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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

(Idk tbh, I mean the parasites do live off of the lungs and vocal cords so maybe? I will let you decide if you want them to be.)
LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan just stared at Augustus with an incredulous look on his face ".....Aizen?"
Augustus laughed before stating, "Finally! I am glad we actually are in 2015... 16...? Seriously everyone acts like we're in some future period and makes no reference to any social media or good art! Do you know how long I have been waiting for someone to state something like that? Anyways... I still have the same voice as before... wait it is kinda similar... so yeah it's me Augustus. This is one of the powers I got from Darkheart when I defeated him... I can become Alex Mercer if I wanted. Maybe even Heller... but that's besides the point. I personally think Sosuke looks rather handsome and I am fond of the look. Plus, only a few tens of million have saw the anime, so to the other parts of the world..." He took of the voice of Mayuri to see if he could get a reaction from Jordan, "...I am as original as the first dove created by God."
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla](Idk tbh, I mean the parasites do live off of the lungs and vocal cords so maybe? I will let you decide if you want them to be.)

(I mean, the force in Which Brute lets out air is sure to cause damage to anything, but I would think that the EXTREMIS virus would kill anything entering the body. Since it is so violent, as shown in Iron man 3. )
LucianGrey7971 said:
"..........AIZEN? And Kurotsuchi? Could you BE anymore evil?!"
"....I could make them real... so very real if I wanted to... wait a damned second.." He lifted up a hand, forming a floating image of ZETA that looked like just binary. Augustus spoke to ZETA, "Note to self... go to Bleach dimension and take Hollow powers... create real life M. Archea... and finish EXTREMIS..." He placed his hand away before looking at Jordan, before stating, "I stated multiple times I took inspiration from video games and anime. Most American cartoons as so uninspired... you can only watch so many cheap knock offs before hungering for the source eh? One example were the Vex, almost finished creating those back on my new planet. Remember how you got the Phoenix Force? Well I got the power cosmic... and the Darkforce dimension now. One of these days you should come visit, that beast chasing the snipers? Completely natural except for a few implants I placed to hear and see what it sees." Augustus removed all the powers around his eyes, revealing they are completely blood red with a few tiny white dots, glowing in a horrific alien way. It seemed to eclipse everything else around it.

Augustus put the boundary back up, reforming his appearance before stating, "I took it for myself, and now with a upgraded nervous system I can react faster then any speedster, let alone Laxus or Connor. My eyes can see so many more things... its a beautiful hell isn't it? I can see your blood... your heart... your sins crawling on your back. Your wings of light drowning the morning sky, giving a praise that only F.P. could give off. Yes I said that in the wrong order, get with the references..." He spoke like it was completely casual, a word in worlds that can see other worlds yet is blissfully ignorant to their true existence. Augustus decided to end it off with something that Jordan should find a little terrifying, "I even know a way to kill both you and the Phoenix Force.... Hado number 90 can be replicated with MY powers now."
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](I mean, the force in Which Brute lets out air is sure to cause damage to anything, but I would think that the EXTREMIS virus would kill anything entering the body. Since it is so violent, as shown in Iron man 3. )

(Actually EXTREMIS only kills at the beginning and builds you back up. Its like your body doing a captain America transformation. The virus would have to evolve to hit a super-human's immune system, but when it does it can stay there. The only exception would be if you had a physical shape shifting that effected your organs, then you could just splatter yourself like venom goop and the parasite will just wiggle there until it dies or is cleansed."
hudhouse said:
(Actually EXTREMIS only kills at the beginning and builds you back up. Its like your body doing a captain America transformation. The virus would have to evolve to hit a super-human's immune system, but when it does it can stay there. The only exception would be if you had a physical shape shifting that effected your organs, then you could just splatter yourself like venom goop and the parasite will just wiggle there until it dies or is cleansed."
(With Brute, I made a mutant strain of it, which kills anything that enters the body. and with that is immune to illness. And brute has no shapeshifting ability. He has a massive lung capacity naturally. Since all tigrex species roar loud enough to actually do damage.)
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](With Brute, I made a mutant strain of it, which kills anything that enters the body. and with that is immune to illness. And brute has no shapeshifting ability. He has a massive lung capacity naturally. Since all tigrex species roar loud enough to actually do damage.)

