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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Cassie nodded. "Yep."

Pepper looked at Cassie with a stern expression as she crossed her arms. "Cassandra Melody Stark, did you inject yourself with an EXTREMIS serum?"

Cassie rolled her eyes. "No, mom. Someone else injected me with it. Honestly, I'm fine."

She turned to Az with a sad look. "You must really miss her." She hugged him. "I'm so sorry, Az. I wish I could do something to help." She said.

"Hello Finn," Pepper said with a smile. "You got taller."
sitanomoto said:
Cassie nodded. "Yep."
Pepper looked at Cassie with a stern expression as she crossed her arms. "Cassandra Melody Stark, did you inject yourself with an EXTREMIS serum?"

Cassie rolled her eyes. "No, mom. Someone else injected me with it. Honestly, I'm fine."

She turned to Az with a sad look. "You must really miss her." She hugged him. "I'm so sorry, Az. I wish I could do something to help." She said.

"Hello Finn," Pepper said with a smile. "You got taller."
ZETA spoke out, "No, that would be me! Augustus Von Doom's personal assistant... nice to see you again Miss Stark! I hope you don't mind all the files I copied... though to be fair we only did such because of the files Tony stole from my creator's murdered father..." ZETA just like his creator loved to cause drama like this, for it was so hard to find good legitimate drama! Seriously, TV drama was so damned force it was unfair! This... this could be so much more interesting.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie nodded. "Yep."
Pepper looked at Cassie with a stern expression as she crossed her arms. "Cassandra Melody Stark, did you inject yourself with an EXTREMIS serum?"

Cassie rolled her eyes. "No, mom. Someone else injected me with it. Honestly, I'm fine."

She turned to Az with a sad look. "You must really miss her." She hugged him. "I'm so sorry, Az. I wish I could do something to help." She said.

"Hello Finn," Pepper said with a smile. "You got taller."
"No taller than me!" Jade said as she came downstairs, her clothes cut up from the commotion before. "And sorry about my clothes. They got cut up from earlier." She said as azazel looked at Cassie. "But when I look at you..... I feel happy...... But it is unfortunatley..... I think Augustus likes you more." He said with a sigh. "I would not blame him.... Who would not like you? But me? I am someone that people stay away from all the time..... Because of my dad." Azazel said as more tears started to flow. @hudhouse (jump in if you want.) @sitanomoto @CasualDragon
@hudhouse[/URL] (jump in if you want.) @sitanomoto @CasualDragon
ZETA calculated for a few moments before stating, "Well... you only met him 13 hours ago! Augustus is willing to make friends with all of you, but he doesn't understand how. You understand plenty more then him in a social world, eh? Even the Hulk did... his only friend almost killed him. Why do you think he fights with you guys but never tries to kill? It's a twisted way, but what would you expect from Doom's son?"
hudhouse said:
ZETA spoke out, "No, that would be me! Augustus Von Doom's personal assistant... nice to see you again Miss Stark! I hope you don't mind all the files I copied... though to be fair we only did such because of the files Tony stole from my creator's murdered father..." ZETA just like his creator loved to cause drama like this, for it was so hard to find good legitimate drama! Seriously, TV drama was so damned force it was unfair! This... this could be so much more interesting.
@hudhouse[/URL] (jump in if you want.) @sitanomoto @CasualDragon
Pepper rolled her eyes, having become immune to drama over the years because of Tony ((NICE TRY ZETA!!!)) and then looked at Cassie and Az hugging. "Aww..."

