punishment worse than death. "What? No, no no... Come back on!" Aedan cried at the unresponsive button, as he became very cold, very quickly. Then he heard a slight groaning sound, "Pipework problems?" He guessed, before pushing the showers 'On' button for good measure. Then the loud metallic groaning sounder got louder and louder, the shower shaked ever so slightly at first. 'Maybe the shower works now?'

He pushed it again... and again. Nothing. "I swear whoever broke the shower is going to die!" Was his silent threat to whoever responsible. Reluctantly, Aedan climbed out and began to dry himself, and then put his underwear on. Then, the metallic groaning turned into a mini-explosion, and the roof of the room collapsed, crushing the shower in the process. "What th- are you freaking KIDDING ME? NOOO!" Aedan screamed, his voice likely echoing through the rest of the tower. He made a note to bury it later... Then the joking subsided, and he realized he was half naked in a collapsing room... Searching about he noticed his clothes under the rubble... "Oh crap..."

Sprinting out the room covered in just his undergarments and wrapped in a towel Aedan used his momentum to up-his speed in an attempt to not get crushed by the now falling ceiling. "Oh no no no no no!" Aedan peered at the window. "Oh for... Here goes nothing!" With little choice left he jumped through the window, now in a free fall mode. For a moment he wondered how many people got the pleasure of seeing a half-naked man fall past the window... If Connor saw Aedan swore he was so running away again.

Nearing the bottom Aedan focused all his energy into one massive momentum drain on his own weight. It slowed him enough to he only hit the ground with a mountain of pain, it beat death though. Still, now aching, and sore all over, with no power reserved left Aedan was beyond-exhausted. Laying in the middle of the cold-hard street, unable to move, he noticed the now gathering crowed around him. 'Why did I come back...' he thought, covering himself with the towel as he was bombarded with photos; he was going to be a media sensation. The worse kind, it was kind of the Public to torment him whilst ignoring the potentially crumbling Avengers tower...
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Cade floated upward as the two halves began to fall, he then stopped and looked down at the full effects of his work. He then boomed loud enough for all the city to hear. "The Avengers stand in the way of our plans, so you must all be eliminated and I have been tasked with that. I am Cade Wilson son of Deadpool, but you shall no me as your destroyer." He said this all emotionlessly and with a blank expression.
Morgan ran to his suit as the Tower came down, he got in and held on, closing his eyes, 'Are you freaking kidding me?! Now?! Like right now?! Can't we get like two seconds of peace in the city?!'
As the tower began to fall, Dimitris instinct took over. In a split second, he dragged Lisa out of the tower, putting her a few blocks away, before returning and zipping up the falling tower, before reaching the floor above the one at the same height as Cade. Dimitri got a running start and jumped through the window in Cade's direction, aiming to tackle him out of the air. @Newtype
Reaper said:
As the tower began to fall, Dimitris instinct took over. In a split second, he dragged Lisa out of the tower, putting her a few blocks away, before returning and zipping up the falling tower, before reaching the floor above the one at the same height as Cade. Dimitri got a running start and jumped through the window in Cade's direction, aiming to tackle him out of the air. @Newtype
Cade whispered "Special Attack :Meteor Move!" He flew right at Dimitri and at the last second with his Supernatural Speed of his own he and his ability to fly which in the this instance he was chi to manipulate the air, he shot up straight in the air and then flew to intercept Dimitri with kick in his lower back to then force Dimitri all the way down to the ground.
Morgan came out from the tower and used the exo-suit's ability to launch him further to go at Cade while he was distracted, he gave Cade a nasty left hook and grabbed at his jacket to pull him down.

The kick caught Dimitri and knocked the wind out of him, but the fall downward was a long one for him, in which he spun around and shot fire out of his arms in Cade's direction, completely engulfing him.
LokiofSP said:
Morgan came out from the tower and used the exo-suit's ability to launch him further to go at Cade while he was distracted, he gave Cade a nasty left hook and grabbed at his jacket to pull him down.
Reaper said:
The kick caught Dimitri and knocked the wind out of him, but the fall downward was a long one for him, in which he spun around and shot fire out of his arms in Cade's direction, completely engulfing him.
Cade's supernatural durability allowed him to shrug off the punch, Cade sheathed his sword and simply pointed two fingers at the Morgan, he was about to unleash a blast of energy to destroy Mogan when his supernatural awareness warned him the second Dimitri turned around, he quickly teleported back to his orignal spot in the air before Dimitri attacked him. This wasn't because he feared the flames but wanted Dimitri to incinerate Morgan rather than doing so himself.
Morgan put his arms in his face and thank goodness that his exo-suit protected him. He then looked down and out of something like a cartoon, fell down as soon as he looked...

@Newtype @Reaper
Connor was laid up in the bed of the medical wing enjoying the window that Aedan had opened earlier when the tower had its first rumble, then slowly started careening. The blonde panicked momentarily as he pulled himself up-right and off the bed, trying to ignore the dull yet searing pain in his abdomen. Nearly stumbling, he made his way to the window and looked down, he was far too many floors up to jump and survive the fall. The exertion had him breaking out in a cold sweat as he took the precious few moments to think out some way out of this predicament he found himself in.

Connor shook his hands out hurriedly, he couldn't even get the sheet of ice to cover his fists. "You have got to be kidding me!" He shouted out the window, of course he'd had a difficult time focusing the powers since he'd been stabbed but he had hoped it would rectify, especially when he needed it to. The blonde tried to use any emotion he could to give them a jump-start, anger, despair, even joy. But with such little time and the pressure of what was happening loomed over any emotions he tried to dig up.

The decision on what to try next was taken from him as a part of the crumbling tower forced him through the window, tumbling and twisting mid-air as he plummeted towards the street below. Connor squeezed his eyes shut, Concentrate! now he was blocking everything out, the sounds of a crumbling tower, the screams, his impending doom...all in a last ditch effort to survive. Manipulate! Connor knew he had little time, as his body got closer to the ground a shimmering in the air around him would occur as he drew moisture from the air and it condensed into small flakes of ice. Freeze! Connor's eye's shot open, for a moment he could see the asphalt below and all of the small flakes expanded quickly to form a thick orb of Ice around the boy's body just before he reached the earths surface.

The crash sounded like windows shattered, the bottom half of the ball of ice was cracked to hell and was slowly crumbling while the top half while slightly impacted in stood sturdy and strong.


@AnnoDomini (Cause he'll get mad at me if I don't tag him periodically. xD )
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Sam was about a block away when he saw the tower careen his eyes widened as he then saw the combatants fighting "here we go" He said to himself as he pulled out a few of his gadgets and ran towards the fight
Dimitri plummeted to the ground along with Morgan. "Son of a bitch." He said, as he reached for a nearby building, but was too far away. The ground was coming closer by the millisecond, and he needed to think, fast.
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Morgan picked up Dimitri and used the exo-suit's strength to get ready to throw him, "Hey? You know what that one move that Wolverine did with allot of people was called?"


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