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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

[QUOTE="Captain Wolf]Before Jade could walk off Jason spoke out, "Hey, my name's Jason. What may yours be?" He inquired the question to her.

"Jade..... Jade walters. And this is luna." she said as luna had an unamused look on her face as she was lifted like a baby.
[QUOTE="Captain Wolf]"Hmm..." Muttered Jason as he walked to the nearest chair repeating the name thrice as to remember it.

Luna struggled out of Jade's grip, and eventually broke free, and turned Invisible. "Ugh, I'll bathe her later. Anyway, just sit down, and chillax. I'm sure cassie will come around here eventually. She is a very busy girl." she said as she sat on the couch, and read a book.
[QUOTE="Captain Wolf]"Cassie?" Jason asked dumbfoundedly confused as to who was who in the Avenger Tower.

"She is the daughter of tony stark, if you have heard of him." Jade said as she cracked her knuckles, and looked at jason. "You have heard of him, right?"
"Ironman, of course. I mean this was once his tower..." Said Jason looking at Jade's knuckles. "You're a tad bit muscly for a woman, ma'am." He said staring at her biceps.
[QUOTE="Captain Wolf]"Ironman, of course. I mean this was once his tower..." Said Jason looking at Jade's knuckles. "You're a tad bit muscly for a woman, ma'am." He said staring at her biceps.

"Thanks. She-Hulk is my mom. So that's where all these guns came from." she said as flexes in a flirty way. She then chuckled as she then continued her reading, and wondered what he will say next.
Jason raised an eyebrow, "Your mother is THE She-Hulk?!" He asked excitedly before dropping the act and slinking back into his seat with a, "Cool. My dad is the Human Torch." And to prove it he flicked his fingers in the air creating a spark.
[QUOTE="Captain Wolf]Jason raised an eyebrow, "Your mother is THE She-Hulk?!" He asked excitedly before dropping the act and slinking back into his seat with a, "Cool. My dad is the Human Torch." And to prove it he flicked his fingers in the air creating a spark.

"Let's not get so HOT-headed about it." she said before cracking up in a laughing fit. "I'm sorry, i had to go there. and yes, she is. And My secind cousin The Hulk had a kid too. he is somewhere around here." she said as she smiled at him.
Jason returned the smile sitting in an unorthodox position on the seat; one leg thrown over the other as he slumped backwards into it, his blonde orange hair thrown back into a mess. Gazing across toward Jade he asked with that smile, "So what do you, Avengers, do around here?"
[QUOTE="Captain Wolf]Jason returned the smile sitting in an unorthodox position on the seat; one leg thrown over the other as he slumped backwards into it, his blonde orange hair thrown back into a mess. Gazing across toward Jade he asked with that smile, "So what do you, Avengers, do around here?"

"I am no Avenger, but they be kicking bad guys back to where they came from." Jade said. "And besides, most of this team are just those who are new, or are kids from others." she added with a smile.
"Why aren't you an avenger?" Jason asked her. Playing a bit idly with his hands, if Jade looked she would see a little ball of orange floating about in his hands illuminating the pale face of Jason. He added, "I mean you do have the looks." Giving a slight wink to her.
[QUOTE="Captain Wolf]"Why aren't you an avenger?" Jason asked her. Playing a bit idly with his hands, if Jade looked she would see a little ball of orange floating about in his hands illuminating the pale face of Jason. He added, "I mean you do have the looks." Giving a slight wink to her.

"Sweet talk Ain't gonna get you anywhere, but you can sure try." she said jokingly. "And also, I work with them. I help them out if they need the help." she added as she closed her book and set it on the coffee table.
Jason muttered something sounding like, "Ah." Before settling down into a pace of solitude awaiting for another person who reveal themselves or Jade to speak once more. His eyes lingering toward the fire ball perplexed between his finger tips.
If it weren't for the fact that Finn was trying to play it cool he would have pounded himself on his forehead eighty times for the amount of stupid he felt. As if he didn't see the signs linking to Mercury. He thought that there was no way but the H and the G? It would have been so simple to figure it out plus the eighty exact hairs. And he called himself a science guy. He smiled Dimitri's way trying to not show how dumb he felt. "No idea but if Mr.Liquid Metal shows up to tell us what he wants then we'll be sure to let you know." Why would Dimitri send an envelope with hints if he didn't even remember anything? What ever happened to Dimitri's clone? Finn didn't even know what happened to Dimitri's clone, just one day he disappeared. Could it have been the clone that dropped off the letter?