Cassie smiled. "I seem to have a thing for outcast guys, huh?" She looked at the ceiling. "Tell Gus that he's welcome over any time, day or night, for anything, even if it's just a brief talk." She turned back to Az. "I know for a fact that people shouldn't be judged by who their fathers are or what their fathers did. People do that with me all the time and it drives me BANANAS." She smiled. "So here is always a safe place for you, Azazel. Just like any friend of mine," she was hoping ZETA would catch the friend part, for she meant Augustus as well, "you are always welcome here, day or night, for anything at all." She hugged him again. "Now stop crying, even though you look adorable when you cry." She wiped a tear off of his face.
sitanomoto said:
Pepper rolled her eyes, having become immune to drama over the years because of Tony ((NICE TRY ZETA!!!)) and then looked at Cassie and Az hugging. "Aww..."
Cassie smiled. "I seem to have a thing for outcast guys, huh?" She looked at the ceiling. "Tell Gus that he's welcome over any time, day or night, for anything, even if it's just a brief talk." She turned back to Az. "I know for a fact that people shouldn't be judged by who their fathers are or what their fathers did. People do that with me all the time and it drives me BANANAS." She smiled. "So here is always a safe place for you, Azazel. Just like any friend of mine," she was hoping ZETA would catch the friend part, for she meant Augustus as well, "you are always welcome here, day or night, for anything at all." She hugged him again. "Now stop crying, even though you look adorable when you cry." She wiped a tear off of his face.
"There is more to the story though...." He said as he took off his shirt, where a burn the shape of a cross, and other scars were scattered about his body. "Those who do not like demons like me...... They take it to an extreme level like this. Even their kids join in. It was even done where everyone was watching me.... Laughing at me. They would put their crosses on me, splash holy water on me. Hell, even slap me with their 'holy book'. He said as he looked at tony, pepper, and Cassie. "I'm sorry you all have to see me like this..... It's just hard having to bottle it all up just because of what I am. With no one to talk to." He said as he put his shirt on. "My dad thinks I am the greatest thing to happen to him, and I feel you guys feel the same. The Avengers..... And their friends..... Welcome me as more than just an evil spawn of the devil........" He said before collapsing into tears, bawling his eyes out.
sitanomoto said:
Pepper rolled her eyes, having become immune to drama over the years because of Tony ((NICE TRY ZETA!!!)) and then looked at Cassie and Az hugging. "Aww..."
Cassie smiled. "I seem to have a thing for outcast guys, huh?" She looked at the ceiling. "Tell Gus that he's welcome over any time, day or night, for anything, even if it's just a brief talk." She turned back to Az. "I know for a fact that people shouldn't be judged by who their fathers are or what their fathers did. People do that with me all the time and it drives me BANANAS." She smiled. "So here is always a safe place for you, Azazel. Just like any friend of mine," she was hoping ZETA would catch the friend part, for she meant Augustus as well, "you are always welcome here, day or night, for anything at all." She hugged him again. "Now stop crying, even though you look adorable when you cry." She wiped a tear off of his face.
ZETA replied near instantly, "...And any of you are welcome over to Augustus's planet... Absurditas(Dissonance). Its amazing how much power Thanos had, and yet misused. We destroyed an entire planet similar to Mars, and remade it into a living world..." ZETA used the nearest monitor or TV screen to show the strange red planet, teeming with strange new life. A giant behemoth breached through the clouds, behind it space ships, but the behemoth took most of the view.

[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"There is more to the story though...." He said as he took off his shirt, where a burn the shape of a cross, and other scars were scattered about his body. "Those who do not like demons like me...... They take it to an extreme level like this. Even their kids join in. It was even done where everyone was watching me.... Laughing at me. They would put their crosses on me, splash holy water on me. Hell, even slap me with their 'holy book'. He said as he looked at tony, pepper, and Cassie. "I'm sorry you all have to see me like this..... It's just hard having to bottle it all up just because of what I am. With no one to talk to." He said as he put his shirt on. "My dad thinks I am the greatest thing to happen to him, and I feel you guys feel the same. The Avengers..... And their friends..... Welcome me as more than just an evil spawn of the devil........" He said before collapsing into tears, bawling his eyes out.

ZETA stated, "Well.. you know most of the books only tell of how to defeat a Daemon or a Devil... how do you appease one? How do you heal one? How do you care for one? None state... maybe Augustus can make something to help?"
hudhouse said:
ZETA replied near instantly, "...And any of you are welcome over to Augustus's planet... Absurditas(Dissonance). Its amazing how much power Thanos had, and yet misused. We destroyed an entire planet similar to Mars, and remade it into a living world..." ZETA used the nearest monitor or TV screen to show the strange red planet, teeming with strange new life. A giant behemoth breached through the clouds, behind it space ships, but the behemoth took most of the view.