(I was just saying for normal EXTREMIS!)
Dimitri smiled awkwardly at Finn, acting as if he still had his memories. "Heeeey.... Guy.. How's it going?" He said, before noticing the letter. "H? Is H a friend of yours or something?" He asked. @CasualDragon
Hypnas rolled her eyes and cursed under her breath. "God dammit, Dimitri!" She said. She went up to the penthouse and spotted Finn with the silver speedster. She walked up to Finn, grabbed his arm, and dragged him a little ways awaym. "Finn, Dimitri got a memory wipe." She stated bluntly.

@CasualDragon @Reaper
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Dimitri swiped the envelope and held it up to the light, exposing a faint letter G on the inside. "G.... H....." He said as he opened it to pull out the silver tuft of hair. "Wait... It can't be." Comparing it to his own hair, he realized it was a match. @CasualDragon @sitanomoto
Aedan's face broke out into a bright smile, everything suddenly seemed perfect; if not just for a few moments, it had been so long since he'd d simply been able to talk to a familiar face, yet to have the friendship with Connor? It was truly a blessing. I won't let this go again... Was the silent vow he promised himself. "Don't worry, I won't run away again... Although I'll buy some post cards, just in case." He joked, eying the Blonde's body curiously, before a frown broke across Aedan's face; with an audible sigh, and a knowing stare, he swallowed uncomfortably.

"Thanos didn't do that... Did he?" For a moment, the words barely left his mouth. Aedan had fought the invaders first-hand; they weren't capable of inflicting direct strikes of such precision, especially with bladed weapons, and judging by the position in which Connor's bandage hugged his body, it seemed evident that a blade is exactly what inflicted the wound.

Once more, the atmosphere seemed to drown out; the moment of peace, and enjoyment gone. Instead replaced by the cold, cruelty of reality... Yet it was nice to forget about the past few months; even if it was only for a few moments. For a brief moment, Aedan considered probing Connor even further on the injury, but Aedan had a feeling tat isn't something Connor would want to discuss; a sort of sixth sense, in essence. Instead, he did not expand upon his original question, no matter how rhetorical it may be.

"It's actually an envelope of hair. Don't know why but hey, there's probably a purpose to this." He shrugged and nodded. "Lunch sounds good. Just give me a couple of minutes so that I can get some of this stuff figured out. And they can come if they would like. You're paying for them though." He joked. He turned back to Dimitri. "Guy? H? I don't know who H is. Silver hair though, maybe he's related to you?" Roughly Finn was yanked away by Hypnas. She seemed just a little mad. "Memory wipe?" He whispered. "Why? I'm guessing he had some good logic for it because I'm assuming that this happened willingly on his part." He grumbled. "When will it be back again?" Turning back to Dimitri after the envelope was snatched he looked at his friend curiously. "G.H? Hey let's not worry about it for now. You want a tour of the place?" Thoughts jumbled in his mind as to why the hair seemed to match but thoughts of the memory wipe got the better. He threw his arm over Dimitri's shoulder in a friendly gesture and tried to get the envelope back.

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto @Reaper
Connor nearly tensed and bit his lip at Aedan's question, he'd been thankful that Cassie hadn't asked it earlier and Aedan was the last person he expected to show up and ask. Aedan wouldn't know who Carter was, so it was a little easier to come up with something to say.

Connor didn't normally let things get to him like those who might have a Warrior's Spirit so to speak, but he still felt a twinge of shame. "No." Connor said simply, breathing slowly through his nose. "It's funny...ironic really. I helped fight against one of Thanos' generals, came out with a few bumps and bruises...then came the big guy himself." Connor's eyes searched for something at the foot of the bed to focus on, which proved annoyingly difficult. "I didn't really expect to be able to stop him...but I damn well tried." The right side of his lips curled into a partial smile, "That poor building didn't know what hit it when I rag-dolled through it's walls."