He opened the stairwell door and stepped into the lobby. "So here's the lobby. You probably didn't see it too well when you sped up the first time." He joked but his mind was still on the envelope. Could he try to get anything else out of Dimitri without bringing his memories back? Probably wasn't a smart idea. He spotted Jade and another boy sitting down on some of the seats. Eagerly he walked towards the two of them with Hypnas and Dimitri in tow. "The best thing about this plain lobby is when cool people show up." He walked over to the pair. "Don't sell yourself short Jade. I think you could rightfully call yourself an Avenger. Anyone who fights evil and spends all of their time here is considered one." He looked towards the boy and stuck out his hand. "I'm Finn Banner. I'm assuming Jade has introduced herself. This is Hypnas and this is Dimitri." @Steel Zinogre @Reaper @sitanomoto
Jason was quiet as the two walked in. However his eyes lit up with a devilsome shine as they approached. Hearing the word 'Banner' introduced he realized that this was the probable cousin of Jade. Interesting, he thought to himself as he rose from his seat. Grasping the offered hand and shaking it he spoke, "She has. And I assume you are the son of a Mr. Bruce Banner. Now to introduce myself. I am Jason Storm. Bastard son of Johnny Storm." He said the word bastard as if it were a putrid carcass of a word. Then continued, "And it seems you are Avengers, yes?"
CasualDragon said:
If it weren't for the fact that Finn was trying to play it cool he would have pounded himself on his forehead eighty times for the amount of stupid he felt. As if he didn't see the signs linking to Mercury. He thought that there was no way but the H and the G? It would have been so simple to figure it out plus the eighty exact hairs. And he called himself a science guy. He smiled Dimitri's way trying to not show how dumb he felt. "No idea but if Mr.Liquid Metal shows up to tell us what he wants then we'll be sure to let you know." Why would Dimitri send an envelope with hints if he didn't even remember anything? What ever happened to Dimitri's clone? Finn didn't even know what happened to Dimitri's clone, just one day he disappeared. Could it have been the clone that dropped off the letter?
He opened the stairwell door and stepped into the lobby. "So here's the lobby. You probably didn't see it too well when you sped up the first time." He joked but his mind was still on the envelope. Could he try to get anything else out of Dimitri without bringing his memories back? Probably wasn't a smart idea. He spotted Jade and another boy sitting down on some of the seats. Eagerly he walked towards the two of them with Hypnas and Dimitri in tow. "The best thing about this plain lobby is when cool people show up." He walked over to the pair. "Don't sell yourself short Jade. I think you could rightfully call yourself an Avenger. Anyone who fights evil and spends all of their time here is considered one." He looked towards the boy and stuck out his hand. "I'm Finn Banner. I'm assuming Jade has introduced herself. This is Hypnas and this is Dimitri." @Steel Zinogre @Reaper @sitanomoto
"Short? Who is the short one here?" she joked to finn as he came down. "And who are they? I don't think I've met them." she said, referring to Hypnas and Dimitri. "And by the by, finn, Did you find out who that envelope is from?" she asked him.
Hypnas smiled. "You're fine, Jason. My name depends on who you are to me. Friends call me Hypnas, good friends call me Lisa, and enemies call me their worst nightmare." She also held out her hand with dignity.

Cassie tried the comms again. "Terry, where the hell are you?!?"

"Easy, Cass!" Terry said, hopping off of Redd's back. "I'm with Redd and Ruby, we're picking up some supplies."

"Dammit Terry, you had me worried sick!!!" She exclaimed.

Tony raised an eyebrow, as did Pepper.

"Who's Terry?" They both asked in unison.

Cassie held her breath for a minute. "Terrysmyclonepleasedontbemadigotlonely!!" She said very quickly.

Tony looked at her sternly. "Cassie-"

"Look, Dad, he's not bad! He's like my brother!"

"Clones have a very bad habit of turning against people." Tony replied.

"Tony-" Pepper said, pulling him aside for a moment. "This boy, Terry, is basically the only family she was able to have. Friends are great, but blood family is a relationship like nothing anyone could experience."