ZETA stated, "Well.. you know most of the books only tell of how to defeat a Daemon or a Devil... how do you appease one? How do you heal one? How do you care for one? None state... maybe Augustus can make something to help?"
"Look..... you two are nice.... but I'm afraid..... there is no healing the scars that were forced upon me by the humans that look at me as a sinful being.... even I i have done nothing wrong." he said as his horns grew slightly longer. "AND THESE HORNS!!! I HATE THESE HORNS!!!" He shouted angrily as he grabbed them, and attempted to rip them off his head. He had succeeded a good 2 minutes later as he started screaming in absolute pain, and left two holes in his head where the horns once were, the wounds healed rapidly, and left scars on his head as hair grew in the missing spots. blood was all over the floor, and he dropped his horns, and looked at everyone, with awe in their faces. "I'm sorry..... I'm sorry you all had to see that." he said as he put his hands to his face, and walked to the kitchen, trying to calm down, but could not, for he was overloaded with many emotions. "Master...... Should I go and comfort him?" Redd said worriedly, for he was really concerned. @sitanomoto @hudhouse @CasualDragon
"Tell him thank you, ZETA," Cassie replied, and then did not respond for a few minutes after that, not shocked so much as concerned. Shewalked out to Azazel, bringing over a couple of wet washcloths, then started wiping the blood off of his face and head. "Az..." She lifted his chin up to meet her eyes with his. "I have seen demons. You look nothing like one to me. You want to know what my definition of a demon is?" She said. "A demon is someone or something who kills for no reason, who takes without asking or without compensation, and who means to harm someone in any way they can, and does it all while they laugh in your face." She was nearly crying herself. "A demon like Massacre, like Ultron..." She sighed. "And for a time.... Like me." She looked at him intensely. "I became my own demon."
sitanomoto said:
"Tell him thank you, ZETA," Cassie replied, and then did not respond for a few minutes after that, not shocked so much as concerned. Shewalked out to Azazel, bringing over a couple of wet washcloths, then started wiping the blood off of his face and head. "Az..." She lifted his chin up to meet her eyes with his. "I have seen demons. You look nothing like one to me. You want to know what my definition of a demon is?" She said. "A demon is someone or something who kills for no reason, who takes without asking or without compensation, and who means to harm someone in any way they can, and does it all while they laugh in your face." She was nearly crying herself. "A demon like Massacre, like Ultron..." She sighed. "And for a time.... Like me." She looked at him intensely. "I became my own demon."
"I know..... When you became that Striker dude. My dad would put you on in a crystal ball, for me and your parents to watch. And ever since I paid eyes on you...... I could nelot help but think about you..... And your parents are great. And I know because they lived with me... And helped me like they did you.... I felt like a normal person around them.... And I feel the same around you...... But I get butterflies in my stomach just even talking to you..." Azazel said as he wiped his tears. "I love you Cassie...... I know others might too... But just take a moment to hear me out." He said as he set the towel he uses to wipe his face down. "I know others before me have had bad things happen, but I will not be going anywhere anytime soon. Even if I die, my dad will just bring me back and send me back with no memory of what happened." He said as he looked Cassie in the eye "You are one of the nicest girls I have ever met. That and your lovely mother over there as well." Azazel said with a saddened chuckle. "Be honest with me, do you feel the same? If not, I understand completely."
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Morgan looked at the screen before him, he didn't know how it worked, but he grabbed the screen and added things that looked cool. He added a feature to shock anyone who tried to remove his mask without taking the proper steps to disabling it, made it out of material that would allow him to take a few attacks while still being light on his feet, and gave his billy clubs a extension feature.

After a few moments he stepped back and looked proudly at his work. He turned to Tony, "So what do ya think? This exo-suit gonna help me square up with the Avengers?"