The smile left, "No, I may have come out of that battle battered, bruised, and broken. But I came out alive, not everyone was so lucky." Connor was having a hard time working for those next words, saying them was like admitting his fault. Connor swallowed, "Someone once told me that I saw the good in everybody, refused to see anyone as completely corrupted. And I have tried to live up to those words, even when I didn't want to." Connor paused and took a breath, "I did that to the wrong person...and I paid the price. He ran me through with a sword the moment I turned my back." Connor for the moment wished he could see Aedan's expression and face as he turned his head to look at the fuzzy outline of Aedan's head.

Momentarily the blonde felt himself becoming emotional on the inside, bubbling up as he formed his next words, "I chose to ignore the bad in Carter in an attempt to draw out the good. Even after he almost killed my father, threatened the ones I loved, I fought like hell to look past it...I tried." Connor felt the cold energy forming along his fingers little little needles. The blonde rubbed his hands together as he put his emotions back in check. Connor gave Aedan a soft smile, he'd gotten some relief after saying it out loud, "Sorry. You did ask though. Just um, don't tell anyone it was Carter...nobody knows it was him and I'd like to keep it that way, for now. I don't trust that someone might go after him for revenge, and I don't want that." Connor thought it best to change topics, "So where we're you hiding out this whole time? If it has a beach I swear Aedan..."

@Archangel Galdrael
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Azazel sighs as he ate Doritos with Cassie. "You know cass...... I was wondering. Would you like to go to my dad's realm with me for a couple hours? There are many awesome things I wanna show you." He said as cindy came downstairs with Charlize. "Well sister, It's an honor working with you." Cindy said as Charlize smiled. "You might wanna be careful around powerlines, since things can get rough in a lick of a second." she replied as the two went out in blue collar uniforms, since they felt like working a low profile job for a little more income. "No mom, I did not hookup with any alien girls in the past few weeks. No, I did not drink anything I should not have. Mom...... Mom..... Yes, I know. Look, I am looking for her! I know she is my sister, but geez, I am still trying to look for her by tracking her suit! Well what do you want me to do!?" Maxton shouted as he conversed with Gamora, his mother. @sitanomoto @BeamMeUpScotty @Pyosimros @CasualDragon @LokiofSP
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CasualDragon said:
"It's actually an envelope of hair. Don't know why but hey, there's probably a purpose to this." He shrugged and nodded. "Lunch sounds good. Just give me a couple of minutes so that I can get some of this stuff figured out. And they can come if they would like. You're paying for them though." He joked. He turned back to Dimitri. "Guy? H? I don't know who H is. Silver hair though, maybe he's related to you?" Roughly Finn was yanked away by Hypnas. She seemed just a little mad. "Memory wipe?" He whispered. "Why? I'm guessing he had some good logic for it because I'm assuming that this happened willingly on his part." He grumbled. "When will it be back again?" Turning back to Dimitri after the envelope was snatched he looked at his friend curiously. "G.H? Hey let's not worry about it for now. You want a tour of the place?" Thoughts jumbled in his mind as to why the hair seemed to match but thoughts of the memory wipe got the better. He threw his arm over Dimitri's shoulder in a friendly gesture and tried to get the envelope back.
@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto @Reaper
"I am willing to pay for them. They are big girls after all. You could even start an animal harem if you wanted." Jade joked as luna attempted to escape from under the sleeping Sally, but the spider-girl was too heavy for he to even move. Redd saw the problem and lifted sally off of luna, who quickly fled the scene. Redd puts sally on the couch, and walked off.
Cassie smiled as she ate another Dorito. "Yeah, I think I'd like that."

Tony, who had finished with Morgan, left the lab and came upon Cassie and Azazel sitting next to each other on the floor. He raised an eyebrow at his daughter and was about to say something when Pepper grabbed his shoulder from behind.

"Tony, just don't."


"Don't you 'Pep' me. You know full well that this is Cassie's first. Don't screw it up."

Tony sighed. "Fine, but I'm watching that boy."