"And plus, terry shouldn't be all that different from Cassie, he's her clone for goodness sake!"

"Alright, alright...." Tony said, defeated.
Redd had picked up the Chromium stacks with hands, and looked to Terry and Ruby. "Go back to the tower, I need to safely transport these myself. So I will be a little slow. Once you get there, put Master on Comms immediately." he commanded as he looked to ruby. "Please be careful.... I do not want to see any of you harmed...... not after losing one of my Best friends....." He said in a pained tone. @sitanomoto
"Hello everyone. Sorry if we have met before, but..." Dimitri said awkwardly, after Lisa's flashy introduction. "I'm Dimitri, but you can call me..." He looked at the envelope in Finn's hand and grinned. "Quicksilver!" He said with pride.
Examining Connor's reaction wasn't an easy thing, throughout the whole speech he'd just looked on, his face betraying no emiotion, yet Aedan couldn't help but notice the slight show of anger when Connor attempted to throttle an innocent piece of the cover which was actually protecting him. Not so noble of Connor to do such a cruel thing... Yet even when taking the perspective as a slight joke, it was evident the story brought out less sympathy,than perhaps annoyance. It was perfectly understandable, in truth it was even harder for Connor, who actually had formed bonds with these heroes. Aedan just ran because he thought it was wrong, or at lest that's the lie he told himself... A lie he'd told himself over and over again, to the point he believed it. In honesty, his leaving was more of an attempt to leave the avengers, maybe because trouble always targeted them, and for all his bravado; Aedan feared death, he feared dying... After Siberia, it was as if the last straw had been pulled, he felt if he continued with Connor and the rest, he'd die.

Yet this, he did not tell Connor. Though it was true he had now returned, and planned to stay; his fear of death was still there. However, his concentration was briefly broke, as the previous jest Connor made finally sunk in, Alex isn't here? He made a not to ask that at a later date, but for now he'd already brought one painful story out of Connor, he didn't want to risk another. Regardless of his own self-pity, Aedan was taken aback by Connor's almost aggressive defense of him. In response to the small outburst, Aedan craned his head up and simply stared at the nearest crack in the ceiling evident; he'd just got back, he wasn't about to cause an argument over himself, let alone a single word, that'd just be dumb. Luckily, it never came to that, not even close.

It was hard to not smile at Connor's clearly ego-stroking and reassuring words, sure, he was trying to make Aedan feel better; but it was working just a little to well for his taste. "I guess your right, although you should really blame the airlines for my lateness. They had a slight turbulence problem, you see." Aedan paused as he looked towards Connor, his previous frown upside down. "Besides, what hero would want to miss the 'Welcome to Earth Thanos!' party?"

Then the blonde finished with a rather direct wording on what Aedan had thought just moments ago, "Well I'll hug you champ, keep your abdomen still. I'd hate to be responsible for your killing you on your recovery bed." Aedan utilized his momentum to make him stand much faster, and then paced to Connor's side, he leaned down and wrapped his left arm around the back of the blonde's neck and on his right shoulder before putting his right arm as gently along Connor's upper back is possible, completing the embrace, all in one fluid motion. Truth be told he felt they both wanted a hug, but Aedan needed one.

@Crono (What'll take getting used to?)
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Jason was beginning to get confused by so many people. Blurting out, "I'm here to apply as an avenger, so could someone take me to Miss Stark? Also I'm famished, so, does anyone have something to eat?" He asked no one in particular just rattling it out to the enter group gathered at the lobby. @everyonethere
Reaper said:
"Hello everyone. Sorry if we have met before, but..." Dimitri said awkwardly, after Lisa's flashy introduction. "I'm Dimitri, but you can call me..." He looked at the envelope in Finn's hand and grinned. "Quicksilver!" He said with pride.
"Is that so? Maybe that's why you can't get a date." Jade said teasingly as she looked at Jason. "There a lot of stuff in the kitchen, some one will be in there to help." She said as Maxton went to the kitchen to make a sandwich, a nervous look on his face. @Captain Wolf @CasualDragon @Reaper @sitanomoto
Jason followed Maxton thinking he was heading toward the kitchen, "Thanks," He said before glancing over toward her, "Jade." Then he continued moving off. His stomach rumbling slightly.

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