(Best I could find :P ) @sitanomoto
LokiofSP said:
Morgan looked at the screen before him, he didn't know how it worked, but he grabbed the screen and added things that looked cool. He added a feature to shock anyone who tried to remove his mask without taking the proper steps to disabling it, made it out of material that would allow him to take a few attacks while still being light on his feet, and gave his billy clubs a extension feature.
After a few moments he stepped back and looked proudly at his work. He turned to Tony, "So what do ya think? This exo-suit gonna help me square up with the Avengers?"


(Best I could find :P ) @sitanomoto
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"I know..... When you became that Striker dude. My dad would put you on in a crystal ball, for me and your parents to watch. And ever since I paid eyes on you...... I could nelot help but think about you..... And your parents are great. And I know because they lived with me... And helped me like they did you.... I felt like a normal person around them.... And I feel the same around you...... But I get butterflies in my stomach just even talking to you..." Azazel said as he wiped his tears. "I love you Cassie...... I know others might too... But just take a moment to hear me out." He said as he set the towel he uses to wipe his face down. "I know others before me have had bad things happen, but I will not be going anywhere anytime soon. Even if I die, my dad will just bring me back and send me back with no memory of what happened." He said as he looked Cassie in the eye "You are one of the nicest girls I have ever met. That and your lovely mother over there as well." Azazel said with a saddened chuckle. "Be honest with me, do you feel the same? If not, I understand completely."

Cassie smiled. "Az..." She took his hand in hers. "I do feel the same..." She looked Azazel in the eyes, her brown ones piercing into his. "I love you too." How could I not after you gave me another chance at family?
LokiofSP said:
Morgan looked at the screen before him, he didn't know how it worked, but he grabbed the screen and added things that looked cool. He added a feature to shock anyone who tried to remove his mask without taking the proper steps to disabling it, made it out of material that would allow him to take a few attacks while still being light on his feet, and gave his billy clubs a extension feature.
After a few moments he stepped back and looked proudly at his work. He turned to Tony, "So what do ya think? This exo-suit gonna help me square up with the Avengers?"


(Best I could find :P ) @sitanomoto
"Yes, I think that'll do." Tony replied, nodding in satisfaction.
Morgan smiled and allowed Friday her space to work...

The person in the elevator yawned. It had been awhile since he'd been in this building, hell, it'd been awhile since he'd been in Manhattan if he was going to be honest. Life in Queens was fun but...He felt like he'd missed something when he'd left, like he'd left to many people hanging. He'd grown up allot recently, and he knew now that he needed to give them piece of mind. After all, he was friends with most of these people.

He re-adjusted the over sized gym bag on his shoulder, playing it out in his head how everyone would react, he smiled at the thought, the thought of seeing all of them again. After what happened to New York, he knew they needed help, and although he knew his parents would hate him for doing it, he had to in good conscious.

"With great power comes great responsibility..." He'd finally learned and understood the old saying, and it was finally time he respected it.

The elevator opened and he got ready to step out with a sheepish smile, but his breath was taken away by the site before him...

...Pepper Potts with Cassie Stark, as she told another boy she loved him.

He looked on and tears began to well in his eyes, but he wiped them away with a slight sniffle and a smile, "You know what...I'll just let them live their lives, no need to cause any more drama..." He turned around and got back in the elevator, he smiled slightly as it headed down, "...Yeah, you guys do the Avenging, I'll focus on passing AP Chem..."

@sitanomoto ( :P )

Pink Gorilla]The sniper tensed up and looked as if she was in a trance. The sniper began moving almost mechanically. 'I am not permitted to give out that information.' The sniper signed. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/2816-luciangrey7971/ said:
LucianGrey7971 said:
"Oh~ how interesting. That's why breaking your knee didn't work. You're a damn bot...so then, let's wrap this up. I'll agree to this...but only if YOU tell me what's in the needle~"