"I would be worried if you weren't."
sitanomoto said:
Cassie smiled as she ate another Dorito. "Yeah, I think I'd like that."
Tony, who had finished with Morgan, left the lab and came upon Cassie and Azazel sitting next to each other on the floor. He raised an eyebrow at his daughter and was about to say something when Pepper grabbed his shoulder from behind.

"Tony, just don't."


"Don't you 'Pep' me. You know full well that this is Cassie's first. Don't screw it up."

Tony sighed. "Fine, but I'm watching that boy."

"I would be worried if you weren't."
Azazel chuckles at Tony and Pepper, knowing they had forgotten about their afterlife with him. "Anyways, when would you like to go? So that way I can get some guards to protect us while we walk the very flame and brimstone." he said with a smile as Brute bumped into Tony from behind, with a rat's tail hanging from in between his large and sharp teeth. Brute backs away and looked at him apologetically.
Dimitri chuckled as his hands zipped, putting the hair back into the envelope. "Oh! I get it....." He then cleared his throat and gave the envelope back. "Yes, sorry. I would love a tour! By the way though, does Mercury mean anything to you?" He asked the two of them. @CasualDragon @sitanomoto
Hypnas nearly replied but then bit her lip. She shrugged and said "I've heard it somewhere, that I know."

[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Azazel chuckles at Tony and Pepper, knowing they had forgotten about their afterlife with him. "Anyways, when would you like to go? So that way I can get some guards to protect us while we walk the very flame and brimstone." he said with a smile as Brute bumped into Tony from behind, with a rat's tail hanging from in between his large and sharp teeth. Brute backs away and looked at him apologetically.

Nevermore turned visible on Brute's back, smiling apologetically at Tony. "Sorry Mr. Stark." She said.

Tony laughed, and then took in Brute fully for the first time. "Wow." He said, reaching out his hand and touching Brute's snout. "I really mean wow."

Nevermore laughed as well. "Yeah, the big guy normally scares people off, but he's really a big softie. Isn't that right, Brute?" She scratched his neck.

Pepper smiled at Nevermore and then turned to Cassie and Azazel. She watched quietly, a flicker of a memory flitting through her head, and then it was gone. She knew Az could be trusted, she just didn't know how she knew.

Cassie smiled. "Any time," she said. "I'd be happy to visit your dad."
sitanomoto said:
Hypnas nearly replied but then bit her lip. She shrugged and said "I've heard it somewhere, that I know."
Nevermore turned visible on Brute's back, smiling apologetically at Tony. "Sorry Mr. Stark." She said.

Tony laughed, and then took in Brute fully for the first time. "Wow." He said, reaching out his hand and touching Brute's snout. "I really mean wow."

Nevermore laughed as well. "Yeah, the big guy normally scares people off, but he's really a big softie. Isn't that right, Brute?" She scratched his neck.

Pepper smiled at Nevermore and then turned to Cassie and Azazel. She watched quietly, a flicker of a memory flitting through her head, and then it was gone. She knew Az could be trusted, she just didn't know how she knew.

Cassie smiled. "Any time," she said. "I'd be happy to visit your dad."
When nevermore scratched his neck, Brute the collapsed to the ground, tounge out, and the rat tail falling out of his mouth with no body attached to it. Nevermore had just struck his sensitive spot. Azazel then smiled. "Even though your parents met him, you have not yet. So I would like to advise caution around him. He tends to go a bit too far with some things, and he also tends to be cool around others, but it just won't work." He warned, feeling nervous about the first personal meeting between them.
Jason was walking down the streets of ((where the RP is relatively focused? NYC? LA?)) no hoodie, no jumper just his regular school clothes. Walking and walking. Once in a while he's head would gaze up to look furtively at pedestrians however most of the time it was roaming over the ground and watching with each step as he left the comforts of home, of mother. Now he looked up gazing across the streets for a moment to see his future. The path that lay ahead of there was one, was busy. And thus walked the young Storm on the streets.

((I really don't know how to introduce myself into RP so whoever wants to snatch up their very own flame-thrower - make the choice quickly.))

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