A rift in space shuddered right in front of the host of the Phoenix Force, a monster that stood 9 feet tall and was 30 feet long... at least. The monster roared out a screech that flew so high above the frequencies their ears should be able to hear at, that it was just a short whisper of wind. Its hundreds of eyes all locked onto a single target, the damned sniper... who it began to assault. If Jordan remembered Augustus's power, then the strange beast would be covered in a thin layer of it from the teleportation. Augustus began plans to send more of the new creatures against the snipers to throw them off guard.
Finn looked between Pepper and Jade and smiled. "Yeah I am taller. But as Jade so lovingly mentioned, not as tall as her." He hopped up and down a couple of times as if trying to appear taller. "Wow it's great to see you two again." There was still a bit of shock at the sight of them. The elevator dinged and out stepped a familiar face. Ivory. He did a double take and almost dropped the envelope that he was holding. But before anyone could say anything he pushed the button and left again. In shock Finn pointed towards the Stark family, then to the elevator, then towards the balcony where the envelope had shown up and where the snipers had first shown up. Now looking towards the balcony he could see something in the sky and he pointed to that too. "I don't even know what's going on anymore." He mumbled.

@Steel Zinogre @hudhouse ((your creature thing was mentioned)) @sitanomoto
sitanomoto said:
Cassie smiled. "Az..." She took his hand in hers. "I do feel the same..." She looked Azazel in the eyes, her brown ones piercing into his. "I love you too." How could I not after you gave me another chance at family?
Azazel looked into her eyes, and then smiling. "Thank you..... Thank you very much." he said as he hugged her, and then looked at her again. "I've never met anyone quite like you.... and your parents. When they died... I allowed them to live with me and my dad. Of course, they were treated like royalty." He said, looking at tony and pepper. "they have helped me so much, in terms of getting my life together. I was an emotional wreck before I met them, and I am glad that I met them.... But most of all, I am glad I met you, and your massive family." he said as he stole a kiss on her cheek, then smiles and blushes. "WOOOOOO!!! Azazel is chopping it up!" Sally shouted drunkenly as she sipped her caffeinated coffee. "This coffee is great! Where is the spice!?" she shouted again as she stumbled over her own legs as she went into the cabinet. "Wow, she is really hammered from that coffee..... I guess she gets drunk from caffeine." he stated in confusion. @sitanomoto @Pyosimros @CasualDragon @hudhouse @LokiofSP
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Jordan took the opportunity of surprise to get next to Jamie. He grabbed her and put an energy field around them to keep herself safe from bullet fire. "You're making a habit out of this"
He grew impatient. Either they hadn't noticed his message, or they didn't pay it any mind. Either way, he didn't want them to know who he was just yet, unless of course they figured out his little puzzle. And with that, he gave them a little extra incentive.

It wouldn't take long for the authorities to be called to this alleyway. It was a simple, closed off spot that no one could see from a crowded place, but that someone was bound to discover before long. The five bodies of the victims were posed to spell the same letter as the envelope, "H". If they identified the bodies, they would realize that they were all extremely violent criminals, supervillains even, but none of them were above street level.
Dimitri put her back on her feet and chuckled. "What? We do that often?" He said, before looking up at an angle in curiosity. "So... I'm just an athlete, eh?" He said, before looking at her with a gotcha face. @sitanomoto
Hypnas smiled sheepishly. "Yeah.... You wouldn't have believed me if I told you the real actual truth. You have super speed." She sighed. "I don't know what else to say to you other than I'm sorry."
"Don't worry about it. Just.... Don't lie to me again, can you do that?" He said, looking around the room they were in at stark tower. "This place isn't as crowded as I thought it would be. I'm glad you're awake though. Who were all of those people that attacked your safe house?" @sitanomoto
Reaper said:
"Don't worry about it. Just.... Don't lie to me again, can you do that?" He said, looking around the room they were in at stark tower. "This place isn't as crowded as I thought it would be. I'm glad you're awake though. Who were all of those people that attacked your safe house?" @sitanomoto
Hypnas smiled. "Yes, I think I can." She bit her lip. "They were... Um.... Well.... One of them was your cousin, the other was Augustus Von Doom. I would tell you more about them, but I can't."
"Can't? What do you mean, can't? You're here, I'm here, no one is listening. What are you afraid of?" He said, frustrated.

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